#!/bin/sh # # Grid Engine CA framework script # #___INFO__MARK_BEGIN__ ########################################################################## # # The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of # the Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.2 # # Sun Microsystems Inc., March, 2001 # # # Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.2 # ================================================= # The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards # Source License Version 1.2 (the "License"); You may not use this file # except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the # License at http://gridengine.sunsource.net/Gridengine_SISSL_license.html # # Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, # WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, # WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, # MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. # See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and # obligations concerning the Software. # # The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. # # Copyright: 2001 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. # # All Rights Reserved. # ########################################################################## #___INFO__MARK_END__ # # set -x # Reset PATH to a safe value # PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bsd:/usr/ucb # Easy way to prevent clearing of screen # CLEAR=clear #CLEAR=: #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # USEFUL LOCAL SHELL PROCEDURES #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # PrintError PrintError() { fmt="Error: $1" shift $INFOTEXT -e "$fmt" $* $INFOTEXT -log "$fmt" $* } PrintErrorAndExit() { exitcode=$1 shift fmt="$1" shift PrintError "$fmt" $* exit $exitcode } #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ErrUsage: print usage string, exit # ErrUsage() { if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then PrintError $* fi myname=`basename $0` $INFOTEXT -e \ "\nUsage: %s <command>\n" \ " -adminuser <user> set admin user\n" \ " -init initialize CA infrastructure\n" \ " -req generate a certificate request and private key\n" \ " -sign sign a certificate request\n" \ " -copy install user certificate and private key\n" \ " -verify <cert> verify a <cert>\n" \ " -print <cert> print a <cert>\n" \ " -printkey <key> print a <key>\n" \ " -printcrl <crl> print a <crl>\n" \ " -renew <user> extend the certificate of <user>\n" \ " -renew_ca extend the CA certificate\n" \ " -renew_sys extend the daemon certificate\n" \ " -renew_sdm <g> renew certificate of a SDM daemon with\n" \ " g=Common Name of the SDM daemon\n" \ " -days <days> days of validity of the certificate\n" \ " -sha1 use sha-1 instead of md5 as message digest\n" \ " -encryptkey use des to encrypt the generated key with a passphrase\n" \ " -outdir <dir> write to directory <dir>\n" \ " -cahost <host> define CA hostname (CA master host)\n" \ " -cadir <dir> define CALOCALTOP and CATOP settings\n" \ " -calocaltop <dir> define CALOCALTOP setting\n" \ " -catop <dir> define CATOP setting\n" \ " -pkcs12 <user> generate pkcs12 format file for user <user> \n" \ " -pkcs12pwf <file> pkcs12 password file\n" \ " -pkcs12dir <dir> pkcs12 output directory\n" \ " -usercert <file> generate certificates and keys for the users in <file>\n" \ " -userks generate keystore for existing users\n" \ " -user <u:g:e> generate certificates and keys for <u:g:e>\n" \ " with u=Unix User, g=Common Name, e=email\n" \ " -sdm_daemon <u:g:e> generate certificate and key for a SDM daemon\n" \ " with u=Unix User, g=Common Name, e=email\n" \ " -sdm_pkcs12 <g> generate pkcs12 format file for SDM daemon\n" \ " with g=Common Name of the SDM daemon\n" \ " -sys_pkcs12 <g> generate pkcs12 format file for SGE daemon\n" \ " with g=Common Name of the SGE daemon\n" \ " -ks <user> generate a keystore file for <user>\n" \ " -kspwf <file> keystore pw file\n" \ " -ksout <file> keystore output file\n" \ " -sysks generate keystore for SGE daemon\n" \ " -showCaTop echo caTop path\n" \ " -showCaLocalTop echo caLocalTop path\n" \ $myname exit 1 } #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Enter: input is read and returned to stdout. If input is empty echo $1 # # USES: variable "$autoinst" # Enter() { if [ "$autoinst" = true ]; then $INFOTEXT $1 else read INP if [ "$INP" = "" ]; then $INFOTEXT $1 else $INFOTEXT $INP fi fi } #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Execute command as user $ADMINUSER and exit if exit status != 0 # if ADMINUSER = default then execute command unchanged # # uses binary "adminrun" form SGE distribution # # USES: variables "$verbose" (if set to "true" print arguments) # $ADMINUSER (if set to "default" do not use "adminrun) # "$V5UTILBIN" (path to the binary in utilbin) # ExecuteAsAdmin() { if [ "$verbose" = true ]; then $ECHO $* fi if [ $ADMINUSER = default ]; then $* else $V5UTILBIN/adminrun $ADMINUSER "$@" fi return $? } #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Execute command and return exit status # Execute() { if [ "$verbose" = true ]; then $ECHO $* fi $* return $? } ExecRm() { Execute $RM -rf $* > /dev/null 2>&1 files="" for i in $*; do if [ -f $i -o -d $i ]; then files="$files $i" fi done if [ "$files" != "" ]; then sleep 1 for i in $files; do Execute $RM -rf $i > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then return 1 fi done fi return 0 } ExecRmAsAdmin() { ExecuteAsAdmin $RM -rf $* > /dev/null 2>&1 files="" for i in $*; do if [ -f $i -o -d $i ]; then files="$files $i" fi done if [ "$files" != "" ]; then sleep 1 for i in $files; do ExecuteAsAdmin $RM -rf $i > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then return 1 fi done fi return 0 } #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Change the ownership of a file or directory # Is only executed as root # ExecChown() { if [ $rootinstalls = true ]; then Execute $CHOWN $* return $? else return 0 fi } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # InitCA Init CA directories and get DN info # InitCA() { $CLEAR $INFOTEXT -u "\nInitializing Certificate Authority (CA) for OpenSSL security framework" if [ -d $CATOP -a -d $CALOCALTOP ]; then $INFOTEXT -e "\nThere