/*___INFO__MARK_BEGIN__*/ /************************************************************************* * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * the Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.2 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., March, 2001 * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.2 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.2 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://gridengine.sunsource.net/Gridengine_SISSL_license.html * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2001 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * ************************************************************************/ /*___INFO__MARK_END__*/ #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <unistd.h> #include "sge_profiling.h" #include "sge.h" #include "sge_string.h" #include "sge_event_client.h" #include "sge_ja_task.h" #include "sge_pe_task.h" #include "sge_log.h" #include "sge_pe.h" #include "sge_prog.h" #include "sge_schedd_conf.h" #include "sgermon.h" #include "commlib.h" #include "sge_event.h" #include "sge_dstring.h" #include "sge_sched_job_category.h" #include "parse.h" #include "msg_schedd.h" #include "sge_job.h" #include "sge_conf.h" #include "sge_userprj.h" #include "sge_host.h" #include "sge_userset.h" #include "sge_centry.h" #include "sge_cqueue.h" #include "sge_qinstance.h" #include "sge_answer.h" #include "sge_qinstance_state.h" #include "sgeee.h" #include "sge_sched_prepare_data.h" #include "sge_sched_process_events.h" static const int cqueue_field_ids[] = { CQ_name, CQ_hostlist, CQ_qinstances, CQ_consumable_config_list, CQ_projects, CQ_xprojects, CQ_acl, CQ_xacl, CQ_qtype, CQ_pe_list, CQ_nsuspend, CQ_job_slots, CQ_calendar, CQ_h_core, CQ_h_cpu, CQ_h_data, CQ_h_fsize, CQ_h_rss, CQ_h_rt, CQ_h_stack, CQ_h_vmem, CQ_min_cpu_interval, CQ_rerun, CQ_s_core, CQ_s_cpu, CQ_s_data, CQ_s_fsize, CQ_s_rt, CQ_s_rss, CQ_s_stack, CQ_s_vmem, NoName }; static const int qinstance_field_ids[] = { QU_full_name, QU_qhostname, QU_tag, QU_qname, QU_acl, QU_xacl, QU_projects, QU_xprojects, QU_resource_utilization, QU_job_slots, QU_load_thresholds, QU_suspend_thresholds, QU_host_seq_no, QU_seq_no, QU_state, QU_tagged4schedule, QU_nsuspend, QU_suspend_interval, QU_consumable_config_list, QU_available_at, QU_soft_violation, QU_version, QU_subordinate_list, QU_qtype, QU_calendar, QU_s_rt, QU_h_rt, QU_s_cpu, QU_h_cpu, QU_s_fsize, QU_h_fsize, QU_s_data, QU_h_data, QU_s_stack, QU_h_stack, QU_s_core, QU_h_core, QU_s_rss, QU_h_rss, QU_s_vmem, QU_h_vmem, QU_min_cpu_interval, QU_suspended_on_subordinate, QU_last_suspend_threshold_ckeck, QU_pe_list, QU_ckpt_list, QU_state_changes, NoName }; static const int job_nm[] = { JB_job_number, JB_category, JB_hard_queue_list, JB_owner, JB_hard_resource_list, JB_group, JB_ja_n_h_ids, JB_soft_resource_list, JB_ja_template, JB_soft_queue_list, JB_type, JB_ja_u_h_ids, JB_ja_s_h_ids, JB_ja_o_h_ids, JB_ja_a_h_ids, JB_pe, JB_project, JB_department, JB_execution_time, JB_override_tickets, JB_jid_predecessor_list, JB_deadline, JB_submission_time, JB_checkpoint_name, JB_version, JB_priority, JB_host, JB_ja_structure, JB_jobshare, JB_master_hard_queue_list, JB_pe_range, JB_nppri, JB_urg, JB_nurg, JB_dlcontr, JB_wtcontr, JB_rrcontr, JB_soft_wallclock_gmt, JB_hard_wallclock_gmt, JB_reserve, JB_ja_tasks, JB_ar, JB_ja_task_concurrency, NoName }; static const int jat_nm[] = { JAT_task_number, JAT_tix, JAT_state, JAT_fshare, JAT_status, JAT_granted_pe, JAT_scaled_usage_list, JAT_task_list, JAT_start_time, JAT_hold, JAT_granted_destin_identifier_list, JAT_master_queue, JAT_oticket, JAT_fticket, JAT_sticket, JAT_share, JAT_prio, JAT_ntix, JAT_wallclock_limit, NoName }; static const int