
#  Copyright 2002, 2003, 2004 University of Southern California
#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
#  Latest version of this software may be found at:
#      http://www-rcf.usc.edu/~garrick/perl-PBS
#  Please send comments to garrick@usc.edu.

# configurable defaults
# Don't change the defaults here, instead make yourself a config file, see pbstop(1)
my $columns      	= 30;      # columns in grid
my $sleeptime    	= 20;      # seconds between refreshes
my $colorize     	= 1;       # 1 or 0
my $show_summary 	= 1;       # 1 or 0
my $compact_summary	= 0;       # 1 or 0
my $show_grid    	= 1;       # 1 or 0
my $show_queue   	= 1;       # 1 or 0
my $show_qqueue  	= 1;       # 1 or 0
my $show_jobs    	= 1;       # 1 or 0
my $show_user	    	= "all";   # show only a given user's jobs
my @show_cpu     	= ("0");   # list of cpu numbers
my @host                = ();      # leave empty for localhost
my $maxrows         	= 300;     # maximum number of rows
my $maxcolumns         	= 200;     # maximum number of columns
my $maxnodegrid		= 7;	   # maximum number of CPUs on a node before it gets
				   # its own grid.

my $qmgr                = "/usr/local/pbs/bin/qmgr";
my $qstat               = "/usr/local/pbs/bin/qstat";
my $pbsnodes            = "/usr/local/pbs/bin/pbsnodes";

### Nothing else to adjust below here

# Here's some neat perl magic... we'll use PBS if we have it.
# And if we have it, we might just find it not-yet-installed
# if we are running it out of the source directory.  And if
# we _are_ running it out of the source tree, assume we are just
# testing it and enable warnings!
    use vars qw/$use_perlPBS/;
    use ExtUtils::testlib;

    eval "use PBS qw/:monitor/";
    if ($@) {
    } else {
# enable warnings if running under testing.
if ( -d $INC[0] ) {

use strict;
use vars qw/$VERSION/;
use Curses;

$VERSION = "4.05";

# init a few global vars
my %Job_of_letter;
my @Colors = ();
my $masterletters = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
my $letters = $masterletters;
my $underline = 0;
my %searchobject=();

my ( $y, $x, $Y, $X, $py, $px, $ly, $lx, $subY, $subX ) = ( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 );

if ($use_perlPBS) {
    my $defaulthost=pbs_default();
    if ($defaulthost) {
    undef $defaulthost;


if (!$use_perlPBS) {
    -e $qmgr or chomp( $qmgr = `which qmgr 2>/dev/null` );
    -e $qmgr     or die "qmgr: Command not found\n";
    -e $qstat    or chomp( $qstat = `which qstat 2>/dev/null` );
    -e $qstat    or die "qstat: Command not found\n";
    -e $pbsnodes or chomp( $pbsnodes = `which pbsnodes 2>/dev/null` );
    -e $pbsnodes or die "pbsnodes: Command not found\n";

# argument processing
my @argvhosts=();
while ( my $arg = shift @ARGV ) {
    if ( $arg eq '-c' ) {
        $columns = shift @ARGV;
        $columns =~ /^\d+$/ or $ARGV[0] = '-h';
        $columns > 0 or $ARGV[0] = '-h';
    elsif ( $arg eq '-s' ) {
        $sleeptime = shift @ARGV;
        $sleeptime =~ /^\d+$/ or $ARGV[0] = '-h';
        $sleeptime > 0 or $ARGV[0] = '-h';
    elsif ( $arg eq '-m' ) {
        $maxnodegrid = shift @ARGV;
        $maxnodegrid =~ /^\d+$/ or $ARGV[0] = '-h';
        $maxnodegrid > 0 or $ARGV[0] = '-h';
    elsif ( $arg eq '-C' ) {
        $colorize = !$colorize;
    elsif ( $arg eq '-S' ) {
        $show_summary = !$show_summary;
    elsif ( $arg eq '-G' ) {
        $show_grid = !$show_grid;
    elsif ( $arg eq '-Q' ) {
        $show_queue = !$show_queue;
    elsif ( $arg eq '-t' ) {
        $show_qqueue = !$show_qqueue;
    elsif ( $arg eq '-J' ) {
        $show_jobs = !$show_jobs;
    elsif ( $arg eq '-u' ) {
        if (defined $ARGV[0] and $ARGV[0] =~ /^([^-]+)/) {
            $show_user=join(' ', split(',', shift));
        } else {
            $ARGV[0] = '-h';
    elsif ( $arg =~ /^-(\d+)$/ ) {
        @show_cpu = split ( //, $1 );
    elsif ( $arg =~ /^@(.*)/ ) {
        push(@argvhosts, $1);
    elsif ( $arg eq '-V' ) {
          "pbstop $VERSION\nCopyright 2002, 2003, 2004 University of Southern California\n";
    else {
        print "Usage:  pbstop [-c columns] [-s seconds] [-m numcpus] [options] [\@host ...]\n";
        print "   Version: $VERSION\n";
        print "   Copyright 2002, 2003, 2004 University of Southern California\n";
        print "   garrick\@usc.edu http://www-rcf.usc.edu/~garrick/pbstop\n";
        print "   grep FIXME `which pbstop` if you want to help out\n\n";
        print "   -s  seconds between refreshes\n";
        print "   -c  number of columns to display in the grid\n";
        print "   -m  max number of cpus in a node before it gets its own grid\n";
        print "   -u  show only a user's jobs\n";
        print "   -C  toggle colorization\n";
        print "   -S  toggle state summary display\n";
        print "   -G  toggle grid display\n";
        print "   -Q  toggle queue display\n";
        print "   -t  toggle showing queued jobs in queue display\n";
        print "   -[0-9]...  cpu numbers for grid display\n";
        print "   -J  toggle jobs in grid display\n";
        print "   -V  print version and exit\n";
if(scalar @argvhosts > 0) {
undef @argvhosts;

if (!$use_perlPBS) {
   defined($host[0]) or $host[0] = defined $ENV{"PBS_DEFAULT"}
                                    ? $ENV{"PBS_DEFAULT"}
                                    : `hostname`;
chomp( @host );

if ($show_user eq "all") {
} elsif ($show_user =~ /\bme\b/) {
   $show_user=~ s/\bme\b/$ENV{USER}/;

use vars qw/$SIGWINCH/;
$SIG{'WINCH'} = sub {$SIGWINCH=1; };
$SIG{'INT'} = sub { endwin; exit(0); };
$SIG{'TERM'} = sub { endwin; exit(0); };

#FIXME# Can someone tell me how to use filter() correctly?
-t STDOUT or filter();

# Is this portable?
my $CTRL_B=chr(ord("B")-ord("@"));
my $CTRL_F=chr(ord("F")-ord("@"));
my $CTRL_L=chr(ord("L")-ord("@"));
my $CTRL_G=chr(ord("G")-ord("@"));
my $CTRL_H=chr(ord("H")-ord("@"));

getmaxyx( $Y, $X );
$colorize=$colorize && has_colors();

my $pr = 0;

# This is every possible color combo list below.  Over time, I've commented out
# color pairs that don't look very good.  If your eyes disagree with my eyes,
# you are free to play around with this list.  But don't forget... only the
# first $COLOR_PAIRS uncommented combos apply.  $COLOR_PAIRS is set by your
# curses implementation.  pbstop's help screen (hit 'h' in pbstop) will tell
# you the value of $COLOR_PAIRS.