are already directories of the CA infrastructure in\n %s\n or\n %s\n" "$CATOP" "$CALOCALTOP" $INFOTEXT -auto $AUTO -ask "y" "n" -def "y" -n \ "Do you want to recreate your SGE CA infrastructure (y/n) [y] >> " if [ $? != 0 ]; then $INFOTEXT "We will not reinitialize your SGE CA infrastructure." exit 0 fi fi MakeCADirs if [ $? != 0 ]; then PrintErrorAndExit 1 "CA initialization failed. Exit." fi MakeCAcert if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then PrintErrorAndExit 1 "CA initialization failed. Exit." fi MakeCert daemon $ME "SGE Daemon" none if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then PrintErrorAndExit 1 "CA initialization failed. Exit." fi MakeCert user $ME "SGE install user" none if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then PrintErrorAndExit 1 "CA initialization failed. Exit." fi if [ "$ADMINUSER" != default ]; then MakeCert user $ADMINUSER "SGE admin user" none if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then PrintErrorAndExit 1 "CA initialization failed. Exit." fi fi } #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # create a certificate request # RequestCert() { # create a certificate request $REQ -new -keyout $outdir/$newkey -out $outdir/$newreq $DAYS RET=$? if [ $RET = 0 ]; then $INFOTEXT "Request is in %s" $outdir/$newreq $INFOTEXT "Private key is in %s" $outdir/$newkey else PrintErrorAndExit 1 "Creating a certificate request failed" fi } #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Sign a certificate # SignCert() { $CA -config $SGE_ROOT/util/sgeCA/sge_ssl.cnf -policy policy_anything $DAYS $BATCHMODE -notext -out $outdir/$newcert -infiles $indir/$newreq RET=$? if [ $RET = 0 ]; then $INFOTEXT "Signed certificate is in %s" $outdir/$newcert else PrintErrorAndExit 1 "Signing a certificate failed" fi } #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # verify a certificate # VerifyCert() { $VERIFY -CAfile $CATOP/$CACERT $newcert if [ $? != 0 ]; then PrintErrorAndExit 1 "Verification of certificate failed" fi } PrintX509() { if [ $1 = "cert" ]; then $X509 -in $2 -text elif [ $1 = "key" ]; then $X509KEY -in $newcert -text elif [ $1 = "crl" ]; then $X509CRL -in $newcert -text else PrintErrorAndExit 1 "Can not print %s" $1 fi if [ $? != 0 ]; then PrintErrorAndExit 1 "Printing %s failed (%s)" $1 $2 fi } #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # CheckIfCaHost # If our hostname given in $1 is the same as "CAHOST" # echo "true" else echo "false" # # $1 = hostname # CheckIfCaHost() { host=$1 if [ "$host" = "$CAHOST" ]; then echo true else echo false fi } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # InstallKey # # $1 = user | daemon # $2 = $ME ( username ) # InstallKey() { HOST=`$V5UTILBIN/gethostname -aname` result=`CheckIfCaHost $HOST` if [ "$result" != "true" ]; then PrintError "You can install your private key and certificate only on the master host." return 1 fi if [ -d $CALOCALTOP/userkeys ]; then userkeydir=$CALOCALTOP/userkeys else PrintError "Can not find local userkey directory." return 1 fi if [ $1 = daemon ]; then keyfile=$CALOCALTOP/private/key.pem certfile=$CATOP/certs/cert.pem randfile=$CALOCALTOP/private/rand.seed else keyfile=$userkeydir/$ME/key.pem certfile=$userkeydir/$ME/cert.pem randfile=$userkeydir/$ME/rand.seed HOMEDIR=$HOME fi basedir=$CAHOMEKEYDIR if [ ! -d $basedir ]; then $V5UTILBIN/adminrun $2 $MKDIR -p $basedir fi if [ ! -d $basedir/certs ]; then $V5UTILBIN/adminrun $2 $MKDIR $basedir/certs fi if [ ! -d $basedir/private ]; then $V5UTILBIN/adminrun $2 $MKDIR $basedir/private fi if [ -f $basedir/private/key.pem ]; then $V5UTILBIN/adminrun $2 rm -f $basedir/private/key.pem fi if [ -f $basedir/private/rand.seed ]; then $V5UTILBIN/adminrun $2 rm -f $basedir/private/rand.seed fi if [ -f $basedir/certs/cert.pem ]; then $V5UTILBIN/adminrun $2 rm -f $basedir/certs/cert.pem fi $V5UTILBIN/adminrun $2 $CP $keyfile $basedir/private if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then PrintError "Could not copy key file (%s -> %s)" $keyfile $basedir/private return 1 fi $V5UTILBIN/adminrun $2 $CP $randfile $basedir/private if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then PrintError "Could not copy rand file (%s -> %s)" $randfile $basedir/private return 1 fi $V5UTILBIN/adminrun $2 $CHMOD 700 $basedir/private if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then PrintError "chmod for %s on private dir failed (%s)" $2 $basedir/private return 1 fi $V5UTILBIN/adminrun $2 $CHMOD 600 $basedir/private/* if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then PrintError "chmod for %s on private files failed (%s/\*)" $2 $basedir/private return 1 fi $V5UTILBIN/adminrun $2 $CP $certfile $basedir/certs if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then PrintError "Could not copy cert file (%s -> %s)" $certfile $basedir/certs return 1 fi $V5UTILBIN/adminrun $2 $CHMOD 755 $basedir/certs if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then PrintError "chmod for %s on certs dir failed (%s)" $2 $basedir/certs return 1 fi $V5UTILBIN/adminrun $2 $CHMOD 644 $basedir/certs/* if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then PrintError "chmod for %s on cert files failed (%s/\*)" $2 $basedir/certs return 1 fi $INFOTEXT "Certificate and private key for user %s have been installed" $ME return 0 } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # MakeCAcert create CA certificate and private key # # MakeCAcert() { $INFOTEXT -u "\nCreating CA certificate and private key" $INFOTEXT -e "Please give some basic parameters to create the distinguished name (DN)\n" \ "for the certificates.\n\n" \ "We will ask for\n" \ " - the two letter country code\n" \ " - the state\n" \ " - the location, e.g city or your buildingcode\n" \ " - the organization (e.g. your company name)\n" \ " - the organizational unit, e.g. your department\n" \ " - the email address of the CA administrator (you!)\n" $INFOTEXT -wait -auto $AUTO -n "\nHit <RETURN> to continue >> " # $CLEAR done=false while [ $done = false ]; do if [ "$AUTO" = "true" ]; then CA_C=`echo $CSP_COUNTRY_CODE | env LC_ALL=C tr "[a-z]" "[A-Z]"` CA_ST="$CSP_STATE" CA_L="$CSP_LOCATION" CA_O="$CSP_ORGA" CA_OU="$CSP_ORGA_UNIT" CA_EMAIL="$CSP_MAIL_ADDRESS" else dndone=false while [ $dndone = false ]; do $INFOTEXT -n "Please enter your two letter country code, e.g. 