This dialog box is for specifying the list of sites that that you are interested on, and the list of PBS server hosts that are running on each site. A site is a place that runs various networked, multi-platform UNIX environments, including heterogeneous clusters of workstations, supercomputers, and massively parallel systems. A server host manages user jobs that run on one or more execution hosts (nodes). On this dialog box, you have a view of the list of sites, and the list of servers that are running on each site. Create the list of sites by specifying each site name on the "Site Name" entry box, its display view (ICON or FULL), and then click the "add" button. The newly-added site will be shown on the "Sites" listbox as highlighted. You may delete any of the items on the listbox by highlighting the item via pointing and clicking using the left mouse button, and clicking "delete" button. Whatever is selected on the "Sites" listbox, the list of servers that run on that site will be displayed on the "Servers" listbox. Specify on the "Server_Host" entry the server name, the server label (as it would appear on the server box) on the DisplayLabel entry box, and click the "add" button next to it. The "Servers" listbox also has an accompanying "delete" button for deleting items from the listbox, and "nodes.." button for bringing up another dialog box that allows you to specify the list of nodes that are known to the selected server host. Click "done redisplay view" command button after making necessary changes that will affect the current view. This will redraw and get new data for it. Select "done don't redisplay view" if you've made changes that will not affect the current view.