/* * OpenPBS (Portable Batch System) v2.3 Software License * * Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Veridian Information Solutions, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * For a license to use or redistribute the OpenPBS software under conditions * other than those described below, or to purchase support for this software, * please contact Veridian Systems, PBS Products Department ("Licensor") at: * * www.OpenPBS.org +1 650 967-4675 sales@OpenPBS.org * 877 902-4PBS (US toll-free) * --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * This license covers use of the OpenPBS v2.3 software (the "Software") at * your site or location, and, for certain users, redistribution of the * Software to other sites and locations. Use and redistribution of * OpenPBS v2.3 in source and binary forms, with or without modification, * are permitted provided that all of the following conditions are met. * After December 31, 2001, only conditions 3-6 must be met: * * 1. Commercial and/or non-commercial use of the Software is permitted * provided a current software registration is on file at www.OpenPBS.org. * If use of this software contributes to a publication, product, or * service, proper attribution must be given; see www.OpenPBS.org/credit.html * * 2. Redistribution in any form is only permitted for non-commercial, * non-profit purposes. There can be no charge for the Software or any * software incorporating the Software. Further, there can be no * expectation of revenue generated as a consequence of redistributing * the Software. * * 3. Any Redistribution of source code must retain the above copyright notice * and the acknowledgment contained in paragraph 6, this list of conditions * and the disclaimer contained in paragraph 7. * * 4. Any Redistribution in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice and the acknowledgment contained in paragraph 6, this list of * conditions and the disclaimer contained in paragraph 7 in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * 5. Redistributions in any form must be accompanied by information on how to * obtain complete source code for the OpenPBS software and any * modifications and/or additions to the OpenPBS software. The source code * must either be included in the distribution or be available for no more * than the cost of distribution plus a nominal fee, and all modifications * and additions to the Software must be freely redistributable by any party * (including Licensor) without restriction. * * 6. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of the Software must * display the following acknowledgment: * * "This product includes software developed by NASA Ames Research Center, * Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, and Veridian Information * Solutions, Inc. * Visit www.OpenPBS.org for OpenPBS software support, * products, and information." * * 7. