Specification of Cluster Queues

                              Andreas Haas
                              25 July 2002

0. Introduction

   This document specifies the extent of the projected cluster queues 
   enhancement. In Grid Engine 5.3 the queue object as the fundamental 
   container hosting running jobs can be located only at one single
   Grid Engine execution host. The cluster queue enhancment will allow
   specifying multiple hosts for a single queue. 

   The main objective of doing so is to significantly reduce the number 
   of queues not only for mostly homegenous clusters with similar machines
   but for virtually all types of setups. This follows the overall ojective 
   to ease installation and administration of Grid Engine clusters grids. 
   Other objectives are the provision of a more condensed view in CLI and 
   GUI for large clusters and provision of new possiblities for optimizations 
   in the Grid Engine scheduler.

1. Acknowledgements

   I gratefully acknowledge useful conversations and input in other 
   forms with Andre Alefeld, Ernst Bablick, Fritz Ferstl, Christian 
   Reissmann and Andy Schwierskott.

2. Discussion

   The enhancements presented within this document cover three design 
   steps. Having understood each of these steps means one has also 
   understood the enhancement and the new possibilities created for 
   efficient management of Grid Engine cluster grids:

   a) The first step is to support in Grid Engines queue configuration 
      not only a single hostname but also a list of hostnames. This 
      makes the queue a cluster queue, since it allows managing a cluster 
      of execution hosts by means of a single queue configuration. 

   b) The next step is to allow for a differentiation of each queue 
      attribute separately for each execution host. This significantly
      broadens the applicability of cluster queues as it allows for 
      managing also fairly heterogeneous clusters my means of a single
      queue configuration.

   c) The next step is to introduce host groups into the standard build
      of Grid Engine and allow host groups to be used for expressing 
      differentiation of queue attributes as with execution hosts in
      the step before. 

   d) The last step covered in this specification is to allow for 
      hostgroups with a non-static set of associated hostgroups. 
      Allowsing dynamic hostgroups to be used within a cluster queue 
      confiugration raises new problems concerning data integrity. 
      The solutions adressing these problems are the states 
      c(onfiguration ambiguous) and o(rphaned). 

   It is important to understand that the new queue configuration
   object - the cluster queue - just describes a list of queue instances 
   and that each of these queue instances in essence is identical with 
   a 5.3 queue object. For example a job always runs in a particular 
   queue instance, not in a cluster queue. Another example is that each 
   single queue instance will continue to have counters for consumable 
   resources, if configured for the queue instance. So in many respects 
   the queue instance should be seen as the successor of the former queue 
   object, while the cluster queue is an additional umbrella for similar 
   queue instances at different hosts.

   Though these enhancments target mostly on simplifying management 
   of Grid Engine objects needed by an administrator to describe the 
   resource landscape represented by the cluster grid it can also 
   reduce the number of cases in which such objects are needed:
   The new capabilities of the '-q' submit option effectively enhance
   Grid Engines job description syntax as they allow jobs to be sent 
   to a group of similar queue instances in a natural way. This will
   save administrators work in all cases, when it was with Grid Engine 
   5.3 necessary to define a static boolean complex attribute and to 
   attach this attribute to all queues to achieve a queue grouping 
   (familiy) adressable with job submission. 

3. Changes with command line interface and configuration file formats

!  This syntax will be used below to describe the changes   
!  cluster_queue     := <name of queue configuration object>
!  queue_instance    := cluster_queue@exec_host
!  queue_domain      := cluster_queue@@host_group
!  host_identifier   := @host_group | exec_host
!  cluster_queue_wc  := a wild card expression without an '@', eg "q*"
!  queue_instance_wc := two wild card expressions separated by a '@', e.g. q*@*.sun.com
!  queue_domain_wc   := two wild card expressions separated by two '@', e.g. q*@@solaris*



      -masterq queue,...
      -q queue,...

!     for both options 'queue' will be defined as
!        queue := cluster_queue_wc | queue_domain_wc | queue_instance_wc
!     wildcard expressions can be used to match arbitrary cluster 
!     queues, queue domains and queue instances. 

     QUEUE          The name of the queue in  which  the  job  is
!    .. the name of the cluster queue in which ..


