Admin user - SGE processes will be executed under this user name and certain directories will be onwed by this user as well
Qmaster host - host that will run qmaster daemon (main component), can be changed later in the host selection
Grid Engine root directory - the directory where you unpacked the SGE tar.gz archive or installed a package (e.g.: rpm, pkg), must not contain an automounter prefix
Cell name - name of this Grid Engine cell, a value that identifies an instance of a Grid Engine when several instances run simultaneously
Cluster name - name of this Grid Engine instance used by SMF on Solaris machines and also by Accounting and Reporting Console (ARCo), in express installation mode it's hidden and has a value p6444, there are follwoing naming restrictions on this field: The cluster name must start with a letter ([A-Za-z]), followed by letters, digits ([0-9]), dashes ("-") or underscores ("_").
Qmaster port - a port that will be used by the qmaster daemon
Execd port - a port that will be used by the execution daemon
Group id range - range of additional group ids, the group ids in this range must not be used anywhere else, the size of the range determines how many cuncurrent jobs can run in the Grid Engine, choose a safe large value
Shell name - remote shell to be used when connection to remove hosts, must have ssh/rsh syntax, expected values ssh or rsh
Copy command - remote copy command to be used when copying files to remove hosts, must have scp/rcp syntax, expected values scp or rcp
Administrator email - email of Grid Engine administrator
Automatically start service(s) at machine boot – Component (service) will be automatically started at machine boot. By default checked.
Ignore domain names – Grid Engine will ignore domain names when comparing host names. By default checked.
Use JMX - this checkbox triggers installation of JVM thread in qmaster, needed for SGE Inspect or when you plan to install SDM. By default checked.
Use CSP product mode – Grid Engine will be installed with certificate security protocol (CSP). Communication between Grid Engine daemons will be protected by a SSL certificate. Has impact on cluster throughput. By default unchecked.