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. ANY EXPRESS * OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND NON-INFRINGEMENT * ARE EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMED. * * IN NO EVENT SHALL VERIDIAN CORPORATION, ITS AFFILIATED COMPANIES, OR THE * U.S. GOVERNMENT OR ANY OF ITS AGENCIES BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT OR INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, * OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, * EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * This license will be governed by the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia, * without reference to its choice of law rules. */ /* * * pbs_ifl.h * */ #ifndef _PBS_IFL_DEF #define _PBS_IFL_DEF #include #include "u_hash_map_structs.h" #include "u_memmgr.h" /* Attribute Names used by user commands */ #define ATTR_a "Execution_Time" #define ATTR_c "Checkpoint" #define ATTR_e "Error_Path" #define ATTR_f "fault_tolerant" #define ATTR_g "group_list" #define ATTR_h "Hold_Types" #define ATTR_j "Join_Path" #define ATTR_k "Keep_Files" #define ATTR_l "Resource_List" #define ATTR_m "Mail_Points" #define ATTR_o "Output_Path" #define ATTR_p "Priority" #define ATTR_q "destination" #define ATTR_r "Rerunable" #define ATTR_t "job_array_request" #define ATTR_array_id "job_array_id" #define ATTR_u "User_List" #define ATTR_v "Variable_List" #define ATTR_A "Account_Name" #define ATTR_args "job_arguments" #define ATTR_reservation_id "reservation_id" #define ATTR_login_node_id "login_node_id" #define ATTR_login_prop "login_property" #define ATTR_external_nodes "external_nodes" #define ATTR_multi_req_alps "multi_req_alps" #define ATTR_M "Mail_Users" #define ATTR_N "Job_Name" #define ATTR_S "Shell_Path_List" #define ATTR_depend "depend" #define ATTR_inter "interactive" #define ATTR_stagein "stagein" #define ATTR_stageout "stageout" #define ATTR_jobtype "jobtype" #define ATTR_submit_host "submit_host" #define ATTR_init_work_dir "init_work_dir" /* The following were part of the variable_list */ #define ATTR_pbs_o_initdir "PBS_O_INITDIR" #define ATTR_pbs_o_rootdir "PBS_O_ROOTDIR" #define ATTR_pbs_o_workdir "PBS_O_WORKDIR" /* same as init_work_dir */ #define ATTR_pbs_o_host "PBS_O_HOST" /* same as submit_host */ #define ATTR_pbs_o_server "PBS_O_SERVER" #define ATTR_pbs_o_home "PBS_O_HOME" #define ATTR_pbs_o_logname "PBS_O_LOGNAME" #define ATTR_pbs_o_path "PBS_O_PATH" #define ATTR_pbs_o_mail "PBS_O_MAIL" #define ATTR_pbs_o_shell "PBS_O_SHELL" #define ATTR_pbs_o_tz "PBS_O_TZ" #define ATTR_pbs_o_lang "PBS_O_LANG" #define ATTR_pbs_o_uid "PBS_O_UID" #define ATTR_pbs_o_submit_filter "PBS_O_SUBMIT_FILTER" /* additional job and general attribute names */ #define ATTR_ctime "ctime" #define ATTR_exechost "exec_host" #define ATTR_execport "exec_port" #define ATTR_mtime "mtime" #define ATTR_qtime "qtime" #define ATTR_session "session_id" #define ATTR_euser "euser" #define ATTR_egroup "egroup" #define ATTR_hashname "hashname" #define ATTR_hopcount "hop_count" #define ATTR_security "security" #define ATTR_sched_hint "sched_hint" #define ATTR_substate "substate" #define ATTR_name "Job_Name" #define ATTR_owner "Job_Owner" #define ATTR_used "resources_used" #define ATTR_state "job_state" #define ATTR_queue "queue" #define ATTR_server "server" #define ATTR_maxrun "max_running" #define ATTR_maxreport "max_report" #define ATTR_total "total_jobs" #define ATTR_comment "comment" #define ATTR_cookie "cookie" #define ATTR_qrank "queue_rank" #define ATTR_altid "alt_id" #define ATTR_etime "etime" #define ATTR_exitstat "exit_status" #define ATTR_forwardx11 "forward_x11" #define ATTR_submit_args "submit_args" #define ATTR_tokens "tokens" #define ATTR_netcounter "net_counter" #define ATTR_umask "umask" #define ATTR_start_time "start_time" #define ATTR_start_count "start_count" #define ATTR_checkpoint_dir "checkpoint_dir" /* user specified directory for checkpoint files */ #define ATTR_checkpoint_name "checkpoint_name" /* user specified name of checkpoint file */ #define ATTR_checkpoint_time "checkpoint_time" /* timestamp of start of last checkpoint */ #define ATTR_checkpoint_restart_status "checkpoint_restart_status" /* checkpoint restart status */ #define ATTR_restart_name "restart_name" /* saved name of checkpoint restart file */ #define ATTR_comp_time "comp_time" #define ATTR_reported "reported" #define ATTR_intcmd "inter_cmd" #define ATTR_job_radix "job_radix" #define ATTR_sister_list "sister_list" #define ATTR_total_runtime "total_runtime" #define ATTR_P "proxy_user" #define ATTR_node_exclusive "node_exclusive" #define ATTR_exec_gpus "exec_gpus" #define ATTR_exec_mics "exec_mics" #define ATTR_J "job_id" #define ATTR_pagg "pagg_id" #define ATTR_system_start_time "system_start_time" /* JOB_ATR_gpu_flags */ #define ATTR_gpu_flags "gpu_flags" /* additional queue attributes names */ #define ATTR_aclgren "acl_group_enable" #define ATTR_aclgroup "acl_groups" #define ATTR_aclhten "acl_host_enable" #define ATTR_aclhost "acl_hosts" #define ATTR_acluren "acl_user_enable" #define ATTR_acluser "acl_users" #define ATTR_altrouter "alt_router" #define ATTR_checkpoint_min "checkpoint_min" #define ATTR_checkpoint_defaults "checkpoint_defaults" #define ATTR_enable "enabled" #define ATTR_fromroute "from_route_only" #define ATTR_hostlist "hostlist" /* TORQUE only */ #define ATTR_killdelay "kill_delay" #define ATTR_maxgrprun "max_group_run" #define ATTR_maxque "max_queuable" #define ATTR_maxuserque "max_user_queuable" #define ATTR_maxuserrun "max_user_run" #define ATTR_qtype "queue_type" #define ATTR_rescassn "resources_assigned" #define ATTR_rescdflt "resources_default" #define ATTR_rescmax "resources_max" #define ATTR_rescmin "resources_min" #define ATTR_featreqd "features_required" #define ATTR_req_login_property "required_login_property" #define ATTR_rerunnable "restartable" /* TORQUE only */ #define ATTR_rndzretry "rendezvous_retry" #define ATTR_routedest "route_destinations" #define ATTR_routeheld "route_held_jobs" #define ATTR_routewait "route_waiting_jobs" #define ATTR_routeretry "route_retry_time" #define ATTR_routelife "route_lifetime" #define ATTR_rsvexpdt "reserved_expedite" #define ATTR_rsvsync "reserved_sync" #define ATTR_start "started" #define ATTR_count "state_count" #define ATTR_number "number_jobs" #define ATTR_acllogic "acl_logic_or" #define ATTR_aclgrpslpy "acl_group_sloppy" #define ATTR_keepcompleted "keep_completed" #define ATTR_disallowedtypes "disallowed_types" #define ATTR_is_transit "is_transit" /* additional server attributes names */ /* NOTE: steps for adding new attribute described in ??? */ /* - create #define ATTR_* in include/pbs_ifl.h - insert SRV_ATR_* in include/server.h - add ATTR_* in include/qmgr_svr_public.h - insert structure in server/svr_attr_def.c NOTE: structure must be in same relative position as SRV_ATR_* - insert usage code in proper location */ #define ATTR_aclroot "acl_roots" #define ATTR_managers "managers" #define ATTR_dfltque "default_queue" #define ATTR_dispsvrsuffix "display_job_server_suffix" #define ATTR_jobsuffixalias "job_suffix_alias" #define ATTR_defnode "default_node" #define ATTR_locsvrs "location_servers" #define ATTR_logevents "log_events" #define ATTR_logfile "log_file" #define