          Displays the reason(s) for queue alarm states.  Outputs
          one  line  per reason containing the resource value and
          threshold. For details about the resource value  please
          refer to the description of the Full Format in section
          OUTPUT FORMATS below.

!         Note: -alarm is a deprecated switch, use -explain aA instead
!    -explain c|a|A,...
!         New switch:
!         c: Displays the reasons(s) for c(onfiguration ambigous) state.
!         a: Displays the reasons(s) for the load alarm state.
!         A: Displays the reasons(s) for the suspend alarm state.
!  Store 'c' reason in QU_Type structure (new field!) or generate it 
!  dynamically in qstat based on data fetched from qmaster.

      -f Specifies a "full" format display of information.   The
         -f option causes summary information on all queues to
         be displayed along with the queued job list.

       Full Format (with -f and -F)

       o  the queue name,
! this changes into
!      o  the queue instance name
       o  the  queue  type  -  one   of   B(atch),   I(nteractive),
          C(heckpointing),  P(arallel),  T(ransfer) or combinations
! this changes into
!      o  the  queue  type  -  one   of   B(atch),   I(nteractive),
!         C(heckpointing),  P(arallel),  T(ransfer), combinations
!         thereof or N(one),
       o  the load average of the queue host,
! this changes into
       o  the normalized load average (np_load_avg) of the queue host,
!         Remark: If no load value np_load_avg is available --- is printed
!                 instead of the value from the complex attribute definition.

      If an E(rror) state is displayed for a  queue,  sge_execd(8)
      on  that  host was unable to locate the sge_shepherd(8) exe-
      cutable on that host in order to start a job.  Please  check
      the  error  logfile of that sge_execd(8) for leads on how to
      resolve the problem. Please enable the queue afterwards  via
      the -c option of the qmod(1) command manually.

! Following this text is added
!     If the c(onfiguration ambiguous) state is displayed for a queue
!     instance this indicates that the configuration specified for this 
!     queue instance in sge_conf(5) is ambigous. The state vanishes when 
!     the configuration becomes un-ambigous again. This state prevents from 
!     scheduling further jobs to that queue instance. Detailed reasons why 
!     a queue instance entered the c(onfiguration ambiguous) state can
!     be found in the sge_qmaster(8) messages file and are shown by the 
!     qstat -explain switch. For queue instances in this state the cluster 
!     queue's default settings are used for the ambigous attribute. 
!     If an o(rphaned) state is displayed for a queue instance this 
!     indicates that the current cluster queue's configuration and
!     host group configuration does not any longer forsee this queue 
!     instance. The queue instance is kept because not yet finished 
!     jobs are still associated and it will vanish from qstat output 
!     when these jobs are finished. To quicken vanishing of an orphaned 
!     queue instance associated job(s) can be deleted using qdel(1). A 
!     a queue instance in (o)rphaned state can be revived by changing 
!     the cluster queue configuration accordingly to cover that queue 
!     instance. This state prevents from scheduling further jobs to that 
!     queue instance.

     o  a second one letter specifier indicating the  source  for
        the current resource availability value, being one of
        `l' - a load value reported for the resource,
        `L' - a load value for the resource  after  administrator
        defined load scaling has been applied,
        `c' - availability derived from the consumable  resources
        facility (see complexes(5)),
        `v' -  a  default  complexes  configuration  value  never
        overwritten by a load report or a consumable update or
! The 'v' source indicator is no longer needed. 
        `f' - a fixed  availability  definition  derived  from  a
        non-consumable  complex  attribute  or  a  fixed resource

     -g d Displays array jobs verbosely in a  one  line  per  job
          task  fashion.  By  default, array jobs are grouped and
          all tasks with the same status (for pending tasks only)
          are  displayed  in a single line. The array job task id
          range field in the output (see section OUTPUT  FORMATS)
          specifies the corresponding set of tasks.

          The -g switch currently  has  only  the  single  option
          argument  d.  Other  option  arguments are reserved for
          future extensions.