init_pair( ++$pr, COLOR_RED,     COLOR_BLACK );
init_pair( ++$pr, COLOR_GREEN,   COLOR_BLACK );
init_pair( ++$pr, COLOR_YELLOW,  COLOR_BLACK );
init_pair( ++$pr, COLOR_BLUE,    COLOR_BLACK );
init_pair( ++$pr, COLOR_MAGENTA, COLOR_BLACK );
init_pair( ++$pr, COLOR_CYAN,    COLOR_BLACK );
init_pair( ++$pr, COLOR_WHITE,   COLOR_BLACK );
#init_pair( ++$pr, COLOR_BLACK,   COLOR_BLACK );
#init_pair( ++$pr, COLOR_RED,     COLOR_WHITE );
#init_pair( ++$pr, COLOR_GREEN,   COLOR_WHITE );
#init_pair( ++$pr, COLOR_YELLOW,  COLOR_WHITE );
#init_pair( ++$pr, COLOR_BLUE,    COLOR_WHITE );
#init_pair( ++$pr, COLOR_MAGENTA, COLOR_WHITE );
#init_pair( ++$pr, COLOR_CYAN,    COLOR_WHITE );
#init_pair( ++$pr, COLOR_WHITE,   COLOR_WHITE );
init_pair( ++$pr, COLOR_BLACK,   COLOR_WHITE );
#init_pair( ++$pr, COLOR_RED,     COLOR_YELLOW );
#init_pair( ++$pr, COLOR_GREEN,   COLOR_YELLOW );
#init_pair( ++$pr, COLOR_YELLOW,  COLOR_YELLOW );
#init_pair( ++$pr, COLOR_BLUE,    COLOR_YELLOW );
init_pair( ++$pr, COLOR_MAGENTA, COLOR_YELLOW );
#init_pair( ++$pr, COLOR_CYAN,    COLOR_YELLOW );
#init_pair( ++$pr, COLOR_WHITE,   COLOR_YELLOW );
#init_pair( ++$pr, COLOR_BLACK,   COLOR_YELLOW );
init_pair( ++$pr, COLOR_RED,     COLOR_CYAN );
#init_pair( ++$pr, COLOR_GREEN,   COLOR_CYAN );
init_pair( ++$pr, COLOR_YELLOW,  COLOR_CYAN );
#init_pair( ++$pr, COLOR_BLUE,    COLOR_CYAN );
init_pair( ++$pr, COLOR_MAGENTA, COLOR_CYAN );
#init_pair( ++$pr, COLOR_CYAN,    COLOR_CYAN );
init_pair( ++$pr, COLOR_WHITE,   COLOR_CYAN );
init_pair( ++$pr, COLOR_BLACK,   COLOR_CYAN );
init_pair( ++$pr, COLOR_RED,     COLOR_MAGENTA ); 
init_pair( ++$pr, COLOR_GREEN,   COLOR_MAGENTA );  # current 16th
init_pair( ++$pr, COLOR_YELLOW,  COLOR_MAGENTA );
init_pair( ++$pr, COLOR_BLUE,    COLOR_MAGENTA );
#init_pair( ++$pr, COLOR_MAGENTA, COLOR_MAGENTA );
init_pair( ++$pr, COLOR_CYAN,    COLOR_MAGENTA );
init_pair( ++$pr, COLOR_WHITE,   COLOR_MAGENTA );
#init_pair( ++$pr, COLOR_BLACK,   COLOR_MAGENTA );
#init_pair( ++$pr, COLOR_RED,     COLOR_RED );
init_pair( ++$pr, COLOR_GREEN,   COLOR_RED );
init_pair( ++$pr, COLOR_YELLOW,  COLOR_RED );
init_pair( ++$pr, COLOR_BLUE,    COLOR_RED );
init_pair( ++$pr, COLOR_MAGENTA, COLOR_RED );
init_pair( ++$pr, COLOR_CYAN,    COLOR_RED );
init_pair( ++$pr, COLOR_WHITE,   COLOR_RED );
init_pair( ++$pr, COLOR_BLACK,   COLOR_RED );
init_pair( ++$pr, COLOR_RED,     COLOR_GREEN );
#init_pair( ++$pr, COLOR_GREEN,   COLOR_GREEN );
#init_pair( ++$pr, COLOR_YELLOW,  COLOR_GREEN );
init_pair( ++$pr, COLOR_BLUE,    COLOR_GREEN );
#init_pair( ++$pr, COLOR_MAGENTA, COLOR_GREEN );
init_pair( ++$pr, COLOR_CYAN,    COLOR_GREEN );
init_pair( ++$pr, COLOR_WHITE,   COLOR_GREEN );
init_pair( ++$pr, COLOR_BLACK,   COLOR_GREEN );

sub init_colors {
    return ( 1 .. ($COLOR_PAIRS-1 > $pr ? $pr : $COLOR_PAIRS-1) );

my $pad = newpad( $maxrows, $maxcolumns );
my $cmdwin = newwin( 1, $X - 1, $Y - 1, 0 );
keypad( $cmdwin, 1 );
my $subwin=0;


#   The original color set that I actually spent some time planning
#        "\033[07;34m",    "\033[07;35m",    "\033[07;36m",
#        "\033[07;37m",    "\033[01;37m",    "\033[35m",
#        "\033[36m",       "\033[37m",       "\033[34m",
#        "\033[33m",       "\033[32m",       "\033[01;36;45m",
#        "\033[01;30;47m", "\033[01;30;46m", "\033[36;45m",
#        "\033[30;47m",    "\033[30;46m",    "\033[01;33m",
#        "\033[01;34m",    "\033[01;35m",    "\033[01;36m",
#        "\033[01;31m",    "\033[01;32m",

## All subroutines below here

# main_loop() will 1) gather all of our data from pbs_server, 2) prep it a bit
# in letterize() and colorize(), 3) call update_display to draw our pretty
# grids and stuff, and finally calls 4) top_sleep which is where we spend most
# of our time.

# 1) We have two ways of gathering data: calling the perl-PBS module which
# connects directly to pbs_server and requests the desired data, or parsing the
# output of qmgr and qstat.  Clearly the former is desired.  The latter is only
# called if perl-PBS can't be found.  These subroutines are get_info_modPBS()
# and get_info_cmdline().  Since this data is kept between cycles around the
# main loop, we take some care to remove old data.  The result is two large structures, one for Jobs and one for Nodes, which will carry us through the rest of the entire program.

# 2) letterize() and colorize() are fairly unexciting, but they do assign
# letters and colors to each running job.  This info is stored in the large Job
# structure.  letterize() has probably the only original code left.

# 3) update_display(), by itself, is pretty coring.  It calls the functions
# responsible for the summary, colorful grid, and the job listing at the
# bottom.  show_grid() is pretty exciting; it first finds every node over
# $maxnodegrid, calls them "timesharing" and shoves them aside, draws a big
# colorful grid for what's left, and draws another colorful grid for the
# timesharing nodes.

# 4) top_sleep() is a big giant mess.  It is far too monolithic.  If anyone
# wants chop it up a bit, feel free to send me patches!  Anyways, it loops
# around on user input until the time expires and it is time to return back up
# to main_loop().  In the meantime, it does everything the user requests,
# including griding through the main data structures looking for stuff.  All of
# the code responsible for moving around the giant pad is here.

sub main_loop {
    my $host = shift;
    my $maxlen;
    my %Nodes;
    my %Jobs;
    my %State_count;

    # temp vars
    my $node;

    # Main event loop.
    while (1) {

        %State_count	      = ();
        $State_count{_nodes}  = 0;
        $State_count{_anodes} = 0;
        $State_count{_procs}  = 0;
        $State_count{_aprocs} = 0;
        $State_count{_mprocs} = 0;
        $State_count{_rjobs}  = 0;
        $State_count{_njobs}  = 0;

        foreach my $server (@$host) {

            if ($use_perlPBS) {
                get_info_modPBS($server, \%Nodes, \%Jobs, \%State_count);
            } else {
                get_info_cmdline($server, \%Nodes, \%Jobs, \%State_count);

            # trim out old nodes that are no longer seen
            foreach my $node (keys %{$Nodes{$server}}) {
               if ($Nodes{$server}{$node}{seen} != 1) {
                   delete $Nodes{$server}{$node};
               } else {

        # trim out old jobs that are no longer seen
        foreach my $job (keys %Jobs) {
            if (!exists $Jobs{$job}{seen} or !defined $Jobs{$job}{seen} or $Jobs{$job}{seen} != 1) {
               delete $Jobs{$job};
            } else {
        $maxlen |= getmaxkeylen( \%Nodes );
        letterize( \%Jobs );
        colorize( \%Jobs );

        update_display( \%State_count, \%Nodes, \%Jobs, $maxlen,
            $State_count{"_mprocs"} );
        -t STDOUT or do { endwin; exit; };
        top_sleep( \%State_count, \%Nodes, \%Jobs, $maxlen,
            $State_count{"_mprocs"} );


sub get_info_modPBS {
    my ($server, $Nodes, $Jobs, $State_count) = @_;

    my $con=pbs_connect($server);
    if ($con <= 0) {
        printwarning("Connect to $server failed: $PBS::pbs_errno\n");
    my $qmgr=pbs_statnode($con, undef, undef, undef);
    my $qstat=pbs_statjob($con, undef, undef, undef);
    my $jobs;
    my $status;
    my $statuses;
    my $node;
    my $job;
    my $name;
    my $value;
    my $node="";
    foreach (@{$qmgr}) {
        delete $Nodes->{$server}{$node};
        foreach (@{ $_->{attribs} }) {

