# OpenPBS (Portable Batch System) v2.3 Software License # # Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Veridian Information Solutions, Inc. # All rights reserved. # # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # For a license to use or redistribute the OpenPBS software under conditions # other than those described below, or to purchase support for this software, # please contact Veridian Systems, PBS Products Department ("Licensor") at: # # www.OpenPBS.org +1 650 967-4675 sales@OpenPBS.org # 877 902-4PBS (US toll-free) # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # This license covers use of the OpenPBS v2.3 software (the "Software") at # your site or location, and, for certain users, redistribution of the # Software to other sites and locations. Use and redistribution of # OpenPBS v2.3 in source and binary forms, with or without modification, # are permitted provided that all of the following conditions are met. # After December 31, 2001, only conditions 3-6 must be met: # # 1. Commercial and/or non-commercial use of the Software is permitted # provided a current software registration is on file at www.OpenPBS.org. # If use of this software contributes to a publication, product, or # service, proper attribution must be given; see www.OpenPBS.org/credit.html # # 2. Redistribution in any form is only permitted for non-commercial, # non-profit purposes. There can be no charge for the Software or any # software incorporating the Software. Further, there can be no # expectation of revenue generated as a consequence of redistributing # the Software. # # 3. Any Redistribution of source code must retain the above copyright notice # and the acknowledgment contained in paragraph 6, this list of conditions # and the disclaimer contained in paragraph 7. # # 4. Any Redistribution in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice and the acknowledgment contained in paragraph 6, this list of # conditions and the disclaimer contained in paragraph 7 in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # 5. Redistributions in any form must be accompanied by information on how to # obtain complete source code for the OpenPBS software and any # modifications and/or additions to the OpenPBS software. The source code # must either be included in the distribution or be available for no more # than the cost of distribution plus a nominal fee, and all modifications # and additions to the Software must be freely redistributable by any party # (including Licensor) without restriction. # # 6. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of the Software must # display the following acknowledgment: # # "This product includes software developed by NASA Ames Research Center, # Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, and Veridian Information # Solutions, Inc. # Visit www.OpenPBS.org for OpenPBS software support, # products, and information." # # 7. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. ANY EXPRESS # OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES # OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND NON-INFRINGEMENT # ARE EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMED. # # IN NO EVENT SHALL VERIDIAN CORPORATION, ITS AFFILIATED COMPANIES, OR THE # U.S. GOVERNMENT OR ANY OF ITS AGENCIES BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT OR INDIRECT, # INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, # OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING # NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, # EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # # This license will be governed by the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia, # without reference to its choice of law rules. ################################################################################ # before_depend: defines the layout and functions of the concurrency set, before # before_dependency, and before before_dependency dialog box. This returns input focus # back to 'callerDialogBox' when the before_depend dialog box is closed. proc before_depend {callerDialogBox {qalter 0} } { global LABELFONT activeWindow def before_dependDialogBox if {!$qalter} { global qsubv ARR def_qsub set ARR "qsubv" set def def_qsub } else { global qalterv ARR def_qalter set ARR "qalterv" set def def_qalter } global jobinfo JOBS_LISTBOX_KEY beforeJob busy_cursor ## Bring up the standard Dialog box ## set before_dependDialogBox ".before_depend" set dbox [popupDialogBox $before_dependDialogBox "Before Dependency" 1 "" $callerDialogBox] set activeWindow($before_dependDialogBox) 1 set dbox_top [lindex $dbox 0] set dbox_bottom [lindex $dbox 1] ## BOTTOM PART ## set cmdButtons \ [buildCmdButtons $dbox_bottom {{{ok ok} {cancel "reset to default"} {help help}}} x 9m 16 3] set cmdFrame [lindex $cmdButtons 0] set cmdOk [lindex $cmdButtons 1] set cmdCancel [lindex $cmdButtons 2] set cmdHelp [lindex $cmdButtons 3] $cmdOk configure -command { destroy $before_dependDialogBox } if {$qalter} { $cmdCancel configure -width 18 -command { set_default_qalter_before } } else { $cmdCancel configure -width 18 -command { set_default_qsub_before } } $cmdHelp configure -command {xpbs_help before_depend $before_dependDialogBox} ## TOP PART ## frame $dbox_top.header -height 10m -width 