! This is replaced by the following text:
!    -g   c|d,... 
!         This option is used to control grouping of the qstat output.
!         Depending on the option arguments different groupings is
!         applied:
!         d  Displays array jobs verbosely in a  one  line  per  job
!            task  fashion.  By  default, array jobs are grouped and
!            all tasks with the same status (for pending tasks only)
!            are  displayed  in a single line. The array job task id
!            range field in the output (see section OUTPUT  FORMATS)
!            specifies the corresponding set of tasks.
!         c  Specifies a "Cluster Format" display of information. This
!            format causes summary information on all cluster queues
!            to be displayed along with the queued job list. 
!       Remark: For implementing the -g c option qstat should always 
!               fetch the minimum of data from qmaster using GDI.

!     Cluster Format (with -g c)
!     Following the header line a section for each cluster queue 
!     is provided. When queue instances selections are applied (-l, -pe, 
!     -q, -U) the Cluster format contains only cluster queues of the 
!     corresponding queue instances. 
!    o  the cluster queue name,
!       Remark: The standard qstat -g c output format will not exceed 
!               80 chars. When long cluster queue names are used 80 chars 
!               can be exceeded because cluster queue names will never be 
!               truncated.
!    o an average of the normalized load average of all queue hosts 
!        each load_avg gets normalized e.g.
!        load_avg_np.cluster = sum( np_load_avg  * 
!        available slots at host) / (all available slots) 
!       Remark: Only hosts with a load value are considered in this formula.
!       Remark: When queue selection is applied only data about selected queues 
!               is considered in this formula.
!       Remark: If the np_load_avg load value is not available at any of the 
!               hosts --- is printed instead of the value from the complex 
!               attribute definition.
!    o  the number of job slots 
!           * used 
!           * not available (queue error)
!           * not available (unknown state)
!           * not available (suspend alarm)
!           * not available (load alarm)
!           * not available (suspended)
!           * not available (disabled)
!           * available
!       Remark: For the slot amounts the output format foresees 
!               5-digit numbers. For higher slot numbers all significant 
!               digits will be printed but this will destroy formatting.
!       Remark: When queue selection is applied only data about selected 
!               queues is considered in this summary.
      -q queue,...
!        for this option 'queue' will be defined as
!        queue := cluster_queue_wc | queue_domain_wc | queue_instance_wc
!      Remark: If possible the wildcard based -q selection should base 
!              on a wild-card-lWhere("p=") condition.

!     prints the list of queue instance names specified in the qselect
!     arguments.
      -q queue,...

!     for this option 'queue' will be defined as
!        queue := cluster_queue_wc | queue_domain_wc | queue_instance_wc
!      Remark: If possible the wildcard based -q selection should base 
!              on a wild-card-lWhere("p=") condition.


      The queue_list is specified by  one  of  the  following
              queue[,queue ...]
              queue[ queue ...]
!     for this option 'queue' will be defined as
!        queue := cluster_queue_wc | queue_domain_wc | queue_instance_wc


      -q   Show  information  about  the  queues  hosted  by   the
           displayed hosts.
!     in this output queue instances are shown
!        Remark: In this output hostnames would be printed double.
!                Thus only the cluster queue part of the queue instance
!                will be printed here.

     o  a second one letter specifier indicating the  source  for
        the current resource availability value, being one of
        `l' - a load value reported for the resource,
        `L' - a load value for the resource  after  administrator
        defined load scaling has been applied,
        `c' - availability derived from the consumable  resources
        facility (see complexes(5)),
        `v' -  a  default  complexes  configuration  value  never
        overwritten by a load report or a consumable update or
! The 'v' source indicator is no longer needed. 
        `f' - a fixed  availability  definition  derived  from  a
        non-consumable  complex  attribute  or  a  fixed resource


     -Ac complex_name fname        <add complex>
! This option will be removed.
     -ac complex_name              <add complex>
! This option will be removed.
     -dc complex_name,...          <delete complex>
! This option will be removed.
     -scl                          <show complex list names>
! This option will be removed.

     -Mc complex_name fname        <modify complex>
          Overwrites the specified complex  by  the  contents  of
          fname.  The  argument  file  must  comply to the format
          specified in  complex(5).   Requires  root  or  manager

!    -Mc fname                     <modify complex>
!         Overwrites the complex configuration by the contents of 
!         fname. The argument file must comply to the format 
!         specified in complex(5). Requires root or manager privilege.