ATTR_loglevel "log_level" #define ATTR_mailfrom "mail_from" #define ATTR_nodepack "node_pack" #define ATTR_nodesuffix "node_suffix" #define ATTR_operators "operators" #define ATTR_queryother "query_other_jobs" #define ATTR_resccost "resources_cost" #define ATTR_rescavail "resources_available" #define ATTR_schedit "scheduler_iteration" #define ATTR_scheduling "scheduling" #define ATTR_status "server_state" #define ATTR_syscost "system_cost" #define ATTR_pingrate "node_ping_rate" #define ATTR_ndchkrate "node_check_rate" #define ATTR_tcptimeout "tcp_timeout" #define ATTR_jobstatrate "job_stat_rate" #define ATTR_polljobs "poll_jobs" #define ATTR_downonerror "down_on_error" #define ATTR_disableserveridcheck "disable_server_id_check" #define ATTR_jobnanny "job_nanny" #define ATTR_ownerpurge "owner_purge" #define ATTR_qcqlimits "queue_centric_limits" #define ATTR_momjobsync "mom_job_sync" #define ATTR_maildomain "mail_domain" #define ATTR_pbsversion "pbs_version" #define ATTR_submithosts "submit_hosts" #define ATTR_allownodesubmit "allow_node_submit" #define ATTR_allowproxyuser "allow_proxy_user" #define ATTR_autonodenp "auto_node_np" #define ATTR_servername "server_name" #define ATTR_logfilemaxsize "log_file_max_size" #define ATTR_logfilerolldepth "log_file_roll_depth" #define ATTR_logkeepdays "log_keep_days" #define ATTR_nextjobnum "next_job_number" #define ATTR_extraresc "extra_resc" #define ATTR_schedversion "sched_version" #define ATTR_acctkeepdays "accounting_keep_days" #define ATTR_lockfile "lock_file" #define ATTR_credentiallifetime "credential_lifetime" #define ATTR_jobmustreport "job_must_report" #define ATTR_LockfileUpdateTime "lock_file_update_time" #define ATTR_LockfileCheckTime "lock_file_check_time" #define ATTR_npdefault "np_default" #define ATTR_clonebatchsize "clone_batch_size" #define ATTR_clonebatchdelay "clone_batch_delay" #define ATTR_jobstarttimeout "job_start_timeout" #define ATTR_jobforcecanceltime "job_force_cancel_time" #define ATTR_maxarraysize "max_job_array_size" #define ATTR_maxslotlimit "max_slot_limit" #define ATTR_recordjobinfo "record_job_info" #define ATTR_recordjobscript "record_job_script" #define ATTR_joblogfilemaxsize "job_log_file_max_size" #define ATTR_joblogfilerolldepth "job_log_file_roll_depth" #define ATTR_joblogkeepdays "job_log_keep_days" #ifdef MUNGE_AUTH #define ATTR_authusers "authorized_users" #endif #define ATTR_minthreads "min_threads" #define ATTR_maxthreads "max_threads" #define ATTR_threadidleseconds "thread_idle_seconds" #define ATTR_moabarraycompatible "moab_array_compatible" #define ATTR_nomailforce "no_mail_force" #define ATTR_interactivejobscanroam "interactive_jobs_can_roam" #define ATTR_crayenabled "cray_enabled" #define ATTR_nppcu "nppcu" #define ATTR_maxuserqueuable "max_user_queuable" #define ATTR_automaticrequeueexitcode "automatic_requeue_exit_code" #define ATTR_jobsynctimeout "job_sync_timeout" /* additional node "attributes" names */ #define ATTR_NODE_state "state" #define ATTR_NODE_np "np" #define ATTR_NODE_properties "properties" #define ATTR_NODE_ntype "ntype" #define ATTR_NODE_jobs "jobs" #define ATTR_NODE_status "status" #define ATTR_NODE_note "note" #define ATTR_NODE_mom_port "mom_service_port" #define ATTR_NODE_mom_rm_port "mom_manager_port" #define ATTR_NODE_num_node_boards "num_node_boards" #define ATTR_NODE_numa_str "numa_board_str" #define ATTR_NODE_gpus "gpus" #define