#!/bin/sh # OpenPBS (Portable Batch System) v2.3 Software License # # Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Veridian Information Solutions, Inc. # All rights reserved. # # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # For a license to use or redistribute the OpenPBS software under conditions # other than those described below, or to purchase support for this software, # please contact Veridian Systems, PBS Products Department ("Licensor") at: # # www.OpenPBS.org +1 650 967-4675 sales@OpenPBS.org # 877 902-4PBS (US toll-free) # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # This license covers use of the OpenPBS v2.3 software (the "Software") at # your site or location, and, for certain users, redistribution of the # Software to other sites and locations. Use and redistribution of # OpenPBS v2.3 in source and binary forms, with or without modification, # are permitted provided that all of the following conditions are met. # After December 31, 2001, only conditions 3-6 must be met: # # 1. Commercial and/or non-commercial use of the Software is permitted # provided a current software registration is on file at www.OpenPBS.org. # If use of this software contributes to a publication, product, or # service, proper attribution must be given; see www.OpenPBS.org/credit.html # # 2. Redistribution in any form is only permitted for non-commercial, # non-profit purposes. There can be no charge for the Software or any # software incorporating the Software. Further, there can be no # expectation of revenue generated as a consequence of redistributing # the Software. # # 3. Any Redistribution of source code must retain the above copyright notice # and the acknowledgment contained in paragraph 6, this list of conditions # and the disclaimer contained in paragraph 7. # # 4. Any Redistribution in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice and the acknowledgment contained in paragraph 6, this list of # conditions and the disclaimer contained in paragraph 7 in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # 5. Redistributions in any form must be accompanied by information on how to # obtain complete source code for the OpenPBS software and any # modifications and/or additions to the OpenPBS software. The source code # must either be included in the distribution or be available for no more # than the cost of distribution plus a nominal fee, and all modifications # and additions to the Software must be freely redistributable by any party # (including Licensor) without restriction. # # 6. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of the Software must # display the following acknowledgment: # # "This product includes software developed by NASA Ames Research Center, # Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, and Veridian Information # Solutions, Inc. # Visit www.OpenPBS.org for OpenPBS software support, # products, and information." # # 7. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. ANY EXPRESS # OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES # OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND NON-INFRINGEMENT # ARE EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMED. # # IN NO EVENT SHALL VERIDIAN CORPORATION, ITS AFFILIATED COMPANIES, OR THE # U.S. GOVERNMENT OR ANY OF ITS AGENCIES BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT OR INDIRECT, # INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, # OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING # NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, # EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # # This license will be governed by the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia, # without