pet_nm[] = { PET_id, PET_status, PET_granted_destin_identifier_list, PET_usage, PET_scaled_usage, PET_previous_usage, NoName }; static const int eh_nm[] = { EH_name, EH_scaling_list, EH_consumable_config_list, EH_usage_scaling_list, EH_load_list, EH_acl, EH_xacl, EH_prj, EH_xprj, EH_sort_value, EH_load_correction_factor, EH_seq_no, EH_resource_utilization, EH_reschedule_unknown_list, NoName }; static const int pe_nm[] = { PE_name, PE_slots, PE_user_list, PE_xuser_list, PE_allocation_rule, PE_control_slaves, PE_resource_utilization, PE_urgency_slots, #ifdef SGE_PQS_API PE_qsort_args, #endif NoName }; void ensure_valid_what_and_where(sge_where_what_t *where_what) { lDescr *tmp_what_descr = NULL; DENTER(GDI_LAYER, "ensure_valid_what_and_where"); /* prepare temp data used to create new lists with partial descriptor */ if (where_what->what_queue2 == NULL || where_what->where_queue2 == NULL || where_what->what_queue == NULL || where_what->where_queue == NULL) { int n = 0; int index = 0; lEnumeration *tmp_what_queue = NULL; tmp_what_queue = lIntVector2What(QU_Type, qinstance_field_ids); n = lCountWhat(tmp_what_queue, QU_Type); tmp_what_descr = (lDescr *) malloc(sizeof(lDescr) * (n + 1)); lPartialDescr(tmp_what_queue, QU_Type, tmp_what_descr, &index); lFreeWhat(&tmp_what_queue); } /* acl */ if (where_what->where_acl == NULL) { where_what->where_acl = lWhere("%T(%I m= %u)", US_Type, US_type, US_ACL); } if (where_what->what_acldept == NULL) { where_what->what_acldept = lWhat("%T(ALL)", US_Type); } /* cqueues */ if (where_what->what_cqueue == NULL) { where_what->what_cqueue = lIntVector2What(CQ_Type, cqueue_field_ids); } /* departments */ if (where_what->where_dept == NULL) { where_what->where_dept = lWhere("%T(%I m= %u)", US_Type, US_type, US_DEPT); } /* host */ if (where_what->where_host == NULL) { where_what->where_host = lWhere("%T(!(%Ic=%s))", EH_Type, EH_name, SGE_TEMPLATE_NAME); } if (where_what->what_host == NULL) { where_what->what_host = lIntVector2What(EH_Type, eh_nm); } /* job */ if (where_what->what_job == NULL) { where_what->what_job = lIntVector2What(JB_Type, job_nm); } /* jat */ if (where_what->what_jat == NULL) { where_what->what_jat = lIntVector2What(JAT_Type, jat_nm); } /* pet */ if (where_what->what_pet == NULL) { where_what->what_pet = lIntVector2What(PET_Type, pet_nm); } /* pe */ if (where_what->what_pe == NULL) { where_what->what_pe = lIntVector2What(PE_Type, pe_nm); } /* qinstances */ if (where_what->where_queue == NULL) { where_what->where_queue = lWhere("%T(" " !(%I m= %u) &&" " !(%I m= %u) &&" " !(%I m= %u) &&" " !(%I m= %u) &&" " !(%I m= %u) &&" " !(%I m= %u))", tmp_what_descr, QU_state, QI_SUSPENDED, /* only not suspended queues */ QU_state, QI_SUSPENDED_ON_SUBORDINATE, QU_state, QI_CAL_SUSPENDED, QU_state, QI_ERROR, /* no queues in error state */ QU_state, QI_UNKNOWN, QU_state, QI_AMBIGUOUS ); /* only known queues */ } if (where_what->what_queue == NULL) { where_what->what_queue = lIntVector2What(QU_Type, qinstance_field_ids); } /* qinstances */ if (where_what->where_queue2 == NULL) { where_what->where_queue2 = lWhere("%T(" " (%I m= %u) &&" " !(%I m= %u) &&" " !(%I m= %u) &&" " !(%I m= %u) &&" " !(%I m= %u) &&" " !(%I m= %u) &&" " !(%I m= %u) &&" " !(%I m= %u))", tmp_what_descr, QU_state, QI_CAL_SUSPENDED, QU_state, QI_CAL_DISABLED, QU_state, QI_SUSPENDED, /* only not suspended queues */ QU_state, QI_SUSPENDED_ON_SUBORDINATE, QU_state, QI_ERROR, /* no queues in error state */ QU_state, QI_UNKNOWN, QU_state, QI_DISABLED, QU_state, QI_AMBIGUOUS ); /* only known queues */ } if (where_what->what_queue2 == NULL) { where_what->what_queue2 = lWhat("%T(ALL)", tmp_what_descr); } if (where_what->where_all_queue == NULL) { where_what->where_all_queue = lWhere("%T(%I!