10m frame $dbox_top.footer -height 10m -width 10m frame $dbox_top.lchild frame $dbox_top.rchild frame $dbox_top.beforebox frame $dbox_top.beforebuttons frame $dbox_top.beforebuttons.before frame $dbox_top.beforebuttons.beforeok frame $dbox_top.beforebuttons.beforenotok frame $dbox_top.beforebuttons.beforeany ## ARRANGEMENT ON SCREEN ### BEFORE #### message $dbox_top.beforeboxlabel -anchor c -font $LABELFONT -aspect 1000 \ -text "BEFORE scheduling the following job(s) for execution:" set listBoxInfo [buildFullListbox $dbox_top.beforebox 28x10 "(select one or more) " yscroll 1 0] set jobidframe [lindex $listBoxInfo 0] set ${ARR}(selButton) [lindex $listBoxInfo 2] set ${ARR}(beforejobidBox) [lindex $listBoxInfo 3] if [info exists jobinfo] { foreach el [array names jobinfo] { set vallist [list $jobinfo($el)] set i 0 foreach val [lindex $vallist $i] { set entry [strget_keyvals $val $JOBS_LISTBOX_KEY "@"] [set ${ARR}(beforejobidBox)] insert end $entry incr i } } } bind_depend before [set ${ARR}(beforejobidBox)] [set ${ARR}(selButton)] configure -textvariable ${ARR}(beforeSelMode) \ -command { if { [string compare [set ${ARR}(beforeSelMode)] "Select All"] == 0 } { if { $tk_version < 4.0 } { [set ${ARR}(beforejobidBox)] select from 0 [set ${ARR}(beforejobidBox)] select to end } else { [set ${ARR}(beforejobidBox)] select anchor 0 [set ${ARR}(beforejobidBox)] select set anchor end } set ${ARR}(beforeSelMode) "Deselect All" set beforeJob [get_keyvals [set ${ARR}(beforejobidBox)] \ {0} "" ":" "select"] } else { if {$tk_version < 4.0} { [set ${ARR}(beforejobidBox)] select clear } else { [set ${ARR}(beforejobidBox)] select clear 0 end } set ${ARR}(beforeSelMode) "Select All" set beforeJob "" } } set entrybox [buildFullEntrybox $dbox_top.beforebuttons.before 11 "before:" \ 45 "" right 0 left] set ${ARR}(beforeJobidLabel) [lindex $entrybox 1] set ${ARR}(beforeJobid) [lindex $entrybox 2] set ${ARR}(beforeJobidScroll) [lindex $entrybox 3] [set ${ARR}(beforeJobid)] configure -textvariable ${ARR}(beforeJobs) register_default_action [set ${ARR}(beforeJobid)] $cmdOk set entrybox [buildFullEntrybox $dbox_top.beforebuttons.beforeok 11 \ "beforeok:" 45 "" right 0 left] set ${ARR}(beforeokJobidLabel) [lindex $entrybox 1] set ${ARR}(beforeokJobid) [lindex $entrybox 2] set ${ARR}(beforeokJobidScroll) [lindex $entrybox 3] [set ${ARR}(beforeokJobid)] configure -textvariable ${ARR}(beforeokJobs) register_default_action [set ${ARR}(beforeokJobid)] $cmdOk set entrybox [buildFullEntrybox $dbox_top.beforebuttons.beforenotok 11 \ "beforenotok:" 45 "" right 0 left] set ${ARR}(beforenotokJobidLabel) [lindex $entrybox 1] set ${ARR}(beforenotokJobid) [lindex $entrybox 2] set ${ARR}(beforenotokJobidScroll) [lindex $entrybox 3] [set ${ARR}(beforenotokJobid)] configure -textvariable ${ARR}(beforenotokJobs) register_default_action [set ${ARR}(beforenotokJobid)] $cmdOk set entrybox [buildFullEntrybox $dbox_top.beforebuttons.beforeany 11 \ "beforeany:" 45 "" right 0 left] set ${ARR}(beforeanyJobidLabel) [lindex $entrybox 1] set ${ARR}(beforeanyJobid) [lindex $entrybox 2] set ${ARR}(beforeanyJobidScroll) [lindex $entrybox 3] [set ${ARR}(beforeanyJobid)] configure -textvariable ${ARR}(beforeanyJobs) register_default_action [set ${ARR}(beforeanyJobid)] $cmdOk set chkboxList \ [list [concat before \"THIS JOB must have started execution.\" $dbox_top.beforebuttons.before] \ [concat beforeOk \"THIS JOB must have terminated without errors." \ $dbox_top.beforebuttons.beforeok] \ [concat beforeNotok \"THIS JOB must have terminated with errors.\" \ $dbox_top.beforebuttons.beforenotok] \ [concat beforeAny \"THIS JOB must have terminated with or without errors.\" \ $dbox_top.beforebuttons.beforeany] \ ] set cmdbox [buildCmdButtons $dbox_top.beforebuttons [list $chkboxList] \ y 2m 56 0 0 0 10m "(click the appropriate button)" 0] set ${ARR}(cmdboxBefore) [lindex $cmdbox 1] set ${ARR}(cmdboxBeforeok) [lindex $cmdbox 2] set ${ARR}(cmdboxBeforenotok) [lindex $cmdbox 3] set ${ARR}(cmdboxBeforeany) [lindex $cmdbox 4] [set ${ARR}(cmdboxBefore)] configure -command { enable_fullentry [set ${ARR}(beforeJobidLabel)] \ [set ${ARR}(beforeJobid)] \ [set ${ARR}(beforeJobidScroll)] set ${ARR}(beforeJobs) $beforeJob } [set ${ARR}(cmdboxBeforeok)] configure -command { enable_fullentry [set ${ARR}(beforeokJobidLabel)] \ [set ${ARR}(beforeokJobid)] \ [set ${ARR}(beforeokJobidScroll)] set ${ARR}(beforeokJobs) $beforeJob } [set ${ARR}(cmdboxBeforenotok)] configure -command { enable_fullentry [set ${ARR}(beforenotokJobidLabel)] \ [set ${ARR}(beforenotokJobid)] \ [set ${ARR}(beforenotokJobidScroll)] set ${ARR}(beforenotokJobs) $beforeJob } [set ${ARR}(cmdboxBeforeany)] configure -command { enable_fullentry [set ${ARR}(beforeanyJobidLabel)] \ [set ${ARR}(beforeanyJobid)] \ [set ${ARR}(beforeanyJobidScroll)] set ${ARR}(beforeanyJobs) $beforeJob } ### PACK the FRAMES pack $dbox_top.beforeboxlabel $dbox_top.beforebox -side top \ -in $dbox_top.lchild -anchor nw label $dbox_top.dummy -height 3 pack $dbox_top.dummy $dbox_top.beforebuttons -side top -in $dbox_top.rchild pack $dbox_top.lchild $dbox_top.rchild -side left -anchor nw -padx 2m remove_busy_cursor catch {tkwait window $before_dependDialogBox} set activeWindow($before_dependDialogBox) 0 focus $callerDialogBox catch {grab $callerDialogBox} }