The After Dependency dialog box contains widgets for instructing xpbs that the job being submitted can only begin execution after one or more other jobs have started execution, terminated with errors, terminated without errors, and terminated with or without errors. The job ids with an "after" dependency on the job being submitted can be specified by selecting one or more job ids from the listbox, which lists all jobs currently known to xpbs from a previous poll, or typing directly into the "after:", "afterok:", "afternotok:", and "afterany:" entry boxes. If you select from the listbox, then be sure to click on one of the command buttons: "started execution", "terminated without errors", "terminated with errors", and "terminated with or without errors" to specify your intention. Note that after clicking a command button, the job ids selected will be displayed on the accompanying entry boxes with ":" being the separator for multiple job ids. If you specify the job ids manually, be sure to separate them with ":". This dialog box also contains a spinbox for specifying how many other jobs that this job is dependent on for its execution; that is, this job can only be scheduled for execution after dependencies on "count" number of jobs have been satisfied. On the listbox, you can also double click a job id to obtain more information about the job. ================ Command Buttons ================ Click on "ok" button after you are satisfied with the after dependency attribute value of the job. This is also the default action (as indicated by the sunken look of the button) when the key is pressed. Click on "reset to default" if you want to reset the after dependency attribute values to the default settings.