Source Code Review Form 
(version 1.1)

Date: 2004-12-08

1 Identification

1.1 Issue         : 1389
1.2 Bugtraq       : 6205648
1.3 Summary       : - error in commlib read/write timeout handling
                    - read/write timeout errors now are reported to the application
                    - removed duplicate function
1.4 Changelog ID  : CR-2004-12-07-0
1.5 Developer(s)  : CR
1.6 Reviewer(s)   : AA

2 Conformance to specification

2 [x] yes
2 [ ] no - comment:

3 Documentation

3.1 user/admin guide
3.1 [x] yes
3.1 [ ] no - comment:

3.2 man pages (user view)
3.2 [x] yes
3.2 [ ] no - comment:

3.3 -help output
3.3 [x] yes
3.3 [ ] no - comment:

3.4 documented interfaces (at least GDI, EVI, libs)
3.4 [x] yes
3.4 [ ] no - comment:

3.5 messages, output formats
3.5 [x] yes
3.5 [ ] no - comment:

4 Source review

4.1 Style guide conformance
4.1 [x] yes
4.1 [ ] no - comment:

4.2 Memory leaks
4.2 [x] yes
4.2 [ ] no - comment:

4.3 Thread safe
4.3 [x] yes
4.3 [ ] no

5 Tests

5.1 flawfinder diff
No new flaws.
5.1 [x] yes
5.1 [ ] no

5.2 Used memory leak debugger
5.2 [ ] yes
5.2 [x] no - comment:
        Fix changed no memory relevant sections 

5.3 Manual tests
Successfull execution
5.3 [x] yes
5.3 [ ] no - comment:

5.4 Testsuite covers issue
5.4 [ ] yes
5.4 [x] no - comment:
        Timeout handling for a stressed qmaster with
        overwhelmed network is not easy to test.

5.5 If 5.4 = no: Testsuite issue created
5.5 [ ] yes
5.5 [x] no - comment:
        No idea to check this error within testsuite

5.6 Testsuite run successfull
5.6 [x] yes
5.6 [ ] no - comment:


7 Accepted
7 [x] yes
7 [ ] no - comment: