/* HEADER */ #include "moab.h" #include "msched-proto.h" extern mlog_t mlog; extern mrm_t MRM[]; extern mam_t MAM[]; extern const char *MRMState[]; extern const char *MRMType[]; extern const char *MRMAuthType[]; extern const char *MRMSubType[]; extern const char *MComp[]; extern const char *MDefReason[]; extern const char *MNodeState[]; extern const char *MRMFuncType[]; extern const char *MSockProtocol[]; extern const char *MWireProtocol[]; extern const char *MRMAttr[]; extern const char *MCSAlgoType[]; extern mattrlist_t MAList; extern msys_t MSys; extern mjob_t *MJob[]; extern mnode_t *MNode[]; extern msched_t MSched; extern mframe_t MFrame[]; extern int MAQ[]; extern mstat_t MStat; extern mqos_t MQOS[]; extern mclass_t MClass[]; extern mpar_t MPar[]; extern msim_t MSim; extern mrmfunc_t MRMFunc[]; extern mx_t X; #define MRMCfgParam "RMCFG" int __MRMStartFunc(mrm_t *,int); int __MRMEndFunc(mrm_t *,int); #include "MLLI.c" int MRMLoadModules() { const char *FName = "MRMLoadModules"; DBG(2,fRM) DPrint("%s()\n", FName); #if defined(__MLL22) || defined(__MLL31) MLLLoadModule(&MRMFunc[mrmtLL]); #endif /* __MLL22 || __MLL31 */ #ifdef __MPBS MPBSLoadModule(&MRMFunc[mrmtPBS]); #endif /* __MPBS */ #ifdef __MSGE MSGELoadModule(&MRMFunc[mrmtSGE]); #endif /* __MSGE */ MS3LoadModule(&MRMFunc[mrmtSSS]); #ifdef __MRMS MRMSLoadModule(&MRMFunc[mrmtRMS]); #endif /* __MRMS */ #ifdef __MLSF MLSFLoadModule(&MRMFunc[mrmtLSF]); #endif /* __MLSF */ MWikiLoadModule(&MRMFunc[mrmtWiki]); return(SUCCESS); } /* END MRMLoadModules() */ int MRMInitialize() { int rmindex; int Failure; int rc; int SC; mrm_t *R; const char *FName = "MRMInitialize"; DBG(2,fRM) DPrint("%s()\n", FName); Failure = FALSE; for (rmindex = 0;MRM[rmindex].Type != mrmtNONE;rmindex++) { R = &MRM[rmindex]; if (R->Name[0] == '\0') { sprintf(R->Name,"%s.%d", MRMType[R->Type], R->Index); } if (MRMFunc[R->Type].RMInitialize == NULL) { DBG(7,fRM) DPrint("ALERT: cannot initialize RM (RM '%s' does not support function '%s')\n", R->Name, MRMFuncType[mrmRMInitialize]); continue; } MUThread( (int (*)(void))*MRMFunc[R->Type].RMInitialize, R->P[0].Timeout, &rc, 2, NULL, R, &SC); if (rc == FAILURE) { DBG(3,fRM) DPrint("ALERT: cannot initialize RM (RM '%s' failed in function '%s')\n", R->Name, MRMFuncType[mrmRMInitialize]); MRMSetFailure(R,mrmRMInitialize,"cannot initialize interface"); Failure = TRUE; continue; } R->RMNI = DEFAULT_MRMNETINTERFACE; R->FailIteration = -1; R->State = mrmsActive; } /* END for (rmindex) */ if (Failure == TRUE) { return(FAILURE); } if (X.XRMInitialize != (int (*)())0) (*X.XRMInitialize)(X.xd,NULL); return(SUCCESS); } /* END MRMInitialize() */ int MRMGetInfo() { mjob_t *J; int JobCount; int NodeCount; static int APIFailureCount = 0; const char *FName = "MRMGetInfo"; DBG(2,fRM) DPrint("%s()\n", FName); MStat.ActiveJobs = 0; if (MSched.Mode == msmSim) { MSimRMGetInfo(); if (MSim.QueueChanged == TRUE) { MParUpdate(&MPar[0]); } } else { /* meanwhile, back in the real world... */ /* clear runtime statistics */ MStat.EligibleJobs = 0; MAQ[0] = -1; MClusterClearUsage(); /* load resource data */ if (MSched.Iteration == 0) { MSched.InitialLoad = TRUE; } if ((X.XRMGetData != (int (*)())0) && ((*X.XRMGetData)(X.xd,mcmBlock) == FAILURE)) { char tmpLine[MAX_MLINE]; DBG(0,fRM) DPrint("WARNING: cannot load resource manager data at time %s\n", MULToDString(&MSched.Time)); APIFailureCount++; if (APIFailureCount > MSched.APIFailureThreshhold) { sprintf(tmpLine,"RMFAILURE: API has failed %d consecutive times on %s", MSched.APIFailureThreshhold, MULToDString(&MSched.Time)); MSysRegEvent(tmpLine,0,0,1); APIFailureCount = 0; } return(FAILURE); } /* load RM node information */ if (MRMClusterQuery(&NodeCount,NULL) == SUCCESS) { DBG(1,fRM) DPrint("INFO: resources detected: %d\n", NodeCount); } else { DBG(1,fRM) DPrint("WARNING: no resources detected\n"); } /* load workload data */ if (MRMWorkloadQuery(&JobCount,NULL) == SUCCESS) { DBG(1,fALL) DPrint("INFO: jobs detected: %d\n", JobCount); } else { DBG(1,fALL) DPrint("WARNING: no workload detected\n"); } MSched.InitialLoad = FALSE; MStatClearUsage(mxoNode,(1 << mlActive)|(1 << mlIdle),FALSE); MClusterUpdateNodeState(); MParUpdate(&MPar[0]); } /* END else if (MSched.Mode != msmSim) */ /* calculate statistics */ MStat.AvgQueuePH += MPar[0].L.IP->Usage[mptMaxPS][0] / 3600; DBG(4,fRM) { DBG(4,fRM) DPrint("INFO: jobs in queue\n"); for (J = MJob[0]->Next;(J != NULL) && (J != MJob[0]);J = J->Next) { MJobShow(J,0,NULL); } } APIFailureCount = 0; return(SUCCESS); } /* END MRMGetInfo() */ int MRMCheckEvents() { int rmindex; int EventFound; mrm_t *R; const char *FName = "MRMCheckEvents"; DBG(9,fRM) DPrint("%s()\n", FName); if (MSched.Mode == msmSim) { return(FAILURE); } EventFound = FALSE; for (rmindex = 0;MRM[rmindex].Type != mrmtNONE;rmindex++) { R = &MRM[rmindex]; if (MRMFunc[R->Type].RMEventQuery == NULL) { DBG(9,fRM) DPrint("ALERT: cannot query events on RM (RM '%s' does not support function '%s')\n", R->Name, MRMFuncType[mrmRMEventQuery]); continue; } if ((*MRMFunc[R->Type].RMEventQuery)(R,NULL) == SUCCESS) { EventFound = TRUE; break; } } /* END for (rmindex) */ if (EventFound == FALSE) { return(FAILURE); } return(SUCCESS); } /* END MRMCheckEvents() */ int MRMClusterQuery( int *RCount, /* O */ int *SC) /* O */ { int rmindex; int rc; int tmpRCount = 0; int TotalRCount; mrm_t *R; const char *FName = "MRMClusterQuery"; DBG(2,fRM) DPrint("%s()\n", FName); TotalRCount = 0; for (rmindex = 0;MRM[rmindex].Type != mrmtNONE;rmindex++) { R = &MRM[rmindex]; if (MRMFunc[R->Type].ClusterQuery == NULL) { DBG(7,fRM) DPrint("ALERT: cannot load cluster resources on RM (RM '%s' does not support function '%s')\n", R->Name, MRMFuncType[mrmClusterQuery]); continue; } __MRMStartFunc(R,mrmClusterQuery); MUThread( (int (*)(void))MRMFunc[R->Type].ClusterQuery, R->P[0].Timeout, &rc, 4, NULL, R, &tmpRCount, NULL, /* EMsg */ SC); __MRMEndFunc(R,mrmClusterQuery); if (rc == FAILURE) { DBG(3,fRM) DPrint("ALERT: cannot load cluster resources on RM (RM '%s' failed in function '%s')\n", R->Name, MRMFuncType[mrmClusterQuery]); MRMSetFailure(R,mrmClusterQuery,"cannot get node info"); continue; } DBG(1,fRM) DPrint("INFO: %d %s resources detected on RM %s\n", tmpRCount, MRMType[R->Type], R->Name); TotalRCount += tmpRCount; } /* END for (rmindex) */ if (RCount != NULL) *RCount = TotalRCount; if (TotalRCount == 0) { return(FAILURE); } return(SUCCESS); } /* END MRMClusterQuery() */ int MRMWorkloadQuery( int *WCount, /* O */ int *SC) /* O (optional) */ { int rmindex; int rc; int tmpWCount; int TotalWCount; int nindex; mnode_t *N; mrm_t *R; const char *FName = "MRMWorkloadQuery"; DBG(2,fRM) DPrint("%s()\n", FName); TotalWCount = 0; /* reset dedicated resources */ for (nindex = 0;nindex < MAX_MNODE;nindex++) { N = MNode[nindex]; if ((N == NULL) || (N->Name[0] == '\0')) break; if (N->Name[0] == '\1') continue; memset(&N->DRes,0,sizeof(N->DRes)); } for (rmindex = 0;MRM[rmindex].Type != mrmtNONE;rmindex++) { R = &MRM[rmindex]; if (MRMFunc[R->Type].WorkloadQuery == NULL) { DBG(7,fRM) DPrint("ALERT: cannot load cluster workload on RM (RM '%s' does not support function '%s')\n", R->Name, MRMFuncType[mrmWorkloadQuery]); continue; } __MRMStartFunc(R,mrmWorkloadQuery); MUThread( (int (*)(void))MRMFunc[R->Type].WorkloadQuery, R->P[0].Timeout, &rc, 3, NULL, R, &tmpWCount, SC); __MRMEndFunc(R,mrmWorkloadQuery); if (rc == FAILURE) { DBG(3,fRM) DPrint("ALERT: cannot load cluster workload on RM (RM '%s' failed in function '%s')\n", R->Name, MRMFuncType[mrmWorkloadQuery]); MRMSetFailure(R,mrmWorkloadQuery,"cannot get workload info"); continue; } DBG(1,fRM) DPrint("INFO: %d %s jobs detected on RM %s\n", tmpWCount, MRMType[R->Type], R->Name); TotalWCount += tmpWCount; } /* END for (rmindex) */ if (WCount != NULL) *WCount = TotalWCount; if (TotalWCount == 0) { return(FAILURE); } return(SUCCESS); } /* END MRMWorkloadQuery() */ int MRMJobStart( mjob_t *J, /* I */ char *Msg, /* O: optional */ int *SC) /* O: optional */ { int rqindex; int rmindex; int rmcount; int rc; mrm_t *R; int RMList[MAX_MRM]; char tmpLine[MAX_MLINE]; char *MPtr; const char *FName = "MRMJobStart"; DBG(1,fRM) DPrint("%s(%s,Msg,SC)\n", FName, (J != NULL) ? J->Name : "NULL"); if (Msg != NULL) MPtr = Msg; else MPtr = tmpLine; MPtr[0] = '\0'; if (J == NULL) { return(FAILURE); } switch (MSched.Mode) { case msmSim: return(MSimJobStart(J)); /*NOTREACHED*/ break; case msmTest: sprintf(MPtr,"cannot start job - test mode"); DBG(3,fRM) DPrint("INFO: cannot start job %s (%s)\n", J->Name, MPtr); if (SC != NULL) *SC = mscNoError; return(FAILURE); /*NOTREACHED*/ break; default: /* NO-OP */ break; } /* END switch(MSched.Mode) */ memset(RMList,0,sizeof(RMList)); rmcount = 0; /* determine resource managers used */ for (rqindex = 0;rqindex < MAX_MREQ_PER_JOB;rqindex++) { if (J->Req[rqindex] == NULL) continue; for (rmindex = 0;rmindex < rmcount;rmindex++) { if (RMList[rmindex] == J->Req[rqindex]->RMIndex) { break; } } if (rmindex == rmcount) { RMList[rmindex] = J->Req[rqindex]->RMIndex; rmcount++; } } /* END for (rqindex) */ for (rmindex = 0;rmindex < rmcount;rmindex++) { R = &MRM[RMList[rmindex]]; if ((R->FailIteration == MSched.Iteration) && (R->FailCount >= MAX_RMFAILCOUNT)) { sprintf(MPtr,"cannot start job - fail iteration"); DBG(3,fRM) DPrint("INFO: cannot start job %s (%s)\n", J->Name, MPtr); if (SC != NULL) *SC = mscNoError; return(FAILURE); } if (MRMFunc[R->Type].JobStart == NULL) { sprintf(MPtr,"cannot start job - RM '%s' does not support function '%s'", R->Name, MRMFuncType[mrmJobStart]); DBG(3,fRM) DPrint("ALERT: cannot start job %s (%s)\n", J->Name, MPtr); if (SC != NULL) *SC = mscSysFailure; return(FAILURE); } __MRMStartFunc(R,mrmJobStart); MUThread( (int (*)(void))MRMFunc[R->Type].JobStart, R->P[0].Timeout, &rc, 4, NULL, J, R, MPtr, SC); __MRMEndFunc(R,mrmJobStart); if (rc == FAILURE) { DBG(3,fRM) DPrint("ALERT: cannot start job %s (RM '%s' failed in function '%s')\n", J->Name, R->Name, MRMFuncType[mrmJobStart]); MRMSetFailure(R,mrmJobStart,"cannot start job"); return(FAILURE); } } /* END for (rmindex) */ return(SUCCESS); } /* END MRMJobStart() */ int MRMJobCancel( mjob_t *J, /* I: req */ char *Message, /* I: