Summary: Tools for the PBS family of batch systems (OpenPBS, PBS Pro, TORQUE) Name: pbstools Version: 3.1 Release: 1%{?dist} License: GPLv2 Group: System Environment/Base Vendor: Ohio Supercomputer Center URL: Source0: %{name}-%{version}.tar.gz BuildArch: noarch BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root Prefix: /usr %description Several utilities that have been developed at OSC, NICS, and elsewhere to aid in the administration and management of PBS variants (including OpenPBS, PBS Pro, and TORQUE). %package ja Summary: PBStools Job Accounting Group: System Environment/Base Requires: python %description ja ja provides job accounting within a PBS job, similar to the command of the same name in NQE. %package pbsdcp Summary: PBStools Distributed Copy Group: System Environment/Base Requires: perl %description pbsdcp pbsdcp is a distributed copy command within a PBS job. %package sge-compat Summary: PBStools Grid Engine Compatibility Group: System Environment/Base Requires: perl %description sge-compat qexec is a PBS workalike for the SGE qlogin, qrsh, and qsh commands. %package -n supermover Summary: Supermover Group: System Environment/Base Requires: python %description -n supermover supermover is a highly configurable wrapper around other data transfer utilities such as scp, globus-url-copy, and hsi. %package dmsub Summary: PBStools Data Movement Job Submission Group: System Environment/Base Requires: python,supermover %description dmsub dmsub is a tool for submitting data movement jobs. It understands data transfer descriptions in the formats of DMOVER, RFT, and Stork; it can also use several different data movement tools, including supermover. %package dagsub Summary: PBStools Directed Acyclic Graph Job Submission Group: System Environment/Base Requires: python,dmsub %description dagsub dagsub is a workalike for condor_submit_dag. This allows the submission of large, complex sets of dependent jobs using a relatively simple syntax. It relies on dmsub for data movement. %package job-vm-launch Summary: PBStools VM Launcher Group: System Environment/Base Requires: python,libvirt-python %description job-vm-launch job-vm-launch launches a virtual machine instance within a TORQUE job using KVM. It should be installed on compute nodes running pbs_mom and libvirtd/qemu-kvm. %package pbs-spark-submit Summary: PBStools Spark Launcher Group: System Environment/Base Requires: python %description pbs-spark-submit pbs-spark-submit launches an Apache Spark program within a TORQUE job, including starting the Spark master and worker processes in standalone mode by default. %package reaver Summary: PBStools Process Killer Group: System Environment/Base Requires: perl %description reaver reaver is a tool to find (and optionally clean up) processes on a PBS host which have not been allocated jobs on that host. %package -n pbsacct-collector Summary: pbsacct Data Collector Group: System Environment/Base Requires: perl,perl-DBD-MySQL %description -n pbsacct-collector pbsacct-collector is the data collection core of the pbsacct workload analysis system. It should be installed on the same host as a pbs_server instance for OpenPBS, PBS Pro, or TORQUE. %package -n pbsacct-php Summary: pbsacct Web Front End Group: System Environment/Base Requires: httpd,php,php-pear-Spreadsheet-Excel-Writer %description -n pbsacct-php pbsacct-php is the web front end for the pbsacct workload analysis system. It should be installed on a web server host. %package -n pbsacct-db Summary: pbsacct Database Backend Group: System Environment/Base Requires: mysql-server %description -n pbsacct-db pbsacct-db is the database backend for the pbsacct workload analysis system. It should be installed on a database server running MySQL. %package -n pbsacct-jobscript-watcher Summary: pbsacct Job Script Capture Service Group: System Environment/Base Requires: inotify-tools,perl %description -n pbsacct-jobscript-watcher pbsacct-jobscript-watcher is an optional part of the pbsacct workload analysis system that captures job scripts as they are submitted. It should be installed on the same host as a pbs_server instance for OpenPBS, PBS Pro, or TORQUE. %prep %setup -q %install make PREFIX=%{buildroot}/%{_prefix} WEBPREFIX=%{buildroot}/var/www/html/pbsacct CFGPREFIX=%{buildroot}/%{_sysconfdir} install dbtools %files %doc README %doc INSTALL %doc deprecated.txt %files ja %{_bindir}/ja %doc %{_mandir}/man1/ja.1.gz %files pbsdcp %{_bindir}/pbsdcp %doc %{_mandir}/man1/pbsdcp.1.gz %files sge-compat %{_bindir}/qexec %{_bindir}/qlogin %{_bindir}/qmpiexec %{_bindir}/qmpirun %{_bindir}/qrsh %{_bindir}/qsh %doc %{_mandir}/man1/qexec.1.gz %doc %{_mandir}/man1/qlogin.1.gz %doc %{_mandir}/man1/qmpiexec.1.gz %doc %{_mandir}/man1/qmpirun.1.gz %doc %{_mandir}/man1/qrsh.1.gz %doc %{_mandir}/man1/qsh.1.gz %files -n supermover %{_bindir}/supermover %config /%{_sysconfdir}/supermover.cfg %doc %{_mandir}/man1/supermover.1.gz %files dmsub %{_bindir}/dmsub %config /%{_sysconfdir}/dmsub.cfg %doc %{_mandir}/man1/dmsub.1.gz %files dagsub %{_bindir}/dagsub %doc %{_mandir}/man1/dagsub.1.gz %files job-vm-launch %{_bindir}/job-vm-launch %doc %{_mandir}/man1/job-vm-launch.1.gz %files pbs-spark-submit %{_bindir}/pbs-spark-submit %doc %{_mandir}/man1/pbs-spark-submit.1.gz %files reaver %{_sbindir}/reaver %doc %{_mandir}/man8/reaver.8.gz %files -n pbsacct-collector %{_sbindir}/job-db-update %{_sbindir}/fixup-nodect %{_sbindir}/jobscript-to-db %{_sbindir}/spool-jobscripts %files -n pbsacct-php %dir /var/www/html/pbsacct %config /var/www/html/pbsacct/default.css %config /var/www/html/pbsacct/db.cfg /var/www/html/pbsacct/*.php %files -n pbsacct-db %dir %{_sysconfdir}/pbsacct %{_sysconfdir}/pbsacct/create-tables.sql %files -n pbsacct-jobscript-watcher %{_sbindir}/jobscript-watcher %{_sysconfdir}/init.d/jobscript-watcher