The Miscellaneous dialog box is for specifying various other job attributes like checkpointing, rerunnability, and what shell, disk group, and user name to use during execution of a job. The Miscellaneous dialog box is composed of 5 regions: (1) "Various" job attributes region (2) Shell Path List region (3) User List region (4) Group List region (5) Command buttons region =============================== "Various" job attributes region =============================== This region contains 2 toggle buttons that respond to mouse clicks for specifying the checkpoint attribute and rerunnable attribute of the job. Each toggle button enables radio buttons that represent mutually exclusive choices. Within "Checkpoint Job", a spinbox for specifying the checkpoint interval (in minutes) is made available which can be manipulated by clicking on the arrows of the scrollbar to increment through the valid values, or manually entering a valid value on the spinbox entry box. =============== Shell Path List =============== This contains a box containing input entry widgets for specifying the shell path (first field), and the hostname (2nd field) where the shell path will be used to interpret a job script. Click the "add" button after entering the values. Watch as your input gets loaded into the "Shell Paths:" listbox. Entries of the latter can be deleted by selecting an entry, and then clicking the accompanying "delete" button. If you want to modify an entry in the listbox, then select the entry via mouse, which would result in its values to be loaded into the input entries, then change the values of the input entries, and then click the accompanying "update" button. The widget will only allow (as string matching allows) one unique shell path per host. An entry without the hostname part will be the default. ========== User List ========== This contains a box containing input entry widgets for specifying the username (first field), and the matching execution host (2nd field). Click the "add" button after entering the values. Watch as your input gets loaded into the "Usernames:" listbox. Entries of the latter can be deleted by selecting an entry, and then clicking the accompanying "delete" button. If you want to modify an entry in the listbox, then select the entry via mouse, which would result in its values to be loaded into the input entries, then change the values of the input entries, and then click the accompanying "update" button. The widget will only allow (as string matching allows) one unique username per host. An entry without the hostname part will be the default. ========== Group List ========== This contains a box containing input entry widgets for specifying the group name (first field), and the matching execution host (2nd field). Click the "add" button after entering the values. Watch as your input gets loaded into the "Groups:" listbox. Entries of the latter can be deleted by selecting an entry, and then clicking the accompanying "delete" button. If you want to modify an entry in the listbox, then select the entry via mouse, which would result in its values to be loaded into the input entries, then change the values of the input entries, and then click the accompanying "update" button. The widget will only allow (as string matching allows) one group name per host. An entry without the hostname part will be the default. ================ Command Buttons ================ Click on "ok" button after you are satisfied with the attribute values of the job. This is also the default action (as indicated by the sunken look of the button) when the key is pressed. Click on "reset to default" if you want to reset the misc attribute values to the default settings. ====================================== Manipulating the Matrix of Entry boxes ====================================== You can traverse each row of the box of entry widgets by using , , or (to move backwards). The up and down arrows to the right of the box are for moving through the entries in fixed pages. The scrollbar at the top of each vertical group of fields is for horizontally scanning a long entry string.