The Track Job dialog box is for enabling the periodic checking of returned output files of running jobs. =================== MONITORED USER JOBS =================== The list of users whose jobs are to be monitored for returned output files can be specified by typing the username in the input entry, and then clicking the "add" button. Watch as your input gets loaded into the "Tracked Users:" listbox. Entries of the latter can be deleted by selecting an entry, and then clicking the accompanying "delete" button. If you want to modify an entry in the listbox, then select the entry, which would result in its values to be loaded into the input entry, then change the value of the input entry, and finally click the accompanying "update" button. ======== INTERVAL ======== Setting the interval number of minutes is done by manipulating a spin box located at the bottom of the user name entries. Either type in a valid minutes value (> 0) on the spinbox entry, or click on the scrollbar arrows to increment through the valid values. ============================ LOCATION OF JOB OUTPUT FILES ============================ A pair of radio buttons located at the upper right of the dialog box will inform xpbs if the job output files being monitored are local (host where xpbs was run), or would require some remote shell command to access the output files. If the output files are returned to some remote host, then xpbs will execute an RSH test -f to test existence of returned output files. RSH is whatever the remote shell entry box is set to. NOTE: Be sure the files are accessible from the host where xpbs was run (i.e. .rhosts appropriately set). The use of remote shells can potentially slow down the execution of xpbs so using this feature for remote files is discouraged. ===================== RETURNED OUTPUT FILES ===================== When an output file for a user job being monitored is found, then the "Track Job" button (the one that originally invoked this dialog box) will turn into a different color, and the "Jobs Found Completed" listbox is then loaded with the corresponding job id(s). Click on a job id to see the contents of the output file and the error file. =============== COMMAND BUTTONS =============== Clicking on these buttons represent the last step when manipulating this dialog box. Click "start/reset tracking" to: 1. cancel any previous tracking 2. build a new list of jobs to be monitored for returned output files by checking the currently queued jobs. 3. start periodic tracking NOTE: Be sure to submit the jobs that you want monitored first before enabling this feature. Click "stop tracking" to cancel any previous tracking without enabling a new tracking cycle. Click "close window" to exit out of the dialog box. This is also the default action when the key is pressed.