#include "license_pbs.h" /* See here for the software license */ /* * pbspoe * A general purpose replacement for POE commands like poe and pdbx * that usually reserve nodes through the job manager but can * also use -procs N -hostfile foo. * If running interactively, invokes these commands directly. * If running under PBS, looks at PBS hostfile, creates an argument * list with -hostfile, and runs job. * * Originally written 4/13/95 by Bill Saphir, NAS/CSC * Based on "pbspoe" program written by Tom Proett * Modified by Ed Hook for LaRC's SP2 system, July 1995 * * Modified 3/99 to support PBS 2.0 under IBM PSSP 3.1 software. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "pbs_ifl.h" #define POE_PATH "/usr/lpp/ppe.poe/bin/poe" #define PDBX_PATH "/usr/lpp/ppe.poe/bin/pdbx" #define XPDBX_PATH "/usr/lpp/ppe.poe/bin/xpdbx" #define INTERACTIVE_FILE "/usr/local/pbs/etc/interactive" void set_if_undefined(const char *name, const char *val); void check_environment(); int is_pbs_job(); char **pbs_setup(char *command, int argc, char **argv); void run_command(char *command, char **argv); char *get_real_command(char *argv0); int is_interactive_ok(); void refuse_interactive(); /* global Data */ char *mcn; /* my command name, set in main for messages */ char ncmdfname[PATH_MAX+1]; char *nhfile = 0; char *ocmdfile = 0; char *pbsjobkey; int is_pbs_job(void) { char *val; val = getenv("PBS_JOBID"); if (val == NULL) return(0); if ((pbsjobkey = getenv("PBS_JOB_KEY")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Unable to obtain Job Key for switch setup\n", mcn); exit(1); } return(1); } void set_if_undefined(const char *name, const char *val) { char *ret; int result; ret = getenv(name); if (ret != NULL) return; result = putenv((char *)val); if (result != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Fatal Error: unable to set environment variable %s", mcn, name); exit(1); } fprintf(stderr, "%s: Warning: added variable %s to environment\n", mcn, name); } void check_environment(void) { set_if_undefined("MP_PULSE", "MP_PULSE=0"); set_if_undefined("MP_EUILIB", "MP_EUILIB=us"); set_if_undefined("MP_RESD", "MP_RESD=no"); } #define LINEBUFSIZ 1024 int fix_cmdfile(char *ocmd, char *ncmd) { FILE *new_attr; FILE *old; int len; char linebuf[LINEBUFSIZ]; char *pl; if ((old = fopen(ocmd, "r")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Unable to open command file: %s\n", mcn, ocmd); return (-1); } sprintf(ncmd, "/tmp/pbsCtemp.%s", getenv("PBS_JOBID")); if ((new_attr = fopen(ncmd, "w")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Unable to open %s for new command file\n", mcn, ncmd); return (-1); } strcpy(linebuf, PBSPD); /* prefix "command" with pbspd */ strcat(linebuf, " "); strcat(linebuf, pbsjobkey); /* and job key */ strcat(linebuf, " "); pl = linebuf + strlen(linebuf); len = (int)(LINEBUFSIZ - ((long)pl - (long)linebuf)); while (fgets(pl, len, old) != NULL) { fputs(linebuf, new_attr); } fclose(new_attr); fclose(old); return (0); } /* * clean_up - dont leave files we created lying arround */ void clean_up(int exval) { if (nhfile) (void)unlink(nhfile); if (ocmdfile) (void) unlink(ncmdfname); exit(exval); } char **pbs_setup( char *command, int argc, char *argv[]) { char *jobid; int have_command = 0; static char hostfile[PATH_MAX+1]; static char nhoststring[10]; static char nodename[PATH_MAX+1]; FILE *nf; char **newargs; char *nodefile; int nhosts = 0, nprocs, i, j; int nprocs_specified; char **hfile_mem; int hfile_size = 16; int index; char *pcolon = NULL; char *pcomma; char *offset; /* print out this message to remind folks they're running under PBS. * Especially important for interactive users */ fprintf(stderr, "%s: Running job under PBS\n", mcn); jobid = getenv("PBS_JOBID"); if (jobid == NULL) { /* should be an impossible error since we've already checked for this */ fprintf(stderr, "%s: Fatal Error: can't get JOBID from environment\n", mcn); exit(1); } /* fetch list of nodes allocated to this job by pbs_mom */ nodefile = getenv("PBS_NODEFILE"); if (nodefile == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: PBS_NODEFILE not in the environment\n", mcn); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } strcpy(hostfile, nodefile); nf = fopen(nodefile, "r"); if (nf == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Can't open PBS hostfile %s\n", mcn, hostfile); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } hfile_mem = (char **)calloc(hfile_size, sizeof(char *)); if (hfile_mem == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Can't calloc memory", mcn); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } while (fgets(nodename, PATH_MAX, nf) != NULL) { hfile_mem[nhosts++] = strdup(nodename); if (nhosts == hfile_size) { char **tmpHFileMem; hfile_size *= 2; tmpHFileMem = (char **)realloc(hfile_mem,hfile_size * sizeof(char *)); if (tmpHFileMem == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Can't calloc memory", mcn); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } hfile_mem = tmpHFileMem; } } /* END while (fgets() != NULL) */ fclose(nf); if (nhosts == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Fatal Error: malformed resource request(s)\n", mcn); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } sprintf(nhoststring, "%d", nhosts); /* do we have an command file specified in the environment */ ocmdfile = getenv("MP_CMDFILE"); if (ocmdfile && (*ocmdfile == '\0')) ocmdfile = 0; /* if null file name, null the pointer */ /* make an argument list */ newargs = (char **)calloc((argc + 8), sizeof(char *)); if (newargs == NULL) { perror("calloc"); fprintf(stderr, "%s: Unable to allocate space for argument list\n", mcn); exit(1); } /* Must pre-scan arguments to see if cmdfile specified */ for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if (strcmp(argv[i], "-cmdfile") == 0) { if (i + 1 == argc) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: -cmdfile must have argument\n", mcn); exit(1); } ocmdfile = argv[i+1]; } } /* if first argument is not an option, or if first is -h and second arg */ /* is not an option, then user specified a program to run, this takes */ /* preceedent over any command file specified. */ if ((argc > 1) && ((*argv[1] != '-') || ((strcmp(argv[1], "-h") == 0) && (argc > 2) && (*argv[2] != '-')))) { /* have a command specified for poe to run */ have_command = 1; if (ocmdfile) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Progam specified on command line overrides -cmdfile option\n", mcn); ocmdfile = 0; } } /* if neither command nor cmdfile, then cannot run */ if ((have_command == 0) && (ocmdfile == 0)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: requires either command argument or -cmdfile option\n", mcn); exit(1); } newargs[0] = strrchr(command, '/'); if (newargs[0] == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s:Impossible command error! Contact system administrator\n", mcn); exit(1); } else { /* advance past / character */ (newargs[0])++; } j = 1; if (ocmdfile == 0) { newargs[j++] = (char *)PBSPD; newargs[j++] = pbsjobkey; } /* copy user arguments to new array, taking note of certain ones */ nprocs_specified = 0; nprocs = nhosts; for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if (strcmp(argv[i], "-procs") == 0) { nprocs_specified = 1; newargs[j++] = argv[i++]; /* -procs */ if (i < argc) { newargs[j++] = argv[i]; /* num_of_procs */ nprocs = strtol(argv[i], &pcolon, 10); if (nprocs <= 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Value specified by -procs must be greater than zero\n", mcn); exit(1); } /* pass along user's request */ sprintf(nhoststring, "%d", nprocs); } else { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Error, -procs must specify a value\n", mcn); exit(1); } } else if ((strcmp(argv[i], "-hostfile") == 0) || (strcmp(argv[i], "-hfile") == 0)) { /* skip it, will add our own */ i++; } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-cmdfile") == 0) { /* skip over it this time, will add our own at end */ ++i; } else { newargs[j++] = argv[i]; } } if (ocmdfile) { /* have cmdfile specified, copy and modify it */ if (fix_cmdfile(ocmdfile, ncmdfname) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: unable to update command file\n", mcn); exit(1); } newargs[j++] = (char *)"-cmdfile"; newargs[j++] = ncmdfname; } if (nhosts < nprocs) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Warning, (number of host nodes) < (number of procs)\n\t-- assigning multiple processes per node\n\t-- not using high-performance switch mode\n", mcn); putenv((char *)"MP_EUILIB=ip"); sprintf(hostfile, "/tmp/pbsHtemp.