     -mc complex_name              <modify complex>

          The specified complex configuration (see complex(5)) is
          retrieved,  an  editor is executed (either vi(1) or the
          editor indicated by $EDITOR) and  the  changed  complex
          configuration  is  registered  with sge_qmaster(8) upon
          exit  of  the  editor.   Requires   root   or   manager

!    -mc                           <modify complex>
!         The complex configuration (see complex(5)) is retrieved,  
!         an editor is executed (either vi(1) or the editor indicated 
!         by $EDITOR) and the changed complex configuration is registered  
!         with sge_qmaster(8) upon exit of the editor. Requires root or 
!         manager privileges.

     -sc complex_name,...          <show complexes>
          Display the configuration of one or more complexes.
!    -sc                           <show complexes>
!         Display the configuration of the complex.

!     -Ahgrp file <add host group configuration>
!         Add the host group configuration defined in  file.  The
!         file format of file must comply to the format specified
!         in hostgroup(5).
!     -Mhgrp file <modify host group configuration>
!         Allows changing of host group configuration with a sin-
!         gle  command. All host group configuration entries con-
!         tained in file will be applied.  Configuration  entries
!         not  contained in file will be deleted. The file format
!         of file must comply to the format  specified  in  host-
!         group(5).
!     -ahgrp group   <add host group configuration>
!         Adds a new host group with the name specified in group.
!         This  command  invokes  an  editor (either vi(1) or the
!         editor indicated by the EDITOR  environment  variable).
!         The  new  host group entry is registered after changing
!         the entry and exiting  the  editor.  Requires  root  or
!         manager privileges.
!    -dhgrp group  <delete host group configuration>
!         Deletes host group configuration with the  name  speci-
!         fied in group. Requires root or manager privileges.
!    -mhgrp group <modify host group configuration>
!         The host group entries for the host group specified  in
!         group  are retrieved and an editor (either vi(1) or the
!         editor indicated by the EDITOR environment variable) is
!         invoked  for modifying the host group configuration. By
!         closing the editor, the modified  data  is  registered.
!         The format of the host group configuration is described
!         in hostgroup(5).  Requires root or manager privileges.
!    -shgrp group  <show host group configuration>
!         Displays the host group entries for the group specified
!         in group.
!    -shgrpl <show host group lists>
!         Displays a name list  of  all  currently  defined  host
!         groups which have a valid host group configuration.

      -Aattr obj_spec fname obj_instance,...
      -aattr obj_spec attr_name val obj_instance,...

!     as obj_spec also 'hostgroup' can be specified
!     for the obj_spec 'queue' the obj_instance can be one of 
!        obj_instance := cluster_queue | queue_domain | queue_instance
!     Depending on the type of obj_instance this adds to the attribute
!     sublist the value for
!            - cluster queues implicit 'default' configuration
!            - queue domain configuration 
!            - queue instance

      -Dattr obj_spec fname obj_instance,...
      -dattr obj_spec attr_name val obj_instance,...

!     as obj_spec also 'hostgroup' can be specified
!     for the obj_spec 'queue' the obj_instance can be one of
!        obj_instance := cluster_queue | queue_domain | queue_instance
!     Depending on the type of obj_instance this deletes from the attribute
!     sublist the value for 
!            - cluster queues implicit 'default' configuration
!            - queue domain configuration 
!            - queue instance

      -Mattr obj_spec fname obj_instance,...
      -mattr obj_spec attr_name val obj_instance,...

!     as obj_spec also 'hostgroup' can be specified
!     for the obj_spec 'queue' the obj_instance can be one of
!        obj_instance := cluster_queue | queue_domain | queue_instance
!     Depending on the type of obj_instance this modifies in the attribute
!     sublist the value for 
!            - cluster queues implicit 'default' configuration
!            - queue domain configuration 
!            - queue instance

      -Rattr obj_spec fname obj_instance,...
      -rattr obj_spec attr_name val obj_instance,...
      -Mqattr fname obj_instance,...
      -mqattr attr_name obj_instance,...  