=%s)", QU_Type, QU_qname, SGE_TEMPLATE_NAME); } if (tmp_what_descr == NULL || where_what->where_acl == NULL || where_what->what_acldept == NULL || where_what->what_cqueue == NULL || where_what->where_dept == NULL || where_what->where_host == NULL || where_what->what_host == NULL || where_what->what_job == NULL || where_what->what_jat == NULL || where_what->what_pet == NULL || where_what->where_queue == NULL || where_what->what_queue == NULL || where_what->where_queue2 == NULL || where_what->what_queue2 == NULL || where_what->where_all_queue == NULL || where_what->what_pe == NULL) { CRITICAL((SGE_EVENT, MSG_SCHEDD_UNABLE_TO_SETUP_FILTER)); } /* cleanup tmp data */ if (tmp_what_descr != NULL) { cull_hash_free_descr(tmp_what_descr); FREE(tmp_what_descr); } DRETURN_VOID; } sge_callback_result sge_process_schedd_conf_event_before(sge_evc_class_t *evc, object_description *object_base, sge_object_type type, sge_event_action action, lListElem *event, void *clientdata) { lListElem *new = NULL; DENTER(GDI_LAYER, "sge_process_schedd_conf_event_before"); DPRINTF(("callback processing schedd config event\n")); new = lFirst(lGetList(event, ET_new_version)); if (new == NULL) { ERROR((SGE_EVENT, "> > > > > no scheduler configuration available < < < < <\n")); DEXIT; return SGE_EMA_FAILURE; } /* check for valid load formula */ { lListElem *old = sconf_get_config(); const char *new_load_formula = lGetString(new, SC_load_formula); lList *alpp = NULL; lList *master_centry_list = *sge_master_list(object_base, SGE_TYPE_CENTRY); if (master_centry_list != NULL && !validate_load_formula(new_load_formula, &alpp, master_centry_list, SGE_ATTR_LOAD_FORMULA)) { ERROR((SGE_EVENT,MSG_INVALID_LOAD_FORMULA, new_load_formula )); answer_list_output(&alpp); if (old) { lSetString(new, SC_load_formula, lGetString(old, SC_load_formula) ); } else { lSetString(new, SC_load_formula, "none"); } } else { int n = strlen(new_load_formula); if (n > 0) { char *copy = NULL; copy = malloc(n + 1); if (copy != NULL) { strcpy(copy, new_load_formula); sge_strip_blanks(copy); lSetString(new, SC_load_formula, copy); } FREE(copy); } } lFreeElem(&old); } DEXIT; return SGE_EMA_OK; } sge_callback_result sge_process_schedd_conf_event_after(sge_evc_class_t *evc, object_description *object_base, sge_object_type type, sge_event_action action, lListElem *event, void *clientdata){ sconf_print_config(); if (sconf_is_job_category_filtering()) { set_rebuild_categories(true); } return SGE_EMA_OK; } sge_callback_result sge_process_project_event_before(sge_evc_class_t *evc, object_description *object_base, sge_object_type type, sge_event_action action, lListElem *event, void *clientdata) { const lListElem *new, *old; const char *p; DENTER(GDI_LAYER, "sge_process_project_event_before"); if (action != SGE_EMA_ADD && action != SGE_EMA_MOD && action != SGE_EMA_DEL) { DEXIT; return SGE_EMA_OK; } p = lGetString(event, ET_strkey); new = lFirst(lGetList(event, ET_new_version)); old = prj_list_locate(*sge_master_list(object_base, SGE_TYPE_PROJECT), p); switch (action) { case SGE_EMA_ADD: if (new != NULL && lGetBool(new, PR_consider_with_categories) == true) { set_rebuild_categories(true); DPRINTF(("callback before project event: rebuild categories due to SGE_EMA_ADD(%s)\n", p)); } break; case SGE_EMA_MOD: if (new != NULL && old != NULL && lGetBool(new, PR_consider_with_categories) != lGetBool(old, PR_consider_with_categories)) { set_rebuild_categories(true); DPRINTF(("callback before project event: rebuild categories due to SGE_EMA_MOD(%s)\n", p)); } break; case SGE_EMA_DEL: if (old != NULL && lGetBool(old, PR_consider_with_categories) == true) { set_rebuild_categories(true); DPRINTF(("callback before project event: rebuild categories due to SGE_EMA_DEL(%s)\n", p)); } break; default: break; } DEXIT; return