'US' >> " INP=`Enter ""` if [ "$INP != " -a `echo $INP | wc -c` = 3 ]; then CA_C=`echo $INP | env LC_ALL=C tr "[a-z]" "[A-Z]"` dndone=true fi done dndone=false while [ $dndone = false ]; do $INFOTEXT -n "Please enter your state >> " INP=`Enter ""` CA_ST="$INP" if [ "$INP" != "" ]; then CA_ST="$INP" dndone=true fi done dndone=false while [ $dndone = false ]; do $INFOTEXT -n "Please enter your location, e.g city or buildingcode >> " INP=`Enter ""` CA_L="$INP" if [ "$INP" != "" ]; then CA_L="$INP" dndone=true fi done dndone=false while [ $dndone = false ]; do $INFOTEXT -n "Please enter the name of your organization >> " INP=`Enter ""` if [ "$INP" != "" ]; then CA_O="$INP" dndone=true fi done dndone=false while [ $dndone = false ]; do $INFOTEXT -n "Please enter your organizational unit, e.g. your department >> " INP=`Enter ""` CA_OU="$INP" if [ "$INP" != "" ]; then CA_OU="$INP" dndone=true fi done dndone=false while [ $dndone = false ]; do $INFOTEXT -n "Please enter the email address of the CA administrator >> " INP=`Enter ""` if [ "$INP" != "" ]; then CA_EMAIL="$INP" dndone=true fi done fi $CLEAR $INFOTEXT -e "\nYou selected the following basic data for the distinguished name of\n" \ "your certificates:\n\n" \ "Country code: %s=%s\n" \ "State: %s=%s\n" \ "Location: %s=%s\n" \ "Organization: %s=%s\n" \ "Organizational unit: %s=%s\n" \ "CA email address: %s=%s\n" \ C "$CA_C" ST "$CA_ST" L "$CA_L" O "$CA_O" OU "$CA_OU" emailAddress "$CA_EMAIL" $INFOTEXT -auto $AUTO -ask "y" "n" -def "y" -n \ "Do you want to use these data (y/n) [y] >> " if [ $? = 0 ]; then done=true TMPFILE=/tmp/sge_ca$$.tmp TMPFILE1=/tmp/sge_ca1$$.tmp ExecRm $TMPFILE $TMPFILE1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then PrintError "Could not delete file %s" $TMPFILE return 1 fi ExecRm $TMPFILE1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then PrintError "Could not delete file %s" $TMPFILE1 return 1 fi $TOUCH $TMPFILE if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then PrintError "Could not touch file %s" $TMPFILE return 1 fi $TOUCH $TMPFILE1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then PrintError "Could not touch file %s" $TMPFILE1 return 1 fi echo C="$CA_C" >> $TMPFILE echo ST="$CA_ST" >> $TMPFILE echo L="$CA_L" >> $TMPFILE echo O="$CA_O" >> $TMPFILE echo OU="$CA_OU" >> $TMPFILE ExecuteAsAdmin $CP $TMPFILE $CATOP/dn.info if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then PrintError "Could not copy file (%s -> %s)" $TMPFILE $CATOP/dn.info return 1 fi echo CN="SGE Certificate Authority" >> $TMPFILE echo userId=CA >> $TMPFILE echo emailAddress=$CA_EMAIL >> $TMPFILE export CATOP Execute cat $CONFIG_DIR/sge_ssl_template.cnf $TMPFILE > $TMPFILE1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then PrintError "Could not cat file (%s)" $CONFIG_DIR/sge_ssl_template.cnf return 1 fi if [ $ADMINUSER != default -a $rootinstalls = true ]; then # echo +++ $ADMINUSER MakeRandFile $CALOCALTOP/private/rand.seed $ADMINUSER else # echo +++ $ME MakeRandFile $CALOCALTOP/private/rand.seed $ME fi if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then return 1 fi RANDFILE=$CALOCALTOP/private/rand.seed; export RANDFILE umask 077 $INFOTEXT "Creating CA certificate and private key" ExecuteAsAdmin $REQ -config $TMPFILE1 -new -x509 \ -keyout ${CALOCALTOP}/private/$CAKEY -out ${CATOP}/$CACERT $DAYS status=$? umask 022 ExecuteAsAdmin $CHMOD 644 ${CATOP}/$CACERT if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then PrintError "chmod as %s failed (%s)" $ADMINUSER ${CATOP}/$CACERT return 1 fi rm -f $TMPFILE $TMPFILE1 if [ $status != 0 ]; then PrintError "Failed to create CA certificate and private key. Exit" return 1 fi else $CLEAR fi done $INFOTEXT -wait -auto $AUTO -n "\nHit <RETURN> to continue >> " $CLEAR return 0 } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # MakeRandFile create a random data file # # $1 = <randfilename> # $2 = <owner> # MakeRandFile() { # OpenSSL uses /dev/urandom by default so if it's there, don't # polute the PRNG with predictable data. rfile="/dev/urandom" if [ ! -r /dev/urandom ]; then if [ -r /dev/random ]; then rfile=/dev/random elif [ -r /bin/vi ]; then rfile="/bin/vi" fi fi # $INFOTEXT "Creating RANDFILE from '%s' in '%s'" $rfile $1 if [ "$2" = "default" ]; then myuser=root else myuser=$2 fi RANDFILE=/tmp/.rand.$$; export RANDFILE; $V5UTILBIN/adminrun $myuser dd if=$rfile of=$RANDFILE count=2048 > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -lt 0 ]; then PrintError "Could not create random number for (%s -> %s)" $rfile $RANDFILE return 1 fi $V5UTILBIN/adminrun $myuser $OPENSSL rand -rand $RANDFILE -out $1 2048 > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then PrintError "bootstraping of rand command as user %s failed (%s -> %s)" $2 $RANDFILE $1 return 1 fi $V5UTILBIN/adminrun $myuser $OPENSSL rand -rand $rfile -out $1 2048 > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then PrintError "openssl rand command as user %s failed (%s -> %s)" $2 $rfile $1 return 1 fi $V5UTILBIN/adminrun $myuser $RM $RANDFILE > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then PrintError "Could not delete file %s as user %s" $RANDFILE $2 return 1 fi $V5UTILBIN/adminrun $myuser $CHMOD 644 $1 > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then PrintError "chmod as user %s on file %s failed" $2 $1 return 1 fi # echo "--------------" # ls -l $rfile $1 # echo "--------------" } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # MakeUserCert create user certificates and keys for Windows Admin user # # $1 = certificate type "user" or "sdm_daemon" # $2 = <user:gecos:email> # MakeUserCert() { cert_type=$1 line="$2" unixuser=`echo $line|cut -d: -f1` gecos=`echo $line|cut -d: -f2` email=`echo $line|cut -d: -f3` # echo $unixuser:$gecos:$email if [ "$unixuser" = "" ]; then PrintErrorAndExit 1 "no Unix user specified. Exit." fi if [ "$gecos" = "" ]; then gecos=$unixuser fi if [ "$email" = "" ]; then email=$unixuser fi if [ "$ADMINUSER" = default ]; then entries=`grep "CN=$gecos" $CATOP/index.txt|grep '^V'|wc -l` else entries=`$V5UTILBIN/adminrun $ADMINUSER grep "CN=$gecos" $CATOP/index.txt|grep '^V'|wc -l` fi if [ $entries = 0 ]; then $INFOTEXT "Generating %s certificate and key for '%s' ('%s','%s')." \ "$cert_type" "$unixuser" "$gecos" "$email" MakeCert $cert_type "$unixuser" "$gecos" "$email" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then return 1 fi else PrintError "Please renew %s certificate for '%s' ('%s','%s') instead." \ "$cert_type" "$unixuser" "$gecos" "$email" # RenewCert user $unixuser return 1 fi return 0 } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # MakeUserCerts create user certificates and keys from userfile # userfile contains a list of entries of the following format per user. # # <unix username>:<gecos field>:<user's email address> # # $1 = <userfile> # MakeUserCerts() { if [ ! -f "$1" ]; then PrintErrorAndExit 1 "no valid userfile '%s'. Exit." $1 fi userfile=$1 cat $userfile | while read line; do MakeUserCert user "$line" done } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # MakeUserKeystores create keystores for existing users in # $CALOCALTOP/userkeys # MakeUserKeystores() { for user in `ls $CALOCALTOP/userkeys`; do MakeUserKeystore $user done } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # MakeUserKeystore create keystores for existing user in # $CALOCALTOP/userkeys/<user> # # $1 <user> MakeUserKeystore() { if [ "$1" = "" ]; then PrintErrorAndExit 1 "no valid user '%s'. Exit." $1 fi user=$1 if [ "$ksoutfile" = "" ]; then ksoutfile_saved=$ksoutfile fi remove_kspwfile=false if [ "$kspwfile" = "" ]; then touch /tmp/tmp.$$ kspwfile=/tmp/tmp.$$ remove_kspwfile=true fi certfile=$CALOCALTOP/userkeys/$user/cert.pem if [ -r $certfile ]; then ksoutfile=$CALOCALTOP/userkeys/$user/keystore touch $ksoutfile $CHOWN $user $ksoutfile $CHMOD 600 $ksoutfile MakeKeystore user "$user" fi if [ "$remove_kspwfile" = "true" ]; then rm $kspwfile kspwfile="" fi ksoutfile=$ksoutfile_saved } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # MakeSysKeystore create keystore for SGE Daemon # $CALOCALTOP/private # MakeSysKeystore() { ret=0 remove_kspwfile=false if [ "$kspwfile" = "" ]; then touch /tmp/tmp.$$ kspwfile=/tmp/tmp.$$ remove_kspwfile=true fi certfile=$CATOP/certs/cert.pem if [ -r $certfile ]; then if [ "$ksoutfile" = "" ]; then ksoutfile=$CALOCALTOP/private/keystore fi ksoutdir=`dirname $ksoutfile` if [ ! -d "$ksoutdir" ]; then PrintError "keystore directory does not exist: $ksoutdir" if [ "$remove_kspwfile" = "true" ]; then rm $kspwfile kspwfile="" fi return 1 fi ExecuteAsAdmin touch $ksoutfile ExecuteAsAdmin chmod 600 $ksoutfile MakeKeystore sge_daemon "SGEDaemon" ret=$? else PrintError "no certificate file" ret=1 fi if [ "$remove_kspwfile" = "true" ]; then rm $kspwfile kspwfile="" fi return $ret } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # MakeKeystore create keystore file of user's certificate and key # # $1 = user or sge_daemon # $2 = <unix user> # MakeKeystore() { type=$1 if [ "$type" != "user" -a "$type" != "sge_daemon" ]; then PrintError "unknown type $type only user or sge_daemon allowed" return 1 fi myuser=$2 if [ "$myuser" = "" ]; then PrintError "username is empty" return 1 fi CA_ARGS="-catop $CATOP" CA_ARGS="$CA_ARGS -calocaltop $CALOCALTOP" CA_ARGS="$CA_ARGS -cascript $ROOT_PATH/util/sgeCA/sge_ca" CA_ARGS="$CA_ARGS -cahost $CAHOST -adminuser $ADMINUSER" CA_ARGS="$CA_ARGS initks $type $myuser $ksoutfile" if [ "$kspwfile" != "" ]; then CA_ARGS="$CA_ARGS $kspwfile" fi if [ "$JAVA_HOME" != "" -a -x $JAVA_HOME/bin/java ]; then JAVA=$JAVA_HOME/bin/java else JAVA=`which java` fi if [ ! -x $JAVA ]; then PrintError "JAVA_HOME not set" return 1 fi JVM_ARGS="-cp $ROOT_PATH/lib/juti.jar" JVM_ARGS="$JVM_ARGS -Djava.util.logging.config.file=$ROOT_PATH/util/sgeCA/logging.properties" OUTPUT=`$JAVA $JVM_ARGS com.sun.grid.ca.Main $CA_ARGS 2>&1` if [ $? != 0 ]; then PrintError "initks failed: $OUTPUT" return 1 fi } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # MakePKCS12 create pkcs12 file of user's certificate and key # # $1 = "user" or "sdm_daemon" or "sge_daemon" # $2 = <unix user> or <sdm daemon> # MakePKCS12() { if [ "$1" = "user" ]; then if [ "$2" = "" ]; then PrintError "no valid user '%s'." $1 return 1 fi keyowner=$2 unixuser=$2 KEYFILE=$CALOCALTOP/userkeys/$keyowner/key.pem CERTFILE=$CALOCALTOP/userkeys/$keyowner/cert.pem elif [ "$1" = "sdm_daemon" ]; then if [ "$2" = "" ]; then PrintError "no valid sdm daemon '%s'." $1 return 1 fi keyowner=$2 unixuser=$ADMINUSER KEYFILE=$CALOCALTOP/daemons/$keyowner/key.pem CERTFILE=$CALOCALTOP/daemons/$keyowner/cert.pem elif [ "$1" = "sge_daemon" ]; then keyowner=$2 unixuser=$ADMINUSER KEYFILE=$CALOCALTOP/private/key.pem CERTFILE=$CATOP/certs/cert.pem else PrintError "valid argument: %s" $1 return 1 fi pwoptions="" if [ "$passinfile" != "" ]; then pwoptions="-passout file:$passinfile" fi myoutdir="." if [ "$pkcs12outdir" != "" ]; then myoutdir="$pkcs12outdir" fi $INFOTEXT "Generating %s/%s.p12." "$myoutdir" "$keyowner" # create rand.seed file RSFILE=/tmp/rand.seed.$$ MakeRandFile $RSFILE $unixuser if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then return 1 fi RANDFILE=$RSFILE; export RANDFILE if [ ! -s $CATOP/cacert.pem ]; then PrintError "openssl pkcs12 command failed: $CATOP/cacert.pem missing" return 1 fi $P12 $pwoptions -export -nodes -inkey $KEYFILE -out $myoutdir/$keyowner.p12 -in $CERTFILE -certfile $CATOP/cacert.pem -caname "SGE CA" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then PrintError "openssl pkcs12 command failed" return 1 fi $RM -f $RANDFILE } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # MakePKCS12ForUsers create pkcs12 file of user certificate and keys from userfile # userfile contains a list of entries of the following format per user. # # <unix username>:<gecos field>:<user's email address> # # $1 = <userfile> # MakePKCS12ForUsers() { if [ ! -f "$1" ]; then PrintErrorAndExit 1 "no valid userfile '%s'. Exit." $1 fi cat $1 | while read line; do unixuser=`echo $line|cut -d: -f1` $INFOTEXT "Generating %s/%s.p12." \ "$pkcs12outdir" "$unixuser" pkcs12outdir=$CALOCALTOP/userkeys/$unixuser MakePKCS12 user "$unixuser" done } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # DumpUsers dump user info # DumpUsers() { CERTDIR=$CALOCALTOP/userkeys RSFILE=/tmp/rand.