            $name eq $PBS::ATTR_NODE_np and do {
                $Nodes->{$server}{$node}{np} = $value;
                $State_count->{_procs} += $value;
                $State_count->{_mprocs} = $State_count->{_mprocs} > $value
                                            ? $State_count->{_mprocs}
                                            : $value;
            $name eq $PBS::ATTR_NODE_state and do {
                $Nodes->{$server}{$node}{state} = $value;
            $name eq $PBS::ATTR_NODE_properties and $Nodes->{$server}{$node}{properties} = $value;
            $name eq $PBS::ATTR_NODE_ntype and $Nodes->{$server}{$node}{ntype} = $value;
            $name eq $PBS::ATTR_NODE_jobs and do {
                foreach my $job ( split ( /, /, $value ) ) {
                    if ( $job =~ m{(\d+)/(\d+)} ) {
                        $Nodes->{$server}{$node}{job}{$1} = $2;
            $name eq $PBS::ATTR_NODE_status and do {
                foreach my $status ( split ( /,/, $value ) ) {
                    if ( $status =~ m{(.+)=(.+)} ) {
                        $Nodes->{$server}{$node}{status}{$1} = $2;

    my $job;
    foreach (@{ $qstat }) {
        ( $job = $_->{name} ) =~ s/\..*//;
        foreach (@{ $_->{attribs} }) {
            $_->{name} eq $PBS::ATTR_server and $Jobs->{$job}{server} = $_->{value};
            $_->{name} eq $PBS::ATTR_owner and ($Jobs->{$job}{user} = $_->{value})=~s/\@.*//;
            $_->{name} eq $PBS::ATTR_queue and $Jobs->{$job}{queue} = $_->{value};
            $_->{name} eq $PBS::ATTR_N and $Jobs->{$job}{jname} = $_->{value};
            $_->{name} eq "$PBS::ATTR_l.nodect" and $Jobs->{$job}{ncount} = $_->{value};
            $_->{name} eq "$PBS::ATTR_l.walltime" and $Jobs->{$job}{reqt} = $_->{value};
            $_->{name} eq $PBS::ATTR_state and $Jobs->{$job}{state} = $_->{value};
            $_->{name} eq "$PBS::ATTR_used.walltime" and $Jobs->{$job}{elpt} = $_->{value};
        if (exists $Jobs->{$job}{state} and $Jobs->{$job}{state} eq "R") {

sub get_info_cmdline {
    my ($server, $Nodes, $Jobs, $State_count) = @_;
    my @qmgr = `$qmgr -c 'l n \@$server' $server 2>/dev/null`;    # find out everything
    $? and do { printwarning("Connection to $server failed.") };
    my @qstat = `$qstat -a \@$server 2>/dev/null`;
    $? and do { printwarning("Connection to $server failed.") };
    my $jobs;
    my $eatingjobs=0;
    my $status;
    my $statuses;
    my $eatingstatus=0;
    my $node="";
    foreach (@qmgr) {
        #FIXME# Should store node names in an array to preserve order.
        if (/^Node /) {
            $node = $';
            delete $Nodes->{$server}{$node};
        elsif (/\s+np = (.*)/) {
            $Nodes->{$server}{$node}{np} = $1;
            $State_count->{_procs} += $1;
            $State_count->{_mprocs} =
              $State_count->{_mprocs} > $1
              ? $State_count->{_mprocs}
              : $1;
        elsif (/\s+properties = (.*)/) {
            $Nodes->{$server}{$node}{properties} = $1;
        elsif (/\s+ntype = (.*)/) {
            $Nodes->{$server}{$node}{ntype} = $1;
        elsif (/\s+state = (.*)/) {
            $Nodes->{$server}{$node}{state} = $1;
        elsif (/\s+jobs = (.*)/) {
            $jobs = $1;
            foreach my $job ( split ( /, /, $jobs ) ) {
                if ( $job =~ m{(\d+)/(\d+)} ) {
                    $Nodes->{$server}{$node}{job}{$1} = $2;
        elsif (/\s+status = (.*)/) {
            $statuses = $1;
            foreach my $status ( split ( /,/, $statuses ) ) {
                if ( $status =~ m{(.+)=(.+)} ) {
                    $Nodes->{$server}{$node}{status}{$1} = $2;

        elsif ($eatingjobs) {
           if ($_ =~ /\w/) {
              $jobs = $1;
              foreach my $job ( split ( /, /, $jobs ) ) {
                if ( $job =~ m{(\d+)/(\d+)} ) {
                    $Nodes->{$server}{$node}{job}{$1} = $2;
           else {
        elsif ($eatingstatus) {
           if ($_ =~ /\w/) {
              $statuses = $1;
              foreach my $status ( split ( /,/, $statuses ) ) {
                if ( $status =~ m{(.+)=(.+)} ) {
                    $Nodes->{$server}{$node}{status}{$1} = $2;
           else {

    my $job;
    foreach (@qstat) {
        my @qs = split ( " ", $_ );
        if ( scalar @qs == 11 and $qs[0] =~ /^\d+/ ) {
            ( $job = $qs[0] ) =~ s/(\d+)\.[a-z0-9A-Z-.]+/$1/;
            ( $server = $qs[0] ) =~ s/\d+\.([a-z0-9A-Z-.]+)/$1/;
            $Jobs->{$job}{server} = $server;
            $Jobs->{$job}{user}   = $qs[1];
            $Jobs->{$job}{queue}  = $qs[2];
            $Jobs->{$job}{jname}  = $qs[3];
            $Jobs->{$job}{ncount} = $qs[5];
            $Jobs->{$job}{reqt}   = $qs[8];
            $Jobs->{$job}{state}  = $qs[9];
            $Jobs->{$job}{elpt}   = $qs[10];
            $qs[9] eq "R" and $State_count->{"_rjobs"}++;

sub update_display {
    my $foo;
    move( $pad, 0, 0 );
    getmaxyx( $Y, $X );

    $y = 0, $x = 0;

    $show_summary and show_state_summary( $_[0] );
    $show_grid and show_grid( $_[2], $_[1], $_[3], $_[4] );
    $show_queue and show_queue( $_[2] );
      and addstr( $pad, ++$y, 0,
        "[?] unknown  [@] busy  [*] down  [.] idle  [%] offline  [!] other" );
    getyx( $pad, $ly, $foo );

    pnoutrefresh( $pad, $py, $px, 0, 0, $Y - 2, $X - 1 );
    mvwin( $cmdwin, $Y - 1, 0 );

sub show_state_summary {
    my $t  = 1;
    my $t2 = 1;

    addstr $pad,
        "Usage Totals: %d/%d %s, %d/%d %s, %d/%d %s",
        ${ $_[0] }{_aprocs},
        ${ $_[0] }{_procs},
        ${ $_[0] }{_anodes},
        ${ $_[0] }{_nodes},
        ${ $_[0] }{_rjobs},
        ${ $_[0] }{_njobs},
        "Jobs Running"

    my ( $y1, $x1 );
    getyx( $pad, $y1, $x1 );
    addstr $pad, " " x ( $X - $x1 - 8 );

    # Asbed asked for the time
    addstr $pad, sprintf( "%02d:%02d:%02d", ( localtime() )[ 2, 1, 0 ] );

    my $line;
    my @states = sort grep !/^_/, keys %{ $_[0] };

    if ( $compact_summary ) {
        move( $pad, ++$y, $x = 0 );
        addstr( $pad, 1, 0, "Node States:" );
        for ( my $i = 0 ; defined $states[$i] ; $i++ ) {
            $line= " ".${ $_[0] }{ $states[$i] }." ". $states[$i];
            $line.= defined $states[$i+1] ? "," : "";
            getyx( $pad, $y1, $x1 );
            if ( $X-$x1-1 < length($line) ) {
                move( $pad, ++$y, $x = 0 );
                addstr ($pad, " " x 12);
            addstr ($pad, $line);
        move( $pad, ++$y, $x = 0 );
    } else {
        for ( my $i = 0 ; defined $states[$i] ; $i++ ) {
            move( $pad, ++$y, $x = 0 );
            $line = " " x 14;
            $line.= sprintf( "%4s %-20s", ${ $_[0] }{ $states[$i] }, $states[$i] );
            $line .= sprintf( "%4s %-20s", ${ $_[0] }{ $states[$i] }, $states[$i] )
              if defined $states[$i];
            $line .= " " x ( $X - ( length($line) + 14 ) );
            addstr $pad, $line;
        addstr( $pad, 1, 0, "Node States:" );
        move( $pad, ++$y, $x = 0 );

sub show_grid {
    my ( $jobs, $allnodes, $maxlen, $maxprocs ) = @_;
    my ( $foo, $tmpx );
    $lx = 0;

    move( $pad, ++$y, $x = 0 );

    if ( !scalar @show_cpu ) {
        addstr $pad, "  No CPUs selected!";


    foreach my $server (keys %$allnodes ) {

        my (@cluster, @ts);
        foreach my $node ( sort keys %{$allnodes->{$server}} ) {
            $$allnodes{$server}{$node}{np} > $maxnodegrid
                ? push(@ts, $node)
                : push(@cluster, $node);

        # loop through each node, in lines and columns
        my $col  = 0;
        if(defined $cluster[0]) {
            my $headerspaces = scalar @show_cpu;
            printnumberline ( $maxlen, $headerspaces, $columns );
            printdashline( $maxlen, $headerspaces, $columns );

            foreach my $node ( @cluster ) {
                $col = 0 if $col >= $columns;
                (addstr $pad, sprintf "  %${maxlen}s ", $node) if $col == 0;
                addstr $pad, "  " if ( $col != 0 and $col % 10 == 0 );
                foreach my $this_cpu (@show_cpu) {
                    if ( $this_cpu > $$allnodes{$server}{$node}{np} - 1 ) {
                        addstr $pad, " ";
                    } else {
                	my $state = $$allnodes{$server}{$node}{state};
                        if (exists $$allnodes{$server}{$node}{job}{$this_cpu}) {
                	   my $job   = $$allnodes{$server}{$node}{job}{$this_cpu};
                           if (exists $$jobs{$job} and exists $$jobs{$job}{letter} 
                               and ($show_user ? $show_user =~ /\b$$jobs{$job}{user}\b/ : 1)) {
                	      my $letter= $$jobs{$job}{letter};
                	      my $color = $$jobs{$job}{color};
                 	      my $underline = $jobs->{$job}{underline};
                	      printcpustate($job, $letter, $state, $color, $underline);
                           } else {
                              # The job was deleted in between the time we captured
                              # the node info and the job info from pbs.
                        } else {
                addstr $pad, " ";
                getyx( $pad, $foo, $tmpx );
                $lx = $lx > $tmpx ? $lx : $tmpx;

                move( $pad, ++$y, $x = 0 ) if $col >= $columns;
                #return if $y >= $Y;
            move( $pad, ++$y, $x = 0 ) if $col != $columns;
            printdashline( $maxlen, $headerspaces, $columns );
            move( $pad, ++$y, $x = 0 );
        foreach my $node (@ts) {
            my $headerspaces=1;
            printnumberline ( $maxlen, $headerspaces, $columns );
            printdashline( $maxlen, $headerspaces, $columns );
            my $col  = 0;
            foreach my $this_cpu (0 .. $$allnodes{$server}{$node}{np}-1) {
                $col = 0 if $col >= $columns;
                (addstr $pad, sprintf "  %${maxlen}s ", $node) if $col == 0;
                addstr $pad, "  " if ( $col != 0 and $col % 10 == 0 );
                my $state = $$allnodes{$server}{$node}{state};
                if (exists $$allnodes{$server}{$node}{job}{$this_cpu}) {
                   my $job   = $$allnodes{$server}{$node}{job}{$this_cpu};
                   if (exists $$jobs{$job} and exists $$jobs{$job}{letter} 
                       and ($show_user ? $show_user =~ /\b$$jobs{$job}{user}\b/ : 1)) {
                      my $letter= $jobs->{$job}{letter};
                      my $color = $jobs->{$job}{color};
                      my $underline = $jobs->{$job}{underline};
                      printcpustate($job, $letter, $state, $color, $underline);
                   } else {
                } else {
                addstr $pad, " ";
                getyx( $pad, $foo, $tmpx );
                $lx = $lx > $tmpx ? $lx : $tmpx;
                move( $pad, ++$y, $x = 0 ) if $col >= $columns;
            move( $pad, ++$y, $x = 0 ) if $col != $columns;
            printdashline( $maxlen, 1, $columns );
            move( $pad, ++$y, $x = 0 );




# Print out the job queue
sub show_queue {
    my $jobs = shift;

    move( $pad, ++$y, $x = 0 );

    #return if $y >= $Y;
    attron( $pad, A_BOLD );
    addstr( $pad,
        "      Job#  Username  Queue    Jobname    Nodes   S  Elapsed/Requested"
    attroff( $pad, A_BOLD );
    move( $pad, ++$y, $x = 0 );

    # Note: we never print our the server name, it is expected that the user will
    # recognize jobs by their jobid or queue name.

    foreach my $job (
                     # Sort first by server, then by queue, last by jobid
                     sort {
                            defined $jobs->{$a}{server} 
                                && defined $jobs->{$b}{server} 
                                && $jobs->{$a}{server} cmp $jobs->{$b}{server} or 
                            defined $jobs->{$a}{queue} 
                                && defined $jobs->{$b}{queue} 
                                && $jobs->{$a}{queue} cmp $jobs->{$b}{queue} or
                            $a <=> $b
                           } keys %{$jobs} ) {

        my $l = $jobs->{$job}{letter};
        my $color = $jobs->{$job}{color};
        my $underline = $jobs->{$job}{underline};

        if ( defined $jobs->{$job}{user} ) {

            next unless $show_user ? $show_user =~ /\b$jobs->{$job}{user}\b/ : 1;

            if ( !( $jobs->{$job}{state} =~ /Q|H/ and !$show_qqueue ) ) {
                addstr $pad, "  ";
                if ( defined $l and $jobs->{$job}{state} eq "R" ) {
                    print_colored_letter($l, $color, $underline);
                    addstr $pad, " = ";
                else {
                    addstr $pad, "    ";

                # The job is erroring, grab an eyeball
                if ($jobs->{$job}{state} eq "E") {
                   attron($pad, A_REVERSE);

                addstr $pad,
                    "%-5s %-8.8s  %-8.8s %-10.10s %5.5s   %1s %8.8s/%8.8s    ",
                    exists $jobs->{$job}{ncount} ? $jobs->{$job}{ncount} : "",
                    exists $jobs->{$job}{elpt} ? $jobs->{$job}{elpt} : "",
                    exists $jobs->{$job}{reqt} ? $jobs->{$job}{reqt} : "");
                if ($jobs->{$job}{state} eq "E") {
                   attroff($pad, A_REVERSE);
                move( $pad, ++$y, $x = 0 );


# Pass in a reference to all jobs, and we'll assign a letter to each one.
sub letterize {
    my $Jobs    = shift;

    # The original pbstop only used one letter per job, and this info was held
    # in  %Job_of_letter.  Now that we've thrown out that limitation, it is only
    # used to note the fact that _someone_ is using that letter.  If a job gets
    # a letter that is already assigned, the second one will be noted in 
    # %Job_of_letter, but that's ok because we don't care _who_ has that letter.

    # remove info about old jobs and jobs already assigned a letter
    foreach my $l ( keys %Job_of_letter ) {
        delete $Job_of_letter{$l} if ( exists $Jobs->{ $Job_of_letter{$l} }{user} );

    # pick a letter if not already choosen
    foreach my $job ( keys %{$Jobs} ) {
        next if !defined $Jobs->{$job}{state};
        next if $Jobs->{$job}{state} eq "Q";
        my $user = $Jobs->{$job}{user};
        if ( !exists $Jobs->{$job}{letter} ) {

            # find a letter that isn't already taken
            my $l = substr( $user, 0, 1 );
            if ( exists $Job_of_letter{$l} ) {
                $l = uc($l);
                if ( exists $Job_of_letter{$l} ) {
                    if (length $letters <= 0) {
                        # replenish our supply of letters
			$colorize or printwarning("Reusing letters on B&W terminal.");
		        $letters = $masterletters;
                    $letters =~ s/(.)//;
                    $l = $1;
            $Job_of_letter{$l}   = $job;
            $Jobs->{$job}{letter} = $l;
            $Jobs->{$job}{underline} = $underline;
            $letters =~ s/$l//;

# Pass in a reference to all jobs, and we'll assign a color to each one.
sub colorize {
    my $Jobs = shift or return;

    foreach my $job ( keys %{$Jobs} ) {
       next if defined $Jobs->{$job}{color};
       scalar @Colors == 0 and @Colors = init_colors();
       $Jobs->{$job}{color} = shift @Colors;

    # This sucks, I wanted to seperate printing from colors,
    # but I can't just pass back color escape strings.
    # I'm forced to combine them here.
sub print_colored_letter {
    my ($letter, $color, $underline) = @_;
    $colorize or do { addstr $pad, $letter; return };

    attron( $pad, A_BOLD | COLOR_PAIR( $color ) | ($underline && A_UNDERLINE) );
    addstr $pad, $letter;
    attroff( $pad, A_BOLD | COLOR_PAIR( $color ) | ($underline && A_UNDERLINE) );

