This dialog box is for specifying the list of nodes that are known to the current server (whose name is displayed near the top of box). On the "Node_Name" entry box, type the name of the node, and drag the mouse to the "type" choice entry and hold/click the left mouse button to display/ select one of 2 options: {MOM, NOMOM}. A MOM type means that the node/execution host that you're currently adding is running a PBS MOM daemon; otherwise, it is not running it. After setting the node's name and type, then click the "add" button (or simply hit <return>) and watch as your input gets added to the "Nodes" listbox. The newly-added item will be shown highlighted. The highlighted item can serve as input when the "delete" and "query.." buttons are manipulated. The former will remove the item from the listbox while the latter is for specifying the list of resource status queries to send to node' MOM. NOTE: For "Node Name", be sure to enter the name exactly as how it would appear in the "exec_host" attribute or "resources_used.nodes" attribute of each job as displayed by the server host when you do a "qstat". xpbsmon determines what jobs are running on what nodes by looking up the "exec_host" or "resources_used.nodes" value of the job and matching it up with the known node names. Once you've added the nodes to the list, and also specified any queries to send to the MOM nodes, then click "ok".