$$ # create rand.seed file MakeRandFile $RSFILE $USER if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then exit 1 fi RANDFILE=$RSFILE; export RANDFILE $INFOTEXT "Dumping users to $outdir/dumped_users.txt" for i in `ls $CERTDIR`; do $X509 -in $CERTDIR/$i/cert.pem -subject -noout|$AWK -F '/' '{print $8 ":" $7 ":" $9}' | sed -e 's/UID=//' -e 's/CN=//' -e 's/emailAddress=//' >> $outdir/dumped_users.txt if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then PrintError "openssl x509 command for user %s failed" $i fi done } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # MakeCert create certificate and private key for daemon # # $1 = certificate type ("daemon" or "user" or "sdm_daemon") # $2 = userId (Unix user name) # $3 = commonname (e.g. passwd gecos field or name of sdm_daemon) # $4 = email address # MakeCert() { $INFOTEXT -u "\nCreating '%s' certificate and key for %s" "$1" "$3" TMPFILE=/tmp/sge_ca$$.tmp TMPFILE1=/tmp/sge_ca1$$.tmp $RM -f $TMPFILE $TMPFILE1 Execute cp $CATOP/dn.info $TMPFILE if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then PrintError "Could not copy file (%s -> %s)" $CATOP/dn.info $TMPFILE return 1 fi # # For SDM daemon the uid is always "sdm_daemon" # the SdmCATrustManagerLoginModule needs this information # to distingush between daemon and user certificates # if [ $1 = sdm_daemon ]; then echo userId=sdm_daemon_$2 >> $TMPFILE else echo userId=$2 >> $TMPFILE fi echo CN=$3 >> $TMPFILE echo emailAddress=$4 >> $TMPFILE Execute cat $CONFIG_DIR/sge_ssl_template.cnf $TMPFILE > $TMPFILE1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then PrintError "Could not cat file (%s, %s -> %s)" $CONFIG_DIR/sge_ssl_template.cnf $TMPFILE $TMPFILE1 return 1 fi if [ $1 = daemon ]; then KEYDIR=$CALOCALTOP/private KEYFILE=$CALOCALTOP/private/key.pem REQFILE=$CALOCALTOP/private/req.pem CERTFILE=$CATOP/certs/cert.pem RSFILE=$CALOCALTOP/private/rand.seed elif [ $1 = user ]; then KEYDIR=$CALOCALTOP/userkeys/$2 KEYFILE=$KEYDIR/key.pem REQFILE=$KEYDIR/req.pem CERTFILE=$KEYDIR/cert.pem CERTFILE_PUBLIC_DIR=$CATOP/usercerts/$2 RSFILE=$KEYDIR/rand.seed ExecRm $KEYDIR ExecuteAsAdmin $MKDIR $KEYDIR elif [ $1 = sdm_daemon ]; then KEYDIR=$CALOCALTOP/daemons/$3 KEYFILE=$KEYDIR/key.pem REQFILE=$KEYDIR/req.pem CERTFILE=$KEYDIR/cert.pem RSFILE=$KEYDIR/rand.seed ExecRm $KEYDIR ExecuteAsAdmin $MKDIR $KEYDIR else PrintError "Unknown certificate type %s" $1 return 1 fi # create rand.seed file if [ "$ADMINUSER" = default ]; then MakeRandFile $RSFILE root else MakeRandFile $RSFILE $ADMINUSER fi if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then return 1 fi RANDFILE=$RSFILE; export RANDFILE umask 077 # create a certificate request ExecuteAsAdmin $REQ -config $TMPFILE1 -new -keyout $KEYFILE -out $REQFILE $DAYS if [ $? != 0 ]; then PrintError "Can't create %s or %s. Exit." $KEYFILE $REQFILE return 1 fi # sign certificate request ExecuteAsAdmin $CA -config $TMPFILE1 -policy policy_anything -batch $DAYS \ -notext -out $CERTFILE -infiles $REQFILE if [ $? != 0 ]; then PrintError "Can't sign certificate request %s. Exit." $REQFILE return 1 fi ExecuteAsAdmin $CHMOD 644 $CERTFILE if [ $? != 0 ]; then PrintError "chmod as %s failed (%s)" $ADMINUSER $CERTFILE return 1 fi if [ "$1" = user ]; then ExecuteAsAdmin $MKDIR -m 755 -p $CERTFILE_PUBLIC_DIR ExecuteAsAdmin $CP $CERTFILE $CERTFILE_PUBLIC_DIR ExecuteAsAdmin $CHMOD 644 $CERTFILE_PUBLIC_DIR/cert.pem fi $RM -f $TMPFILE $TMPFILE1 Execute $CHMOD 700 $KEYDIR if [ $? != 0 ]; then PrintError "chmod failed (%s)" $KEYDIR return 1 fi Execute $CHMOD 600 $KEYDIR/* if [ $? != 0 ]; then PrintError "chmod failed (%s/\*)" $KEYDIR return 1 fi Execute $CHMOD 600 $KEYDIR/rand.seed if [ $? != 0 ]; then PrintError "chmod failed (%s)" $KEYDIR/rand.seed return 1 fi if [ $1 = daemon ]; then $INFOTEXT "created and signed certificate for SGE daemons" elif [ $1 = sdm_daemon ]; then $INFOTEXT "created and signed certificate for sdm_daemon '%s' in '%s'" $3 $KEYDIR else # check if user exists and chown if yes id $2 > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? = 0 ]; then ExecChown -R $2 $KEYDIR if [ $? != 0 ]; then PrintError "chown to %s failed (%s)" $2 $KEYDIR return 1 fi fi $INFOTEXT "created and signed certificate for user '%s' in '%s'" $2 $KEYDIR fi umask 022 return 0 } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # RenewCA renew a selfsigned CA certificate # RenewCA() { $INFOTEXT -u "\nRenewing CA certificate" CAKEYDIR=$CALOCALTOP/private CAKEYFILE=$CALOCALTOP/private/cakey.pem CACERTFILE=$CATOP/cacert.pem RSFILE=$CALOCALTOP/private/rand.seed NEWCACERTFILE=$CATOP/cacert.pem.new OLDCACERTFILE=$CATOP/cacert.pem.`date | tr " " "_"` RANDFILE=$RSFILE; export RANDFILE ExecuteAsAdmin $X509 -in $CACERTFILE -signkey $CAKEYFILE $DAYS -out $NEWCACERTFILE if [ $? != 0 ]; then PrintError "openssl x509 as %s failed (RenewCA)" $ADMINUSER return 1 fi ExecuteAsAdmin $CP $CACERTFILE $OLDCACERTFILE if [ $? != 0 ]; then PrintError "Could not copy file as %s (%s -> %s)" $ADMINUSER $CACERTFILE $OLDCACERTFILE return 1 fi ExecuteAsAdmin $CHMOD 644 $CACERTFILE if [ $? != 0 ]; then PrintError "chmod as %s failed (%s)" $ADMINUSER $CACERTFILE return 1 fi ExecuteAsAdmin $MV $NEWCACERTFILE $CACERTFILE if [ $? != 0 ]; then PrintError "Could not move file as %s (%s -> %s)" $ADMINUSER $NEWCACERTFILE $CACERTFILE return 1 fi ExecuteAsAdmin $CHMOD 644 $CACERTFILE if [ $? != 0 ]; then PrintError "chmod as %s failed (%s)" $ADMINUSER $CACERTFILE return 1 fi return 0 } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # RenewCert renew a certificate # # $1 = certificate type ("daemon" or "user" or "sdm_daemon" # $2 = userId (Unix user name of common name of sdm_damon) # RenewCert() { ADMINRUN_NO_EXIT=true # ExecuteAsAdmin should not exit, # we need to cleanup the file permissions # in the gridengine environment only root user is allowed # to renew certificates # for haithabu the admin user can also renew certificates if [ "$rootinstalls" != true -a $SGE_CNF = true ]; then PrintError "Only root user can renew certificates!" return 1 fi if [ "$1" = daemon ]; then $INFOTEXT -u "\nRenewing daemon certificate" if [ "$2" = default ]; then $2=root fi else $INFOTEXT -u "\nRenewing '%s' '%s' certificate" "$2" "$1" fi TMPFILE=/tmp/sge_ca$$.tmp TMPFILE1=/tmp/sge_ca1$$.tmp $RM -f $TMPFILE $TMPFILE1 Execute cp $CATOP/dn.info $TMPFILE if [ $? != 0 ]; then PrintError "Could not copy file (%s -> %s)" $CATOP/dn.info $TMPFILE return 1 fi echo userId=$2 >> $TMPFILE echo CN="dummy" >> $TMPFILE echo emailAddress="dummy" >> $TMPFILE Execute cat $CONFIG_DIR/sge_ssl_template.cnf $TMPFILE > $TMPFILE1 if [ $? != 0 ]; then PrintError "Could not cat file (%s, %s -> %s)" $CONFIG_DIR/sge_ssl_template.cnf $TMPFILE > $TMPFILE1 return 1 fi if [ "$1" = daemon ]; then KEYDIR=$CALOCALTOP/private KEYFILE=$CALOCALTOP/private/key.pem REQFILE=$CALOCALTOP/private/req.pem CERTFILE=$CATOP/certs/cert.pem NEWCERTFILE=$CATOP/certs/cert.pem.new OLDCERTFILE=$CATOP/certs/cert.pem.old RSFILE=$CALOCALTOP/private/rand.seed CRLFILE=$CATOP/ca-crl.pem elif [ $1 = sdm_daemon ]; then KEYDIR=$CALOCALTOP/daemons/$2 NEWKEYBASEDIR=/tmp/sge_ca_dir_$$ NEWKEYDIR=$NEWKEYBASEDIR/daemons/$2 KEYFILE=$NEWKEYDIR/key.pem REQFILE=$NEWKEYDIR/req.pem CERTFILE=$NEWKEYDIR/cert.pem NEWCERTFILE=$NEWKEYDIR/cert.pem.new OLDCERTFILE=$NEWKEYDIR/cert.pem.old RSFILE=$NEWKEYDIR/rand.seed CRLFILE=$CATOP/ca-crl.pem elif [ $1 = user ]; then KEYDIR=$CALOCALTOP/userkeys/$2 NEWKEYBASEDIR=/tmp/sge_ca_dir_$$ NEWKEYDIR=$NEWKEYBASEDIR/userkeys/$2 KEYFILE=$NEWKEYDIR/key.pem REQFILE=$NEWKEYDIR/req.pem CERTFILE=$NEWKEYDIR/cert.pem NEWCERTFILE=$NEWKEYDIR/cert.pem.new OLDCERTFILE=$NEWKEYDIR/cert.pem.old RSFILE=$NEWKEYDIR/rand.seed CRLFILE=$CATOP/ca-crl.pem CERTFILE_PUBLIC_DIR=$CATOP/usercerts/$2 else PrintError "Unknown certificate type %s" $1 return 1 fi # create rand.seed file # rand.seed already exists, therefore no MakeRandFile $RSFILE $2 RANDFILE=$RSFILE; export RANDFILE if [ "$1" = daemon ]; then Execute $CHMOD 644 $CERTFILE if [ $? != 0 ]; then PrintError "chmod failed (%s)" $CERTFILE return 1 fi else Execute $MKDIR -p $NEWKEYDIR if [ $? != 0 ]; then PrintError "mkdir failed (%s)" $NEWKEYDIR return 1 fi Execute $CP $KEYDIR/* $NEWKEYDIR if [ $? != 0 ]; then PrintError "Could not copy files (%s/\* -> %s)" $KEYDIR/* $NEWKEYDIR return 1 fi if [ "$ADMINUSER" = default ]; then ExecChown -R root $NEWKEYDIR else ExecChown -R $ADMINUSER $NEWKEYDIR fi if [ $? != 0 ]; then PrintError "chown failed (%s)" $NEWKEYDIR return 1 fi if [ $? != 0 ]; then PrintError "chown failed (%s)" $NEWKEYDIR return 1 fi Execute $CHMOD 644 $NEWKEYDIR/* if [ $? != 0 ]; then PrintError "chmod failed (%s/\*)" $NEWKEYDIR return 1 fi fi umask 077 # revoke the old certificate and create the certificate revocation list ExecuteAsAdmin $CA -config $TMPFILE1 -policy policy_anything \ -batch $DAYS \ -revoke $CERTFILE if [ $? != 0 ]; then PrintError "Can't revoke %s." $CERTFILE return 1 else # sign certificate request ExecuteAsAdmin $CA -config $TMPFILE1 \ -policy policy_anything -batch $DAYS \ -notext -out $NEWCERTFILE -infiles $REQFILE if [ $? != 0 ]; then PrintError "Can't renew %s." $CERTFILE return 1 else # create the certificate revocation list ExecuteAsAdmin $CA -config $TMPFILE1 -policy policy_anything \ -batch $DAYS \ -gencrl -out ${CRLFILE}.tmp if [ $? != 0 ]; then PrintError "Can't generate revocation list %s.." $CRLFILE return 1 else if [ $1 = daemon ]; then $INFOTEXT "renewed certificate for SGE daemons" else $INFOTEXT "renewed certificate for user '%s' in '%s'" $2 $KEYDIR fi fi if [ -f $OLDCERTFILE ]; then ExecuteAsAdmin $RM -f $OLDCERTFILE if [ $? != 0 ]; then PrintError "Can not delete old cert file (%s)" $OLDCERTFILE return 1 fi fi ExecuteAsAdmin $CP $CERTFILE $OLDCERTFILE if [ $? != 0 ]; then PrintError "Could not copy file (%s -> %s)" $CERTFILE $OLDCERTFILE return 1 fi ExecuteAsAdmin $MV $NEWCERTFILE $CERTFILE if [ $? != 0 ]; then PrintError "Could not move file (%s -> %s)" $NEWCERTFILE $CERTFILE return 1 fi ExecuteAsAdmin $CHMOD 644 $CERTFILE if [ $? != 0 ]; then PrintError "chmod failed (%s)" $CERTFILE return 1 fi # copy renewed cert.pem to $CERTFILE_PUBLIC_DIR if [ "$1" = user ]; then umask 022 if [ ! -d "$CERTFILE_PUBLIC_DIR" ]; then ExecuteAsAdmin $MKDIR -m 755 -p $CERTFILE_PUBLIC_DIR if [ $? != 0 ]; then umask 077 PrintError "Could not create %s" $CERTFILE_PUBLIC_DIR return 1 fi fi ExecuteAsAdmin $CP $CERTFILE $CERTFILE_PUBLIC_DIR if [ $? != 0 ]; then umask 077 PrintError "Could not copy file (%s -> %s)" $CERTFILE $CERTFILE_PUBLIC_DIR return 1 fi ExecuteAsAdmin $CHMOD 644 $CERTFILE_PUBLIC_DIR/cert.pem if [ $? != 0 ]; then umask 077 PrintError "Could not chown 644 file %s" $CERTFILE_PUBLIC_DIR/cert.pem return 1 fi umask 077 fi if [ "$1" != daemon ]; then Execute $CP -f $NEWKEYDIR/* $KEYDIR if [ $? != 0 ]; then PrintError "Could not copy files (%s/\* -> %s)" $NEWKEYDIR $KEYDIR return 1 fi fi ExecuteAsAdmin $MV ${CRLFILE}.tmp $CRLFILE if [ $? != 0 ]; then PrintError "Could not move file (%s -> %s)" ${CRLFILE}.tmp $CRLFILE return 1 fi ExecuteAsAdmin $CHMOD 644 $CRLFILE if [ $? != 0 ]; then PrintError "chmod failed (%s)" $CERTFILE return 1 fi fi fi Execute $RM -f $TMPFILE $TMPFILE1 if [ "$1" != daemon ]; then ExecRm $NEWKEYBASEDIR Execute $CHMOD 500 $KEYDIR if [ $? != 0 ]; then PrintError "chmod failed (%s)" $KEYDIR return 1 fi Execute $CHMOD 600 $KEYDIR/* if [ $? != 0 ]; then PrintError "chmod failed (%s/\*)" $KEYDIR return 1 fi # The chown can only be done for user certificates # sdm_daemon certificate are owned by $ADMINUSER if [ $1 = "user" ]; then id $2 > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? = 0 ]; then ExecChown -R $2 $KEYDIR if [ $? != 0 ]; then PrintError "chown to %s failed (%s)" $2 $KEYDIR return 1 fi fi fi fi umask 022 return 0 } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # MakeCADirs # create all directories for CA infrastructure # # MakeCADirs() { if [ -f $CATOP -o -f $CALOCALTOP ]; then $INFOTEXT "The CA directories\n %s or %s\n seem to be regular files" \ $CATOP $CALOCALTOP $INFOTEXT "CA initialization failed. Exit." exit 1 fi ExecRm $CALOCALTOP if [ -f $CALOCALTOP -o -d $CALOCALTOP ]; then PrintError "Can't delete the CA local directories\n %s" \ $CALOCALTOP return 1 fi ExecRmAsAdmin $CATOP if [ -f $CATOP -o -d $CATOP ]; then PrintError "Can't delete the CA directories\n %s" \ $CATOP return 1 fi $INFOTEXT "Creating %s" $CATOP