reference to its choice of law rules. if [ \( $# -eq 0 \) -o \( $# -gt 2 \) ] then echo Usage: $0 NQSscript \[PBSscript\] exit 1 fi if [ $# -eq 2 ] then OUT=$2 else OUT=$1.new fi echo Converting NQS script \"$1\" into \"$OUT\" @AWK@ ' # # Rule 0 - Initialize a few variables # BEGIN { suffix = " kKmMgGtT" err_ct = 0 cvn_ct = 0 warn_ct = 0 line_ct = 1 } # # Rule 1 - Make copy of line # { copy_of_line = $0 } # # Rule 2 - if line starts with either #QSUB or #@$ , convert it # ($0 ~ /^[ \t]*#[ \t]*QSUB/) || ($0 ~ /^[ \t]*#[ \t]*\@\$/) { if (donedate == 0 ) { "date" | getline today_is print "# This script converted on " today_is donedate = 1 } i = 1 if ($1 ~ /#$/) i = 2 if (($i ~ /QSUB-/) || ($i ~ /\@\$-/)) { $i = substr($i, index($i, "-")) } else { ++i; } printf ("#PBS "); for ( ; i <= NF; ++i ) { if ($i ~ /-a/ ) { # -a date # treat multiple words from a quoted string as separate # words and process them as a date date["CC"] = "" date["YY"] = "" date["MM"] = "" date["DD"] = "" date["hh"] = "00" date["mm"] = "00" date["ss"] = "" should_be_date = 0 if ($(++i) ~ /^["\047]/) quote = 1 else quote = 0 do { start = 1 if ($i ~ /^["\047]/ ) start = 2 len = length($i) + 1 - start if ($i ~ /["\047]$/ ) { --len quote = 0 } word = substr($i, start, len) # process the date word here... crackdate(word) } while (quote && (++i <= NF)) if (date["ss"] == "") printf("-a %s%s%s%s%s%s ",date["CC"],date["YY"],date["MM"],date["DD"],date["hh"],date["mm"] ) else printf("-a %s%s%s%s%s%s.%s ", date["CC"],date["YY"],date["MM"],date["DD"],date["hh"],date["mm"],date["ss"]) } else if ($i ~ /-A/ ) { # -A account printf("-A %s ",$(++i)) } else if ($i ~ /-C/ ) { # -C compartment prt_warning(sprintf("NQS %s option not supported", $i)) ++i } else if ($i ~ /-e$/ ) { # -e file printf("-e %s ",$(++i)) } else if ($i ~ /-eo/ ) { # -eo printf("-j oe ") } else if ($i ~ /-j|J/ ) { # -j prt_warning("NQS joblog options not supported") ++i } else if ($i ~ /-ke/ ) { # -ke if (have_ke == 0) { if (have_ko == 1) printf("-keo ") else printf("-ke ") have_ke = 1 } } else if ($i ~ /-ko/ ) { # -ke if (have_ko == 0) { if (have_ke == 1) printf("-keo ") else printf("-ko ") have_ko = 1 } } else if ($i ~ /-kj/ ) { # -kj prt_warning("NQS joblog options not supported") } else if ($i ~ /-l$/ ) { # -l ++i if ($i ~ /^"/ ) { word = cat_qstring() } else { word = $i } sub(/mpp_p/, "mppe", word) sub(/p_mpp_t/, "pmppt", word) sub(/mpp_t/, "mppt", word) printf("-l \"%s\"", word) } else if ($i ~ /-l[acdsw]/ ) { # -la -lc -ld -ls -lw prt_warning(sprintf("NQS %s options not supported",$i)) ++i } else if ($i ~ /-lf/ ) { # -lf limit printf("-l ppf=") cnv_limit($(++i)) } else if ($i ~ /-lF/ ) { # -lF limit printf("-l pf=") cnv_limit($(++i)) } else if ($i ~ /-lm/ ) { # -lm limit printf("-l pmem=") cnv_limit($(++i)) } else if ($i ~ /-lM/ ) { # -lM limit printf("-l mem=") cnv_limit($(++i)) } else if ($i ~ /-ln/ ) { # -ln nice printf("-l nice=%s ",$(++i)) } else if ($i ~ /-lr/ ) { # -lr srfs ++i cnv_srfs() } else if ($i ~ /-lQ/ ) { # -lQ sds printf("-l sds=") cnv_limit($(++i)) } else if ($i ~ /-lt/ ) { # -lt time printf("-l pcput=%s ",$(++i)) } else if ($i ~ /-lT/ ) { # -lT time printf("-l cput=%s ",$(++i)) } else if ($i ~ /-lU[a-h]/ ) { # -lUmttype printf("-l mt%s=%s ", substr($(i), 4, 1), $(++i)) } else if ($i ~ /-L/ ) { # -L level prt_warning(sprintf("NQS %s option not supported", $i)) ++i } else if ($i ~ /-mb/ ) { # -mb if (have_mb == 0) { if (have_me == 0) printf("-mb ") else printf("-mbe ") have_mb = 1 } } else if ($i ~ /-me/ ) { # -mb if (have_me == 0) { if (have_mb == 0) printf("-me ") else printf("-mbe ") have_me = 1 } } else if ($i ~ /-m[rt]/ ) { # -mr -mt prt_warning(sprintf("NQS %s option not supported", $i)) } else