# Used to find the longest hostname to align the left side of the node grid
sub getmaxkeylen {
    my $maxlen = 0;
    my $server;
    foreach $server ( keys %{ $_[0] } ) {
        foreach ( keys %{${ $_[0] }{$server}} ) {
            $maxlen =
              length($_) > $maxlen
              ? length($_)
              : $maxlen;
    return $maxlen;

# This is each character inside the node grid.
sub printcpustate {
    my ($job, $letter, $state, $color, $underline) = @_;
    if ($job) {
    printwarning("$job has no letter") unless $letter;
    $letter='&' unless $letter;

    #FIXME# I'm ignoring job-sharing here because I've never seen it used.
    #FIXME# It would be more correct to use the constants defined in
    #FIXME# pbs_ifl.h, but that would break compatibility with non-perl-PBS
    #FIXME# environs.
    if ( $state =~ /down/ and $job ) {
       print_colored_letter( $letter, $color, $underline );
    elsif ( $job and $show_jobs ) {
       print_colored_letter( $letter, $color, $underline );
    elsif ( $state =~ /offline/ ) {
       addch $pad, "%";
    elsif ( $state =~ /down/ ) {
       print_colored_letter( "*", 1, 0 );   # 1 is red on black
    elsif ( $state =~ /job-exclusive/ ) {
       addch $pad, '@';
    elsif ( $state =~ /busy/ ) {
       addch $pad, "@";
    elsif ( $state =~ /reserve/ ) {
       addch $pad, "@";
    elsif ( $state =~ /unknown/i ) {
       print_colored_letter( "?", 1, 0 );
    elsif ( $state =~ /free/ ) {
       addch $pad, ".";
    else {
       print_colored_letter( "!", 1, 0 );

# Print the list of visible CPUs above the node grid.
sub printvcpuline {
    my $maxlen=shift;
    # inform the user of the visible CPUs.
    if ( scalar @show_cpu == 1 ) {
        addstr $pad, "  CPU $show_cpu[0]" . " " x ( $maxlen - 4 );
    #elsif ( scalar @show_cpu == $maxprocs ) {
    #addstr "   " . " " x ($maxlen);
    else {
        addstr $pad, " " x ( $X - 1 );
        move( $pad, $y, 0 );
        addstr $pad, " visible CPUs: " . join ( ",", @show_cpu );
    move( $pad, ++$y, $x = 0 );

# Print the line of dashes above and below the node grid.
sub printdashline {
    my $maxlen = shift;
    my $spaces = shift;
    my $columns = shift;

    my $line = "   " . " " x $maxlen;
    for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < $columns ; $i++ ) {
        $line .= "--" if ( $i != 0 and $i % 10 == 0 );
        $line .= "-" . "-" x $spaces;
    $line =~ s/-$//;    # oops, we printed one extra, erase it
    addstr $pad, $line;
    move( $pad, ++$y, $x = 0 );

# Print the repetitive line of numbers along the top of the node grid.
sub printnumberline {
    my $maxlen = shift;
    my $spaces = shift;
    my $columns = shift;

    my $line = "   " . " " x $maxlen;
    for ( my $i = 0, my $j = 0 ; $i < $columns ; $i++, $j++ ) {
        if ( $i != 0 and $i % 10 == 0 ) {
            $line .= "  ";
            $j = 0;
        $line .= ( ( $j + 1 ) % 10 ) . " " x $spaces;
    addstr $pad, $line;
    move( $pad, ++$y, $x = 0 );


# This is used in top_sleep to annoy the user.
sub printwarning {
    attron( $cmdwin, A_REVERSE );
    addstr $cmdwin, 0, 0, join(" ", @_);
    attroff( $cmdwin, A_REVERSE );

# This is used in top_sleep to solicit the user.
sub getstring {
    my $input="";
    my $ch;
    my $x=0;
    addstr $cmdwin, 0, 0, join(" ", @_);
    $x=length join(" ", @_);
    nodelay( $cmdwin, 0 );
    #getstr( $cmdwin,  $input );
    while (1) {
        if ($ch eq ERR) {  # ERR returned on timeout

        # why is this so freaking complicated??
        } elsif ($ch eq KEY_BACKSPACE or $ch eq KEY_DC or $ch eq $CTRL_H) {
            if (length $input) {
               move($cmdwin, 0, $x);
               $input=~s/.$// ;
            } elsif ($ch eq KEY_BACKSPACE) {
               move($cmdwin, 0, $x);
        } elsif ($ch eq $CTRL_G) {  # user abort
        } elsif ($ch eq "\n") {
        } else {
    move( $cmdwin, 0, 0 );
    return $input;

sub print_serverstatus_window {
   my $server=shift;
   if (!$use_perlPBS) {
       printwarning("This information is not available without perl-PBS");

   my $con=pbs_connect($server);
   if ($con <= 0) {
       printwarning("Connect to $server failed: $PBS::pbs_errno\n");
   my $ref=pbs_statserver($con, undef, undef);
   print_status_window("$server", $ref->[0]->{attribs});

# since we don't store enough info about jobs in %Jobs, go ahead and get
# it from the server
sub print_jobstatus_window {
   my $job=shift;
   my $server=shift;

   if (!$use_perlPBS) {
       printwarning("This information is not available without perl-PBS");

   my $con=pbs_connect($server);
   if ($con <= 0) {
       printwarning("Connect to $server failed: $PBS::pbs_errno\n");

   my $ref=pbs_statjob($con, "$job.$server", undef, undef);

   print_status_window("$job.$server", $ref->[0]->{attribs}, "'l' for node load report");


sub print_jobloadstatus_window {
   my $job=shift;
   my $server=shift;
   my $allnodes=shift;

   my @loads;
   my $value;
   my $freephys;
   my $sessions;
   foreach $server ( sort keys %{ $allnodes } ) {
      foreach my $node ( sort keys %{$allnodes->{$server}} ) {
         foreach my $this_cpu (0 .. $allnodes->{$server}{$node}{np}-1) {
             if (exists $allnodes->{$server}{$node}{job}{$this_cpu} and 
                 exists $allnodes->{$server}{$node}{status}{loadave}) {
                if ($job eq $allnodes->{$server}{$node}{job}{$this_cpu}) {
                    $value ="load: ".$allnodes->{$server}{$node}{status}{loadave};
                    {  # yes, I'm TOTALLY cheating here.  Sue me.
                       local $^W=0; 
                       $freephys=int(($allnodes->{$server}{$node}{status}{physmem} -
                             ($allnodes->{$server}{$node}{status}{totmem} -
                       $sessions=($allnodes->{$server}{$node}{status}{nsessions} =~ /^\?/)
                                      ? 0
                                      : $allnodes->{$server}{$node}{status}{nsessions};
                                      #: scalar (split / /,$allnodes->{$server}{$node}{status}{sessions});
                       $value.="  physmem: ".int($allnodes->{$server}{$node}{status}{physmem}/1024)."MB";
                       $value.=" avail: ${freephys}MB";
                       $value.="  sessions: $sessions";
                    push(@loads, { name => $node,
                                   value =>  $value });
                    next NODE;
   if (scalar @loads < 1) {
        push(@loads, { name => "load report",
                       value => "The job has ended, or the server is too old"});
   print_status_window("$job Load Report", \@loads, "'l' for job details");


# We already have everything we need to know about nodes in our big Nodes
# struct, so just pull info from there.
sub print_nodestatus_window {
   my $nodename=shift or return;
   my $ref=shift or return;
   my (@attrs, $name, $value);
   while (($name, $value) = each %{$ref->{status}}) {
      push(@attrs, { name => $name, value => $value });
   push(@attrs, { name => "ntype", value => $ref->{ntype} });
   push(@attrs, { name => "state", value => $ref->{state} });
   if (exists $ref->{properties}) {
      push(@attrs, { name => "properties", value => $ref->{properties} });

   #FIXME# only offer the 'j' option when only one job running, and not just on CPU0
   my $multiplejob=0;
   foreach my $cpu ( sort {$multiplejob||=$ref->{job}{$a}!=$ref->{job}{$b};$a <=> $b} keys %{$ref->{job}}) {
      push(@attrs, { name => "CPU$cpu: job#", value => $ref->{job}{$cpu} });
   #push(@attrs, { name => "multiple", value => $multiplejob });
   print_status_window("$nodename", \@attrs, "'j' for job details on CPU0");


