#!/usr/bin/perl -w # # qpeek: Peek into a job's output spool files # Copyright 2006 Ohio Supercomputer Center # Revision info: # $HeadURL$ # $Revision$ # $Date$ # # Usage: qpeek [options] JOBID # # Options: # -c Show all of the output file ("cat", default) # -h Show only the beginning of the output file ("head") # -t Show only the end of the output file ("tail") # -f Show only the end of the file and keep listening ("tail -f") # -# Show only # lines of output # -e Show the stderr file of the job # -o Show the stdout file of the job # -? Display help $tool="cat"; $numlines=""; $suffix="OU"; if ( defined($ENV{"PBS_HOME"}) ) { $spool=$ENV{"PBS_HOME"}; } else { @defaults=("/usr/spool/PBS", "/var/spool/pbs", "/var/spool/torque", "/var/spool/batch/pbs", "/var/spool/batch/torque", "/var/spool/batch/pbs-piv", "/var/spool/batch/pbs-ipf", ".", ); foreach $dir ( @defaults ) { if ( -d $dir ) { $spool=$dir; last; } } } if ( !defined($spool) ) { die "Unable to find PBS spool directory!\n"; } $pbsserver=`cat $spool/server_name` || die "Unable to find PBS server name!\n"; chop($pbsserver); # hack for sloppy admins who don't put the full hostname # in $PBS_HOME/server_name if ( $pbsserver =~ /:/ ) { ($host,$port) = split(/:/,$pbsserver); @server=gethostbyname($host); $pbsserver=$server[0].":".$port; } else { @server=gethostbyname($pbsserver); $pbsserver=$server[0]; $host=$server[0]; } while ( $ARGV[0] =~ /^[-+].*/ ) { if ( $ARGV[0] eq "-c" ) { $tool="cat"; } elsif ( $ARGV[0] eq "-h" ) { $tool="head"; } elsif ( $ARGV[0] eq "-t" ) { $tool="tail"; } elsif ( $ARGV[0] =~ /^[-+][0-9]*(f)?$/ ) { $tool="tail"; $numlines=$ARGV[0]; } elsif ( $ARGV[0] eq "-e" ) { $suffix="ER" } elsif ( $ARGV[0] eq "-o" ) { $suffix="OU" } elsif ( $ARGV[0] eq "-?" || $ARGV[0] =~ "-(-)?help" ) { print STDERR <f Show only the last lines and keep listening ("tail -f") +0f Show all of the file and keep listening ("tail +0f") -# Show only # lines of output ("tail -") -e Show the stderr file of the job -o Show the stdout file of the job (default) -? Display this help message EOF exit; } else { print STDERR "qpeek: Unrecognized option $ARGV[0] ignored\n"; } shift(@ARGV); } $jobid=shift(@ARGV); $jobid=~s/\.[A-z0-9.:]+$//; die "No jobid given!\n" if ( $jobid eq "" ); $node=&mothersuperior($jobid); die "Job $jobid is not running!\n" if ( $node eq "" ); # chop to magic pbs length $jobname = "$jobid.$pbsserver"; $jobname =~ s/(.{11}).*/$1/; exec "rsh -n $node $tool $numlines $spool/spool/$jobname.$suffix\n"; sub mothersuperior { local($jobid,$node); $jobid=$_[0]; $node=""; open(QSTAT,"qstat -f $jobid |"); while ( ) { chop; if ( $_ =~ /exec_host/ ) { ($keyword,$node)=split(/=/); $node=~s:/[0-9]+[A-z0-9/+]*::; $keyword=""; } } close(QSTAT); $node; }