if ($i ~ /-mu/ ) { #-mu user printf("-M %s ", $(++i)) } else if ($i ~ /-nc/ ) { # -nc printf("-cn ") } else if ($i ~ /-nr/ ) { # -nr printf("-rn ") } else if ($i ~ /-o/ ) { # -o file printf("-o %s ",$(++i)) } else if ($i ~ /-p/ ) { # -p priority prior = $(++i) if (prior > 1023) prior = 1023 else if (prior < -1024) prior = -1024 printf("-p %s ", prior) } else if ($i ~ /-q/ ) { # -q queue printf("-q %s ",$(++i)) } else if ($i ~ /-r$/ ) { # -r name printf("-N %s ",$(++i)) } else if ($i ~ /-r[eo]/ ) { # -re -ro prt_warning(sprintf("NQS %s option not supported, you may wish to use -k%c", $i, substr($i, 3, 3))) } else if ($i ~ /-Rf/ ) { # -Rf prt_warning("NQS -Rf option not supported") ++i } else if ($i ~ /^-s$/ ) { # -s shell printf("-S %s ",$(++i)) } else if ($i ~ /-u/ ) { # -u user printf("-u %s ",$(++i)) } else if ($i ~ /-x/ ) { # -x printf("-V ") } else if ($i ~ /-z/ ) { # -z printf("-z ") } else if ($i ~ /^#/ ) { # #comment break } else if ($i ~ /^-/ ) { # -any_thing_else prt_warning(sprintf("Unknown NQS option \"%s\"\n\tabove option was not converted", $i)) } else { prt_error("unknown option/parameter ", $i) } } printf("\n"); } # # Rule 3 - for every line, print it # { print copy_of_line ++line_ct } # # END Rule - print number of warnings and errors, if errors exit non-zero # END { if ( cvn_ct > 0 ) { printf("\nFractional size values, i.e. \"23.4mw\" are not supported in PBS.\n") > "/dev/tty" printf("In %d occurrence in this conversion, a fractonal size value was converted\nto the corresponding integeral value of the next small unit.\n", cvn_ct) > "/dev/tty" printf("For example, \"23.4mw\" converted to \"23962kw\"\n") > "/dev/tty" } printf("\nIn converting the script, %d errors and %d warnings occurred\n", err_ct, warn_ct) > "/dev/tty" exit err_ct } # # function prt_warning - print a warning message and the script line causing it # function prt_warning(text) { print "\nWarning on line #" line_ct " of NQS script" > "/dev/tty" print "\t" text > "/dev/tty" print "\tinput line: " substr($0, 1, 40) > "/dev/tty" ++warn_ct } # # function prt_error - print a error message and the script line causing it # function prt_error(text, word) { print "\nError on line #" line_ct " of NQS script" > "/dev/tty" print "\t" text " \""word "\"" > "/dev/tty" print "\tinput line: " substr($0, 1, 40) > "/dev/tty" ++err_ct } # # function crackdate - convert NQS complex date/time to PBSs # [[[[YY]CC]MM]DD]hhmm[.ss] # function crackdate(word) { # noon if (word ~ /noon$/) { date["hh"] = "12" date["mm"] = "00" # midnight } else if (word ~ /midnight$/) { date["hh"] = "00" date["mm"] = "00" # day of week, today, tomorrow - all bad news } else if ( (word ~ /^[Mm][Oo][Nn][a-zA-Z]*[.,]*$/ ) || (word ~ /^[Tt][Uu][Ee][a-zA-Z]*[.,]*$/ ) || (word ~ /^[Ww][Ee][Dd][a-zA-Z]*[.,]*$/ ) || (word ~ /^[Tt][Hh][Uu][a-zA-Z]*[.,]*$/ ) || (word ~ /^[Ff][Rr][Ii][a-zA-Z]*[.,]*$/ ) || (word ~ /^[Ss][Aa][Tt][a-zA-Z]*[.,]*$/ ) || (word ~ /^[Ss][Uu][Nn][a-zA-Z]*[.,]*$/ ) || (word ~ /^today,*$/ ) || (word ~ /^Today,*$/ ) || (word ~ /^TODAY,*$/ ) || (word ~ /^tomorrow,*$/ ) || (word ~ /^Tomorrow,*$/ ) || (word ~ /^TOMORROW,*$/ ) ) { prt_warning(sprintf("PBS does not support a date form of \"%s\".\n\Recommend use of -a option on command line rather than in the script.", word)) # Time Zone specifier } else if ( word ~ /^[ACEGMP][DMPS]T,?