#include "license_pbs.h" /* See here for the software license */ /* * * qselect - (PBS) select batch job * * Authors: * Terry Heidelberg * Livermore Computing * * Bruce Kelly * National Energy Research Supercomputer Center * * Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory * University of California */ #include "cmds.h" #include "net_cache.h" #include /* the master config generated by configure */ #include "../lib/Libifl/lib_ifl.h" void set_attrop(struct attropl **list, char *a_name, char *r_name, char *v_name, enum batch_op op) { struct attropl *attr; attr = (struct attropl *) calloc(1, sizeof(struct attropl)); if (attr == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "qselect: out of memory\n"); exit(2); } if (a_name == NULL) attr->name = NULL; else { attr->name = (char *) calloc(1, strlen(a_name) + 1); if (attr->name == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "qselect: out of memory\n"); exit(2); } strcpy(attr->name, a_name); } if (r_name == NULL) attr->resource = NULL; else { attr->resource = (char *) calloc(1, strlen(r_name) + 1); if (attr->resource == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "qselect: out of memory\n"); exit(2); } strcpy(attr->resource, r_name); } if (v_name == NULL) attr->value = NULL; else { attr->value = (char *) calloc(1, strlen(v_name) + 1); if (attr->value == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "qselect: out of memory\n"); exit(2); } strcpy(attr->value, v_name); } attr->op = op; attr->next = *list; *list = attr; return; } #define OPSTRING_LEN 4 #define OP_LEN 2 #define OP_ENUM_LEN 6 static const char *opstring_vals[] = { "eq", "ne", "ge", "gt", "le", "lt" }; static enum batch_op opstring_enums[] = { EQ, NE, GE, GT, LE, LT }; void check_op(char *optarg, enum batch_op *op, char *optargout) { char opstring[OP_LEN+1]; int i; int cp_pos; *op = EQ; /* default */ cp_pos = 0; if (optarg[0] == '.') { strncpy(opstring, &optarg[1], OP_LEN); opstring[OP_LEN] = '\0'; cp_pos = OPSTRING_LEN; for (i = 0; i < OP_ENUM_LEN; i++) { if (strncmp(opstring, opstring_vals[i], OP_LEN) == 0) { *op = opstring_enums[i]; break; } } } strcpy(optargout, &optarg[cp_pos]); return; } int check_res_op(char *optarg, char *resource_name, enum batch_op *op, char *resource_value, char **res_pos) { char opstring[OPSTRING_LEN]; int i; int hit; char *p; p = strchr(optarg, '.'); if (p == NULL || *p == '\0') { fprintf(stderr, "qselect: illegal -l value\n"); fprintf(stderr, "resource_list: %s\n", optarg); return (1); } else { strncpy(resource_name, optarg, p - optarg); resource_name[p-optarg] = '\0'; *res_pos = p + OPSTRING_LEN; } if (p[0] == '.') { strncpy(opstring, &p[1] , OP_LEN); opstring[OP_LEN] = '\0'; hit = 0; for (i = 0; i < OP_ENUM_LEN; i++) { if (strncmp(opstring, opstring_vals[i], OP_LEN) == 0) { *op = opstring_enums[i]; hit = 1; break; } } if (! hit) { fprintf(stderr, "qselect: illegal -l value\n"); fprintf(stderr, "resource_list: %s\n", optarg); return (1); } } p = strchr(*res_pos, ','); if (p == NULL) { p = strchr(*res_pos, '\0'); } strncpy(resource_value, *res_pos, p - (*res_pos)); resource_value[p-(*res_pos)] = '\0'; if (strlen(resource_value) == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "qselect: illegal -l value\n"); fprintf(stderr, "resource_list: %s\n", optarg); return (1); } *res_pos = (*p == '\0') ? p : (p += 1) ; if (**res_pos == '\0' && *(p - 1) == ',') { fprintf(stderr, "qselect: illegal -l value\n"); fprintf(stderr, "resource_list: %s\n", optarg); return (1); } return(0); /* ok */ } /* qselect */ int main( int argc, char **argv) { int c; int errflg = 0; int any_failed = 0; char *errmsg; #define MAX_OPTARG_LEN 256 #define MAX_RESOURCE_NAME_LEN 256 char optargout[MAX_OPTARG_LEN+1]; char resource_name[MAX_RESOURCE_NAME_LEN+1]; enum batch_op op; enum batch_op *pop = &op; struct attropl *select_list = 0; static char destination[PBS_MAXROUTEDEST+1] = ""; char server_out[MAXSERVERNAME] = ""; char *queue_name_out; char *server_name_out; int connect; char **selectjob_list; char *res_pos; char *pc; int u_cnt, o_cnt, s_cnt, n_cnt; time_t after; char a_value[80]; int exec_only = 0; if (getenv("PBS_QSTAT_EXECONLY") != NULL) exec_only = 1; #define GETOPT_ARGS "a:A:ec:h:l:N:p:q:r:s:u:" while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, GETOPT_ARGS)) != EOF) switch (c) { case 'a': check_op(optarg, pop, optargout); if ((after = cvtdate(optargout)) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "qselect: illegal -a value\n"); errflg++; break; } sprintf(a_value, "%ld", (long)after); set_attrop(&select_list, (char *)ATTR_a, NULL, a_value, op); break; case 'e': exec_only = 1; break; case 'c': check_op(optarg, pop, optargout); pc = optargout; while (isspace((int)*pc)) pc++; if (strlen(pc) == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "qselect: illegal -c value\n"); errflg++; break; } if (strcmp(pc, "u") == 0) { if ((op != EQ) && (op != NE)) { fprintf(stderr, "qselect: illegal -c value\n"); errflg++; break; } } else if ((strcmp(pc, "n") != 0) && (strcmp(pc, "s") != 0) && (strcmp(pc, "c") != 0)) { if (strncmp(pc, "c=", 2) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "qselect: illegal -c value\n"); errflg++; break; } pc += 2; if (strlen(pc) == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "qselect: illegal -c value\n"); errflg++; break; } while (*pc != '\0') { if (!isdigit((int)*pc)) { fprintf(stderr, "qselect: illegal -c value\n"); errflg++; break; } pc++; } } set_attrop(&select_list, (char *)ATTR_c, NULL, optargout, op); break; case 'h': check_op(optarg, pop, optargout); pc = optargout; while (isspace((int)*pc)) pc++; if (strlen(pc) == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "qselect: illegal -h value\n"); errflg++; break; } u_cnt = o_cnt = s_cnt = n_cnt = 0; while (*pc) { if (*pc == 'u') u_cnt++; else if (*pc == 'o') o_cnt++; else if (*pc == 's') s_cnt++; else if (*pc == 'n') n_cnt++; else { fprintf(stderr, "qselect: illegal -h value\n"); errflg++; break; } pc++; } if (n_cnt && (u_cnt + o_cnt + s_cnt)) { fprintf(stderr, "qselect: illegal -h value\n"); errflg++; break; } set_attrop(&select_list, (char *)ATTR_h, NULL, optargout, op); break; case 'l': res_pos = optarg; while (*res_pos != '\0') { if (check_res_op(res_pos, resource_name, pop, optargout, &res_pos) != 0) { errflg++; break; } set_attrop(&select_list, (char *)ATTR_l, resource_name, optargout, op); } break; case 'p': check_op(optarg, pop, optargout); set_attrop(&select_list, (char *)ATTR_p, NULL, optargout, op); break; case 'q': strncpy(destination, optarg, PBS_MAXROUTEDEST); check_op(optarg, pop, optargout); set_attrop(&select_list, (char *)ATTR_q, NULL, optargout, op); break; case 'r': op = EQ; pc = optarg; while (isspace((int)(*pc))) pc++; if (strlen(pc) != 1) { fprintf(stderr, "qsub: illegal -r value\n"); errflg++; break; } if (*pc != 'y' && *pc != 'n') { fprintf(stderr, "qsub: illegal -r value\n"); errflg++; break; } set_attrop(&select_list, (char *)ATTR_r, NULL, pc, op); break; case 's': check_op(optarg, pop, optargout); pc = optargout; while (isspace((int)(*pc))) pc++; if (strlen(optarg) == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "qselect: illegal -s value\n"); errflg++; break; } while (*pc) { if (*pc != 'C' && *pc != 'E' && *pc != 'H' && *pc != 'Q' && *pc != 'R' && *pc != 'T' && *pc != 'W') { fprintf(stderr, "qselect: illegal -s value\n"); errflg++; break; } pc++; } set_attrop(&select_list, (char *)ATTR_state, NULL, optargout, op); break; case 'u': op = EQ; if (parse_at_list(optarg, FALSE, FALSE)) { fprintf(stderr, "qselect: illegal -u value\n"); errflg++; break; } set_attrop(&select_list, (char *)ATTR_u, NULL, optarg, op); break; case 'A': op = EQ; set_attrop(&select_list, (char *)ATTR_A, NULL, optarg, op); break; case 'N': op = EQ; set_attrop(&select_list, (char *)ATTR_N, NULL, optarg, op); break; default : errflg++; } if (errflg || (optind < argc)) { static char usage[] = "usage: qselect \ [-a [op]date_time] [-A account_string] [-e] [-c [op]interval] \n\ [-h hold_list] [-l resource_list] [-N name] [-p [op]priority] \n\ [-q destination] [-r y|n] [-s states] [-u user_name]\n"; fprintf(stderr,"%s", usage); exit(2); } if (notNULL(destination)) { if (parse_destination_id(destination, &queue_name_out, &server_name_out)) { fprintf(stderr, "qselect: illegally formed destination: %s\n", destination); exit(2); } else { if (notNULL(server_name_out)) { strcpy(server_out, server_name_out); } } } connect = cnt2server(server_out); if (connect <= 0) { any_failed = -1 * connect; if (server_out[0] != 0) fprintf(stderr, "qselect: cannot connect to server %s (errno=%d) %s\n", server_out, any_failed, pbs_strerror(any_failed)); else fprintf(stderr, "qselect: cannot connect to server %s (errno=%d) %s\n", pbs_server, any_failed, pbs_strerror(any_failed)); exit(any_failed); } selectjob_list = pbs_selectjob_err(connect, select_list, exec_only ? (char *)EXECQUEONLY : NULL, &any_failed); if (selectjob_list == NULL) { if (any_failed != PBSE_NONE) { errmsg = pbs_geterrmsg(connect); if (errmsg != NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "qselect: %s\n", errmsg); free(errmsg); } else { fprintf(stderr, "qselect: Error (%d - %s) selecting jobs\n", any_failed, pbs_strerror(any_failed)); } exit(any_failed); } } else /* got some jobs ids */ { int i = 0; while (selectjob_list[i] != NULL) { printf("%s\n", selectjob_list[i++]); } free(selectjob_list); } pbs_disconnect(connect); exit(0); }