The File Selection dialog box allows the selection of a single file from the the directory tree path of the local host. This single file can be used as input to script filename, stdout file/path, stderr file/path, file staging pathname when submitting or altering jobs. The listing directory is specified in SELECTION DIRECTORY entrybox, and the name of the local host is given in HOST. The accompanying listbox shows the list of files/directories in the "SELECTION DIRECTORY". ============= FILES LISTBOX ============= Single clicking a file will display the filename on the "FILE Selected" entry box. Double clicking on a directory will refresh the display of the listbox to show the files in the selected directory. You can also manually enter the name of the directory on the "SELECTION DIRECTORY" entrybox, hit , and then the files in that directory will be listed. You can also manually enter the filename of your choice on the "FILE Selected" entrybox. If the label "CURRENT WORKING DIRECTORY" is displayed, a button named "cd " will usually accompany it for making the "SELECTION DIRECTORY" (listed just above the selection listbox) the current working directory. The current working directory is the default directory that will be known to PBS commands when they are issued by xpbs. For example, when submitting jobs, the current working directory determines where the default job *.o and *.e files will be placed. =============== COMMAND BUTTONS =============== Click "Select File" if you want to accept filename specified on the "FILE Selected" entry box. This filename can even be the empty string.