$/ ) { prt_warning("PBS does not support time zone in a date specification,\n\tdefaulting to local time.") # MM/DD } else if ( word ~ /^[01][0-9]\/[0-3][0-9]$/ ) { date["MM"] = substr(word, 1, 2) date["DD"] = substr(word, 4, 2) # MM/DD/YY }else if (word ~ /^[01][0-9]\/[0-3][0-9]\/[0-9][0-9]$/ ) { date["MM"] = substr(word, 1, 2) date["DD"] = substr(word, 4, 5) date["YY"] = substr(word, 7, 2) # MM/DD/YYYY } else if (word ~ /^[01][0-9]\/[0-3][0-9]\/[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]$/ ) { date["MM"] = substr(word, 1, 2) date["DD"] = substr(word, 4, 2) date["YY"] = substr(word, 9, 2) date["CC"] = substr(word, 7, 2) # YYYY }else if (word ~ /^[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]$/ ) { date["CC"] = substr(word, 1, 2) date["YY"] = substr(word, 3, 2) should_be_date = 1 # YYYY-MM-DD } else if (word ~ /^[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-[01][0-9]-[0-3][0-9]$/ ) { date["CC"] = substr(word, 1, 2) date["YY"] = substr(word, 3, 2) date["MM"] = substr(word, 6, 2) date["DD"] = substr(word, 9, 2) # month } else if (word ~ /^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z]*$/ ) { get_month(word) should_be_date = 1 # either DD or HH } else if (word ~ /^[0-3][0-9],?$/ ) { if (should_be_date == 1) { date["DD"] = substr(word, 1, 2) should_be_date = 0 } else { date["hh"] = substr(word, 1, 2) date["mm"] = "00" } # either D or H } else if (word ~ /^[0-9],?$/) { if (should_be_date == 1) { date["DD"] = "0" substr(word, 1, 1) should_be_date = 0 } else { date["hh"] = "0" substr(word, 1, 1) date["mm"] = "00" } # H[[a|p]m] } else if (word ~ /^[0-9][ap]?m?,?$/ ) { date["hh"] = "0" substr(word, 1, 1) adj_hour(word) # HH[[a|p]m] } else if (word ~ /^[0-2][0-9][ap]?m?,?$/ ) { date["hh"] = substr(word, 1, 2) adj_hour(word) # HHtimezone } else if (word ~ /^[0-2][0-9][ACEGMP][DMPS]T,?$/ ) { date["hh"] = substr(word, 1, 2) adj_hour(word) prt_warning("PBS does not support time zone in a date specification,\n\tdefaulting to local time.") # H:MM[[a|p]m] } else if (word ~ /^[0-9]:[0-5][0-9][ap]?m?$/ ) { date["hh"] = substr(word, 1, 1) date["mm"] = substr(word, 3, 2) adj_hour(word) # H:MMtimezone } else if (word ~ /^[0-9]:[0-5][0-9][ACEGMP][DMPS]T,?$/ ) { date["hh"] = substr(word, 1, 1) date["mm"] = substr(word, 3, 2) adj_hour(word) prt_warning("PBS does not support time zone in a date specification,\n\tdefaulting to local time.") # HH:MM[[a|p]m] } else if (word ~ /^[0-2][0-9]:[0-5][0-9][ap]?m?$/ ) { date["hh"] = substr(word, 1, 2) date["mm"] = substr(word, 4, 2) adj_hour(word) # HH:MMtimezone } else if (word ~ /^[0-2][0-9]:[0-5][0-9][ACEGMP][DMPS]T,?$/ ) { date["hh"] = substr(word, 1, 2) date["mm"] = substr(word, 4, 2) adj_hour(word) prt_warning("PBS does not support time zone in a date specification,\n\tdefaulting to local time.") # H:MM:SS[[a|p]m] } else if (word ~ /^[0-9]:[0-5][0-9]:[0-5][0-9][ap]?m?$/ ) { date["hh"] = substr(word, 1, 1) date["mm"] = substr(word, 3, 2) date["ss"] = substr(word, 6, 2) adj_hour(word) # H:MM:SStimezone } else if (word ~ /^[0-9]:[0-5][0-9]:[0-5][0-9][ACEGMP][DMPS]T,?$/ ) { date["hh"] = substr(word, 1, 1) date["mm"] = substr(word, 3, 2) date["ss"] = substr(word, 6, 2) adj_hour(word) prt_warning("PBS does not support time zone in a date specification,\n\tdefaulting to local time.") # HH:MM:SS[[a|p]m] } else if (word ~ /^[0-2][0-9]:[0-5][0-9]:[0-5][0-9][ap]?m?$/ ) { date["hh"] = substr(word, 1, 2) date["mm"] = substr(word, 4, 2) date["ss"] = substr(word, 7, 2) adj_hour(word) # HH:MM:SStimezone } else if (word ~ /^[0-2][0-9]:[0-5][0-9]:[0-5][0-9][ACEGMP][DMPS]T,?$/ ) { date["hh"] = substr(word, 1, 2) date["mm"] = substr(word, 4, 2) date["ss"] = substr(word, 7, 2) adj_hour(word) prt_warning("PBS does not support time zone in a date specification,\n\tdefaulting to local time.") # DD-month } else if (word ~ /^[0-3][0-9]-[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z]*$/ ) { date["DD"] = substr(word, 1, 2) get_month(substr(word, 4)) # DD-month-YY DD-month-YYYY } else if (word ~ /^[0-3][0-9]-[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z]*-[0-9][0-9]*$/) { date["DD"] = substr(word, 1, 2) get_month(substr(word, 4, 3)) if (word ~ /.