!     as obj_spec also 'hostgroup' can be specified
!     queue := cluster_queue
!     all these options can be used to change a complete
!     line in the cluster queue configuration queue_conf(5).

      -aq [queue_template]             
      -dq queue,...            
      -mq queue
      -Mq fname

!     queue := cluster_queue
!     These options operate on cluster queues.

      -sq queue[,queue,...]

!     queue := cluster_queue | queue_instance
!     Shows the configuration of the cluster queue 
!     or of the specified queue instance


!     Shows a list of all existing cluster queues.

      -cq queue,...

!     queue := cluster_queue | queue_domain | queue_instance

! New switch:
!    -sobjl <obj_spec> <attr_name> <val>
!     Shows a list of all Grid Engine configuration objects for which val 
!     matches with at least one configuration value of the attributes whose 
!     name matches with attr_name.
!     <obj_spec>  can be "queue" or "exechost".
!                 Note: When "queue_domain" or "queue_instance" is specified
!                 as obj_spec matching is only done with the attribute 
!                 overridings concerning the host group or the execution 
!                 host. In this case queue domain names (queue@@hostgroup)
!                 resp. queue instances (queue@hostname) are returned.
!     <attr_name> Can be any of the configuration file keywords enlisted
!                 in queue_conf(5), host_conf(5). Also wildcards can be
!                 used to match multiple attributes. E.g. *log will match
!                 prolog and epilog of queue configuration or h_* will 
!                 match all hard resource limits in the queue configuration.
!     <val>       Can be an arbitrary string or a wildcard expression.

      -q [queue]

!     queue := cluster_queue_wc | queue_domain_wc | queue_instance_wc
!     If no queue is specified accounting data is listed for each 
!     cluster queue separately. Also if anything is specified 
!     accounting data is always listed separately for cluster 
!     queues, but jobs usage will be considered if they ran in one 
!     of the queue instances summarized with the option.

     -history HistoryPath
          The directory path where the historical queue and  com-
          plexes configuration data is located, which is used for
          resource requirement matching in conjunction  with  the
          -l  switch.   If  the latter is not set, this option is
! This option is removed. Information retrieved via GDI will be
! always used by qacct to interpret -l switches.

          Only useful together with  the  -l  option.  It  forces
          qacct  not to use historical queue and complexes confi-
          guration data for  resource  requirement  matching  but
          instead  retrieve actual queue and complexes configura-
          tion from sge_qmaster(8).  Note, that this may lead  to
          confusing statistical results, as the current queue and
          complexes configuration may differ  significantly  from
          the  situation  being  valid for past jobs.  Note also,
          that all hosts being referenced in the accounting  file
          have to be up and running in order to get results.
! This option is removed. Information retrieved via GDI will be
! always used by qacct to interpret -l switches.

                     Sun Grid Engine default history database
! This file dependency is removed. Information retrieved via GDI will 
! be always used to interpret -l switches.

   Sun Grid Engine GDI


!  A section enlisting the 6.0 GDI operations as described under
!  "8. GDI Changes" for cluster queues and host groups will be added.


! access_list(5)
! calendar_conf(5)
! checkpoint(5)
! complex(5)
! host_conf(5)
! hostgroup(5)
! project(5)
! queue_conf(5)
! sched_conf(5)
! sge_pe(5)
! sge_conf(5)
! share_tree(5)
! user(5)
! The file format description for all configuration objects above is enhanced
! with: The "\" can be used as continuation character at the end of a configuration
! line. The "\" is also used after 80 characters in configuration files prepared by 
! qconf(1) for editing when using options (e.g. qconf -mq queue or qconf -ap pe). 
! The "\" is not used however when qconf prints a configuration (e.g. qconf -sq queue, 
!  qconf -sprj).

! complex(5)

     The value field is a pre-defined value setting for an attri-
     bute,  which  only  has  an  effect if it is not overwritten
     while attempting to  determine  a  concrete  value  for  the
     attribute  with  respect  to a queue, a host or the Sun Grid
     Engine cluster. The value field can be overwritten by
     o  the queue configuration values of a referenced queue.
     o  host specific and cluster related load values.
     o  explicit specification of a value via the  complex_values
        parameter   in  the  queue  or  host  configuration  (see
        queue_conf(5) and host_conf(5) for details.
     If none of above is applicable, value is set for the  attri-
! The 'value' column is removed from the complex configuration.