ATTR_NODE_gpustatus "gpu_status" #define ATTR_NODE_gpus_str "numa_gpu_node_str" #define ATTR_NODE_mics "mics" #define ATTR_NODE_micstatus "mic_status" /* notification email formating */ #define ATTR_mailsubjectfmt "mail_subject_fmt" #define ATTR_mailbodyfmt "mail_body_fmt" /* various attribute values */ #define CHECKPOINT_UNSPECIFIED "u" #define NO_HOLD "n" #define NO_JOIN "n" #define NO_KEEP "n" #define MAIL_AT_ABORT "a" #define DEFAULT_PRIORITY "0" #define ARRAY_RANGE "array_range=" /* see qdel.c */ #define DELDELAY "deldelay=" /* see qdel.c */ #define DELPURGE "delpurge=" /* see qdel.c */ #define DELASYNC "delasync" /* see req_delete.c */ #define PURGECOMP "purgecomplete=" /* see req_delete.c */ #define EXECQUEONLY "exec_queue_only" /* see req_stat.c */ #define RERUNFORCE "force" #define USER_HOLD "u" #define OTHER_HOLD "o" #define SYSTEM_HOLD "s" /* node-attribute values (state,ntype) */ #define ND_free "free" #define ND_offline "offline" #define ND_down "down" #define ND_reserve "reserve" #define ND_job_exclusive "job-exclusive" #define ND_job_sharing "job-sharing" #define ND_busy "busy" #define ND_state_unknown "state-unknown" /* these are not state values, they describe states and are used in pbsnodes */ /* active = job-exclusive, job-sharing, or busy */ #define ND_active "active" /* all = all */ #define ND_all "all" /* up = job-execlusive, job-sharing, reserve, free, busy and time-shared */ #define ND_up "up" /* this specifies the type of node */ #define ND_timeshared "time-shared" #define ND_cluster "cluster" /* queue disallowed types */ #define Q_DT_batch "batch" #define Q_DT_interactive "interactive" #define Q_DT_rerunable "rerunable" #define Q_DT_nonrerunable "nonrerunable" #define Q_DT_fault_tolerant "fault_tolerant" #define Q_DT_fault_intolerant "fault_intolerant" #define Q_DT_job_array "job_array" /*constant related to sum of string lengths for above strings*/ #define MAX_ENCODE_BFR 150 #define MGR_CMD_CREATE 0 #define MGR_CMD_DELETE 1 #define MGR_CMD_SET 2 #define MGR_CMD_UNSET 3 #define MGR_CMD_LIST 4 #define MGR_CMD_PRINT 5 #define MGR_CMD_ACTIVE 6 #define MGR_OBJ_NONE -1 #define MGR_OBJ_SERVER 0 #define MGR_OBJ_QUEUE 1 #define MGR_OBJ_JOB 2 #define MGR_OBJ_NODE 3 /* Misc defines for various requests */ #define MSG_OUT 1 #define MSG_ERR 2 #define SHUT_SIG -1 #define SHUT_IMMEDIATE 0 #define SHUT_DELAY 1 #define SHUT_QUICK 2 #define SIG_RESUME "resume" #define SIG_SUSPEND "suspend" /* WARNING: be careful changing these PBS_MAX* values. They can result in a change in the structure of the .JB file, and binary incompatibilities between versions of TORQUE. Do not change in a -fixes branch, avoid changing in a minor release if possible */ #define PBS_MAXHOSTNAME 1024 /* max host name length */ #ifndef MAXPATHLEN #define MAXPATHLEN 1024 /* max path name length */ #endif #ifndef MAXPORTLEN #define MAXPORTLEN 5 #endif #ifndef MAXNAMLEN #define MAXNAMLEN 255 #endif #define MAX_NOTE 256 /* max node note length */ #define MAX_NOTE_STR "256" /* max node note length as a string literal (this MUST match MAX_NOTE) */ #define PBS_MAXUSER 32 /* max user name length */ #define PBS_MAXGRPN 16 /* max group name length */ #define PBS_MAXGPUID 16 /* max gpu id length */ #define PBS_MAXQUEUENAME 15 /* max queue name length */ #define PBS_MAXSERVERNAME PBS_MAXHOSTNAME /* max server name length */ #define PBS_MAXJOBARRAYLEN 7 /* number