SGE_EMA_OK; } sge_callback_result sge_process_schedd_monitor_event(sge_evc_class_t *evc, object_description *object_base, sge_object_type type, sge_event_action action, lListElem *event, void *clientdata) { DENTER(GDI_LAYER, "sge_process_schedd_monitor_event"); DPRINTF(("monitoring next scheduler run\n")); evc->monitor_next_run = true; DRETURN(SGE_EMA_OK); } sge_callback_result sge_process_global_config_event(sge_evc_class_t *evc, object_description *object_base, sge_object_type type, sge_event_action action, lListElem *event, void *clientdata) { DENTER(GDI_LAYER, "sge_process_global_config_event"); DPRINTF(("notification about new global configuration\n")); st_set_flag_new_global_conf(true); DEXIT; return SGE_EMA_OK; } sge_callback_result sge_process_job_event_before(sge_evc_class_t *evc, object_description *object_base, sge_object_type type, sge_event_action action, lListElem *event, void *clientdata) { u_long32 job_id = 0; lListElem *job = NULL; DENTER(GDI_LAYER, "sge_process_job_event_before"); DPRINTF(("callback processing job event before default rule\n")); if (action == SGE_EMA_DEL || action == SGE_EMA_MOD) { job_id = lGetUlong(event, ET_intkey); job = job_list_locate(*object_type_get_master_list(SGE_TYPE_JOB), job_id); if (job == NULL) { dstring id_dstring = DSTRING_INIT; ERROR((SGE_EVENT, MSG_CANTFINDJOBINMASTERLIST_S, job_get_id_string(job_id, 0, NULL, &id_dstring))); sge_dstring_free(&id_dstring); DRETURN(SGE_EMA_FAILURE); } } else { DRETURN(SGE_EMA_OK); } switch (action) { case SGE_EMA_DEL: /* delete job category if necessary */ sge_delete_job_category(job); break; case SGE_EMA_MOD: switch (lGetUlong(event, ET_type)) { case sgeE_JOB_MOD: sge_delete_job_category(job); break; default: break; } break; default: break; } DRETURN(SGE_EMA_OK); } sge_callback_result sge_process_job_event_after(sge_evc_class_t *evc, object_description *object_base, sge_object_type type, sge_event_action action, lListElem *event, void *clientdata) { u_long32 job_id = 0; lListElem *job = NULL; DENTER(TOP_LAYER, "sge_process_job_event_after"); DPRINTF(("callback processing job event after default rule\n")); if (action == SGE_EMA_ADD || action == SGE_EMA_MOD) { job_id = lGetUlong(event, ET_intkey); job = job_list_locate(*object_type_get_master_list(SGE_TYPE_JOB), job_id); if (job == NULL) { dstring id_dstring = DSTRING_INIT; ERROR((SGE_EVENT, MSG_CANTFINDJOBINMASTERLIST_S, job_get_id_string(job_id, 0, NULL, &id_dstring))); sge_dstring_free(&id_dstring); DEXIT; return SGE_EMA_FAILURE; } sge_do_priority_job(job); /* job got added or modified, recompute the priorities */ } switch (action) { case SGE_EMA_LIST: set_rebuild_categories(true); sge_do_priority(*object_type_get_master_list(SGE_TYPE_JOB), NULL); /* recompute the priorities */ break; case SGE_EMA_ADD: { u_long32 start, end, step; /* add job category */ sge_add_job_category(job, *object_type_get_master_list(SGE_TYPE_USERSET), *object_type_get_master_list(SGE_TYPE_PROJECT), *object_type_get_master_list(SGE_TYPE_RQS)); job_get_submit_task_ids(job, &start, &end, &step); if (job_is_array(job)) { DPRINTF(("Added job-array "sge_u32"."sge_u32"-"sge_u32":"sge_u32"\n", job_id, start, end, step)); } else { DPRINTF(("Added job "sge_u32"\n", job_id)); } } break; case SGE_EMA_MOD: switch (lGetUlong(event, ET_type)) { case sgeE_JOB_MOD: /* ** after changing the job, read category reference ** for changed job */ sge_add_job_category(job, *object_type_get_master_list(SGE_TYPE_USERSET), *object_type_get_master_list(SGE_TYPE_PROJECT), *object_type_get_master_list(SGE_TYPE_RQS)); break; case sgeE_JOB_FINAL_USAGE: { const char *pe_task_id; pe_task_id = lGetString(event, ET_strkey); /* ignore FINAL_USAGE for a pe task here */ if (pe_task_id == NULL) { u_long32 ja_task_id; lListElem *ja_task; ja_task_id = lGetUlong(event, ET_intkey2); ja_task = job_search_task(job, NULL, ja_task_id); if (ja_task == NULL) { ERROR((SGE_EVENT, MSG_CANTFINDTASKINJOB_UU, sge_u32c(ja_task_id), sge_u32c(job_id))); DEXIT; return SGE_EMA_FAILURE; } lSetUlong(ja_task, JAT_status, JFINISHED); } } break; case sgeE_JOB_MOD_SCHED_PRIORITY: break; default: break; } break; default: break; } DEXIT; return SGE_EMA_OK; } /* If the last ja task of a job is deleted, * remove the job category. * Do we really need it? * Isn't a job delete event sent after the last array task exited? */ sge_callback_result sge_process_ja_task_event_after(sge_evc_class_t *evc, object_description *object_base, sge_object_type type, sge_event_action action, lListElem *event, void *clientdata) { DENTER(GDI_LAYER, "sge_process_ja_task_event_after"); if (action == SGE_EMA_DEL) { lListElem *job; u_long32 job_id; DPRINTF(("callback processing ja_task event after default rule SGE_EMA_DEL\n")); job_id = lGetUlong(event, ET_intkey); job = job_list_locate(*sge_master_list(object_base, SGE_TYPE_JOB), job_id); if (job == NULL) { dstring id_dstring = DSTRING_INIT; ERROR((SGE_EVENT, MSG_CANTFINDJOBINMASTERLIST_S, job_get_id_string(job_id, 0, NULL, &id_dstring))); sge_dstring_free(&id_dstring); DEXIT; return SGE_EMA_FAILURE; } } else { DPRINTF(("callback processing ja_task event after default rule\n")); } DEXIT; return SGE_EMA_OK; } /****** sge_process_events/sge_process_userset_event_before() ****************** * NAME * sge_process_userset_event_before() -- ??? * * SYNOPSIS * bool sge_process_userset_event_before(sge_object_type type, * sge_event_action action, lListElem *event, void *clientdata) * * FUNCTION * Determine whether categories need to be rebuilt. Rebuilding * categories is necessary, if a userset (a) gets used first * time as ACL or (b) is no longer used as ACL. Also categories * must be rebuild if entries change with a userset is used as ACL. * * NOTES * MT-NOTE: sge_process_userset_event_before() is not MT safe *******************************************************************************/ sge_callback_result sge_process_userset_event_before(sge_evc_class_t *evc, object_description *object_base, sge_object_type type, sge_event_action action, lListElem *event, void *clientdata) { const lListElem *new, *old; const char *u; DENTER(GDI_LAYER, "sge_process_userset_event_before"); if (action != SGE_EMA_ADD && action != SGE_EMA_MOD && action != SGE_EMA_DEL) { DEXIT; return SGE_EMA_OK; } u = lGetString(event, ET_strkey); new = lFirst(lGetList(event, ET_new_version)); old = userset_list_locate(*sge_master_list(object_base, SGE_TYPE_USERSET), u); switch (action) { case SGE_EMA_ADD: if (lGetBool(new, US_consider_with_categories) == true) { set_rebuild_categories(true); DPRINTF(("callback before userset event: rebuild categories due to SGE_EMA_ADD(%s)\n", u)); } break; case SGE_EMA_MOD: /* need to redo categories if certain changes occur: --> it gets used or was used as ACL with queue_conf(5)/host_conf(5)/sge_pe(5) --> it is in use as ACL with queue_conf(5)/host_conf(5)/sge_pe(5) and a change with users/groups occured */ if ((lGetBool(new, US_consider_with_categories) != lGetBool(old, US_consider_with_categories)) || ( lGetBool(old, US_consider_with_categories) == true && object_list_has_differences(lGetList(old, US_entries), NULL, lGetList(new, US_entries), false))) { set_rebuild_categories(true); DPRINTF(("callback before userset event: rebuild categories due to SGE_EMA_MOD(%s)\n", u)); } break; case SGE_EMA_DEL: if (lGetBool(old, US_consider_with_categories) == true) { set_rebuild_categories(true); DPRINTF(("callback before userset event: rebuild categories due to SGE_EMA_DEL(%s)\n", u)); } break; default: break; } DEXIT; return SGE_EMA_OK; }