ExecuteAsAdmin $MKDIR $CATOP if [ $? != 0 ]; then PrintError "mkdir failed (%s)" $CATOP return 1 fi $INFOTEXT "Creating %s" $CALOCALTOP Execute $MKDIR -p $CALOCALTOP if [ $? != 0 ]; then PrintError "mkdir failed (%s)" $CALOCALTOP return 1 fi if [ $ADMINUSER != default -a $rootinstalls = true ]; then ExecChown $ADMINUSER $CALOCALTOP if [ $? != 0 ]; then PrintError "chown to %s failed (%s)" $ADMINUSER $CALOCALTOP return 1 fi fi $INFOTEXT "Creating %s" ${CATOP}/certs ExecuteAsAdmin $MKDIR ${CATOP}/certs if [ $? != 0 ]; then PrintError "mkdir failed (%s)" ${CATOP}/certs return 1 fi $INFOTEXT "Creating %s" ${CATOP}/crl $INFOTEXT -log "Creating %s" ${CATOP}/crl ExecuteAsAdmin $MKDIR ${CATOP}/crl if [ $? != 0 ]; then PrintError "mkdir failed (%s)" ${CATOP}/crl return 1 fi $INFOTEXT "Creating %s" ${CATOP}/newcerts $INFOTEXT -log "Creating %s" ${CATOP}/newcerts ExecuteAsAdmin $MKDIR ${CATOP}/newcerts if [ $? != 0 ]; then PrintError "mkdir failed (%s)" ${CATOP}/newcerts return 1 fi $INFOTEXT "Creating %s" ${CATOP}/serial $INFOTEXT -log "Creating %s" ${CATOP}/serial ExecuteAsAdmin $TOUCH /tmp/serial.$$ ExecuteAsAdmin $CHMOD 644 /tmp/serial.$$ if [ $? != 0 ]; then PrintError "Could not touch file as %s (%s)" $ADMINUSER /tmp/serial.$$ return 1 fi echo 01 > /tmp/serial.$$ ExecuteAsAdmin cp /tmp/serial.$$ ${CATOP}/serial if [ $? != 0 ]; then PrintError "Could not copy file as %s (%s)" $ADMINUSER ${CATOP}/serial return 1 fi ExecuteAsAdmin rm -f /tmp/serial.$$ ExecuteAsAdmin $CHMOD 644 ${CATOP}/serial if [ $? != 0 ]; then PrintError "chmod failed (%s)" ${CATOP}/serial return 1 fi $INFOTEXT "Creating %s" ${CATOP}/index.txt $INFOTEXT -log "Creating %s" ${CATOP}/index.txt ExecuteAsAdmin $TOUCH ${CATOP}/index.txt if [ $? != 0 ]; then PrintError "Could not touch file as %s (%s)" $ADMINUSER ${CATOP}/index.txt return 1 fi $INFOTEXT "Creating %s" ${CATOP}/usercerts $INFOTEXT -log "Creating %s" ${CATOP}/usercerts ExecuteAsAdmin $MKDIR -m 755 -p ${CATOP}/usercerts if [ $? != 0 ]; then PrintError "mkdir failed (%s)" ${CATOP}/usercerts return 1 fi $INFOTEXT "Creating %s" ${CALOCALTOP}/userkeys $INFOTEXT -log "Creating %s" ${CALOCALTOP}/userkeys ExecuteAsAdmin $MKDIR ${CALOCALTOP}/userkeys if [ $? != 0 ]; then PrintError "mkdir failed (%s)" ${CALOCALTOP}/userkeys return 1 fi if [ $SGE_CNF = false ]; then # haithabu store the daemon certificates in a seperate # daemons directory $INFOTEXT "Creating %s" ${CALOCALTOP}/daemons $INFOTEXT -log "Creating %s" ${CALOCALTOP}/daemons ExecuteAsAdmin $MKDIR ${CALOCALTOP}/daemons if [ $? != 0 ]; then PrintError "mkdir failed (%s)" ${CATOP}/daemons return 1 fi fi umask 077 $INFOTEXT "Creating %s" ${CALOCALTOP}/private $INFOTEXT -log "Creating %s" ${CALOCALTOP}/private ExecuteAsAdmin $MKDIR ${CALOCALTOP}/private if [ $? != 0 ]; then PrintError "mkdir failed (%s)" ${CATOP}/private return 1 fi umask 022 $INFOTEXT -wait -auto $AUTO -n "\nHit <RETURN> to continue >> " $CLEAR return 0 } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ReadConfig # sources the sge_ca.conf file, if the -nosge option is not set # # ReadConfig() { i=0 read_it=true while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do if [ "$1" = "-nosge" ]; then read_it=false break fi shift done if [ "$read_it" = "true" ]; then if [ -f $ROOT_PATH/util/sgeCA/sge_ca.cnf ]; then . $ROOT_PATH/util/sgeCA/sge_ca.cnf fi return 1 else return 0 fi } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # THE MAIN PROCEDURE #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOUCH=touch RM=rm MKDIR=mkdir CHMOD=chmod CHOWN=chown CP=cp MV=mv umask 022 SGE_CNF=true ROOT_PATH=`dirname $0`/../.. ROOT_PATH=`cd $ROOT_PATH; pwd` CATOP="" CALOCALTOP="" CAHOST="" CAHOMEKEYDIR="" ADMINUSER="default" CONFIG_DIR=$ROOT_PATH/util/sgeCA ARCHSCRIPT=$ROOT_PATH/util/arch if [ ! -f "$ARCHSCRIPT" ]; then echo echo Error: The shell script \"$ARCHSCRIPT\" does not exist. echo Please verify your setup and restart this script. Exit. echo exit 1 fi ARCH=`$ARCHSCRIPT` V5UTILBIN=$ROOT_PATH/utilbin/$ARCH # adminrun, infotext, openssl, uidgid if [ ! -d "$V5UTILBIN" ]; then echo echo "Error: The utilbin directory "$V5UTILBIN" does not exist" echo "Please verify your setup and restart this script. Exit." exit 1 fi if [ ! -d "$ROOT_PATH/lib/$ARCH" ]; then echo echo "Error: The lib directory \"$ROOT_PATH/lib/$ARCH\" does not exist" echo "Please verify your setup and restart this script. Exit." exit 1 fi shlib_path_name=`$ROOT_PATH/util/arch -lib` old_shlib_path_name=`eval echo '$'$shlib_path_name` if [ x$old_shlib_path_name = x ]; then eval $shlib_path_name=$ROOT_PATH/lib/$ARCH else eval $shlib_path_name="$ROOT_PATH/lib/${ARCH}:${old_shlib_path_name}" fi export $shlib_path_name #--------------------------------------- # setup INFOTEXT begin #--------------------------------------- # INFOTXT_DUMMY is needed by message parsing script # which is looking for $INFOTEXT and would report # errors in the next command. Please use INFOTXT_DUMMY # instead of using $INFOTEXT INFOTXT_DUMMY=$V5UTILBIN/infotext INFOTEXT=$INFOTXT_DUMMY if [ ! -x $INFOTXT_DUMMY ]; then echo "Error: Can't find binary \"$INFOTXT_DUMMY\"" echo "Please verify your setup and restart this script. Exit." exit 1 fi # Test the infotext binary tmp=`$INFOTEXT test 2>&1` if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Error: Execution of $INFOTEXT failed: $tmp" echo "Please verify your setup and restart this script. Exit." exit 1 fi # # From now on we can use PrintError methods to write error messages # SGE_INFOTEXT_MAX_COLUMN=5000; export SGE_INFOTEXT_MAX_COLUMN #--------------------------------------- # setup INFOTEXT end #--------------------------------------- # # Check wether all needed binaries are exists # for i in adminrun openssl uidgid; do if [ ! -x $V5UTILBIN/$i ]; then PrintErrorAndExit 1 "Error: Can't find binary \"%s\"" $V5UTILBIN/$i fi done euid=`$V5UTILBIN/uidgid -euid 2>&1` if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then PrintErrorAndExit 1 "Execution of $V5UTILBIN/uidgid failed: $euid" fi if [ $euid = 0 ]; then rootinstalls=true else rootinstalls=false fi ReadConfig $* #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # SGE specific settings to keep previous behavior #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ME=`whoami` if [ "$ME" = "" ]; then PrintErrorAndExit 1 "Can't determine your username with \"%s\" command. Exit" whoami fi CAKEY=cakey.pem CACERT=cacert.pem OPENSSL=$V5UTILBIN/openssl AUTO="false" #----------------------------- # CommandLine Argument Parsing # WHICH="undef" newkey=newkey.pem newreq=newreq.pem newcert=newcert.pem user="" outdir=. indir=. userfile="" passinfile="" pkcs12outdir="" md="-md md5" nodes="-nodes" ksoutfile="" kspwfile="" ARGC=$# while [ $ARGC != 0 ]; do case $1 in -adminuser) ADMINUSER="$2" shift ARGC=`expr $ARGC - 1` ;; -auto) AUTO="true" if [ "$AUTOGUI" != true ]; then . $2 fi shift ARGC=`expr $ARGC - 1` ;; -init) WHICH="init" ;; -req) WHICH="req" ;; -sign) WHICH="sign" ;; -copy) WHICH="copy" ;; -nosge) SGE_CNF=false ;; -verify) if [ $ARGC -lt 2 ]; then PrintError "-verify needs argument" ErrUsage fi WHICH="verify" newcert=$2 shift ARGC=`expr $ARGC - 1` ;; -print) if [ $ARGC -lt 2 ]; then PrintError "-print needs argument" ErrUsage fi WHICH="print" newcert=$2 shift ARGC=`expr $ARGC - 1` ;; -showCaTop) WHICH="showCaTop" ;; -showCaLocalTop) WHICH="showCaLocalTop" ;; -printkey) if [ $ARGC -lt 2 ]; then PrintError "-printkey needs argument" ErrUsage fi WHICH="printkey" newcert=$2 shift ARGC=`expr $ARGC - 1` ;; -printcrl) if [ $ARGC -lt 2 ]; then PrintError "-printcrl needs argument" ErrUsage fi WHICH="printcrl" newcert=$2 shift ARGC=`expr $ARGC - 1` ;; -days) if [ $ARGC -lt 2 ]; then PrintError "-days needs argument" ErrUsage fi DAYS="-days $2" shift ARGC=`expr $ARGC - 1` ;; -outdir) if [ $ARGC -lt 2 ]; then PrintError "-outdir needs argument" ErrUsage fi outdir="$2" shift ARGC=`expr $ARGC - 1` ;; -cahost) if [ $ARGC -lt 2 ]; then PrintError "-cahost needs argument" ErrUsage fi CAHOST="$2" shift ARGC=`expr $ARGC - 1` ;; -cadir) if [ $ARGC -lt 2 ]; then PrintError "-cadir needs argument" ErrUsage fi CATOP="$2" CALOCALTOP="$2" shift ARGC=`expr $ARGC - 1` ;; -calocaltop) if [ $ARGC -lt 2 ]; then PrintError "-calocaltop needs argument" ErrUsage fi CALOCALTOP="$2" shift ARGC=`expr $ARGC - 1` ;; -catop) if [ $ARGC -lt 2 ]; then PrintError "-catop needs argument" ErrUsage fi CATOP="$2" shift ARGC=`expr $ARGC - 1` ;; -pkcs12) WHICH="pkcs12" if [ $ARGC -lt 2 ]; then PrintError "-pkcs12 needs argument" ErrUsage fi user="$2" shift ARGC=`expr $ARGC - 1` ;; -sdm_pkcs12) WHICH="sdm_pkcs12" if [ $ARGC -lt 2 ]; then PrintError "-sdm_pkcs12 needs argument" ErrUsage fi user="$2" shift ARGC=`expr $ARGC - 1` ;; -sys_pkcs12) WHICH="sys_pkcs12" if [ $ARGC -lt 2 ]; then PrintError "-sys_pkcs12 needs argument" ErrUsage fi user="$2" shift ARGC=`expr $ARGC - 1` ;; -ks) WHICH="ks" if [ $ARGC -lt 2 ]; then PrintError "-ks needs argument" ErrUsage fi user="$2" shift ARGC=`expr $ARGC - 1` ;; -ksout) if [ $ARGC -lt 2 ]; then PrintError "-ksout needs argument" ErrUsage fi ksoutfile="$2" shift ARGC=`expr $ARGC - 1` ;; -kspwf) if [ $ARGC -lt 2 ]; then PrintError "-kspwf needs argument" ErrUsage fi kspwfile="$2" shift ARGC=`expr $ARGC - 1` ;; -pkcs12pwf) if [ $ARGC -lt 2 ]; then PrintError "-pkcs12pwf needs argument" ErrUsage fi passinfile="$2" shift ARGC=`expr $ARGC - 1` ;; -pkcs12dir) if [ $ARGC -lt 2 ]; then PrintError "-pkcs12dir needs argument" ErrUsage fi pkcs12outdir="$2" shift ARGC=`expr $ARGC - 1` ;; -sha1) md="-md sha1" ;; -encryptkey) nodes="" ;; -usercert) WHICH="usercert" if [ $ARGC -lt 2 ]; then PrintError "-usercert needs argument" ErrUsage fi userfile=$2 shift ARGC=`expr $ARGC - 1` ;; -userks) WHICH="userks" ;; -sysks) WHICH="sysks" ;; -user) WHICH="oneuser" if [ $ARGC -lt 2 ]; then PrintError "-user needs argument" ErrUsage fi user=$2 shift ARGC=`expr $ARGC - 1` ;; -sdm_daemon) WHICH="sdm_daemon" if [ $ARGC -lt 2 ]; then PrintError "-sdm_daemon needs argument" ErrUsage fi user=$2 shift ARGC=`expr $ARGC - 1` ;; -renew) if [ $ARGC -lt 2 ]; then PrintError "-renew needs argument" ErrUsage fi WHICH="renew" user=$2 shift ARGC=`expr $ARGC - 1` ;; -renew_sdm) if [ $ARGC -lt 2 ]; then PrintError "-renew_sdm needs argument" ErrUsage fi WHICH="renew_sdm" user=$2 shift ARGC=`expr $ARGC - 1` ;; -renew_sys) WHICH="renew_sys" ;; -renew_ca) WHICH="renew_ca" ;; -version) WHICH="version" ;; -dumpusers) WHICH="dumpusers" ;; *) PrintError "Unknown option %s" "$1" ErrUsage ;; esac shift ARGC=`expr $ARGC - 1` done if [ "$WHICH" = "undef" ]; then ErrUsage fi #echo "ADMINUSER: $ADMINUSER" #echo "CATOP: $CATOP" #echo "CALOCALTOP: $CALOCALTOP" #echo "CAHOST: $CAHOST" if [ "$CATOP" = "" ]; then ErrUsage "catop not set" fi if [ "$CALOCALTOP" = "" ]; then ErrUsage "calocaltop not set" fi if [ "$ADMINUSER" = "" ]; then ErrUsage "adminuser not set" fi if [ "$CAHOST" = "" ]; then ErrUsage "cahost not set" fi export ADMINUSER CATOP CALOCALTOP CAHOST REQ="$OPENSSL req $nodes" CA="$OPENSSL ca $md -keyfile $CALOCALTOP/private/$CAKEY -cert $CATOP/$CACERT \ -outdir $CATOP/newcerts" VERIFY="$OPENSSL verify" X509="$OPENSSL x509" X509KEY="$OPENSSL rsa" X509CRL="$OPENSSL crl" P12="$OPENSSL pkcs12" case $WHICH in init) InitCA ;; req) RequestCert ;; sign) SignCert ;; copy) InstallKey user $ME ;; usercert) MakeUserCerts $userfile ;; userks) MakeUserKeystores ;; sysks) MakeSysKeystore if [ $? != 0 ]; then exit 1 fi ;; oneuser) MakeUserCert user "$user" if [ $? != 0 ]; then exit 1 fi ;; sdm_daemon) MakeUserCert sdm_daemon $user if [ $? != 0 ]; then exit 1 fi ;; verify) VerifyCert ;; print) PrintX509 cert $newcert ;; printkey) PrintX509 key $newcert ;; printcrl) PrintX509 crl $newcert ;; renew) RenewCert user $user if [ $? != 0 ]; then exit 1 fi ;; renew_sdm) RenewCert sdm_daemon $user if [ $? != 0 ]; then exit 1 fi ;; renew_sys) RenewCert daemon $ADMINUSER if [ $? != 0 ]; then exit 1 fi ;; renew_ca) RenewCA if [ $? != 0 ]; then exit 1 fi ;; pkcs12) MakePKCS12 user $user if [ $? != 0 ]; then exit 1 fi ;; ks) if [ "$ksoutfile" != "" ]; then MakeKeystore user $user else MakeUserKeystore $user fi if [ $? != 0 ]; then exit 1 fi ;; sdm_pkcs12) MakePKCS12 sdm_daemon $user if [ $? != 0 ]; then exit 1 fi ;; sys_pkcs12) MakePKCS12 sge_daemon $user if [ $? != 0 ]; then exit 1 fi ;; showCaTop) echo "$CATOP" ;; showCaLocalTop) echo "$CALOCALTOP" ;; version) echo "sge_ca 6.5" ;; dumpusers) DumpUsers ;; help) ErrUsage ;; esac exit 0