# This is used by the 4 subs above here to actually paint the subpad
sub print_status_window {
   my $title=shift;
   my $ref=shift;
   my $epilogue=shift;

   my $line=1;
   my $string;
   my $maxlinelen;
   my $pat;
   my $indent;

   my $name;
   my $value;

   # this subwin's width is 10 fewer than the main win, and with 2 chars padding inside,
   # each line will be 14 chars fewer than the width of the main window.
   #FIXME# do we need to properly destroy the subpads?
   $subwin = subpad( $pad, $maxcolumns-4, $X-10, 2, 5 );
   $subwin or die;
   move($subwin, $line, 0);
   move($subwin, $line, 2);

   foreach my $attr ( @{$ref}) {
      $indent=length($name)+2+3; # 2 for padding, 3 for " = "

      addstr($subwin, $name." = ");

      if ( (length($string)+$indent) > $maxlinelen) {
         while (length($string)) {

            move ($subwin, $line, $indent);
            $string=~s/($pat)// or die "can't match '$string' with '$pat'";
            addstr $subwin, "$1";
            move($subwin, ++$line, 0);
            move($subwin, $line, 2);

         move($subwin, $line, 0);
         move($subwin, $line, 2);
      } else {
         addstr $subwin, $string;
         move($subwin, ++$line, 0);
         move($subwin, $line, 2);

   move($subwin, ++$line, 0);
   move($subwin, $line, 2);
   if (defined $epilogue) {
       addstr $subwin, "'q' to exit  $epilogue";
   } else {
       addstr $subwin, "'q' to exit this window";
   move($subwin, ++$line, 0);

   # make a nice box window border for our output
   resize($subwin, $line+2, $X-10);
   attron( $subwin, COLOR_PAIR( 1 ));
   box($subwin, &ACS_VLINE, &ACS_HLINE);
   move($subwin, 0, 3);
   addch($subwin, &ACS_RTEE);
   addstr $subwin, "$title";
   addch($subwin, &ACS_LTEE);
   attroff( $subwin, COLOR_PAIR( 1 ));

   $subX=$X-10;  # currently not used (since the subwin is always smaller than the terminal)

sub update_subwin {
   $subwin or return;
   if ($searchobject{TYPE} eq "SERVER") {
   } elsif ($searchobject{TYPE} eq "NODE") {
        print_nodestatus_window($searchobject{VALUE}, $_[1]->{$searchobject{SERVER}}{$searchobject{VALUE}});
   } elsif ($searchobject{TYPE} eq "JOB") {
        print_jobstatus_window($searchobject{VALUE}, $searchobject{SERVER});
   } elsif ($searchobject{TYPE} eq "JOBLOAD") {
        print_jobloadstatus_window($searchobject{VALUE}, $searchobject{SERVER}, $_[1]);
   } else {
        printwarning("oddly, I'm on line ".__LINE__);
   pnoutrefresh( $pad, $py, $px, 0, 0, $Y - 2, $X - 1 );

sub destroy_subwin {
   if ($py >= $ly - $Y + 2) {
       $py = $ly - $Y + 3;
       pnoutrefresh( $pad, $py, $px, 0, 0, $Y - 2, $X - 1 );

#FIXME#  top_sleep() is a kludge, I know it... It just keeps growing
#FIXME#  as I add new commands.  *shrug*
sub top_sleep {

    my $targettime = time() + $sleeptime;

    while ( time() < $targettime ) {
        my $input = getch($cmdwin);
        if ($SIGWINCH) {
        if ( defined $input ) {
            if ( $input eq "q" ) {
                if ($subwin) {
                } else {
            # why doesn't curses do this automatically??
            elsif ( $input eq $CTRL_L ) {

            #FIXME# $helpwin should be a scrollable pad
            elsif ( $input eq "h" || $input eq "?" ) {
                my $helpwin = newwin( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
                attron( $helpwin, A_REVERSE|COLOR_PAIR(6) );
                addstr $helpwin, "pbstop v$VERSION";
                attroff( $helpwin, A_REVERSE|COLOR_PAIR(6) );
                if ($use_perlPBS) {
                   addstr $helpwin, "    Backend: PBS $PBS::VERSION " .
                                    ($^W ? "(testing mode)" : "");
                } else {
                   addstr $helpwin, "    Backend: cmdline utils (perl-PBS not installed)";
                move( $helpwin, 2, 0 );
                addstr $helpwin, "Seconds Refresh ";
                attron( $helpwin, A_BOLD );
                addstr $helpwin, "$sleeptime";
                attroff( $helpwin, A_BOLD );
                addstr $helpwin, "\nGrid Columns ";
                attron( $helpwin, A_BOLD );
                addstr $helpwin, "$columns";
                attroff( $helpwin, A_BOLD );
                addstr $helpwin, "\nColorization ";
                attron( $helpwin, A_BOLD );
                addstr $helpwin, $colorize ? "on" : "off";
                attroff( $helpwin, A_BOLD );
                addstr $helpwin, "\nState Summary Display ";
                attron( $helpwin, A_BOLD );
                addstr $helpwin, $show_summary ? "on" : "off";
                attroff( $helpwin, A_BOLD );
                addstr $helpwin, "\nGrid Display ";
                attron( $helpwin, A_BOLD );
                addstr $helpwin, $show_grid ? "on" : "off";
                attroff( $helpwin, A_BOLD );
                addstr $helpwin, "\nGrid Job Display ";
                attron( $helpwin, A_BOLD );
                addstr $helpwin, $show_jobs ? "on" : "off";
                attroff( $helpwin, A_BOLD );
                addstr $helpwin, "\nShow CPU Number ";
                attron( $helpwin, A_BOLD );
                addstr $helpwin, join ( " ", @show_cpu );
                attroff( $helpwin, A_BOLD );
                addstr $helpwin, "\nQueue Display ";
                attron( $helpwin, A_BOLD );
                addstr $helpwin, $show_queue ? "on" : "off";
                attroff( $helpwin, A_BOLD );
                addstr $helpwin, "\nShow Queued Jobs ";
                attron( $helpwin, A_BOLD );
                addstr $helpwin, $show_qqueue ? "on" : "off";
                attroff( $helpwin, A_BOLD );
                addstr $helpwin, "\nNumber of possible colors ";
                attron( $helpwin, A_BOLD );
                addstr $helpwin, $COLOR_PAIRS;
                attroff( $helpwin, A_BOLD );
                if ($show_user) {
                     addstr $helpwin, "\nLimiting job view to ";
                     attron( $helpwin, A_BOLD );
                     addstr $helpwin, $show_user;
                     attroff( $helpwin, A_BOLD );
                addstr $helpwin, <<"__EOHELP__";

Interactive commands are:

 space   Update Display
 /       Search for a server, node, or job and display details
 q       Quit
 h       Print this help
 c       Grid Columns
 u       Limit view to specific users' jobs
 s       Seconds to refresh,
            accepts math operators (ie: 2*60)
 C       Toggle Colorization
 S       Toggle State Summary
 G       Toggle Grid Display
 Q       Toggle Queue Display
 t       Toggle Queued Jobs in Queue Display
 J       Toggle Show Jobs in Grid
 0-9     CPU number to display
 l       Node load report

Press any key to continue...

                # wait for the user to hit the any key.
                nodelay( $helpwin, 0 );
                prefresh( $pad, $py, $px, 0, 0, $Y - 2, $X - 1 );
                move( $cmdwin, 0, 0 );


            # change the visible CPUs
            #FIXME# Don't allow the user to display CPUs that don't exist on any node
            elsif ( $input =~ /^\d$/ ) {
                if ( grep /^$input$/, @show_cpu ) {
                    @show_cpu = grep !/$input$/, @show_cpu;
                else {
                    my %seen = ();
                    foreach ( @show_cpu, $input ) {
                        $seen{$_} = 1;
                    @show_cpu = sort keys %seen;


            elsif ( $input eq "s" ) {
                $input=getstring("Number of seconds for refresh[$sleeptime]? ");

                if ($input) {
                    my $tmp;