opt */ int *SC) /* IO: opt */ { int rqindex; int rmindex; int rmcount; int rc; mrm_t *R; int RMList[MAX_MRM]; const char *FName = "MRMJobCancel"; DBG(1,fRM) DPrint("%s(%s,%s,SC)\n", FName, (J != NULL) ? J->Name : "NULL", (Message != NULL) ? Message : "NULL"); if (J == NULL) { return(FAILURE); } switch (MSched.Mode) { case msmSim: return(MSimJobCancel(J)); /*NOTREACHED*/ break; case msmTest: DBG(3,fRM) DPrint("INFO: cannot cancel job '%s' (test mode)\n", J->Name); return(FAILURE); /*NOTREACHED*/ break; default: /* NO-OP */ break; } /* END switch(MSched.Mode) */ memset(RMList,0,sizeof(RMList)); rmcount = 0; /* determine resource managers used */ for (rqindex = 0;rqindex < MAX_MREQ_PER_JOB;rqindex++) { if (J->Req[rqindex] == NULL) continue; for (rmindex = 0;rmindex < rmcount;rmindex++) { if (RMList[rmindex] == J->Req[rqindex]->RMIndex) { break; } } if (rmindex == rmcount) { RMList[rmindex] = J->Req[rqindex]->RMIndex; rmcount++; } } /* END for (rqindex) */ for (rmindex = 0;rmindex < rmcount;rmindex++) { R = &MRM[RMList[rmindex]]; if (MSched.Iteration == R->FailIteration) { DBG(3,fRM) DPrint("INFO: cannot cancel job '%s' (fail iteration)\n", J->Name); return(FAILURE); } if (MRMFunc[R->Type].JobCancel == NULL) { DBG(3,fRM) DPrint("ALERT: cannot cancel job %s (RM '%s' does not support function '%s')\n", J->Name, R->Name, MRMFuncType[mrmJobCancel]); return(FAILURE); } __MRMStartFunc(R,mrmJobCancel); MUThread( (int (*)(void))MRMFunc[R->Type].JobCancel, R->P[0].Timeout, &rc, 5, NULL, J, R, Message, NULL, SC); __MRMEndFunc(R,mrmJobCancel); if (rc == FAILURE) { DBG(3,fRM) DPrint("ALERT: cannot cancel job %s (RM '%s' failed in function '%s')\n", J->Name, R->Name, MRMFuncType[mrmJobCancel]); MRMSetFailure(R,mrmJobStart,"cannot cancel job"); return(FAILURE); } } /* END for (rmindex) */ return(SUCCESS); } /* END MRMJobCancel() */ int MRMJobGetProximateMNL( mjob_t *J, /* I: req */ mrm_t *R, mnodelist_t SMNL, mnodelist_t DMNL, long StartTime, int DoExactMatch, char *Message, /* I: opt */ int *SC) /* IO: opt */ { int rc; const char *FName = "MRMJobGetProximateMNL"; DBG(1,fRM) DPrint("%s(R,%s,SMNL,DMNL,%ld,%d,%s,SC)\n", FName, (J != NULL) ? J->Name : "NULL", StartTime, DoExactMatch, (Message != NULL) ? Message : "NULL"); if ((J == NULL) || (R == NULL)) { return(FAILURE); } switch (MSched.Mode) { case msmSim: return(FAILURE); /*NOTREACHED*/ break; default: /* NO-OP */ break; } /* END switch(MSched.Mode) */ /* single RM allowed */ if (MRMFunc[R->Type].JobGetProximateTasks == NULL) { DBG(3,fRM) DPrint("ALERT: cannot get proximate tasks for job %s (RM '%s' does not support function '%s')\n", J->Name, R->Name, MRMFuncType[mrmJobGetProximateTasks]); return(FAILURE); } MUThread( (int (*)(void))MRMFunc[R->Type].JobGetProximateTasks, R->P[0].Timeout, &rc, 8, NULL, J, R, SMNL, DMNL, StartTime, DoExactMatch, Message, SC); if (rc == FAILURE) { DBG(3,fRM) DPrint("ALERT: cannot get proximate tasks for job %s (RM '%s' failed in function '%s')\n", J->Name, R->Name, MRMFuncType[mrmJobGetProximateTasks]); return(FAILURE); } return(SUCCESS); } /* END MRMJobGetProximateTasks() */ int MRMJobModify( mjob_t *J, /* I: req */ char *Attr, /* I */ char *SubAttr, /* I */ char *Value, /* I */ int *SC) /* O: opt */ { int rqindex; int rmindex; int rmcount; int rc; mrm_t *R; int RMList[MAX_MRM]; const char *FName = "MRMJobModify"; DBG(1,fRM) DPrint("%s(%s,%s,SC)\n", FName, (J != NULL) ? J->Name : "NULL", (Attr != NULL) ? Attr : "NULL"); if (J == NULL) { return(FAILURE); } switch (MSched.Mode) { case msmSim: return(MSimJobModify(J,Attr,SubAttr,Value,SC)); /*NOTREACHED*/ break; case msmTest: DBG(3,fRM) DPrint("INFO: cannot modify job '%s' (test mode)\n", J->Name); return(FAILURE); /*NOTREACHED*/ break; default: /* NO-OP */ break; } /* END switch(MSched.Mode) */ memset(RMList,0,sizeof(RMList)); rmcount = 0; /* determine resource managers used */ for (rqindex = 0;rqindex < MAX_MREQ_PER_JOB;rqindex++) { if (J->Req[rqindex] == NULL) continue; for (rmindex = 0;rmindex < rmcount;rmindex++) { if (RMList[rmindex] == J->Req[rqindex]->RMIndex) { break; } } if (rmindex == rmcount) { RMList[rmindex] = J->Req[rqindex]->RMIndex; rmcount++; } } /* END for (rqindex) */ for (rmindex = 0;rmindex < rmcount;rmindex++) { R = &MRM[RMList[rmindex]]; if (MSched.Iteration == R->FailIteration) { DBG(3,fRM) DPrint("INFO: cannot modify job '%s' (fail iteration)\n", J->Name); return(FAILURE); } if (MRMFunc[R->Type].JobModify == NULL) { DBG(3,fRM) DPrint("ALERT: cannot modify job %s (RM '%s' does not support function '%s')\n", J->Name, R->Name, MRMFuncType[mrmJobModify]); return(FAILURE); } MUThread( (int (*)(void))MRMFunc[R->Type].JobModify, R->P[0].Timeout, &rc, 7, NULL, J, R, Attr, SubAttr, Value, NULL, SC); if (rc == FAILURE) { DBG(3,fRM) DPrint("ALERT: cannot modify job %s (RM '%s' failed in function '%s')\n", J->Name, R->Name, MRMFuncType[mrmJobModify]); return(FAILURE); } } /* END for (rmindex) */ return(SUCCESS); } /* END MRMJobModify() */ int MRMJobMigrate( mjob_t *J, /* I */ mnalloc_t *NL, /* I */ int *SC) /* O: (optional) */ { int rqindex; int rmindex; int rmcount; int rc; mrm_t *R; int RMList[MAX_MRM]; const char *FName = "MRMJobMigrate"; DBG(1,fRM) DPrint("%s(%s,%s,SC)\n", FName, (J != NULL) ? J->Name : "NULL", (NL != NULL) ? "NL" : "NULL"); if (J == NULL) { return(FAILURE); } if (MJOBISACTIVE(J) == FALSE) { return(FAILURE); } switch (MSched.Mode) { case msmSim: return(FAILURE); /*NOTREACHED*/ break; case msmTest: DBG(3,fRM) DPrint("INFO: cannot migrate job '%s' (test mode)\n", J->Name); return(FAILURE); /*NOTREACHED*/ break; default: /* NO-OP */ break; } /* END switch(MSched.Mode) */ memset(RMList,0,sizeof(RMList)); rmcount = 0; /* determine resource managers used */ for (rqindex = 0;rqindex < MAX_MREQ_PER_JOB;rqindex++) { if (J->Req[rqindex] == NULL) continue; for (rmindex = 0;rmindex < rmcount;rmindex++) { if (RMList[rmindex] == J->Req[rqindex]->RMIndex) { break; } } /* END for (rmindex) */ if (rmindex == rmcount) { RMList[rmindex] = J->Req[rqindex]->RMIndex; rmcount++; } } /* END for (rqindex) */ for (rmindex = 0;rmindex < rmcount;rmindex++) { R = &MRM[RMList[rmindex]]; if (MRMFunc[R->Type].JobMigrate == NULL) { DBG(3,fRM) DPrint("ALERT: cannot migrate job %s (RM '%s' does not support function '%s')\n", J->Name, R->Name, MRMFuncType[mrmJobMigrate]); return(FAILURE); } MUThread( (int (*)(void))MRMFunc[R->Type].JobMigrate, R->P[0].Timeout, &rc, 5, NULL, J, R, NL, NULL, SC); if (rc == FAILURE) { DBG(3,fRM) DPrint("ALERT: cannot migrate job %s (RM '%s' failed in function '%s')\n", J->Name, R->Name, MRMFuncType[mrmJobMigrate]); return(FAILURE); } } /* END for (rmindex) */ return(SUCCESS); } /* END MRMJobMigrate() */ int MRMJobRequeue( mjob_t *J, /* I: req */ mjob_t **JPeer, /* I: opt */ int *SC) /* IO: opt */ { int rqindex; int rmindex; int rmcount; int rc; mrm_t *R; int RMList[MAX_MRM]; const char *FName = "MRMJobRequeue"; DBG(1,fRM) DPrint("%s(%s,%s,SC)\n", FName, (J != NULL) ? J->Name : "NULL", (JPeer != NULL) ? "JPeer" : "NULL"); if (J == NULL) { return(FAILURE); } switch (MSched.Mode) { case msmSim: return(MSimJobRequeue(J)); /*NOTREACHED*/ break; case msmTest: DBG(3,fRM) DPrint("INFO: cannot requeue job '%s' (test mode)\n", J->Name); return(FAILURE); /*NOTREACHED*/ break; default: break; } /* END switch(MSched.Mode) */ memset(RMList,0,sizeof(RMList)); rmcount = 0; /* determine resource managers used */ for (rqindex = 0;rqindex < MAX_MREQ_PER_JOB;rqindex++) { if (J->Req[rqindex] == NULL) continue; for (rmindex = 0;rmindex < rmcount;rmindex++) { if (RMList[rmindex] == J->Req[rqindex]->RMIndex) { break; } } if (rmindex == rmcount) { RMList[rmindex] = J->Req[rqindex]->RMIndex; rmcount++; } } /* END for (rqindex) */ for (rmindex = 0;rmindex < rmcount;rmindex++) { R = &MRM[RMList[rmindex]]; if (MRMFunc[R->Type].JobRequeue == NULL) { DBG(3,fRM) DPrint("ALERT: cannot requeue job %s (RM '%s' does not support function '%s')\n", J->Name, R->Name, MRMFuncType[mrmJobRequeue]); return(FAILURE); } MUThread( (int (*)(void))MRMFunc[R->Type].JobRequeue, R->P[0].Timeout, &rc, 5, NULL, J, R, JPeer, NULL, SC); if (rc == FAILURE) { DBG(3,fRM) DPrint("ALERT: cannot requeue job %s (RM '%s' failed in function '%s')\n", J->Name, R->Name, MRMFuncType[mrmJobRequeue]); return(FAILURE); } } /* END for (rmindex) */ return(SUCCESS); } /* END MRMJobRequeue() */ int MRMJobSubmit( char *JobDesc, /* I */ mrm_t *R, /* I */ mjob_t **J, /* O */ char *JobName, /* O */ char *Msg, /* O */ int *SC) /* O */ { int rc; if (MSched.Mode == msmSim) { /* return(MSimJobSubmit(MSched.Time,JobDesc,NULL,0)); */ return(FAILURE); } MUThread( (int (*)(void))MRMFunc[R->Type].JobSubmit, R->P[0].Timeout, &rc, 6, NULL, JobDesc, R, J, JobName, Msg, SC); if (rc == FAILURE) { DBG(3,fRM) DPrint("ALERT: cannot submit job (RM '%s' failed in function '%s')\n", R->Name, MRMFuncType[mrmJobSubmit]); return(FAILURE); } return(SUCCESS); } /* END MRMJobSubmit() */ int MRMJobSuspend( mjob_t *J, /* I: req */ char *Msg, /* O (optional) */ int *SC) /* IO: (optional) */ { int rqindex; int rmindex; int rmcount; int rc; mrm_t *R; int RMList[MAX_MRM]; const char *FName = "MRMJobSuspend"; DBG(1,fRM) DPrint("%s(%s,Msg,SC)\n", FName, (J != NULL) ? J->Name : "NULL"); if (J == NULL) { return(FAILURE); } if (MSched.Mode == msmSim) { return(MSimJobSuspend(J)); } memset(RMList,0,sizeof(RMList)); rmcount = 0; /* determine resource managers used */ for (rqindex = 0;rqindex < MAX_MREQ_PER_JOB;rqindex++) { if (J->Req[rqindex] == NULL) continue; for (rmindex = 0;rmindex < rmcount;rmindex++) { if (RMList[rmindex] == J->Req[rqindex]->RMIndex) { break; } } if (rmindex == rmcount) { RMList[rmindex] = J->Req[rqindex]->RMIndex; rmcount++; } } /* END for (rqindex) */ for (rmindex = 0;rmindex < rmcount;rmindex++) { R = &MRM[RMList[rmindex]]; if (MRMFunc[R->Type].JobSuspend == NULL) { DBG(3,fRM) DPrint("ALERT: cannot suspend job %s (RM '%s' does not support function '%s')\n", J->Name, R->Name, MRMFuncType[mrmJobSuspend]); return(FAILURE); } MUThread( (int (*)(void))MRMFunc[R->Type].JobSuspend, R->P[0].Timeout, &rc, 4, NULL, J, R, Msg, SC); if (rc == FAILURE) { DBG(3,fRM) DPrint("ALERT: cannot suspend job %s (RM '%s' failed in function '%s')\n", J->Name, R->Name, MRMFuncType[mrmJobSuspend]); return(FAILURE); } } /* END for (rmindex) */ return(SUCCESS); } /* END MRMJobSuspend() */ int MRMJobCheckpoint( mjob_t *J, /* I: req */ int TerminateJob, /* I: req */ char *Msg, /* O: opt */ int *SC) /* O: opt */ { int rqindex; int rmindex; int rmcount; int rc; mrm_t *R; int RMList[MAX_MRM]; const char *FName = "MRMJobCheckpoint"; DBG(1,fRM) DPrint("%s(%s,%d,SC)\n", FName, (J != NULL) ? J->Name : "NULL", TerminateJob); if (J == NULL) { return(FAILURE); } if (MSched.Mode == msmSim) { return(MSimJobCheckpoint(J)); } memset(RMList,0,sizeof(RMList)); rmcount = 0; /* determine resource managers used */ for (rqindex = 0;rqindex < MAX_MREQ_PER_JOB;rqindex++) { if (J->Req[rqindex] == NULL) continue; for (rmindex = 0;rmindex < rmcount;rmindex++) { if (RMList[rmindex] == J->Req[rqindex]->RMIndex) { break; } } if (rmindex == rmcount) { RMList[rmindex] = J->Req[rqindex]->RMIndex; rmcount++; } } /* END for (rqindex) */ for (rmindex = 0;rmindex < rmcount;rmindex++) { R = &MRM[RMList[rmindex]]; if (MRMFunc[R->Type].JobCheckpoint == NULL) { DBG(3,fRM) DPrint("ALERT: cannot checkpoint job %s (RM '%s' does not support function '%s')\n", J->Name, R->Name, MRMFuncType[mrmJobCheckpoint]); return(FAILURE); } MUThread( (int (*)(void))MRMFunc[R->Type].JobCheckpoint, R->P[0].Timeout, &rc, 5, NULL, J, R, TerminateJob, Msg, SC); if (rc == FAILURE) { DBG(3,fRM) DPrint("ALERT: cannot checkpoint job %s (RM '%s' failed in function '%s')\n", J->Name, R->Name, MRMFuncType[mrmJobCheckpoint]); return(FAILURE); } } /* END for (rmindex) */ return(SUCCESS); } /* END MRMJobCheckpoint() */ int MRMJobResume( mjob_t *J, /* I: req */ char *Msg, /* O: (optional) */ int *SC) /* IO: (optional) */ { int rqindex; int rmindex; int rmcount; int nindex; int rc; mrm_t *R; mreq_t *RQ; mnode_t *N; int RMList[MAX_MRM]; const char *FName = "MRMJobResume"; DBG(1,fRM) DPrint("%s(%s,SC)\n", FName, (J != NULL) ? J->Name : "NULL"); if (J == NULL) { return(FAILURE); } if (MSched.Mode == msmSim) { return(MSimJobResume(J)); } memset(RMList,0,sizeof(RMList)); rmcount = 0; /* determine resource managers used */ for (rqindex = 0;rqindex < MAX_MREQ_PER_JOB;rqindex++) { if (J->Req[rqindex] == NULL) continue; for (rmindex = 0;rmindex < rmcount;rmindex++) { if (RMList[rmindex] == J->Req[rqindex]->RMIndex) { break; } } if (rmindex == rmcount) { RMList[rmindex] = J->Req[rqindex]->RMIndex; rmcount++; } } /* END for (rqindex) */ for (rmindex = 0;rmindex < rmcount;rmindex++) { R = &MRM[RMList[rmindex]]; if (MRMFunc[R->Type].JobResume == NULL) { DBG(3,fRM) DPrint("ALERT: cannot resume job %s (RM '%s' does not support function '%s')\n", J->Name, R->Name, MRMFuncType[mrmJobResume]); return(FAILURE); } MUThread( (int (*)(void))MRMFunc[R->Type].JobResume, R->P[0].Timeout, &rc, 4, NULL, J, R, Msg, SC); if (rc == FAILURE) { DBG(3,fRM) DPrint("ALERT: cannot resume job %s (RM '%s' failed in function '%s')\n", J->Name, R->Name, MRMFuncType[mrmJobResume]); return(FAILURE); } } /* END for (rmindex) */ if (MResJCreate(J,NULL,MSched.Time,mjrActiveJob,NULL) == FAILURE) { DBG(0,fSCHED) DPrint("ERROR: cannot create reservation for job '%s'\n", J->Name); } /* adjust per-node resource consumption */ RQ = J->Req[0]; for (nindex = 0;J->NodeList[nindex].N != NULL;nindex++) { N = J->NodeList[nindex].N; /* adjust resource usage */ if (RQ->SDRes != NULL) MCResRemove(&N->ARes,&N->CRes,RQ->SDRes,J->NodeList[nindex].TC,TRUE); else MCResRemove(&N->ARes,&N->CRes,&RQ->DRes,J->NodeList[nindex].TC,TRUE); if (RQ->SDRes != NULL) MCResAdd(&N->DRes,&N->CRes,RQ->SDRes,J->NodeList[nindex].TC,TRUE); else MCResAdd(&N->DRes,&N->CRes,&RQ->DRes,J->NodeList[nindex].TC,TRUE); } /* END for (nindex) */ DBG(2,fSIM) DPrint("INFO: job %s successfully resumed on %d procs\n", J->Name, J->Request.TC); return(SUCCESS); } /* END MRMJobResume() */ int MRMLoadConfig( char *RMName) /* I */ { char IndexName[MAX_MNAME]; char Value[MAX_MLINE]; char *ptr; mrm_t *R; /* FORMAT: <KEY>=<VAL>[<WS><KEY>=<VAL>]... */ /* <VAL> -> <ATTR>=<VAL>[:<ATTR>=<VAL>]... */ /* load all/specified RM config info */ if (MSched.ConfigBuffer == NULL) { return(FAILURE); } if ((RMName == NULL) || (RMName[0] == '\0')) { /* load ALL RM config info */ ptr = MSched.ConfigBuffer; IndexName[0] = '\0'; while (MCfgGetSVal( MSched.ConfigBuffer, &ptr, MRMCfgParam, IndexName, NULL, Value, sizeof(Value), 0, NULL) != FAILURE) { if (MRMFind(IndexName,&R) == FAILURE) { if (MRMAdd(IndexName,&R) == FAILURE) { /* unable to locate/create RM */ IndexName[0] = '\0'; continue; } MRMSetDefaults(R); MOLoadPvtConfig((void **)R,mxoRM,NULL,NULL,NULL); } /* load RM specific attributes */ MRMProcessConfig(R,Value); IndexName[0] = '\0'; } /* END while (MCfgGetSVal() != FAILURE) */ } /* END if ((RMName == NULL) || (RMName[0] == '\0')) */ else { /* load specified RM config info */ ptr = MSched.ConfigBuffer; R = NULL; while (MCfgGetSVal( MSched.ConfigBuffer, &ptr, MRMCfgParam, RMName, NULL, Value, sizeof(Value), 0, NULL) == SUCCESS) { if ((R == NULL) && (MRMFind(RMName,&R) == FAILURE)) { if (MRMAdd(RMName,&R) == FAILURE) { /* unable to add standing reservation */ return(FAILURE); } MRMSetDefaults(R); MOLoadPvtConfig((void **)R,mxoRM,NULL,NULL,NULL); } /* load RM attributes */ MRMProcessConfig(R,Value); } /* END while (MCfgGetSVal() == SUCCESS) */ if (R == NULL) { return(FAILURE); } if (MRMCheckConfig(R) == FAILURE) { MRMDestroy(&R); /* invalid standing reservation destroyed */ return(FAILURE); } } /* END else ((RMName == NULL) || (RMName[0] == '\0')) */ return(SUCCESS); } /* END MRMLoadConfig() */ int MRMAdd( char *RMName, /* I */ mrm_t **RP) /* O */ { int rmindex; mrm_t *R; const char *FName = "MRMAdd"; DBG(6,fSTRUCT) DPrint("%s(%s,%s)\n", FName, (RMName != NULL) ? "RMName" : "NULL", (RP != NULL) ? "RP" : "NULL"); if ((RMName == NULL) || (RMName[0] == '\0')) { return(FAILURE); } if (RP != NULL) *RP = NULL; for (rmindex = 0;rmindex < MAX_MRM;rmindex++) { R = &MRM[rmindex]; if ((R != NULL) && !strcmp(R->Name,RMName)) { /* RM already exists */ if (RP != NULL) *RP = R; return(SUCCESS); } if ((R != NULL) && (R->Name[0] != '\0') && (R->Name[0] != '\1')) { continue; } /* empty slot found */ /* create/initialize new record */ if (R == NULL) { if (MRMCreate(RMName,&MRM[rmindex]) == FAILURE) { DBG(1,fALL) DPrint("ERROR: cannot alloc memory for RM '%s'\n", RMName); return(FAILURE); } R = &MRM[rmindex]; } else if (R->Name[0] == '\0') { MUStrCpy(R->Name,RMName,sizeof(R->Name)); } if (RP != NULL) *RP = R; R->Index = rmindex; /* update RM record */ if (MSched.Mode != msmSim) MCPRestore(mcpRM,RMName,(void *)R); DBG(5,fSTRUCT) DPrint("INFO: RM %s added\n", RMName); return(SUCCESS); } /* END for (rmindex) */ /* end of table reached */ DBG(1,fSTRUCT) DPrint("ALERT: RM table overflow. cannot add %s\n", RMName); return(SUCCESS); } /* END MRMAdd() */ int MRMCreate( char *RMName, mrm_t *R) { if (R == NULL) { return(FAILURE); } /* use static memory for now */ memset(R,0,sizeof(mrm_t)); if ((RMName != NULL) && (RMName[0] != '\0')) MUStrCpy(R->Name,RMName,sizeof(R->Name)); return(SUCCESS); } /* END MRMCreate() */ int MRMFind( char *RMName, /* I */ mrm_t **RP) /* O (optional) */ { /* if found, return success with RP pointing to standing reservation. */ int rmindex; mrm_t *R; if (RP != NULL) *RP = NULL; if ((RMName == NULL) || (RMName[0] == '\0')) { return(FAILURE); } for (rmindex = 0;rmindex < MAX_MRM;rmindex++) { R = &MRM[rmindex]; if ((R == NULL) || (R->Name[0] == '\0') || (R->Name[0] == '\1')) { break; } if (strcmp(R->Name,RMName) != 0) continue; /* RM found */ if (RP != NULL) *RP = R; return(SUCCESS); } /* END for (rmindex) */ /* entire table searched */ return(FAILURE); } /* END MRMFind() */ int MRMSetDefaults( mrm_t *R) /* I */ { if (R == NULL) { return(FAILURE); } if (R->Type == 0) { /* set general defaults */ R->Type = DEFAULT_MRMTYPE; R->AuthType = DEFAULT_MRMAUTHTYPE; R->P[0].Timeout = DEFAULT_MRMTIMEOUT; R->P[1].Timeout = DEFAULT_MRMTIMEOUT; R->FailIteration = -1; R->JobCounter = 0; R->ASyncJobStart = FALSE; return(SUCCESS); } /* set rm type specific defaults */ switch(R->Type) { default: /* NO-OP */ break; } /* END switch(R->Type) */ return(SUCCESS); } /* END MRMSetDefaults() */ int MRMAToString( mrm_t *R, /* I */ int AIndex, /* I */ char *SVal, /* I */ int Mode) /* I */ { if ((R == NULL) || (SVal == NULL)) { return(FAILURE); } SVal[0] = '\0'; switch(AIndex) { case mrmaAuthType: if (R->AuthType != 0) strcpy(SVal,MRMAuthType[R->AuthType]); break; case mrmaConfigFile: /* NYI */ break; case mrmaEPort: if (R->EPort > 0) { sprintf(SVal,"%d", R->EPort); } break; case mrmaHost: if (R->P[0].HostName != NULL) strcpy(SVal,R->P[0].HostName); break; case mrmaLocalDiskFS: /* NYI */ break; case mrmaName: if (R->Name[0] != '\0') strcpy(SVal,R->Name); break; case mrmaNMPort: if (R->NMPort != 0) { /* NOTE: NMPort affect connection to BOTH global node monitor and local node manager */ sprintf(SVal,"%d", R->NMPort); } break; case mrmaNMServer: if (R->P[1].HostName != NULL) strcpy(SVal,R->P[1].HostName); break; case mrmaPort: if (R->P[0].Port > 0) { sprintf(SVal,"%d", R->P[0].Port); } break; case mrmaSocketProtocol: if (R->P[0].SocketProtocol != mspNONE) strcpy(SVal,MSockProtocol[R->P[0].SocketProtocol]); break; case mrmaSuspendSig: if (R->SuspendSig[0] != '\0') strcpy(SVal,R->SuspendSig); break; case mrmaTimeout: if (R->P[0].Timeout > 0) strcpy(SVal,MULToTString(R->P[0].Timeout)); break; case mrmaType: /* FORMAT: <TYPE>[:<SUBTYPE>] */ if (R->Type != mrmtNONE) { strcpy(SVal,MRMType[R->Type]); if (R->SubType != mrmstNONE) { sprintf(SVal,"%s:%s", SVal, MRMSubType[R->SubType]); } } /* END if (R->Type != mrmtNONE) */ break; case mrmaVersion: if (R->APIVersion[0] != '\0') strcpy(SVal,R->APIVersion); break; case mrmaWireProtocol: if (R->P[0].WireProtocol != mwpNONE) strcpy(SVal,MWireProtocol[R->P[0].WireProtocol]); break; default: /* NO-OP */ break; } /* END switch(AIndex) */ return(SUCCESS); } /* END MRMAToString() */ int MRMProcessConfig( mrm_t *R, /* I */ char *Value) /* I */ { int aindex; char *ptr; char *TokPtr; char ValLine[MAX_MLINE]; char *ValList[2]; if ((R == NULL) || (Value == NULL) || (Value[0] == '\0')) { return(FAILURE); } /* process