     The entry can be used in a qsub(1) resource request if  this
     field  is  set  to 'y' or 'yes'.  If set to 'n' or 'no' this
     entry cannot be used by a user in order to request  a  queue
     or  a  class  of queues.  If the entry is set to 'forced' or
     'f' the attribute has to be requested by  a  job  or  it  is
! There is no need to change the interface description about forced 
! atttributes. Nevertheless there is a change in how forced attributes 
! are configured. In 6.0 it will be necessary to specify also 
! non-consumable forced attributes under 'complex_values' of
! queue/exechost. This is necessary to allow the 5.3 'complex_list' 
! queue/exechost attribute be removed.

     The entry can be used in a qsub(1) resource request if  this
     field  is  set  to 'y' or 'yes'.  If set to 'n' or 'no' this
     entry cannot be used by a user in order to request  a  queue
     or  a  class  of queues.  If the entry is set to 'forced' or
     'f' the attribute has to be requested by  a  job  or  it  is
! following this a paragraph is added 
!    To enable resource request enforcement the existence of the 
!    resource has to be defined. This can be done on a cluster 
!    global, per host and per queue basis. The definition of resource  
!    availability is performed with the complex_values entry in 
!    host_conf(5) and queue_conf(5).


     A host group entry is used to merge host names to groups.
     Each  host  group  entry  file defines one group. A group is
     referenced by the sign "@" as first character of  the  name.
     At  this  point of implementation you can use host groups in
     the usermapping(5) configuration. Inside a group  definition
     file  you  can  also  reference  to  groups. This groups are
     called subgroups.

! The paragraph above will change into
!    A host group entry is used to merge host names to groups.
!    Each  host  group  entry  file defines one group. Inside a 
!    group definition file you can also reference to groups. These
!    groups are called subgroups. A subgroup is referenced by the 
!    sign "@" as first character of the name.

     Each line in the host group entry file specifies a host name
     or a group which belongs to this group.

! This sentence is removed.

     A host group entry contains at least two parameters:

     group_name keyword
          The group_name keyword defines the host group name. The
          rest  of  the  textline  after the keyword "group_name"
          will be taken as host group name value.

          The name of the host which is now member of  the  group
          specified  with  group_name.  If The first character of
          the hostname is a "@" sign the name is used  to  refer-
          ence a hostgroup(5) which is taken as sub group of this

! Changes into
!      A host group entry contains at least two parameters:
!      group_name 
!           The name of the host group.  
!      hostname
!           A list of host names and host group names. Host group names 
!           must begin with an "@" sign. The default value for this parameter 
!           NONE, is accepted and can be used to specifiy an empty hostgroup.


        A comma separated list of  queues  to  which  parallel  jobs
        belonging to this parallel environment have access to.

!    The queue_list configuration will be removed from sge_pe(5)


        The following special variables being  expanded  at  runtime
        can  be  used  (besides  any  other strings which have to be
        interpreted by the start and stop procedures) to  constitute
        a command line:

           The master queue, i.e. the queue in which the start-up
           and stop procedures are started.

! contains the cluster queue name of the master queue instance



         The following special variables being  expanded  at  runtime
         can  be  used  (besides  any  other strings which have to be
         interpreted by the procedure) to constitute a command line:
           The master queue, i.e. the queue in  which  the  prolog
           and epilog procedures are started.

! contains the cluster queue name of the master queue instance


     The queue_conf parameters take as  values  strings,  integer
     decimal  numbers  or  boolean, time and memory specifiers as
     well as comma separated lists. A time specifier either  con-
     sists  of  a  positive decimal, hexadecimal or octal integer
     constant, in which case the value is interpreted  to  be  in
     seconds,  or is built by 3 decimal integer numbers separated
     by colon signs where the first number counts the hours,  the
     second  the  minutes  and the third the seconds. If a number
     would be zero it can be left out but  the  separating  colon
     must remain (e.g. 1:0:1 = 1::1 means 1 hours and 1 second).