*-[0-9][0-9]$/ ) { # -YY date["YY"] = substr(word, length(word)-1, 2) } else { # -YYYY date["CC"] = substr(word, length(word)-3, 2) date["YY"] = substr(word, length(word)-1, 2) } } else { prt_error("unrecognized date syntax: ", word) > "/dev/tty" } } # # function get_month - convert abbrev of a month to numerical index 01-12 # function get_month(word) { if (word ~ /[Jj][Aa][Nn].*/ ) date["MM"] = "01" else if (word ~ /[Ff][Ee][Bb].*/ ) date["MM"] = "02" else if (word ~ /[Mm][Aa][Rr].*/ ) date["MM"] = "03" else if (word ~ /[Aa][Pp][Rr].*/ ) date["MM"] = "04" else if (word ~ /[Mm][Aa][Yy]/ ) date["MM"] = "05" else if (word ~ /[Jj][Uu][Nn].*/ ) date["MM"] = "06" else if (word ~ /[Jj][Uu][Ll].*/ ) date["MM"] = "07" else if (word ~ /[Aa][Uu][Gg].*/ ) date["MM"] = "08" else if (word ~ /[Ss][Ee][Pp].*/ ) date["MM"] = "09" else if (word ~ /[Oo][Cc][Tt].*/ ) date["MM"] = "10" else if (word ~ /[Nn][Oo][Vv].*/ ) date["MM"] = "11" else if (word ~ /[Dd][Ee][Cc].*/ ) date["MM"] = "12" else { prt_error("Bad month specification ", word) > "/dev/tty" } } # # function adj_hour - adjust 12 hour clock to 24 hour # function adj_hour(word) { if (((word ~ /pm,?$/ ) || (word ~ /[0-9]m,?$/)) && (date["hh"] < 12)) { date["hh"] = substr(word, 1, 2) + 12; } else if (word ~ /am,?$/) { if (date["hh"] == 12) { date["hh"] = "00" } } } # # function cnv_srfs - convert NQS srfs request to PBS srfs request # function cnv_srfs() { if ($i ~ /^[\047"]/) val = cat_qstring() # pull parameters into one string else val = $i nele = split(val, parts, ",") # split into 2,3,or 4 parts if (nele < 2) { prt_error("incorrect SRFS syntax in ", $0) return } if (parts[1] ~ /\$FASTDIR/) { # $FASTDIR dir = "srfs_fast" } else if (parts[1] ~ /\/fast/) { dir = "srfs_fast" } else if (parts[1] ~ /\$BIGDIR/) { # $BIGDIR dir = "srfs_big" } else if (parts[1] ~ /\$TMPDIR/) { # $TMPDIR dir = "srfs_tmp" } else if (parts[1] ~ /\$WRKDIR/) { # $WRKDIR dir = "srfs_wrk" } else { prt_error("cannot convert this srfs request\n\t", $0) return } printf("-l %s=", dir) cnv_limit(parts[2]) if (nele > 2) { prt_warning("GID/ACID not supported on SRFS request") } } # # function cat_qstring - concat quoted words into a single string # "abc def ghi " -> abcdefghi # function cat_qstring() { if ($i ~ /^[\047"]..*/) { # start of quoted words tmp = $i while ( tmp !~ /[\047"]$/) tmp = tmp $(++i) } else if ($i ~ /^[\047"]$/ ) { tmp = $i $(++i) while ( tmp !~ /[\047"]$/) tmp = tmp $(++i) } tmp = substr(tmp, 2, length(tmp)-2) return tmp } # # function cnv_limit - convert NQS limit value ###[.###][[kmg]wb] to # PBSs ###[kmgt][wb] # # if NQS has fraction, mutiple by 1024 and drop suffix to next lower # magnitude, e.g "4.5MW" -> "4608KW" # function cnv_limit(word) { len = length(word) # nnn if (word ~ /^[0-9][0-9]*$/) { val = word suf = "" byte= "b" # nnnMB } else if (word ~ /^[0-9][0-9]*[kKmMgGtT][wWbB]$/) { val = substr(word, 1, len-2) suf = substr(word, len-1, 1) byte = substr(word, len, 1) # nnnW } else if (word ~ /^[0-9][0-9]*[wWbB]$/) { val = substr(word, 1, len-1) suf = "" byte = substr(word, len, 1) # nnn.nnMW } else if (word ~ /^[0-9]*\.[0-9]*[kKmMgGtT][wWbB]$/) { ++cvn_ct val = sprintf("%.0f", (substr(word, 1, len-2) * 1024)+1) ind = index(suffix, substr(word, length(word)-1, 1)) suf = substr(suffix, ind-2, 1) if (suf == " ") suf = "" byte = substr(word, length(word), 1) } else { prt_error("unrecognized limit ", word) } printf("%s%s%s ", val, suf, byte) } ' < $1 > $OUT if [ $? -ne 0 ] then echo Because of errors in converting the script, echo $OUT is being removed. rm $OUT exit 1 else echo Script conversion complete, new PBS script in $OUT exit 0 fi