value line */ ptr = MUStrTok(Value," \t\n",&TokPtr); while(ptr != NULL) { /* parse name-value pairs */ /* FORMAT: <VALUE>[,<VALUE>] */ if (MUGetPair( ptr, (const char **)MRMAttr, &aindex, NULL, TRUE, NULL, ValLine, MAX_MNAME) == FAILURE) { /* cannot parse value pair */ ptr = MUStrTok(NULL," \t\n",&TokPtr); continue; } ValList[0] = ValLine; ValList[1] = NULL; switch(aindex) { case mrmaAuthType: R->AuthType = MUGetIndex(ValLine,MRMAuthType,FALSE,0); break; case mrmaASyncJobStart: R->ASyncJobStart = MUBoolFromString(ValLine,FALSE); break; case mrmaConfigFile: MUStrCpy(R->U.LL.ConfigFile,ValLine,sizeof(R->U.LL.ConfigFile)); break; case mrmaHost: MUStrDup(&R->P[0].HostName,ValLine); break; case mrmaLocalDiskFS: MUStrCpy(R->U.PBS.LocalDiskFS,ValLine,sizeof(R->U.PBS.LocalDiskFS)); break; case mrmaMinETime: R->EMinTime = MUTimeFromString(ValLine); break; case mrmaNMPort: R->NMPort = (int)strtol(ValLine,NULL,0); R->P[1].Port = (int)strtol(ValLine,NULL,0); break; case mrmaNMServer: MUStrDup(&R->P[1].HostName,ValLine); break; case mrmaEPort: R->EPort = (int)strtol((char *)Value,NULL,0); break; case mrmaPort: R->P[0].Port = (int)strtol(ValLine,NULL,0); break; case mrmaSocketProtocol: R->P[0].SocketProtocol = MUGetIndex(ValLine,MSockProtocol,FALSE,0); R->P[1].SocketProtocol = R->P[0].SocketProtocol; break; case mrmaSuspendSig: MRMSetAttr(R,aindex,(void **)ValLine,mdfString,mSet); break; case mrmaTimeout: R->P[0].Timeout = MUTimeFromString(ValLine); R->P[0].Timeout = MIN(1000,R->P[0].Timeout); R->P[1].Timeout = R->P[0].Timeout; break; case mrmaType: { char *ptr; char *TokPtr; /* FORMAT: <TYPE>[:<SUBTYPE>] */ ptr = MUStrTok(ValLine,":",&TokPtr); R->Type = MUGetIndex(ptr,MRMType,FALSE,mrmtNONE); if ((ptr = MUStrTok(NULL,":",&TokPtr)) != NULL) { R->SubType = MUGetIndex(ptr,MRMSubType,FALSE,mrmstNONE); } } /* END BLOCK */ break; case mrmaVersion: MUStrCpy(R->APIVersion,ValLine,sizeof(R->APIVersion)); break; case mrmaWireProtocol: R->P[0].WireProtocol = MUGetIndex(ValLine,MWireProtocol,FALSE,0); R->P[1].WireProtocol = R->P[0].WireProtocol; break; default: DBG(4,fRM) DPrint("WARNING: RM attribute '%s' not handled\n", MRMAttr[aindex]); break; } /* END switch(aindex) */ ptr = MUStrTok(NULL," \t\n",&TokPtr); } /* END while (ptr != NULL) */ return(SUCCESS); } /* END MRMProcessConfig() */ int MRMDestroy( mrm_t **RP) /* I */ { mrm_t *R; if (RP == NULL) { return(SUCCESS); } R = *RP; if (R == NULL) { return(SUCCESS); } /* free dynamic data */ MUFree(&R->P[0].HostName); MUFree(&R->P[0].CSKey); MUFree(&R->P[1].HostName); MUFree(&R->P[1].CSKey); /* clear structure */ memset(R,0,sizeof(mrm_t)); return(SUCCESS); } /* END MRMDestroy() */ int MRMCheckConfig( mrm_t *R) /* I */ { if (R == NULL) { return(FAILURE); } /* NYI */ return(SUCCESS); } /* END MRMCheckConfig() */ int MRMShow( mrm_t *RP, /* I */ char *Buffer, /* O */ int BufSize, /* I */ int Mode) /* I */ { int rmindex; int index; int findex; int ShowHeader = TRUE; int FailureRecorded; char *BPtr; int BSpace; mrm_t *R; if (Buffer == NULL) { return(FAILURE); } BPtr = Buffer; BSpace = BufSize; BPtr[0] = '\0'; /* NOTE: allow mode to specify verbose, diagnostics, etc */ for (rmindex = 0;MRM[rmindex].Type != mrmtNONE;rmindex++) { R = &MRM[rmindex]; if ((RP != NULL) && (RP != R)) continue; if (ShowHeader == TRUE) { ShowHeader = FALSE; } MUSNPrintF(&BPtr,&BSpace,"RM[%s] type: '%s' state: '%s'\n", R->Name, MRMType[R->Type], MRMState[R->State]); /* NOTE: display optional RM version, failures, and fault tolerance config */ if (R->APIVersion[0] != '\0') { MUSNPrintF(&BPtr,&BSpace," Version: '%s'\n", R->APIVersion); } if (R->EPort != 0) { MUSNPrintF(&BPtr,&BSpace," Event Management: EPORT=%d\n", R->EPort); } else { MUSNPrintF(&BPtr,&BSpace," Event Management: (event interface disabled)\n", R->APIVersion); } /* display RM specific attributes */ switch(R->Type) { case mrmtPBS: if (R->U.PBS.PBS5IsEnabled == TRUE) { MUSNPrintF(&BPtr,&BSpace," PBSv5 protocol enabled\n"); } if (R->U.PBS.SSSIsEnabled == TRUE) { MUSNPrintF(&BPtr,&BSpace," SSS protocol enabled\n"); } break; default: /* NO-OP */ break; } /* END switch(R->Type) */ /* NOTE: stats in ms */ if (R->RespTotalCount[0] > 0) { MUSNPrintF(&BPtr,&BSpace," RM Performance: Avg Time: %.2lfs Max Time: %.2lfs (%d samples)\n", (double)R->RespTotalTime[0] / R->RespTotalCount[0] / 1000, (double)R->RespMaxTime[0] / 1000, R->RespTotalCount[0]); } FailureRecorded = FALSE; for (index = 0;index < MAX_MRMFAILURE;index++) { findex = (index + R->FailIndex) % MAX_MRMFAILURE; if (R->FailTime[findex] <= 0) continue; if (FailureRecorded == FALSE) { MUSNPrintF(&BPtr,&BSpace,"\nRM[%s] Failures: \n", R->Name); FailureRecorded = TRUE; } MUSNPrintF(&BPtr,&BSpace," %19.19s %-15s '%s'\n", MULToDString((mulong *)&R->FailTime[findex]), MRMFuncType[R->FailType[findex]], (R->FailMsg[findex] != NULL) ? R->FailMsg[findex] : "no msg"); } /* END for (index) */ MUSNPrintF(&BPtr,&BSpace,"\n"); } /* END for (rmindex) */ /* NOTE: temp hack. add AM diagnostics to output */ MAMShow(NULL,BPtr,BSpace,Mode); return(SUCCESS); } /* END MRMShow() */ int MRMConfigShow( mrm_t *RP, /* I (optional) */ int Mode, /* I */ char *Buffer, /* O */ int BufSize) /* I */ { int rmindex; int aindex; char tmpLine[MAX_MLINE]; char tmpVal[MAX_MLINE]; mrm_t *R; char *BPtr; int BSpace; const int AList[] = { mrmaAuthType, mrmaConfigFile, mrmaCSAlgo, mrmaCSKey, mrmaEPort, mrmaHost, mrmaLocalDiskFS, mrmaMinETime, mrmaNMPort, mrmaNMServer, mrmaPort, mrmaSocketProtocol, mrmaSuspendSig, mrmaTimeout, mrmaType, mrmaVersion, mrmaWireProtocol, -1 }; const char *FName = "MRMConfigShow"; DBG(6,fSTRUCT) DPrint("%s(%s,%d,%s,%d)\n", FName, (RP != NULL) ? "RP" : "NULL", Mode, (Buffer != NULL) ? "Buffer" : "NULL", BufSize); if (Buffer == NULL) { return(FAILURE); } BPtr = Buffer; BSpace = BufSize; BPtr[0] = '\0'; if (RP == NULL) { /* display loaded RM modules */ MUSNPrintF(&BPtr,&BSpace,"# RM MODULES: "); #if defined(__MLL22) || defined(__MLL31) MUSNPrintF(&BPtr,&BSpace,"LL "); #endif /* __MLL22 || __MLL31 */ #ifdef __MLSF MUSNPrintF(&BPtr,&BSpace,"LSF "); #endif /* __MLSF */ #ifdef __MPBS MUSNPrintF(&BPtr,&BSpace,"PBS "); #endif /* __MPBS */ #ifdef __MRMS MUSNPrintF(&BPtr,&BSpace,"RMS "); #endif /* __MRMS */ #ifdef __MSGE MUSNPrintF(&BPtr,&BSpace,"SGE "); #endif /* __MSGE */ MUSNPrintF(&BPtr,&BSpace,"SSS "); MUSNPrintF(&BPtr,&BSpace,"WIKI "); MUSNPrintF(&BPtr,&BSpace,"NATIVE "); MUSNPrintF(&BPtr,&BSpace,"\n"); } /* END if (RP == NULL) */ /* NOTE: allow mode to specify verbose, etc */ for (rmindex = 0;rmindex < MAX_MRM;rmindex++) { R = &MRM[rmindex]; if ((RP != NULL) && (RP != R)) continue; tmpLine[0] = '\0'; if (R->Type == mrmtNONE) continue; sprintf(tmpLine,"RMCFG[%s]", R->Name); for (aindex = 0;AList[aindex] != -1;aindex++) { tmpVal[0] = '\0'; MRMAToString(R,AList[aindex],tmpVal,0); if (tmpVal[0] != '\0') { sprintf(tmpLine,"%s %s=%s", tmpLine, MRMAttr[AList[aindex]], tmpVal); } } /* END for (aindex) */ MUSNPrintF(&BPtr,&BSpace,"%s\n", tmpLine); } /* END for (rmindex) */ return(SUCCESS); } /* END MRMConfigShow() */ int MRMOConfigShow( mrm_t *RP, /* I */ int VFlag, /* I */ int PIndex, /* I */ char *Buffer) /* O */ { int rmindex; mrm_t *R; mrm_t ZR; if (Buffer == NULL) { return(FAILURE); } memset(&ZR,0,sizeof(ZR)); for (rmindex = 0;rmindex < MAX_MRM;rmindex++) { R = &MRM[rmindex]; if (!VFlag && (PIndex != -1) && (PIndex != pRMType)) continue; if (!memcmp(&ZR,R,sizeof(ZR))) continue; if ((R->Type == mrmtNONE) && !VFlag) continue; if (R->Type == mrmtLL) { if ((R->U.LL.ConfigFile[0] != '\0') || (VFlag || (PIndex == -1) || (PIndex == pRMConfigFile))) strcat(Buffer,MUShowSArray(MParam[pRMConfigFile],rmindex,R->U.LL.ConfigFile)); } if ((VFlag || (PIndex == -1) || (PIndex == pRMAuthType))) strcat(Buffer,MUShowSArray(MParam[pRMAuthType],rmindex,(char *)MRMAuthType[R->AuthType])); strcat(Buffer,"\n"); } /* END for (rmindex) */ return(SUCCESS); } /* END MRMOConfigShow() */ int MRMReqPreLoad( mreq_t *RQ) /* I */ { if (RQ == NULL) { return(FAILURE); } if (RQ->NodeList != NULL) RQ->NodeList[0].N = NULL; RQ->MemCmp = mcmpGE; RQ->DiskCmp = mcmpGE; RQ->SwapCmp = mcmpGE; RQ->DRes.Procs = 1; RQ->DRes.Mem = 0; RQ->DRes.Disk = 0; RQ->DRes.Swap = 0; return(SUCCESS); } /* END MRMReqPreLoad() */ int MRMJobPreUpdate( mjob_t *J) /* I */ { const char *FName = "MRMJobPreUpdate"; DBG(5,fRM) DPrint("%s(%s)\n", FName, J->Name); /* NO-OP */ return(SUCCESS); } /* END MRMJobPreUpdate() */ int MRMFinalizeCycle() { int rc; int SC; int rmindex; mrm_t *R; for (rmindex = 0;MRM[rmindex].Type != mrmtNONE;rmindex++) { R = &MRM[rmindex]; if (MRMFunc[R->Type].CycleFinalize == NULL) { DBG(7,fRM) DPrint("INFO: cannot finalize RM cycle (RM '%s' does not support function '%s')\n", R->Name, MRMFuncType[mrmCycleFinalize]); continue; } MUThread( (int (*)(void))*MRMFunc[R->Type].CycleFinalize, R->P[0].Timeout, &rc, 2, NULL, R, &SC); if (rc == FAILURE) { DBG(3,fRM) DPrint("ALERT: cannot finalize RM cycle (RM '%s' failed in function '%s')\n", R->Name, MRMFuncType[mrmCycleFinalize]); continue; } } /* END for (rmindex) */ return(SUCCESS); } /* END MRMFinalizeCycle() */ int MRMSetAttr( mrm_t *R, /* I (modified) */ int AIndex, /* I */ void **Value, /* I */ int Format, /* I */ int Mode) /* I */ { const char *FName = "MRMSetAttr"; DBG(7,fSCHED) DPrint("%s(%s,%d,Value,%d)\n", FName, (R != NULL) ? R->Name : "NULL", AIndex, Mode); if (R == NULL) { return(FAILURE); } switch(AIndex) { case mrmaCSAlgo: R->P[0].CSAlgo = MUGetIndex((char *)Value,MCSAlgoType,FALSE,R->P[0].CSAlgo); R->P[1].CSAlgo = MUGetIndex((char *)Value,MCSAlgoType,FALSE,R->P[1].CSAlgo); break; case mrmaCSKey: { char *ptr; char *TokPtr; /* FORMAT: <KEY>[,<KEY>] */ ptr = MUStrTok((char *)Value,",:",&TokPtr); if (ptr != NULL) { MUStrDup(&R->P[0].CSKey,(char *)Value); ptr = MUStrTok(NULL,",:",&TokPtr); if (ptr != NULL) { MUStrDup(&R->P[1].CSKey,(char *)Value); } } /* END if (ptr != NULL) */ } /* END BLOCK */ break; case mrmaEPort: R->EPort = (int)strtol((char *)Value,NULL,0); break; case mrmaHost: if (Value != NULL) strcpy(R->P[0].HostName,(char *)Value); break; case mrmaPort: if (Value != NULL) { if (Format == mdfString) { R->P[0].Port = (int)strtol((char *)Value,NULL,0); } else { R->P[0].Port = *(int *)Value; } } break; case mrmaSuspendSig: if (Value == NULL) break; if (Format == mdfString) { MUStrCpy(R->SuspendSig,(char *)Value,sizeof(R->SuspendSig)); } else { sprintf(R->SuspendSig,"%d", *(int *)Value); } break; default: /* attribute not handled */ return(FAILURE); /*NOTREACHED*/ break; } /* END switch(AIndex) */ return(SUCCESS); } /* END MRMSetAttr() */ int MRMNodePreLoad( mnode_t *N, /* I (modified) */ int NState, /* I */ mrm_t *R) /* I */ { const char *FName = "MRMNodePreLoad"; DBG(5,fRM) DPrint("%s(%s,%s,%s)\n", FName, (N != NULL) ? N->Name : "NULL", MAList[eNodeState][NState], (R != NULL) ? R->Name : "NULL"); if (N == NULL) { return(FAILURE); } MSched.EnvChanged = TRUE; memset(N->FBM,0,sizeof(N->FBM)); N->Network = 0; N->RM = R; N->State = NState; N->TaskCount = 0; N->EProcCount = 0; memset(&N->CRes,0,sizeof(N->CRes)); memset(&N->DRes,0,sizeof(N->DRes)); memset(&N->ARes,0,sizeof(N->ARes)); N->DRes.Procs = -1; N->CRes.Procs = -1; if (MSched.DefaultN.CRes.Disk > 0) N->CRes.Disk = MSched.DefaultN.CRes.Disk; N->ARes.Procs = -1; N->ARes.Mem = -1; N->ARes.Swap = -1; N->ARes.Disk = -1; N->URes.Procs = -1; N->ARes.PSlot[0].count = MAX_INT; /* set default partition */ N->PtIndex = 1; N->EState = N->State; N->SyncDeadLine = MAX_MTIME; N->StateMTime = MSched.Time; N->R[0] = NULL; N->CTime = MSched.Time; N->MTime = MSched.Time; N->ATime = MSched.Time; N->STTime = 0; N->SUTime = 0; N->SATime = 0; return(SUCCESS); } /* END MRMNodePreLoad() */ int MRMNodePostLoad( mnode_t *N) /* I */ { mclass_t *C; char tmpName[MAX_MNAME]; const char *FName = "MRMNodePostLoad"; DBG(5,fRM) DPrint("%s(%s)\n", FName, (N != NULL) ? N->Name : "NULL"); if (N == NULL) { return(FAILURE); } /* load node configuration */ MNodeLoadConfig(N,NULL); strcpy(tmpName,MNodeAdjustName(N->Name,1)); if (strcmp(N->Name,tmpName) != 0) MUStrDup(&N->FullName,tmpName); if (N->CTime == 0) { /* initialize node timestamps */ N->CTime = MSched.Time; N->MTime = MSched.Time; N->ATime = MSched.Time; } /* set default values */ if (N->CRes.Disk == -1) { if (MSched.DefaultN.CRes.Disk > 0) N->CRes.Disk = MSched.DefaultN.CRes.Disk; else N->CRes.Disk = 1; } if (N->CRes.Mem == -1) { if (MSched.DefaultN.CRes.Mem > 0) N->CRes.Mem = MSched.DefaultN.CRes.Mem; else N->CRes.Mem = 1; } if (N->CRes.Swap == -1) { if (MSched.DefaultN.CRes.Swap > 0) N->CRes.Swap = MSched.DefaultN.CRes.Swap; else N->CRes.Swap = 1; } N->CRes.Mem = MAX(N->ARes.Mem,N->CRes.Mem); if (N->ARes.Mem == -1) N->ARes.Mem = N->CRes.Mem; N->CRes.Swap = MAX(N->ARes.Swap,N->CRes.Swap); if (N->ARes.Swap == -1) N->ARes.Swap = N->CRes.Swap; N->CRes.Disk = MAX(N->ARes.Disk,N->CRes.Disk); if (N->ARes.Disk == -1) N->ARes.Disk = N->CRes.Disk; if (N->URes.Procs == -1) N->URes.Procs = (int)N->Load; if (memchr(N->CRes.PSlot,'\0',sizeof(N->CRes.PSlot)) == NULL) { MClassAdd(DEFAULT,&C); N->CRes.PSlot[C->Index].count = 1; N->CRes.PSlot[0].count = 1; } /* NOTE: must properly calculate available procs */ if (N->CRes.Procs == -1) N->CRes.Procs = 1; if ((MPar[0].NAvailPolicy[0] == mrapUtilized) || (MPar[0].NAvailPolicy[0] == mrapCombined)) { /* use utilized resource info */ if ((MSched.MaxOSCPULoad > 0.0) && (N->DRes.Procs == 0) && (N->ARes.Procs < N->CRes.Procs)) { N->ARes.Procs = MAX(0,N->ARes.Procs - (int)(MSched.MaxOSCPULoad * N->CRes.Procs)); } } /* END if (((MPar[0].NAvailPolicy[pindex] == mrapUtilized) ... */ /* restore checkpoint node information */ MCPRestore(mcpNode,N->Name,(void *)N); /* connect to existing reservations */ MNodeUpdateResExpression(N); if (N->ProcSpeed > 0) MSched.ReferenceProcSpeed = MIN(MSched.ReferenceProcSpeed,N->ProcSpeed); if (N->Speed <= 0.0) N->Speed = 1.0; MNodeGetLocation(N); if ((N->MaxProcPerClass != NULL) || (MSched.DefaultN.MaxProcPerClass != NULL)) { int cindex; int tmpI; for (cindex = 0;cindex < MAX_MCLASS;cindex++) { if (N->CRes.PSlot[cindex].count <= 0) continue; if ((N->MaxProcPerClass != NULL) && (N->MaxProcPerClass[cindex] > 0)) { tmpI = N->MaxProcPerClass[cindex]; } else if ((MSched.DefaultN.MaxProcPerClass != NULL) && (MSched.DefaultN.MaxProcPerClass[cindex] > 0)) { tmpI = MSched.DefaultN.MaxProcPerClass[cindex]; } else { continue; } N->CRes.PSlot[cindex].count = MIN(N->CRes.PSlot[cindex].count,tmpI); N->CRes.PSlot[cindex].count = MIN(N->CRes.PSlot[cindex].count,tmpI); } /* END for (cindex) */ } /* END if ((N->MaxProcPerClass != NULL) || ...) */ if ((N->RM == NULL) || (N->RM->Type != mrmtWiki)) { MNodeResetJobSlots(N); } return(SUCCESS); } /* END MRMNodePostLoad() */ int MRMNodePreUpdate( mnode_t *N, /* I */ int NState, /* I */ mrm_t *R) /* I */ { int OldState; const char *FName = "MRMNodePreUpdate"; DBG(4,fRM) DPrint("%s(%s,%s,%s)\n", FName, (N != NULL) ? N->Name : "NULL", MAList[eNodeState][NState], (R != NULL) ? R->Name : "NULL"); if (N == NULL) { return(FAILURE); } /* update node statistics */ N->STTime += MSched.Interval / 100; if ((N->State != mnsDown) && (N->State != mnsNone) && (N->State != mnsFlush) && (N->State != mnsDraining)) { N->SUTime += MSched.Interval / 100; if (N->State != mnsIdle) { N->SATime += MSched.Interval / 100; } } /* update node state */ OldState = N->State; N->State = NState; /* update node utilization */ memset(&N->DRes,0,sizeof(N->DRes)); N->TaskCount = 0; N->EProcCount = 0; if (MSched.Mode == msmSim) { /* NO-OP */ } else { N->Load = 0.0; memset(&N->ARes,0,sizeof(N->ARes)); N->ARes.Procs = -1; N->ARes.Mem = -1; N->ARes.Swap = -1; N->ARes.Disk = -1; N->ARes.PSlot[0].count = MAX_INT; } /* if node state (Busy -> Idle) transition, verify node is Idle */ if (((N->EState == mnsActive) || (N->EState == mnsBusy)) && (N->State == mnsIdle)) { /* job completed within a single iteration. synchronize node */ if (MNodeCheckAllocation(N) != SUCCESS) { DBG(4,fRM) DPrint("ALERT: node '%s' expected Busy but is Idle and not allocated\n", N->Name); N->EState = mnsIdle; } else { DBG(4,fRM) DPrint("ALERT: node '%s' expected Active but is Idle and allocated\n", N->Name); } } /* handle node state changes */ if (N->State != OldState) { DBG(2,fRM) DPrint("INFO: node '%s' changed states from %s to %s\n", N->Name, MAList[eNodeState][OldState], MAList[eNodeState][N->State]); MSched.EnvChanged = TRUE; N->StateMTime = MSched.Time; /* handle <ANYSTATE> to 'Down/Drain/Flush' state transitions */ if ((N->State == mnsDown) || (N->State == mnsDraining) || (N->State == mnsDrained) || (N->State == mnsFlush)) { N->EState = N->State; N->SyncDeadLine = MAX_MTIME; } /* handle Down/Drain/Flush state to <any state> transitions */ if ((OldState == mnsDown) || (OldState == mnsDraining) || (OldState == mnsDrained) || (OldState == mnsFlush) || (OldState == mnsReserved)) { N->EState = N->State; N->SyncDeadLine = MAX_MTIME; } if ((OldState == mnsIdle) && (N->State == mnsBusy)) { if (MSched.Mode != msmTest) { DBG(1,fRM) DPrint("ALERT: unexpected node transition on node '%s' Idle -> Busy\n", N->Name); } N->EState = N->State; N->SyncDeadLine = MAX_MTIME; } } /* END if (N->State != OldState) */ return(SUCCESS); } /* END MRMNodePreUpdate() */ int MRMNodePostUpdate( mnode_t *N, /* I (modified) */ int OldState) /* I */ { const char *FName = "MRMNodePostUpdate"; DBG(5,fRM) DPrint("%s(%s,%s)\n", FName, (N != NULL) ? N->Name : "NULL", MNodeState[OldState]); if (N == NULL) { return(FAILURE); } N->ATime = MSched.Time; /* NOTE: assume modification on each iteration */ N->MTime = MSched.Time; /* set default values */ N->CRes.Mem = MAX(N->ARes.Mem,N->CRes.Mem); if (N->ARes.Mem == -1) N->ARes.Mem = N->CRes.Mem; /* NOTE: attempt to obtain MAX swap over time */ N->CRes.Swap = MAX(N->ARes.Swap,N->CRes.Swap); if (N->ARes.Swap == -1) N->ARes.Swap = N->CRes.Swap; if (N->CRes.Disk == -1) N->CRes.Disk = 1; N->CRes.Disk = MAX(N->ARes.Disk,N->CRes.Disk); if (N->ARes.Disk == -1) N->ARes.Disk = N->CRes.Disk; if (N->CRes.Procs == -1) N->CRes.Procs = 1; if (N->URes.Procs == -1) N->URes.Procs = (int)N->Load; /* NOTE: ARes.Procs and DRes.Procs should be updated in MNodeUpdateState() */ /* if (N->ARes.Procs == -1) { N->ARes.Procs = MAX(0,N->CRes.Procs - N->DRes.Procs); } */ if ((MPar[0].NAvailPolicy[0] == mrapUtilized) || (MPar[0].NAvailPolicy[0] == mrapCombined)) { /* use utilized resource information */ if ((MSched.MaxOSCPULoad > 0.0) && (N->DRes.Procs == 0) && (N->ARes.Procs < N->CRes.Procs)) { N->ARes.Procs = MAX( 0, N->ARes.Procs - (int)(MSched.MaxOSCPULoad * N->CRes.Procs)); } } /* unspecifed state, DRes.Procs, and ARes.Procs handled in MNodeUpdateState() */ if ((N->State != N->EState) && (MSched.Time > N->SyncDeadLine)) { DBG(3,fRM) DPrint("INFO: synchronizing node '%s' to state '%s' (expected state: '%s')\n", N->Name, MAList[eNodeState][N->State], MAList[eNodeState][N->EState]); N->EState = N->State; } /* handle 'down to non-down' state transitions */ if (((OldState == mnsDown) || (OldState == mnsDrained)) && (N->State != OldState)) { MNodeUpdateResExpression(N); } if ((N->MaxProcPerClass != NULL) || (MSched.DefaultN.MaxProcPerClass != NULL)) { int cindex; int tmpI; for (cindex = 0;cindex < MAX_MCLASS;cindex++) { if (N->CRes.PSlot[cindex].count <= 0) continue; if ((N->MaxProcPerClass != NULL) && (N->MaxProcPerClass[cindex] > 0)) { tmpI = N->MaxProcPerClass[cindex]; } else if ((MSched.DefaultN.MaxProcPerClass != NULL) && (MSched.DefaultN.MaxProcPerClass[cindex] > 0)) { tmpI = MSched.DefaultN.MaxProcPerClass[cindex]; } else { continue; } N->CRes.PSlot[cindex].count = MIN(N->CRes.PSlot[cindex].count,tmpI); } /* END for (cindex) */ } /* END if ((N->MaxProcPerClass != NULL) || ...) */ if ((N->RM == NULL) || (N->RM->Type != mrmtWiki)) { MNodeResetJobSlots(N); } return(SUCCESS); } /* END MRMNodePostUpdate() */ int MRMJobPreLoad( mjob_t *J, /* I (modified) */ char *JobName, /* I */ int RMIndex) /* I */ { const char *FName = "MRMJobPreLoad"; DBG(5,fRM) DPrint("%s(J,%s,%d)\n", FName, (JobName != NULL) ? JobName : "NULL", RMIndex); if (J == NULL) { return(FAILURE); } MSched.EnvChanged = TRUE; J->RM = &MRM[RMIndex]; if (JobName != NULL) MUStrCpy(J->Name,JobName,sizeof(J->Name)); J->CTime = MSched.Time; J->MTime = MSched.Time; J->ATime = MSched.Time; /* set defaults */ J->CMaxTime = MAX_MTIME; J->TermTime = MAX_MTIME; J->Hold = 0; J->SystemPrio = 0; J->SyncDeadLine = MAX_MTIME; J->Bypass = 0; J->AWallTime = 0; J->SWallTime = 0; J->R = NULL; J->PAL[0] = DEFAULT_MPARLIST; J->Request.TC = 1; J->State = mjsIdle; J->SpecWCLimit[1] = 0; J->QReq = NULL; if (J->NodeList != NULL) J->NodeList[0].N = NULL; return(SUCCESS); } /* END MRMJobPreLoad() */ int MRMJobPostLoad( mjob_t *J, /* I (modified) */ short *TaskList, /* I */ mrm_t *R) /* I */ { int TC; mqos_t *QDef; int AccountFallback; enum MHoldReasonEnum Reason; int cindex; int rqindex; mjob_t *MJ; mreq_t *RQ; mnode_t *N; mgcred_t *A; char ErrMsg[MAX_MLINE]; char tmpLine[MAX_MLINE]; char tmpFBAccount[MAX_MLINE]; const char *FName = "MRMJobPostLoad"; DBG(5,fRM) DPrint("%s(%s,TaskList,%s)\n", FName, (J != NULL) ? J->Name : "NULL", (R != NULL) ? R->Name : "NULL"); if ((J == NULL) || (R == NULL)) { DBG(1,fRM) DPrint("ERROR: invalid job/RM pointer passed to %s()\n", FName); return(FAILURE); } MTRAPJOB(J,FName); /* NOTE: determine req/def QOS, allocation status, resulting account/QOS, then create reservation */ if (J->SubmitTime == 0) { DBG(1,fRM) DPrint("WARNING: no QueueTime on job '%s'\n", J->Name); J->SubmitTime = MSched.Time; } AccountFallback = FALSE; J->SystemQueueTime = J->SubmitTime; J->EState = J->State; /* set class cred */ for (cindex = 1;cindex < MAX_MCLASS;cindex++) { if (J->Req[0]->DRes.PSlot[cindex].count > 0) { J->Cred.C = &MClass[cindex]; break; } } /* END for (cindex) */ if (J->Cred.C != NULL) { if (J->Cred.C->NonExeType == TRUE) MJobSetState(J,mjsNotQueued); for (rqindex = 0;J->Req[rqindex] != NULL;rqindex++) { RQ = J->Req[0]; MUBMOR(RQ->ReqFBM,J->Cred.C->DefFBM,MAX_MATTR); if (J->Cred.C->NAPolicy != 0) RQ->NAccessPolicy = J->Cred.C->NAPolicy; } /* END for (rqindex) */ } /* restore checkpointed job status (QOS/Hold/SPrio/Bypass) */ MCPRestore(mcpJob,J->Name,(void *)J); if ((MQOSGetAccess(J,J->QReq,NULL,&QDef) == FAILURE) || (J->QReq == NULL) || (J->QReq == &MQOS[0])) { MJobSetQOS(J,QDef,0); } else { MJobSetQOS(J,J->QReq,0); } if ((J->SpecWCLimit[1] == 0) || (J->SpecWCLimit[1] == -1)) { DBG(4,fRM) DPrint("WARNING: wallclock limit not specified for job %s\n", J->Name); if ((J->Cred.Q != NULL) && (J->Cred.Q->L.JDef != NULL) && (((mjob_t *)J->Cred.Q->L.JDef)->SpecWCLimit[0] > 0)) { J->SpecWCLimit[1] = ((mjob_t *)J->Cred.Q->L.JDef)->SpecWCLimit[0]; } else if ((J->Cred.C != NULL) && (J->Cred.C->L.JDef != NULL) && (((mjob_t *)J->Cred.C->L.JDef)->SpecWCLimit[0] > 0)) { J->SpecWCLimit[1] = ((mjob_t *)J->Cred.C->L.JDef)->SpecWCLimit[0]; } else { J->SpecWCLimit[1] = MPar[0].L.JP->HLimit[mptMaxWC][0]; } DBG(4,fRM) DPrint("INFO: wallclock limit set to %s on job %s\n", MULToTString(J->SpecWCLimit[1]), J->Name); } J->SpecWCLimit[0] = J->SpecWCLimit[1]; if ((MPar[0].UseMachineSpeed == FALSE) || ((J->State != mjsRunning) && (J->State != mjsStarting))) { J->WCLimit = J->SpecWCLimit[0]; } else { double tmpD; MUNLGetMinAVal(J->NodeList,mnaSpeed,NULL,(void *)&tmpD); if (tmpD > 0.0) J->WCLimit = (long)((double)J->SpecWCLimit[0] / tmpD); } if (MPar[0].EnableMultiNodeJobs == FALSE) { J->Req[0]->TasksPerNode = J->Req[0]->TaskCount; } /* set tasklist/nodelist */ if (TaskList != NULL) { int tindex = 0; if (J->Req[1] != NULL) { for (rqindex = 0;J->Req[rqindex] != NULL;rqindex++) { RQ = J->Req[rqindex]; if (RQ->DRes.Procs == 0) { /* handle local resources */ MReqAllocateLocalRes(J,RQ); } } /* END for (rqindex) */ for (tindex = 0;tindex < MAX_MNODE;tindex++) { if (TaskList[tindex] == -1) break; } /* END for (tindex) */ MJobGetLocalTL(J,&TaskList[tindex],MAX_MNODE - tindex); } /* END if (J->Req[1] != NULL) */ if ((J->NodeList == NULL) && ((J->NodeList = (mnalloc_t *)calloc(1, sizeof(mnalloc_t) * (MAX_MNODE_PER_JOB + 1))) == NULL)) { DBG(1,fRM) DPrint("ALERT: cannot allocate memory for job %s nodelist, errno: %d (%s)\n", J->Name, errno, strerror(errno)); return(FAILURE); } MUNLFromTL(J->NodeList,TaskList,&J->NodeCount); memcpy(J->TaskMap,TaskList,sizeof(J->TaskMap)); /* tasklist specified for primary req only */ if (J->Req[0] != NULL) { memcpy( J->Req[0]->NodeList, J->NodeList, sizeof(mnalloc_t) * tindex); J->Req[0]->NodeList[tindex].N = NULL; } } /* END if (TaskList != NULL) */ /* check class constraints */ if (MJobCheckClassJLimits( J, J->Cred.C, FALSE, tmpLine, sizeof(tmpLine)) == FAILURE) { char tmpMsg[MAX_MLINE]; /* job does not meet class constraints */ sprintf(tmpMsg,"job violates class configuration '%s'", tmpLine); MJobSetHold( J, (1 << mhBatch), MSched.DeferTime, mhrPolicyViolation, tmpLine); if (J->Req[0] == NULL) { /* if sim job removed in set hold */ return(FAILURE); } } /* check account allocation status */ if (MAM[0].FallbackAccount[0] != '\0') { if (MAMAllocJReserve(&MAM[0],J,TRUE,&Reason,ErrMsg) == FAILURE) { DBG(3,fRM) DPrint("WARNING: cannot reserve allocation for job '%s', reason: %s\n", J->Name, MDefReason[Reason]); /* Bug in the maui-gold interaction when FALLBACKACCOUNT is enabled neccessitates this double check */ if (Reason == mhrNoFunds || Reason == mhrAMFailure) { /* If the fallbackaccount starts with a + then append it to the primary accountname */ if (MAM[0].FallbackAccount[0] == '+') { snprintf(tmpFBAccount,sizeof(tmpFBAccount),"%s%s", J->Cred.A->Name, MAM[0].FallbackAccount + 1); } else { strcpy(tmpFBAccount,MAM[0].FallbackAccount); } DBG(3,fRM) DPrint("WARNING: insufficient allocation in account '%s' to run job '%s' (attempting fallback account '%s')\n", J->Cred.A->Name, J->Name, tmpFBAccount); if (MAcctFind(tmpFBAccount,&A) == SUCCESS) { J->Cred.A = A; AccountFallback = TRUE; } else { DBG(2,fRM) DPrint("ALERT: cannot locate fallback account '%s'\n", tmpFBAccount); } } } else { /* adequate allocations available on primary account, release 'test' bank reservation */ #if !defined(__MQBANK29) if (MAMAllocResCancel(J->Cred.A->Name,J->Name,"allocation test",NULL,&Reason) == FAILURE) { DBG(1,fRM) DPrint("ERROR: cannot cancel allocation reservation for job '%s', reason: %s\n", J->Name, MDefReason[Reason]); } #endif /* __MQBANK29 */ } } /* END if (MSched.BankFallbackAccount[0] != '\0') */ /* reset QOS in case fallback account utilized */ if ((MQOSGetAccess(J,J->QReq,NULL,&QDef) == FAILURE) || (J->QReq == NULL) || (J->QReq == &MQOS[0])) { MJobSetQOS(J,QDef,0); if ((J->QReq != NULL) && (AccountFallback == FALSE)) { DBG(2,fRM) DPrint("ALERT: job '%s' cannot use requested QOS %s (deferring/setting QOS to default %s)\n", J->Name, J->QReq->Name, QDef->Name); if (MSched.Mode != msmSim) { /* job cannot run in simulation mode w/o admin intervention */ MJobSetHold( J, (1 << mhDefer), MSched.DeferTime, mhrQOSAccess, "job cannot use requested QOS"); } } } else { MJobSetQOS(J,J->QReq,0); } /* END else ((MQOSGetAccess(J,J->QReq,NULL,&QDef) == FAILURE) || ... ) */ MJobBuildCL(J); MJobUpdateFlags(J); /* determine partition mask */ if (MJobGetPAL(J,J->SpecPAL,J->PAL,NULL) == FAILURE) { /* cannot utilize requested PAL */ DBG(2,fRM) DPrint("ALERT: cannot utilize requested PAL '%x'\n", J->SpecPAL[0]); } if (J->Request.TC != J->Req[0]->TaskRequestList[0]) { J->Request.TC = 0; for (rqindex = 0;J->Req[rqindex] != NULL;rqindex++) { RQ = J->Req[rqindex]; RQ->TaskCount = RQ->TaskRequestList[0]; J->Request.TC += RQ->TaskRequestList[0]; } /* END for (rqindex) */ } if (J->MasterJobName != NULL) { /* locate/update master job */ if (MJobFind(J->MasterJobName,&MJ,0) == FAILURE) { DBG(3,fRM) DPrint("ALERT: cannot locate master job '%s' for subjob '%s' (cancelling subjob)\n", J->MasterJobName, J->Name); /* cancel subjob */ MRMJobCancel(J,"MOAB_ERROR: cannot locate parent job\n",NULL); } else { int sjcount = 0; for (rqindex = 0;MJ->Req[rqindex] != NULL;rqindex++) { if (MJ->Req[rqindex]->RMIndex == R->Index) { strcpy(MJ->Req[rqindex]->SubJobName,J->Name); if (MJ->IState == mjsStaging) { MJ->Req[rqindex]->State = mjsStaged; DBG(3,fRM) DPrint("INFO: located job '%s' subjob[%d] '%s' (RM: %s)\n", MJ->Name, rqindex, J->Name, R->Name); } else { DBG(3,fRM) DPrint("ALERT: master job '%s' in state '%s' subjob[%d] '%s' (RM: %s) loaded\n", MJ->Name, MAList[eJobState][MJ->State], rqindex, J->Name, R->Name); } } /* END if (MJ->Req[index].RMIndex == R->Index) */ if (MJ->Req[rqindex]->State == mjsStaged) sjcount++; } /* END for (rqindex) */ if (sjcount == rqindex) { if (MJ->IState == mjsStaging) { DBG(1,fRM) DPrint("INFO: all subjobs located. starting masterjob '%s'\n", MJ->Name); MJ->IState = mjsStaged; } } } /* END else if (MJobFind()) */ } /* END if (J->MasterJobName != NULL) */ else /* (J->MasterJobName != NULL) */ { if ((J->State == mjsIdle) && (J->EState != mjsDeferred)) { /* adjust idle job statistics handled in MQueueSelectAllJobs() */ /* NO-OP */ } else if (MJOBISALLOC(J) == TRUE) { double tmpD; DBG(4,fRM) DPrint("INFO: allocated job '%s' detected\n", J->Name); /* setup allocated node count */ if (J->TaskCount == 0) { DBG(2,fRM) DPrint("WARNING: job '%s' loaded in allocated state with no tasks allocated\n", J->Name); DBG(2,fRM) DPrint("INFO: adjusting allocated procs to %d for job '%s'\n", MJobGetProcCount(J), J->Name); J->TaskCount = J->Request.TC; } /* sanity check start time */ J->StartTime = MAX(J->StartTime,J->SubmitTime); { long tmpL; tmpL = J->StartTime + J->SWallTime + J->WCLimit - MSched.Time; J->RemainingTime = (tmpL > 0) ? tmpL : 0; } /* END BLOCK */ if (J->AWallTime <= 0) J->AWallTime = MSched.Time - J->StartTime - J->SWallTime; else J->AWallTime = MIN(J->AWallTime,MSched.Time - J->StartTime - J->SWallTime); /* adjust statistics */ MStatUpdateSubmitJobUsage(J); /* evaluate allocated nodes */ for (rqindex = 0;J->Req[rqindex] != NULL;rqindex++) { int nindex; RQ = J->Req[rqindex]; if (RQ->DRes.Procs == 0) { MReqAllocateLocalRes(J,RQ); } /* END if (RQ->DRes.Procs == 0) */ for (nindex = 0;RQ->NodeList[nindex].N != NULL;nindex++) { if (RQ->NodeList[nindex].TC == 0) break; N = RQ->NodeList[nindex].N; TC = RQ->NodeList[nindex].TC; N->TaskCount += TC; N->EProcCount += TC * RQ->DRes.Procs; if ((RQ->NAccessPolicy == mnacSingleJob) || (RQ->NAccessPolicy == mnacSingleTask)) { MCResAdd(&N->DRes,&N->CRes,&N->CRes,1,FALSE); } else { MCResAdd(&N->DRes,&N->CRes,&RQ->DRes,TC,FALSE); } } /* END for (nindex) */ /* determine partition */ if ((RQ->PtIndex == 0) && !