                    # *grin* I love this use of eval
                    if ( $tmp = eval $input and $tmp > 0 ) {
                        $sleeptime  = $tmp;
                        $targettime = time() + $sleeptime;
                    else {
                        printwarning("Invalid number!");


            elsif ( $input eq "c" ) {
                $input=getstring("Number of columns[$columns]? ");

                if ($input) {
                    if ( $input =~ /^\d+$/ and $input > 0 ) {
                        $columns = $input;
                    else {
                        printwarning("Invalid number!");


            elsif ( $input eq "u" ) {
                $input=getstring("Limit view to \"all\", \"me\", a or username? ");

                if ($input) {
                    if ($input eq "all" or $input eq "a") {
                    } elsif ($input eq "me" or $input eq "m") {
                    } elsif ($input =~ /^\+(.*)/) {
                        if ($1 eq "me" or $1 eq "m") {
                           $show_user.= " ".$ENV{USER};
                        } else {
                           $show_user.= " $1";
                        $show_user =~ s/^ / /g;
                    } elsif ($input =~ /^-(.*)/) {
                        if ($1 eq "me" or $1 eq "m") {
                           $show_user =~ s/\b$ENV{USER}\b//;
                        } else {
                           $show_user =~ s/\b$1\b//;
                        $show_user =~ s/  / /g;
                        $show_user =~ s/^ / /g;
                        $show_user =~ s/ $/ /g;
                    } else {


	    elsif ( $input eq "n" ) {
                $input=getstring("Node name? ");
                if ($input) {
                    foreach my $server (%{ $_[1] }) {
                        if ( exists $_[1]->{$server}{$input} ) {
                             print_nodestatus_window($input, $_[1]->{$server}{$input});

	    elsif ( $input eq "j" and $subwin and $searchobject{TYPE} eq "NODE" ) {

                    my $jobid=$_[1]->{$searchobject{SERVER}}{$searchobject{VALUE}}{job}{"0"};
                    $py = 0;
                    $px = 0;
	    elsif ( $input eq "l" ) {

                if ($subwin and $searchobject{TYPE} eq "JOBLOAD") {
                    # We are currently looking a jobload report detail, immediately switch
                    # this to a job detail window
                    $py = 0;
                    $px = 0;

                } elsif ($subwin and $searchobject{TYPE} eq "JOB") {
                    # We are currently looking at a job detail, immediately switch this
                    # to a jobload report
                    $py = 0;
                    $px = 0;

                } else {
                    $input=getstring("Job ID Number? ");
                    if ($input) {
                        my @objects=();
                        my $searchtype="";
                        my $searchserver="";
                        # what other information can we extract?
                        if ($input =~ /^\d+$/ ) {
                        } elsif ($input =~ /^\d+\./ ) {
                           ($input, $searchserver)=split(/\./, $input, 2);
                        # we know everything we can, now go find stuff
                        if ($searchtype eq "job") {  
                           foreach my $job (%{ $_[2] }) {
                               if ( $input eq $job
                                    and (!$searchserver or $_[2]->{$job}{server} =~ /^$searchserver/)) {
                                   push(@objects, $job);
                                   $searchobject{TYPE}= "JOBLOAD";

                        # if we have anything useful, go display it
                        if (scalar @objects > 1) {
                            printwarning("Multiple objects found.  Please narrow your search.");
                        } elsif (scalar @objects < 1) {
                            printwarning("no objects found");
                        } elsif (exists $searchobject{TYPE} && defined $searchobject{TYPE}) {
                            $py = 0;
                            $px = 0;

            # Just about all of this should be moved out of here
            #FIXME# need to unify these searches somehow
	    elsif ( $input eq "/" ) {
                    $input=getstring("Search string? ");
                    if ($input) {
                        my @objects=();
                        my $searchtype="";
                        my $searchserver="";
                        # did the user specify a pattern?
                        if ($input =~ s/^~(.)\s?//) {
                            if ($1 eq "s") {
                            } elsif ($1 eq "j") {
                            } elsif ($1 eq "n") {
                            } else {
                                printwarning("Invalid search pattern");
                        # what other information can we extract?
                        if ($input =~ /^\d+$/ ) {
                        } elsif ($input =~ /^\d+\./ ) {
                           ($input, $searchserver)=split(/\./, $input, 2);
                        } elsif ($input =~ /^[a-z]+\s+\w/) {
                           ($input, $searchserver) = split(/\s+/,$input, 2);
                        # we know everything we can, now go find stuff
                        if ($searchtype eq "job") {  
                           foreach my $job (%{ $_[2] }) {
                               if ( $input eq $job
                                    and (!$searchserver or $_[2]->{$job}{server} =~ /^$searchserver/)) {
                                   push(@objects, $job);
                        } else {
                            foreach my $server (%{ $_[1] }) {
                                if ( $server =~ /^$input/ and (!$searchtype or $searchtype eq "server")) {
                                    push(@objects, $input);
                                if ( exists $_[1]->{$server}{$input} and (!$searchtype or $searchtype eq "node") and (!$searchserver or $server =~ /^$searchserver/)) {
                                    push(@objects, $input);

                        # if we have anything useful, go display it
                        if (scalar @objects > 1) {
                            printwarning("Multiple objects found.  Please narrow your search.");
                        } elsif (scalar @objects < 1) {
                            printwarning("no objects found matching $input");
                        } elsif (exists $searchobject{TYPE} && defined $searchobject{TYPE}) {
                            $py = 0;
                            $px = 0;
            #FIXME# had to remove the offline/clear options when I started
            #FIXME# to support multiple servers.  I haven't figured out
            #FIXME# a decent replacement interface yet
            #elsif ( $input eq "o" ) {
                #$input=getstring("Node to mark offline? ");
                #if ($input) {
                    #if ( exists $_[1]->{$input} ) {
                        #system( $pbsnodes, "-o", "$input", "-s", "$host" );
                    #else {
                        #printwarning("Invalid nodename!");
            #elsif ( $input eq "r" ) {
                #$input=getstring("Node to clear offline? ");
                #if ($input) {
                    #if ( exists $_[1]->{$input} ) {
                        #system( $pbsnodes, "-r", "$input", "-s", "$host" );
                    #else {
                        #printwarning("Invalid nodename!");

            # all of these toggles should be self-explanatory
            elsif ( $input eq "C" ) {
                $colorize = !$colorize;
		if ($colorize && !has_colors() ) {
		   printwarning("Terminal doesn't support colors");
            elsif ( $input eq "G" ) {
                $show_grid = !$show_grid;
            elsif ( $input eq "S" ) {
                $show_summary = !$show_summary;
            elsif ( $input eq "Q" ) {
                $show_queue = !$show_queue;
            elsif ( $input eq "t" ) {
                $show_qqueue = !$show_qqueue;
            elsif ( $input eq "J" ) {
                $show_jobs = !$show_jobs;

            #FIXME# my home keyboard sends FIND and SELECT instead of HOME and END, weird?
            elsif ( $input eq KEY_HOME or $input eq KEY_SHOME or $input eq KEY_FIND ) {
                $py = 0;
                $px = 0;
                prefresh( $pad, $py, $px, 0, 0, $Y - 2, $X - 1 );
            elsif ( $input eq KEY_END or $input eq KEY_SEND  or $input eq KEY_SELECT) {
                $py = ($ly>$subY?$ly:$subY) + 2 - $Y;
                $px = 0;
                prefresh( $pad, $py, $px, 0, 0, $Y - 2, $X - 1 );
            elsif ( $input eq KEY_PPAGE or $input eq KEY_SPREVIOUS 
                    or $input eq $CTRL_B) {
                $py -= $Y -2;
                $py <= 0 and $py = 0;
                prefresh( $pad, $py, $px, 0, 0, $Y - 2, $X - 1 );
            elsif ( $input eq KEY_NPAGE or $input eq KEY_SNEXT 
                    or $input eq $CTRL_F) {
                $py += $Y - 2;
                $py >= ($ly>$subY?$ly:$subY) - $Y + 2 and $py = ($ly>$subY?$ly:$subY) + 2 - $Y;
                prefresh( $pad, $py, $px, 0, 0, $Y - 2, $X - 1 );
            elsif ( $input eq "k" or $input eq KEY_UP ) {
                $py <= 0 and $py = 0, next;
                prefresh( $pad, $py, $px, 0, 0, $Y - 2, $X - 1 );
            elsif ( $input eq "j" or $input eq KEY_DOWN) {
                $py >= ($ly>$subY?$ly:$subY) - $Y + 2 and next;
                prefresh( $pad, $py, $px, 0, 0, $Y - 2, $X - 1 );
            elsif ( $input eq "h" or $input eq KEY_LEFT ) {
                $px <= 0 and $px = 0, next;
                $px -= 2;
                prefresh( $pad, $py, $px, 0, 0, $Y - 2, $X - 1 );
            elsif ( $input eq "l" or $input eq KEY_RIGHT ) {
                $px >= $lx - $X + 1 and next;
                $px += 2;
                prefresh( $pad, $py, $px, 0, 0, $Y - 2, $X - 1 );

            elsif ( $input eq " " ) {
                addstr $cmdwin, 0, 0, "Updating...";
                move( $cmdwin, 0, 0 );
            #else {
                #addstr $cmdwin, 0, 0, ord($input);



sub readrc {
   my ($f)=shift or return;
   return unless (-f $f);

   open(F, $f) or die "$f: $!\n";
   while ($_=<F>) {
      next unless $_;
      my ($name, $value) = split (/=/);
      $name =~ s/\s//g;
      $value =~ s/\s//g;
      next if (length($name) <=0 or length($value) <=0);

      if ($name eq "host" or $name eq "show_cpu" ) {
         # /em cringes
         eval "\@$name=(\"".join('","', split(',', $value))."\")";
      } elsif ($name eq "show_user" ) {
         eval "\$$name=join(' ', split(',', \"$value\"))";
      } else {
         eval "\$$name=$value";
   close F;


=head1 NAME

pbstop - monitoring utility for OpenPBS or Torque


pbstop [OPTION]... [@hostname]...