of characters allowed in jobarray portion of job id, including '[]' */ #ifdef USE_MAXINT_JOBIDS #define PBS_MAXSEQNUM 12 /* max sequence number length */ #else #define PBS_MAXSEQNUM 8 /* max sequence number length */ #endif #define PBS_MAXPORTNUM 5 /* udp/tcp port numbers max=16 bits */ #define PBS_MAXJOBARRAY 99999 #define PBS_MAXSVRJOBID (PBS_MAXSEQNUM + PBS_MAXSERVERNAME + PBS_MAXPORTNUM + PBS_MAXJOBARRAYLEN + 2 ) /* server job id size */ #define PBS_MAXCLTJOBID (PBS_MAXSVRJOBID + PBS_MAXSERVERNAME + PBS_MAXPORTNUM + PBS_MAXJOBARRAYLEN + 2) /* client job id size */ #define PBS_MAXDEST 1024 /* destination size -- increased from 256 */ #define PBS_MAXROUTEDEST (PBS_MAXQUEUENAME + PBS_MAXSERVERNAME + PBS_MAXPORTNUM + 2) /* destination size */ #define PBS_USE_IFF 1 /* pbs_connect() to call pbs_iff */ #define PBS_INTERACTIVE 1 /* Support of Interactive jobs */ #define PBS_TERM_BUF_SZ 80 /* Interactive term buffer size */ #define PBS_TERM_CCA 6 /* Interactive term cntl char array */ #define PBS_MAXCREDENTIAL_LEN 2048 /* Maximum authentication credential length. */ /* constants used to indicate version of job ji_qs struct written to disk. starting with 2.4.0 we stopped encoding the torque version number into the hex value e.g. 0x00020300 for torque v2.3.0. Now we just increment a value which is added to the last version encoded that way */ #define PBS_QS_VERSION_BASE 0x00020300 /* magic number do not change */ #define PBS_QS_VERSION_INT 2 /* increment this version number with every change to the ji_qs struct */ #define PBS_QS_VERSION (PBS_QS_VERSION_BASE + PBS_QS_VERSION_INT) /* version number saved in the ji_qs struct */ /* someday the PBS_*_PORT definition will go away and only the */ /* PBS_*_SERVICE_NAME form will be used, maybe */ #define PBS_BATCH_SERVICE_NAME "pbs" #ifndef PBS_BATCH_SERVICE_PORT #define PBS_BATCH_SERVICE_PORT 15001 #endif /* PBS_BATCH_SERVICE_PORT */ #define PBS_BATCH_SERVICE_NAME_DIS "pbs_dis" /* new DIS port */ #define PBS_MOM_SERVICE_NAME "pbs_mom" #ifndef PBS_MOM_SERVICE_PORT #define PBS_MOM_SERVICE_PORT 15002 #endif /* PBS_MOM_SERVICE_PORT */ #define PBS_MANAGER_SERVICE_NAME "pbs_resmon" #ifndef PBS_MANAGER_SERVICE_PORT #define PBS_MANAGER_SERVICE_PORT 15003 #endif /* PBS_MANAGER_SERVICE_PORT */ #define PBS_SCHEDULER_SERVICE_NAME "pbs_sched" #ifndef PBS_SCHEDULER_SERVICE_PORT #define PBS_SCHEDULER_SERVICE_PORT 15004 #endif /* PBS_SCHEDULER_SERVICE_PORT */ #ifndef TRQ_AUTHD_SERVICE_PORT #define TRQ_AUTHD_SERVICE_PORT 15005 #endif /* TRQ_AUTHD_SERVICE_PORT */ /* * Other misc checkpoint defines */ #define CHECKPOINTHOLD "checkpoint_hold" #define CHECKPOINTCONT "checkpoint_cont" #define MOM_DEFAULT_CHECKPOINT_DIR "$MOMDEFAULTCHECKPOINTDIR$" #define NO_MOM_RELAY 1 enum batch_op { SET, UNSET, INCR, DECR, EQ, NE, GE, GT, LE, LT, DFLT, MERGE, INCR_OLD }; /* ALPS nppcu values */ enum nppcu_values { NPPCU_ALPS_CHOOSES = 0, NPPCU_NO_USE_HT, NPPCU_USE_HT }; /* ** This structure is identical to attropl so they can be used ** interchangably. The op field is not used. */ struct attrl { struct attrl *next; char *name; char *resource; char *value; enum batch_op op; /* not used */ }; struct attropl { struct attropl *next; char *name; char *resource; char *value; enum batch_op op; }; struct batch_status { struct batch_status *next; char *name; struct attrl *attribs; char *text; }; /* Resource Reservation Information */ typedef int resource_t; /* resource reservation handle */ #define RESOURCE_T_NULL (resource_t)0 #define RESOURCE_T_ALL (resource_t)-1 extern char *pbs_server; /* server attempted to connect | connected to */ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* see pbs_connect(3B) */ char *avail(int connect, char *resc); int pbs_asyrunjob(int c, char *jobid, char *location, char *extend); int pbs_alterjob_async(int connect, char *job_id, struct attrl *attrib, char *extend); int pbs_alterjob(int connect, char *job_id, struct attrl *attrib, char *extend); int pbs_connect(char *server); int pbs_query_max_connections(); char *pbs_default(void); char *pbs_fbserver(void); char *pbs_get_server_list(void); int pbs_deljob(int connect, char *job_id, char *extend); int pbs_disconnect(int connect); char *pbs_geterrmsg(int connect); int pbs_holdjob(int connect, char *job_id, char *hold_type, char *extend); int pbs_checkpointjob(int connect, char *job_id, char *extend); char *pbs_locjob(int connect, char *job_id, char *extend); int pbs_manager(int connect, int command, int obj_type, char *obj_name, struct attropl *attrib, char *extend); int pbs_movejob(int connect, char *job_id, char *destination, char *extend); int pbs_msgjob(int connect, char *job_id, int file, char *message, char *extend); int pbs_orderjob(int connect, char *job1, char *job2, char *extend); int pbs_rescquery(int connect, char **rlist, int nresc, int *avail, int *alloc, int *resv, int *down); int pbs_rescreserve(int connect, char **rlist, int nresc, resource_t *phandle); int pbs_rescrelease(int connect, resource_t rhandle); int pbs_rerunjob(int connect, char *job_id, char *extend); int pbs_rlsjob(int connect, char *job_id, char *hold_type, char *extend); int pbs_runjob(int connect, char *jobid, char *loc, char *extend); char **pbs_selectjob(int connect, struct attropl *select_list, char *extend); int pbs_sigjob(int connect, char *job_id, char *signal, char *extend); int pbs_sigjobasync(int connect, char *job_id, char *signal, char *extend); void pbs_statfree(struct batch_status *stat); struct batch_status * pbs_statdest(int connect, char *id, char *extend); struct batch_status *pbs_statjob(int connect, char *id, struct attrl *attrib, char *extend); struct batch_status *pbs_selstat(int connect, struct attropl *select_list, char *extend); struct batch_status *pbs_statque(int connect, char *id, struct attrl *attrib, char *extend); struct batch_status *pbs_statserver(int connect, struct attrl *attrib, char *extend); struct batch_status *pbs_statnode(int connect, char *id, struct attrl *attrib, char *extend); char *pbs_submit(int connect, struct attropl *attrib, char *script, char *destination, char *extend); int pbs_submit_hash(int connect, memmgr **mm, job_data *job_attr, job_data *res_attr, char *script, char *destination, char *extend, char **job_id, char **msg); int pbs_terminate(int connect, int manner, char *extend); int totpool(int connect, int update); int usepool(int connect, int update); int pbs_gpumode(int connect, char *node, char *gpuid, int gpumode); int trq_set_preferred_network_interface(char *if_name, struct sockaddr *preferred_addr); char *trq_get_if_name(void); /* used by Moab */ int pbs_stagein(int, char *, char *, char *); int pbs_stageout(int, char *, char *, char *); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* _PBS_IFL_DEF */ /* end of pbs_ifl.h */