(J->Flags & (1 << mjfSpan))) { if ((RQ->NodeList != NULL) && (RQ->NodeList[0].N != NULL)) RQ->PtIndex = RQ->NodeList[0].N->PtIndex; else RQ->PtIndex = 0; } } /* END for (rqindex) */ RQ = J->Req[0]; if (J->DispatchTime == 0) { DBG(0,fRM) DPrint("ERROR: job '%s' loaded in alloc state '%s' with NULL dispatch time\n", J->Name, MJobState[J->State]); J->DispatchTime = MSched.Time; /* hack to work around LL API bug */ J->StartTime = J->DispatchTime; } MUNLGetMinAVal(J->NodeList,mnaSpeed,NULL,(void **)&tmpD); if (tmpD > 0.0) { J->WCLimit = (int)((double)J->SpecWCLimit[0] / tmpD); } if ((RQ->NodeList[0].N == NULL) || (RQ->NodeList[0].TC == 0)) memcpy(RQ->NodeList,J->NodeList,sizeof(mnalloc_t) * (MAX_MNODE_PER_JOB + 1)); MResJCreate(J,NULL,J->DispatchTime,mjrActiveJob,NULL); if (MJOBISACTIVE(J) == TRUE) { MQueueAddAJob(J); } } /* END else if (MJOBISALLOC(J) == TRUE) */ if (J->Req[1] == NULL) { RQ = J->Req[0]; if (J->MReq == NULL) { RQ->TaskCount = J->Request.TC; } else { /* if master node requirements specified */ RQ->TaskCount = J->Request.TC - 1; } } /* END if (J->Req[1] == NULL) */ } /* END else (J->MasterName != NULL) */ for (rqindex = 0;J->Req[rqindex] != NULL;rqindex++) { RQ = J->Req[rqindex]; RQ->TasksPerNode = MIN(RQ->TasksPerNode,RQ->TaskCount); if ((RQ->NodeList != NULL) && (RQ->NodeList[0].N != NULL)) { RQ->PtIndex = RQ->NodeList[0].N->PtIndex; } else { RQ->PtIndex = 0; } } /* END for (rqindex) */ MJobUpdateResourceCache(J,0); if ((MPar[0].L.JP->HLimit[mptMaxWC][0] > 0) && (J->WCLimit > MPar[0].L.JP->HLimit[mptMaxWC][0])) { MJobSetHold( J, (1 << mhBatch), MSched.DeferTime, mhrPolicyViolation, "job violates system max wclimit"); } MJobCheckDataReq(J); if (X.XJobPostInit != (int (*)())0) { (*X.XJobPostInit)(X.xd,J,TRUE); } RQ = J->Req[0]; /* FIXME */ /* FORMAT: N TR UN GN WC JS UP QT NET OS AR MC MEM DC DSK */ DBG(1,fRM) DPrint("INFO: job '%s' loaded: %3d %8s %8s %6ld %10s %3ld %10ld %8s %6s %6s %2s %6d %2s %6d %s %ld\n", J->Name, J->Request.TC, J->Cred.U->Name, J->Cred.G->Name, J->WCLimit, MJobState[J->State], J->UPriority, J->SubmitTime, MAList[eNetwork][RQ->Network], MAList[eOpsys][RQ->Opsys], MAList[eArch][RQ->Arch], MComp[RQ->MemCmp], RQ->RequiredMemory, MComp[RQ->DiskCmp], RQ->RequiredDisk, MUMAList(eFeature,RQ->ReqFBM,sizeof(RQ->ReqFBM)), J->ATime); DBG(6,fRM) DPrint("INFO: job '%s' size: %d + %d\n", J->Name, J->ImageSize, J->ExecSize); if (MSched.Mode == msmSim) { /* NYI */ } else if (MSched.Mode == msmNormal) { MOSSyslog(LOG_INFO,"new job %s loaded", J->Name); } return(SUCCESS); } /* END MRMJobPostLoad() */ int MRMJobPostUpdate( mjob_t *J, /* I (modified) */ short *TaskList, /* I */ enum MJobStateEnum OldState, /* I */ mrm_t *R) /* I */ { mreq_t *RQ; int index = 0; int nindex = 0; int rqindex = 0; int tindex = 0; int jnindex = 0; int TC; int SC; long DeferTime; mbool_t BuildTaskMap; int RQ0TC = 0; int RQ0NC = 0; mnode_t *N; char Message[MAX_MLINE << 4]; char tmpLine[MAX_MLINE]; const char *FName = "MRMJobPostUpdate"; DBG(5,fRM) DPrint("%s(%s,TaskList,%s,%s)\n", FName, (J != NULL) ? J->Name : "NULL", MAList[eJobState][OldState], (R != NULL) ? R->Name : "NULL"); MTRAPJOB(J,FName); if ((J == NULL) || (R == NULL)) { return(FAILURE); } J->ATime = MSched.Time; Message[0] = '\0'; if (J->Cred.C != NULL) { if (J->Cred.C->NonExeType == TRUE) MJobSetState(J,mjsNotQueued); for (rqindex = 0;J->Req[rqindex] != NULL;rqindex++) { RQ = J->Req[0]; MUBMOR(RQ->ReqFBM,J->Cred.C->DefFBM,MAX_MATTR); } /* END for (rqindex) */ } MJobUpdateFlags(J); /* synchronize active job transitions */ if ((J->EState == mjsStarting) && (J->State == mjsRunning)) { J->EState = mjsRunning; J->SyncDeadLine = MAX_MTIME; } switch(OldState) { case mjsSuspended: J->SWallTime += (long)(MSched.Interval / 100); break; case mjsStarting: case mjsRunning: if (J->AWallTime <= 0) { J->AWallTime = MAX(0,(long)(MSched.Time - J->StartTime - J->SWallTime)); } else if (MSched.Time > J->StartTime) { J->AWallTime += (long)(MSched.Interval / 100); } break; case mjsDeferred: J->EState = J->State; J->SyncDeadLine = MAX_MTIME; break; case mjsIdle: case mjsNotQueued: case mjsHold: case mjsSystemHold: if ((J->State == mjsIdle) || (J->State == mjsNotQueued) || (J->State == mjsHold) || (J->State == mjsSystemHold)) { if (J->EState != mjsDeferred) { J->EState = J->State; J->SyncDeadLine = MAX_MTIME; } if ((J->State != OldState) && (J->State == mjsIdle)) { if (OldState != mjsSystemHold) J->SystemQueueTime = MSched.Time; } } else if (J->State == mjsRemoved) { /* handle cancelled jobs */ DBG(1,fRM) DPrint("ALERT: job '%s' was cancelled externally\n", J->Name); return(SUCCESS); } break; default: /* NO-OP */ break; } /* END switch (OldState) */ /* determine wclimit */ if (J->SpecWCLimit[1] == 0) { DBG(4,fRM) DPrint("WARNING: wallclock limit not specified for job %s\n", J->Name); if ((J->Cred.Q != NULL) && (J->Cred.Q->L.JDef != NULL) && (((mjob_t *)J->Cred.Q->L.JDef)->SpecWCLimit[0] > 0)) { J->SpecWCLimit[1] = ((mjob_t *)J->Cred.Q->L.JDef)->SpecWCLimit[0]; } else if ((J->Cred.C != NULL) && (J->Cred.C->L.JDef != NULL) && (((mjob_t *)J->Cred.C->L.JDef)->SpecWCLimit[0] > 0)) { J->SpecWCLimit[1] = ((mjob_t *)J->Cred.C->L.JDef)->SpecWCLimit[0]; } else { J->SpecWCLimit[1] = MDEF_SYSJOBWCLIMIT; } } else if (J->SpecWCLimit[1] == (unsigned long)-1) { DBG(4,fRM) DPrint("INFO: wallclock limit set to unlimited to job %s\n", J->Name); J->SpecWCLimit[1] = MPar[0].L.JP->HLimit[mptMaxWC][0]; } /* if (MPar[0].L.JP->HLimit[mptMaxWC][0] > 0) J->SpecWCLimit[1] = MIN(J->SpecWCLimit[1],MPar[0].L.JP->HLimit[mptMaxWC][0]); */ /* check class constraints */ if (MJobCheckClassJLimits(J,J->Cred.C,FALSE,tmpLine,MAX_MLINE) == FAILURE) { char tmpMsg[MAX_MLINE]; sprintf(tmpMsg,"job violates class configuration '%s'", tmpLine); /* job does not meet class constraints */ MJobSetHold( J, (1 << mhBatch), MSched.DeferTime, mhrPolicyViolation, tmpLine); } J->SpecWCLimit[0] = J->SpecWCLimit[1]; if ((MPar[0].UseMachineSpeed == FALSE) || ((J->State != mjsRunning) && (J->State != mjsStarting))) { J->WCLimit = J->SpecWCLimit[0]; } else { double tmpD; MUNLGetMinAVal(J->NodeList,mnaSpeed,NULL,(void **)&tmpD); if (tmpD > 0.0) J->WCLimit = (long)((double)J->SpecWCLimit[0] / tmpD); } /* adjust active job statistics/state */ if (MJOBISACTIVE(J)) { J->StartTime = MAX(J->StartTime,J->SubmitTime); if ((OldState == mjsHold) || (OldState == mjsIdle) || (OldState == mjsNotRun) || (J->NodeList[0].N == NULL)) { /* build new job list */ J->NodeList[0].N = NULL; J->TaskMap[0] = -1; } else { /* check task index ordering */ if (TaskList != NULL) { int JobHasMap; if (J->TaskMap[0] == -1) JobHasMap = FALSE; else JobHasMap = TRUE; RQ0NC = 0; RQ0TC = 0; if (J->Req[1] != NULL) { for (rqindex = 0;J->Req[rqindex] != NULL;rqindex++) { RQ = J->Req[rqindex]; if (RQ->DRes.Procs == 0) { /* handle local resources */ MReqAllocateLocalRes(J,RQ); } } /* END for (rqindex) */ for (tindex = 0;tindex < MAX_MNODE;tindex++) { if (TaskList[tindex] == -1) break; } /* END for (tindex) */ MJobGetLocalTL(J,&TaskList[tindex],MAX_MNODE - tindex); /* NOTE: must split resources across reqs (NYI) */ RQ0TC = tindex; } /* END if (J->Req[1] != NULL) */ for (tindex = 0;TaskList[tindex] != -1;tindex++) { if (J->TaskMap[tindex] != TaskList[tindex]) { if (JobHasMap == TRUE) { DBG(1,fRM) DPrint("ALERT: task %d changed from '%s' to '%s' for active job '%s'\n", tindex, MNode[J->TaskMap[tindex]]->Name, MNode[TaskList[tindex]]->Name, J->Name); } /* rebuild map */ J->NodeList[0].N = NULL; J->Req[0]->NodeList[0].N = NULL; break; } } /* END for (tindex) */ } /* END if (TaskList != NULL) */ } /* END else (OldState == jHold) */ if (TaskList != NULL) { int SNIndex = 0; int tmpNC; int tmpTC; if (J->NodeList[0].N == NULL) BuildTaskMap = TRUE; else BuildTaskMap = FALSE; for (tindex = 0;TaskList[tindex] != -1;tindex++) { N = MNode[TaskList[tindex]]; if (tindex > MAX_MTASK_PER_JOB) { DBG(0,fRM) DPrint("WARNING: job size exceeds internal maximum job size (%d)\n", MAX_MTASK_PER_JOB); break; } if (BuildTaskMap == TRUE) { /* build new node list */ J->TaskMap[tindex] = TaskList[tindex]; for (jnindex = 0;J->NodeList[jnindex].N != NULL;jnindex++) { if (J->NodeList[jnindex].N->Index == TaskList[tindex]) { J->NodeList[jnindex].TC++; break; } } /* END for (jnindex) */ if (J->NodeList[jnindex].N == NULL) { J->NodeList[jnindex].N = MNode[TaskList[tindex]]; J->NodeList[jnindex].TC = 1; J->NodeList[jnindex + 1].N = NULL; } } /* END if (BuildTaskMap == TRUE) */ DBG(6,fRM) DPrint("INFO: task %d assigned to job '%s'\n", tindex, J->Name); if (N->State == mnsIdle) { DBG(3,fRM) DPrint("ALERT: RM state corruption. job '%s' has idle node '%s' allocated (node forced to active state)\n", J->Name, N->Name); if (Message[0] == '\0') { sprintf(Message,"JOBCORRUPTION: job '%s' has the following idle node(s) allocated:\n", J->Name); } if (strlen(Message) + 100 < sizeof(Message)) { sprintf(Message,"%s '%s' ", Message, N->Name); } if (N->DRes.Procs >= N->CRes.Procs) N->EState = mnsBusy; else N->EState = mnsActive; } /* END else if ((OldState == jHold) ... */ } /* END for (tindex) */ /* terminate lists */ if (BuildTaskMap == TRUE) J->TaskMap[tindex] = -1; for (rqindex = 0;J->Req[rqindex] != NULL;rqindex++) { RQ = J->Req[rqindex + 1]; tmpNC = 0; tmpTC = 0; for (nindex = SNIndex;J->NodeList[nindex].TC > 0;nindex++) { if (J->NodeList[nindex].N == NULL) break; if ((RQ != NULL) && (J->NodeList[nindex].N == RQ->NodeList[0].N)) { break; } tmpNC++; tmpTC += J->NodeList[nindex].TC; } /* END for (nindex) */ SNIndex = nindex; J->Req[rqindex]->TaskCount = tmpTC; J->Req[rqindex]->NodeCount = tmpNC; } /* END for (rqindex) */ J->NodeList[nindex].N = NULL; J->NodeCount = nindex; RQ = J->Req[0]; /* if req info is lost */ if ((RQ->NodeList[0].N == NULL) || (RQ->NodeList[0].TC == 0)) { /* NOTE: address primary req only */ memcpy( RQ->NodeList, J->NodeList, sizeof(mnalloc_t) * (RQ->NodeCount + 1)); } } /* END if (TaskList != NULL) */ RQ = J->Req[0]; if (J->StartTime == 0) { DBG(0,fRM) DPrint("ERROR: job '%s' updated in active state '%s' with NULL start time\n", J->Name, MJobState[J->State]); J->StartTime = MSched.Time; J->DispatchTime = MSched.Time; } J->RemainingTime = (J->WCLimit > J->AWallTime) ? J->WCLimit - J->AWallTime : 0; if (J->TaskCount <= 0) { DBG(2,fRM) DPrint("WARNING: job '%s' loaded in active state