Draws a full-terminal display of your nodes and jobs.  The default grid
shows each node's 1st CPU as a single character.  The specific character
denotes the state of the node or identifies the job running on that CPU.  The
job listing shows the job name, queue name, state, etc. and, on the far left,
the character used to identify nodes in the upper grid.  Pressing a number key
will toggle the display of that CPU on all of the nodes.

This program runs best if the C<perl-PBS> module is installed.  While there are
currently no loss of features if it isn't installed, it will run much faster
with it.  If you are unsure if PBS is installed, run this program, hit C<h>, and
look for the B<Backend> information at the top right.


=over 4

=item   B<-s> num

seconds between refreshes

=item   B<-c> num

number of columns to display in the grid

=item   B<-m> num

max number of cpus in a node before it gets its own grid

=item   B<-u>

usernames for limiting the view of the grid and job list.  Can be a
comma-seperated list of usernames or C<all>.  C<me> is a pseudonym for the
username running pbstop(1).

=item   B<-C>

toggle colorization

=item   B<-S>

toggle state summary display

=item   B<-G>

toggle grid display

=item   B<-Q>

toggle queue display

=item   B<-t>

toggle showing queued jobs in queue display

=item   B<-[0-9]...>

cpu numbers for grid display

=item   B<-J>

toggle jobs in grid display

=item   B<-V>

print version and exit



Several single-key commands are recognized while pbstop(1) is running.  The
arrow keys, PageUp, and PageDown keys will scroll the display if it doesn't fit
in your terminal.

When prompted to type something, ctrl-g can be used to cancel the command.

=over 4

=item   B<space>

Immediately update display

=item B<q>

Quit pbstop(1)

=item B<h>

Display help screen, version, and current settings

=item B<c>

Prompts for the number of columns to display the node grid

=item B<s>

Prompts for the number of seconds to wait between display updates

=item B<u>

Prompts for a username.  The grid and job listing will be limited to the named
user.  Input C<all> will remove all limitations (the default), and C<me> will
limit to the current username running pbstop(1).  If the username or C<me> is
prefixed with a C<+> or C<->, the username will be added or removed from the
list of usernames to be limited.  C<a> and C<m> are shortcuts for C<all> and

=item B</>

Prompts the user for a search string, for displaying the details of.  The
search can optionally begin with one of the following pattern specifiers
(think: mutt): C<~s> for a server, C<~n> for a node, or C<~j> for a job number.
If no pattern specifier is found, pbstop will attempt to find the object that
best matches the search string. The string can be a server name, nodename, or a
job number.  Nodenames can optionally be followed by a space and the server
name.  Job numbers may optionally be followed by a dot and the server name.

If an object is found, a subwindow will be opened displaying details.  Hit C<q>
to exit the window.

When viewing a job detail subwindow, pressing C<l> is a shortcut for jumping
directly to the associated job's node load subwindow.

(Mnemonic: like using / to search for text in vi or less)

=item B<l>

Prompts the user for a job id.  A B<node load report> subwindow will be
displayed for the given jobid.  This subwindow shows the current load average,
the physical and available memory, and the number of sessions.  Available
physical memory will be negative in the event of swapping.  If the number of
sessions is 0, that might indicate a problem on that node.

Pressing C<l> in this subwindow jumps you directly to the associated job detail
subwindow; as if the user typed C</jobid>.

(Mnemonic: load average)

=item B<C>

Toggle the use of the colors in the display

=item B<S>

Toggle the display of the state summary

=item B<G>

Toggle the display of the node grid

=item B<Q>

Toggle the display of the job queue

=item B<t>

Toggle the display of currently queued (not running) jobs in the display.  This
can reduce the size of the queue display considerably in some environments.

(Mnemonic: I don't know, toggle?  C<Q> was already used for something more important)

=item B<J>

Toggle the display of job letters in the node grid.  This handy because you can
see the node state "hidden" behind the job letter.  For example, use this to
see which nodes are not yet "busy" that have jobs.

=item B<Any single number (0-9)>

Toggle display of that CPU number in the display.  This is confusing at first,
but useful in SMP environments (See SMP section below).


=head1 STARTUP

pbstop(1) has many configuration variables that can set on the command line,
interactively, or from configuration files.  When pbstop(1) starts, it first
initializes these variables with built-in defaults, then reads in
F</etc/pbstoprc>, the reads F<~/.pbstoprc>, and finally parses the command line
arguments.  Note that several of the command line arguments and interactive
commands are toggles, they don't directly set the value of the configuration.
In contrast, the configuration files are not toggles.

The configuration files may contain following name=value pairs:

=over 4

=item B<columns>

Number of columns in the node grid, positive integer

=item B<sleeptime>

Number of seconds to pause between display updates, positive integer

=item B<colorize>

Use colors in the display, 1 or 0

=item B<show_summary>

Display the summary at the top of the display, 1 or 0

=item B<compact_summary>

Show node state summary on one line, 1 or 0

=item B<show_grid>

Show the node grid, 1 or 0

=item B<show_queue>

Show the job queue, 1 or 0

=item B<show_qqueue>

Show queued (not running) jobs in the queue display, 1 or 0

=item B<show_jobs>

Show job and color information in the node grid, 1 or 0

=item B<show_cpu>

Comma seperated list of CPU numbers to display

=item B<show_user>

Usernames to limit the view in the grid and job list.  Can be a comma-seperated
list of users, C<all>, or C<me>.

It might be reasonable for a site to have C<show_user=me> in F</etc/pbstoprc>
and for admin users to have C<show_user=all> in their own F<~/.pbstoprc>.

Members of a group might want all of their teammate's usernames in their own

=item B<host>

Comma seperated list of hostnames running pbs_server

=item B<maxrows>

Number of rows in the large scrollable panel

=item B<maxcolums>

Number of columns in the large scollable panel

=item B<maxnodegrid>

Nodes with more than this number of CPUs will be represented by a seperate grid


A sample configuration file:

    # I'm grumpy and don't like color

    # my 6 CPU machine should get a seperate grid

    # all of my Torque servers


pbstop(1) was developed with three specific clusters in mind, these are a 1000
node cluster of dual SMP machines, a 64 proc SMP with 16 single node machines,
and a 21 node cluster of single procs without nicely numbered hostnames.  With
this kind of pedigree, pbstop(1) is fairly flexible.

By default, the node grid will show the state of the first CPU of 30 nodes in
each row.  The number of columns in the grid can be shrunk or expanded on the
command line with C<-C>, or interactively with C<c>.  Additional CPUs can be
displayed by pressing the appropriate number key.  Using the number keys is
confusing at first, but if you try it a few times it will became natural.
By default, nodes with 8 or more CPUs are displayed in a seperate grid.

The first two clusters mentioned above display well with the defaults.  The
third is typically displayed with the number of columns set to "1".

=head1 FILES

=over 4

=item F</etc/pbstoprc>

The global configuration file  

=item F<~/.pbstoprc>

The personal configuration file.



=over 4


The server's hostname (same as most PBS client commands)


=head1 SEE ALSO

=over 4

=item PBS(3pm), qstat(1B)


=head1 BUGS

The large Job structure uses the servername supplied by the user, the Job
structure uses the servername returned by the server... so they don't match up
(this makes the jobloadreport imprecise).  
The curses code is very ineffecient, the screen flickers too much.
grep FIXME from pbstop for more!

=head1 AUTHOR

pbstop(1) was originally written by Garrick Staples E<lt>garrick@usc.eduE<gt>.
The node grid and lettering concept is from Dennis Smith.  Thanks to Egan Ford
and the xCAT mailing list for testing and feedback.