%s", getenv("PBS_JOBID")); nf = fopen(hostfile, "w"); if (nf == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Can't open PBS hostfile %s\n", mcn, hostfile); exit(1); } /* build new hostfile */ for (i = index = 0; i < nprocs; i++) { fprintf(nf, "%s\n", hfile_mem[index++]); if (index == nhosts) index = 0; /* wrap around */ } fclose(nf); } else if (nhosts >= nprocs && pcolon && *pcolon) { /* wants a specific subset */ sprintf(hostfile, "/tmp/pbsTemp.%s", getenv("PBS_JOBID")); nf = fopen(hostfile, "w"); if (nf == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Can't open PBS hostfile %s\n", mcn, hostfile); clean_up(1); } nhfile = hostfile; i = 0; /* counts current length of host list */ offset = pcolon + 1; /* point to first index */ while (1) { index = atoi(offset); /* index of current candidate */ /* can't be greater than the total number of nodes */ if (index >= nhosts) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: \"%s\": Index [%d] out-of-range\n", mcn, pcolon, index); clean_up(1); } /* can't specify more nodes than asked for by ":" */ if (++i > nprocs) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: \"%s\" specifies more than %d nodes\n", mcn, pcolon, nprocs); clean_up(1); } /* can't use any node more than once */ if (hfile_mem[index][0] == '@') { fprintf(stderr, "%s: \"%s\": duplicate index [%d]\n", mcn, pcolon, index); clean_up(1); } fprintf(nf, "%s\n", hfile_mem[index]); /* add to our hostfile */ hfile_mem[index][0] = '@'; /* remember using it */ pcomma = strchr(offset, ','); if (pcomma) /* still more in the list */ offset = pcomma + 1; else break; } /* did user specify as many nodes as processes ?? */ if (i < nprocs) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: \"%d%s\" has too few nodes listed\n", mcn, nprocs, pcolon); clean_up(1); } fclose(nf); } for (i = 0 ; i < nhosts ; ++i) free(hfile_mem[i]); free(hfile_mem); newargs[j++] = (char *)"-hostfile"; newargs[j++] = hostfile; if (! nprocs_specified) { newargs[j++] = (char *)"-procs"; newargs[j++] = nhoststring; }; newargs[j] = NULL; return(newargs); } void run_command( char *command, char *argv[]) { int junk = 0; int i; char *psyscmd; int syssz; #ifdef DEBUG char **p; printf("pbspoe exec-ing: "); for (p = argv; *p; ++p) printf("%s ", *p); printf("\n"); #endif /* DEBUG */ fflush(stdout); fflush(stderr); if (ocmdfile || nhfile) { /* must use system() call to start real command so can remove files */ syssz = strlen(command) + 1; i = 1; while (argv[i]) syssz += strlen(argv[i++]) + 1; if ((psyscmd = (char *)calloc(1, syssz + 1)) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: unable to calloc memory\n", mcn); clean_up(1); } strcpy(psyscmd, command); i = 1; while (argv[i]) { strcat(psyscmd, " "); strcat(psyscmd, argv[i++]); } junk = system(psyscmd); if (junk) { ; } clean_up(0); } else { /* run real command directly */ execv(command, argv); /* not reached unless error */ fprintf(stderr, "%s: Error, exec of %s failed\n", mcn, command); perror("execv"); exit(1); } return; } /* END run_command() */ char *get_real_command( char *argv0) { char *command_name; command_name = strrchr(argv0, '/'); if (command_name != NULL) command_name++; /* advance past "/" */ else command_name = argv0; if (!strcmp(command_name, (char *)"poe")) return((char *)POE_PATH); if (!strcmp(command_name, (char *)"pbspoe")) return((char *)POE_PATH); if (!strcmp(command_name, (char *)"pdbx")) return((char *)PDBX_PATH); if (!strcmp(command_name, (char *)"xpdbx")) return (char *)XPDBX_PATH; if (!strcmp(command_name, (char *)"newpoe")) return((char *)POE_PATH); fprintf(stderr, "\"%s\" unknown to the PBS front end.\n", argv0); exit(1); } int is_interactive_ok(void) { struct stat sb; int status; status = stat(INTERACTIVE_FILE, &sb); if (status == -1) { return(0); } return(1); } void refuse_interactive(void) { const char *nasty_gram = { "\n" " WARNING !\n" " To run a job on the SP2, you must use PBS. If you\n" " wish to run interactively, \"qsub -I\" is available.\n" " For further information, type \"man qsub\".\n" "\n" "\n" }; fputs(nasty_gram, stderr); exit(1); } int main( int argc, char *argv[]) { char **args, *command; mcn = argv[0]; /* make sure certain environment variables are set */ check_environment(); /* determine if we're running poe or pdbx */ command = get_real_command(argv[0]); /* add extra arguments if pbs job */ if (is_pbs_job()) { args = pbs_setup(command, argc, argv); run_command(command, args); } else if (is_interactive_ok()) { run_command(command, argv); } else { refuse_interactive(); } return (0); }