with no tasks allocated\n", J->Name); DBG(2,fRM) DPrint("INFO: adjusting allocated tasks for job '%s'\n", J->Name); J->TaskCount = J->Request.TC; if (J->NodeList != NULL) J->NodeList[0].N = NULL; if ((RQ != NULL) && (RQ->NodeList != NULL)) RQ->NodeList[0].N = NULL; } /* END if (J->TaskCount <= 0) */ MQueueAddAJob(J); /* only make reservation on previously active jobs */ if ((OldState == mjsStarting) || (OldState == mjsRunning)) { RQ = J->Req[0]; /* FIXME: if req info is lost */ if ((RQ->NodeList[0].N == NULL) || (RQ->NodeList[0].TC == 0)) { memcpy( RQ->NodeList, J->NodeList, sizeof(mnalloc_t) * (MAX_MNODE_PER_JOB + 1)); } if (J->R != NULL) { if (MResCheckJobMatch(J,J->R) == FAILURE) { MResDestroy(&J->R); MResJCreate(J,NULL,J->DispatchTime,mjrActiveJob,NULL); } } else { MResJCreate(J,NULL,J->DispatchTime,mjrActiveJob,NULL); } } } /* END if (MJOBISACTIVE(J)) */ else if (J->State == mjsSuspended) { RQ = J->Req[0]; if ((RQ->NodeList[0].N == NULL) || (RQ->NodeList[0].TC == 0)) { /* NOTE: address primary req only */ memcpy( RQ->NodeList, J->NodeList, sizeof(mnalloc_t) * (RQ->NodeCount + 1)); } } /* END else if (J->State == mjsSuspended) */ if (MJOBISACTIVE(J) || MJOBISCOMPLETE(J)) { if (J->Req[1] != NULL) { int rqindex; J->Request.NC = 0; J->Request.TC = 0; J->TaskCount = 0; J->NodeCount = 0; for (rqindex = 0;J->Req[rqindex] != NULL;rqindex++) { RQ = J->Req[rqindex]; J->Request.NC += RQ->NodeCount; J->Request.TC += RQ->TaskCount; if (MJOBISACTIVE(J)) { J->TaskCount += RQ->TaskCount; J->NodeCount += RQ->NodeCount; } } } /* END if (J->Req[1] != NULL) */ } /* END if (MJOBISACTIVE(J) || MJOBISCOMPLETE(J)) */ /* adjust completed/removed/vacated job statistics/state */ if (MJOBISCOMPLETE(J)) { if (J->StartTime == 0) { DBG(0,fRM) DPrint("ERROR: Job[%03d] '%s' updated to completed state '%s' with NULL start time\n", J->Index, J->Name, MJobState[J->State]); /* make best guess */ J->StartTime = MSched.Time; J->DispatchTime = MSched.Time; } if (J->CompletionTime <= J->StartTime) { J->CompletionTime = MIN( MSched.Time, J->StartTime + J->SWallTime + MAX(J->AWallTime,1)); } if (J->TaskCount <= 0) J->TaskCount = J->Request.TC; } /* END if (MJOBISCOMPLETE(J)) */ /* handle rejected jobs */ if (((J->EState == mjsRunning) || (J->EState == mjsStarting)) && ((J->State == mjsIdle) || (J->State == mjsHold))) { if (J->Cred.A != NULL) { if (MAMAllocResCancel(J->Cred.A->Name,J->Name,"job rejected",NULL,(enum MHoldReasonEnum *)&SC) == FAILURE) { DBG(1,fRM) DPrint("ERROR: cannot cancel account reservation for job '%s'\n", J->Name); } } DeferTime = MSched.DeferTime * (1 + J->StartCount); J->NodeCount = 0; J->TaskCount = 0; J->TaskMap[0] = -1; DBG(2,fRM) DPrint("ALERT: job '%s' was in state '%s' but is now in state '%s' (job was rejected)\n", J->Name, MJobState[J->EState], MJobState[J->State]); DBG(2,fRM) DPrint("ALERT: job '%s' is being deferred for %ld seconds\n", J->Name, DeferTime); DBG(4,fRM) { DBG(4,fRM) DPrint("INFO: job '%s' nodelist: ", J->Name); for (index = 0;index < MAX_MNODE_PER_JOB;index++) { if (J->NodeList[index].N == NULL) break; fprintf(mlog.logfp,"[%16s]", J->NodeList[index].N->Name); } /* END for (index) */ fprintf(mlog.logfp,"\n"); } MJobSetHold( J, (1 << mhDefer), MSched.DeferTime, mhrRMReject, "job rejected by RM"); } /* END if (((J->EState == mjsRunning) || ... */ if (MJOBISACTIVE(J)) { for (rqindex = 0;J->Req[rqindex] != NULL;rqindex++) { RQ = J->Req[rqindex]; for (nindex = 0;RQ->NodeList[nindex].N != NULL;nindex++) { N = RQ->NodeList[nindex].N; TC = RQ->NodeList[nindex].TC; N->TaskCount += TC; N->EProcCount += TC * RQ->DRes.Procs; if ((RQ->NAccessPolicy == mnacSingleJob) || (RQ->NAccessPolicy == mnacSingleTask)) { MCResAdd(&N->DRes,&N->CRes,&N->CRes,1,FALSE); } else { MCResAdd(&N->DRes,&N->CRes,&RQ->DRes,TC,FALSE); } } } /* END for (rqindex) */ if ((OldState == mjsHold) || (OldState == mjsIdle) || (OldState == mjsNotRun)) { MResJCreate(J,NULL,J->DispatchTime,mjrActiveJob,NULL); } else { /* job was in active state on last iteration */ if ((Message[0] != '\0') && (MSched.Time - J->StartTime > 150)) { /* indicate idle node allocated to active job */ MSysRegEvent(Message,0,0,1); } } } /* END if (MJOBISACTIVE(J)) */ /* handle external job start */ if (((OldState == mjsHold) || (OldState == mjsIdle) || (OldState == mjsNotRun)) && ((J->State == mjsRemoved) || (J->State == mjsCompleted) || (J->State == mjsVacated))) { DBG(4,fRM) DPrint("INFO: job '%s' state transition (%s --> %s)\n", J->Name, MJobState[OldState], MJobState[J->State]); /* if job starts and completes while scheduler is sleeping (cannot happen with x scheduling) */ if (J->EState != mjsRunning) { DBG(0,fRM) DPrint("WARNING: scheduler cannot handle completion in 1 iteration on job '%s'\n", J->Name); /* set job to active so it can be properly removed */ if (MAMAllocJReserve(&MAM[0],J,FALSE,(enum MHoldReasonEnum *)&SC,Message) == FAILURE) { DBG(3,fRM) DPrint("WARNING: cannot create AM reservation for job '%s'\n", J->Name); } MQueueAddAJob(J); if (J->DispatchTime == 0) { if (J->State == mjsCompleted) { DBG(0,fRM) DPrint("ERROR: Job[%03d] '%s' updated to completed state '%s' with NULL dispatch time\n", J->Index, J->Name, MJobState[J->State]); } J->DispatchTime = MSched.Time; } RQ = J->Req[0]; /* if req info is lost */ if ((RQ->NodeList[0].N == NULL) || (RQ->NodeList[0].TC == 0)) { memcpy(RQ->NodeList,J->NodeList,sizeof(mnalloc_t) * (MAX_MNODE_PER_JOB + 1)); } MResJCreate(J,NULL,J->DispatchTime,mjrActiveJob,NULL); /* complete job record */ DBG(1,fRM) DPrint("INFO: completing job '%s'\n", J->Name); } } /* END if (((OldState == mjsHold) || ... */ /* check job synchronization */ if (J->State != J->EState) { if (MSched.Time > J->SyncDeadLine) { /* check if DeferTime is expired */ if (J->EState == mjsDeferred) { DBG(2,fRM) DPrint("INFO: restoring job '%s' from deferred state\n", J->Name); J->EState = J->State; J->SyncDeadLine = MAX_MTIME; if (J->Hold & (1 << mhDefer)) { J->Hold ^= (1 << mhDefer); } J->SystemQueueTime = MSched.Time; } } } for (rqindex = 0;J->Req[rqindex] != NULL;rqindex++) { RQ = J->Req[rqindex]; if ((RQ->NodeList != NULL) && (RQ->NodeList[0].N != NULL)) { RQ->PtIndex = RQ->NodeList[0].N->PtIndex; } else { RQ->PtIndex = 0; } } /* END for (rqindex) */ RQ = J->Req[0]; /* test mode patch for unexpected state changes */ if ((J->NodeList[0].N == NULL) && (RQ->NodeList[0].N != NULL)) { memcpy(J->NodeList,RQ->NodeList,sizeof(mnalloc_t) * MAX_MNODE_PER_JOB); } MJobUpdateResourceCache(J,0); return(SUCCESS); } /* END MRMJobPostUpdate() */ int MRMProcessOConfig( mrm_t *R, /* I (modified) */ int PIndex, int IVal, double DVal, char *SVal, char **SArray) { if (R == NULL) { return(FAILURE); } switch (PIndex) { case pRMPort: R->P[0].Port = IVal; break; case mcoRMEPort: R->EPort = IVal; break; case pRMNMPort: R->NMPort = IVal; break; case pRMTimeout: R->P[0].Timeout = MUTimeFromString(SVal); if (R->P[0].Timeout > 1000) R->P[0].Timeout = 1000; R->P[1].Timeout = R->P[0].Timeout; break; case pRMAuthType: R->AuthType = MUGetIndex(SVal,MRMAuthType,FALSE,0); break; case pRMHost: MUStrDup(&R->P[0].HostName,SVal); break; case pRMName: /* NOTE: disabled */ /* MUStrCpy(R->Name,SVal,sizeof(R->Name)); */ break; case pRMType: { char *ptr; char *TokPtr; /* FORMAT: <TYPE>[:<SUBTYPE>] */ ptr = MUStrTok(SVal,":",&TokPtr); R->Type = MUGetIndex(ptr,MRMType,FALSE,mrmtNONE); if ((ptr = MUStrTok(NULL,":",&TokPtr)) != NULL) { R->SubType = MUGetIndex(ptr,MRMSubType,FALSE,mrmstNONE); } } /* END BLOCK */ break; case pRMConfigFile: MUStrCpy(R->U.LL.ConfigFile,SVal,sizeof(R->U.LL.ConfigFile)); break; case pRMLocalDiskFS: MUStrCpy(R->U.PBS.LocalDiskFS,SVal,sizeof(R->U.PBS.LocalDiskFS)); break; default: /* NO-OP */ break; } /* END switch(PIndex) */ return(SUCCESS); } /* END MRMProcessOConfig() */ int MRMSetFailure( mrm_t *R, /* I */ int FType, /* I */ char *FMsg) /* I */ { int findex; if (R == NULL) { return(FAILURE); } /* record failure */ R->FailCount++; R->FailIteration = MSched.Iteration; findex = R->FailIndex; R->FailTime[findex] = MSched.Time; R->FailType[findex] = FType; if (FMsg != NULL) MUStrDup(&R->FailMsg[findex],FMsg); else MUFree(&R->FailMsg[findex]); R->FailIndex = (findex + 1) % MAX_MRMFAILURE; /* adjust interface state */ return(SUCCESS); } /* END MRMSetFailure() */ int __MRMStartFunc( mrm_t *R, /* I */ int FType) /* I */ { MUGetMS(NULL,&R->RespStartTime[FType]); return(SUCCESS); } /* END __MRMStartFunc() */ int __MRMEndFunc( mrm_t *R, /* I */ int FType) /* I */ { long NowMS; long Interval; if (R->RespStartTime[FType] <= 0) { /* invalid time */ return(FAILURE); } MUGetMS(NULL,&NowMS); if (NowMS < R->RespStartTime[FType]) Interval = R->RespStartTime[FType] - NowMS; else Interval = NowMS - R->RespStartTime[FType]; R->RespTotalTime[FType] += Interval; R->RespMaxTime[FType] = MAX(R->RespMaxTime[FType],Interval); R->RespTotalCount[FType]++; if (FType != 0) { R->RespTotalTime[0] += Interval; R->RespMaxTime[0] = MAX(R->RespMaxTime[0],Interval); R->RespTotalCount[0]++; } /* reset start time */ R->RespStartTime[FType] = -1; return(SUCCESS); } /* EMD __MRMEndFunc() */ int MNodeResetJobSlots( mnode_t *N) /* I */ { int cindex; mclass_t *C; if ((N->RM != NULL) && (N->RM->Type == mrmtLL)) { /* job slots tracked by RM */ return(SUCCESS); } N->ARes.PSlot[0].count = 0; for (cindex = 1;cindex < MAX_MCLASS;cindex++) { C = &MClass[cindex]; if ((N->CRes.PSlot[cindex].count > 0) && (C->IsDisabled == FALSE)) { N->ARes.PSlot[cindex].count = N->CRes.PSlot[cindex].count; if (C->MaxProcPerNode > 0) N->ARes.PSlot[cindex].count = MIN(N->ARes.PSlot[cindex].count,C->MaxProcPerNode); if (N->AP.HLimit[mptMaxProc][0] > 0) N->ARes.PSlot[cindex].count = MIN(N->ARes.PSlot[cindex].count,N->AP.HLimit[mptMaxProc][0]); } else { N->ARes.PSlot[cindex].count = 0; } N->ARes.PSlot[0].count += N->ARes.PSlot[cindex].count; } /* END for (cindex) */ N->ARes.PSlot[0].count = MIN(N->CRes.PSlot[0].count,N->ARes.PSlot[0].count); if (C->MaxProcPerNode > 0) N->ARes.PSlot[0].count = MIN(N->ARes.PSlot[0].count,C->MaxProcPerNode); if (N->AP.HLimit[mptMaxProc][0] > 0) N->ARes.PSlot[0].count = MIN(N->ARes.PSlot[0].count,N->AP.HLimit[mptMaxProc][0]); return(SUCCESS); } /* END MNodeResetJobSlots() */ /* END MRM.c */