The Select Owners dialog box is for specifying the list of owners that will be checked when limiting the jobs appearing on the Jobs listbox in the main xpbs window. Click on either the wildcard radio button ANY to specify any owners, or the user@host radio button. If the latter is selected, then type in the first field the user name, and in second field the hostname from where the job was originally submitted. You can also skip the hostname part altogether. After typing your input, click the "add" button. Watch as your input gets loaded into the "Owners:" listbox. Entries of the latter can be deleted by selecting an entry, and then clicking the accompanying "delete" button. If you want to modify an entry in the listbox, then select the entry, which would result in its values to be loaded into the "user" and "host" input entries, then change the value of the input entries, and finally click the accompanying "update" button. =============== COMMAND BUTTONS =============== This region of command buttons represents the final step when manipulating this dialog box. Click on "ok" when done setting widget values. This is also the default action when the key is pressed.