/* HEADER */ /* Contains: * * int MUserAdd(UserName,U) * * int MUserInitialize(U,UserName) * * int MUserFind(U,UName) * * int MUserShow(U,Buffer,Mode) * * */ #include "moab.h" #include "msched-proto.h" extern mlog_t mlog; extern msched_t MSched; extern mgcred_t *MUser[]; extern mgcred_t MGroup[]; extern mckpt_t MCP; extern const char *MJobFlags[]; extern const char *MCredAttr[]; extern const char *MXO[]; int MUserLoadCP( mgcred_t *US, /* I (optional) */ char *Buf) /* I */ { char tmpHeader[MAX_MNAME]; char UName[MAX_MNAME]; char *ptr; mgcred_t *U; long CkTime; mxml_t *E = NULL; const char *FName = "MUserLoadCP"; DBG(4,fCKPT) DPrint("%s(US,%s)\n", FName, (Buf != NULL) ? Buf : "NULL"); if (Buf == NULL) { return(FAILURE); } /* FORMAT: <HEADER> <UID> <CKTIME> <USTRING> */ /* load CP header */ sscanf(Buf,"%s %s %ld", tmpHeader, UName, &CkTime); if (((long)MSched.Time - CkTime) > MCP.CPExpirationTime) return(SUCCESS); if (US == NULL) { if (MUserAdd(UName,&U) != SUCCESS) { DBG(5,fCKPT) DPrint("ALERT: cannot load CP user '%s'\n", UName); return(FAILURE); } } else { U = US; } if ((ptr = strchr(Buf,'<')) == NULL) { return(FAILURE); } MXMLFromString(&E,ptr,NULL,NULL); MOFromXML((void *)U,mxoUser,E); MXMLDestroyE(&E); return(SUCCESS); } /* END MUserLoadCP() */ int MUserToString( mgcred_t *U, /* I */ char *Buf) /* O */ { const int CPCList[] = { mxoStats, -1 }; mxml_t *E = NULL; if ((U == NULL) || (Buf == NULL)) { return(FAILURE); } Buf[0] = '\0'; MCOToXML((void *)U,mxoUser,&E,NULL,(int *)CPCList,0); MXMLToString(E,Buf,MAX_MBUFFER,NULL,TRUE); MXMLDestroyE(&E); return(SUCCESS); } /* END MUserToString() */ int MUserAdd( char *UName, /* I */ mgcred_t **UP) /* O (optional) */ { int uindex; unsigned long hashkey; mgcred_t *U; const char *FName = "MUserAdd"; DBG(6,fSTRUCT) DPrint("%s(%s,%s)\n", FName, (UName != NULL) ? "UName" : "NULL", (UP != NULL) ? "UP" : "NULL"); if ((UName == NULL) || (UName[0] == '\0')) { return(FAILURE); } if (UP != NULL) *UP = NULL; hashkey = MAX(1,MUGetHash(UName) % MAX_MUSER); for (uindex = hashkey;uindex < MAX_MUSER + MAX_MHBUF;uindex++) { U = MUser[uindex]; /* if user already in hash table */ if ((U != NULL) && (U->Key == hashkey) && !strcmp(U->Name,UName)) { if (UP != NULL) *UP = U; return(SUCCESS); } /* if empty slot found */ if ((U == NULL) || (U->Name[0] == '\0') || (U->Name[0] == '\1')) { /* setup new record */ if (U == NULL) { if (MUserCreate(UName,&MUser[uindex]) == FAILURE) { DBG(1,fALL) DPrint("ERROR: cannot alloc memory for user '%s'\n", UName); return(FAILURE); } U = MUser[uindex]; } if (UP != NULL) *UP = U; U->Key = hashkey; U->Index = uindex; MUStrCpy(U->Name,UName,sizeof(U->Name)); if (strcmp(UName,ALL) && strcmp(UName,NONE)) { /* update user record */ MCredAdjustConfig(mxoUser,U); if (MSched.Mode != msmSim) MCPRestore(mcpUser,UName,(void *)U); U->OID = MUUIDFromName(U->Name); DBG(5,fSTRUCT) DPrint("INFO: user %s added\n", UName); } else { /* no config required for psuedo job */ } return(SUCCESS); } } /* END for (uindex) */ /* end of table reached */ DBG(1,fSTRUCT) DPrint("ALERT: user table overflow. cannot add %s\n", UName); return(FAILURE); } /* END MUserAdd() */ int MUserFind( char *UName, mgcred_t **UP) { /* if found, return success with U pointing to user. */ int uindex; mgcred_t *U; if (UP != NULL) *UP = NULL; if ((UName == NULL) || (UName[0] == '\0') || (UP == NULL)) { return(FAILURE); } for (uindex = 0;uindex < MAX_MUSER + MAX_MHBUF;uindex++) { U = MUser[uindex]; if ((U == NULL) || (U->Name[0] <= '\1')) { continue; } if (strcmp(U->Name,UName) != 0) continue; /* user found */ *UP = U; return(SUCCESS); } /* END for (uindex) */ /* entire table searched */ return(FAILURE); } /* END MUserFind() */ int MUserInitialize( mgcred_t *U, char *UName) { if ((U == NULL) || (UName == NULL) || (UName[0] == '\0')) { return(FAILURE); } memset(U,0,sizeof(mgcred_t)); MUStrCpy(U->Name,UName,sizeof(U->Name)); return(SUCCESS); } /* END MUserInitialize() */ char *MUserShow( mgcred_t *U, /* I */ char *SBuffer, /* O (optional) */ long *SBufSize, /* I/O (optional) */ long Mode) /* I */ { static char Line[MAX_MLINE]; char FlagLine[MAX_MLINE]; char QALLine[MAX_MLINE]; char QALChar; char ULLine[MAX_MLINE]; char *Head; char *BPtr; int BSpace; const char *FName = "MUserShow"; DBG(3,fUI) DPrint("%s(%s,Buf,%ld,%ld)\n", FName, (U != NULL) ? U->Name : "NULL", (SBufSize != NULL) ? *SBufSize : -1, Mode); if (SBuffer != NULL) { BPtr = SBuffer; BSpace = (int)*SBufSize; } else { BPtr = Line; BSpace = sizeof(Line); } Head = BPtr; Head[0] = '\0'; if (U == NULL) { /* build header */ /* NAME PRI FLAG QDEF QLST * PLST TRG LIMITS */ MUSNPrintF(&BPtr,&BSpace,"%-12s %8s %12s %12s %12s%s %20s %6s %7s\n\n", "Name", "Priority", "Flags", "QDef", "QOSList", "*", "PartitionList", "Target", "Limits"); } else { /* build job info line */ MUBMToString(U->F.JobFlags,MJobFlags,':',FlagLine,NONE); MUStrCpy(QALLine,MQOSBMToString(U->F.QAL),sizeof(QALLine)); if (U->F.QALType == qalAND) QALChar = '&'; else if (U->F.QALType == qalONLY) QALChar = '^'; else QALChar = ' '; MUStrCpy( ULLine, MCredShowAttrs( &U->L.AP, U->L.IP, NULL, NULL, NULL, &U->F, 0, (1 << mcsLimits)), sizeof(ULLine)); /* NAME PRIO FLAG QDEF QLST * PLST FSTARG LIMITS */ MUSNPrintF(&BPtr,&BSpace,"%-12s %8ld %12s %12s %12s%c %20s %6.2lf %7s\n", U->Name, U->F.Priority, FlagLine, ((mqos_t *)U->F.QDef) != NULL ? ((mqos_t *)U->F.QDef)->Name : NONE, (QALLine[0] != '\0') ? QALLine : NONE, QALChar, (U->F.PAL[0] == 0) ? NONE : MUListAttrs(ePartition,U->F.PAL[0]), U->F.FSTarget, (ULLine[0] != '\0') ? ULLine : NONE); /* display additional attributes */ if (U->F.PDef != NULL) { MUSNPrintF(&BPtr,&BSpace," PDEF=%s\n", ((mpar_t *)U->F.PDef)->Name); } if (U->L.APG != NULL) { int gindex; for (gindex = 0;gindex < MAX_MGROUP + MAX_MHBUF;gindex++) { if (U->L.APG[gindex].SLimit[mptMaxProc][0] > 0) { MUSNPrintF(&BPtr,&BSpace," MAXPROC[GROUP:%s]=%d,%d\n", MGroup[gindex].Name, U->L.APG[gindex].SLimit[mptMaxProc][0], U->L.APG[gindex].HLimit[mptMaxProc][0]); } } /* END for (gindex) */ } /* END if (G->L.APG != NULL) */ } /* END else (U == NULL) */ return(Head); } /* END MUserShow() */ int MUserCreate( char *UName, /* I (optional) */ mgcred_t **UP) /* O */ { mgcred_t *U; if ((UName == NULL) || (UName[0] == '\0') || (UP == NULL)) { return(FAILURE); } *UP = NULL; if ((U = (mgcred_t *)calloc(1,sizeof(mgcred_t))) == NULL) { DBG(1,fALL) DPrint("ERROR: cannot alloc memory for user '%s'\n", UName); return(FAILURE); } /* allocate dynamic memory */ U->L.IP = (mpu_t *)calloc(1,sizeof(mpu_t)); *UP = U; return(SUCCESS); } /* END MUserCreate() */ int MCOToXML( void *O, /* I */ int OIndex, /* I */ mxml_t **EP, /* O */ int *SAList, /* I (optional) */ int *SCList, /* I (optional) */ int Mode) /* I */ { const int DAList[] = { mcaID, -1 }; const int DCList[] = { mxoStats, -1 }; int aindex; int cindex; int *AList; int *CList; char tmpString[MAX_MLINE]; mxml_t *XC; void *C; if ((O == NULL) || (EP == NULL)) { return(FAILURE); } if (SAList != NULL) AList = SAList; else AList = (int *)DAList; if (SCList != NULL) CList = SCList; else CList = (int *)DCList; MXMLCreateE(EP,(char *)MXO[OIndex]); for (aindex = 0;AList[aindex] != -1;aindex++) { if ((MCredAToString(O,OIndex,AList[aindex],tmpString,0) == FAILURE) || (tmpString[0] == '\0')) { continue; } MXMLSetAttr(*EP,(char *)MCredAttr[AList[aindex]],tmpString,mdfString); } /* END for (aindex) */ for (cindex = 0;CList[cindex] != -1;cindex++) { XC = NULL; if ((MOGetComponent(O,OIndex,&C,CList[cindex]) == FAILURE) || (MOToXML(C,CList[cindex],&XC) == FAILURE)) { continue; } MXMLAddE(*EP,XC); } /* END for (aindex) */ return(SUCCESS); } /* END MCOToXML() */ int MUserDestroy( mgcred_t **UP) { mgcred_t *U; if ((UP == NULL) || (*UP == NULL)) { return(SUCCESS); } U = *UP; MUFree((char **)U->L.IP); MUFree((char **)UP); return(FAILURE); } /* END MUserDestroy() */ int MUserFreeTable() { int uindex; for (uindex = 0;uindex < MAX_MUSER + MAX_MHBUF;uindex++) { if (MUser[uindex] == NULL) continue; MUserDestroy(&MUser[uindex]); } /* END for (uindex) */ return(SUCCESS); } /* END MUserFreeTable() */ /* END MUser.c */