! Following this paragraph another paragraph is added     
!    If more than one host is specified under 'hostname' (by means of a 
!    list of hosts or with host groups) it can be desirable to specify 
!    divergences from the setting used for each host. These divergences 
!    can be expressed using the enhanced queue_conf specifier syntax. 
!    This syntax builds upon the regular parameter specifier syntax as 
!    described below under 'FORMAT' separately for each parameter and 
!    in the paragraph above:
!      "["host_identifier=<parameters_specifier_syntax>"]"
!      [,"["host_identifier=<parameters_specifier_syntax>"]" ]
!    Even in the enhanced queue_conf specifier syntax an entry 
!           <current_attribute_syntax> 
!    without brackets denoting the default setting is required and 
!    used for all queue instances where no divergences are specified. 
!    Tuples with a host group @host_identifier override the default 
!    setting. Tuples with a host name host_identifier override both 
!    the default and the host group setting. Note that also with the 
!    enhanced queue_conf specifier syntax a default setting is always 
!    needed for all configuration attributes. 
!    Integrity verifications will be applied on the configuration.
!    * Configurations without default setting are rejected. 
!    * Ambigous configurations with more than one attribute setting for 
!      a particular host are always rejected.
!    * Configurations containing override values for hosts not enlisted 
!      under 'hostname' are accepted but are indicated (message file + warning).
!    * The cluster queue should contain a non-ambigous specification 
!      for each configuration attribute of each queue instance specified 
!      under hostname in queue_conf(5). Ambigous configurations with more 
!      than one attribute setting resulting from overlapping host groups 
!      are indicated (messages file + warning) and cause the queue instance 
!      with ambigous configurations to enter the c(onfiguration ambibous) 
!      state 
!    The following configuration snippets are examples are to illustrate cases
!    of the enhanced queue configuration specifier syntax that are accepted, 
!    rejected and when a queue instance enters the c(ambibous configuration)
!    state. In all examples it is assumed that '@linux' and '@solaris' are 
!    host groups covering the hosts 'linux1' and 'linux2' resp. 'solaris1' and 
!    'solaris2'. A host group @linuxsolaris contains @linux and @solaris as 
!    subhostgroups.
!    Examples #1
!       hostname        @linux @solaris
!          :
!       seq_no          0,[solaris1=1],[linux=2]
!          :
!      This example is accepted.
!    Examples #2
!       hostname        @linux @solaris
!          :
!       load_thresholds [@solaris=np_load_avg=1.75],[@linux=np_load_avg=2.0]
!          :
!      This example is rejected because it lacks a default setting.
!    Examples #3
!       hostname        @linux @solaris
!          :
!       user_lists NONE,[@linux=mathlab_users],[linux1=mathlab_users mpi_users]
!          :
!      This configuration will be accepted.
!    Examples #4
!       hostname        @linux @solaris
!          :
!       user_lists NONE,[@linux=mathlab_users],[@linuxsolaris=mathlab_users mpi_users]
!          :
!      This configuration will be accepted. However it will cause the queue instances
!      for the hosts linux1 and linux2 to enter the c(onfiguration ambigious) state. 
!      The 'user_list' setting for both queue instances is not ambigous because the
!      hosts linux1 and linux2 are referenced with both hostgroups @linux and @linuxsolaris.

         The fully-qualified host name of the node (type string; tem-
         plate default: host.dom.dom.dom).

!      hostname 
!        A list of host names and host group names. Host group names must 
!        begin with an "@" sign. If multiple hosts are specified the queue_conf 
!        constitutes multiple queue instances. Each host may be specified only 
!        once in this list.

     The type of queue.  Currently  one  of  batch,  interactive,
     parallel  or  checkpointing  or  any  combination in a comma
     separated list.

     (type string; default: batch interactive parallel ).
! qtype
!    The type of queue.  Currently batch or interactive or a combination 
!    in a comma separated list. The formerly supported types parallel and 
!    checkpointing are deprecated. A queue instance is implicitely of type
!    parallel/checkpointing if there is a parallel environment or a checkpointing
!    interface specified for this queue instance in pe_list/ckpt_list.
!    Formerly possible settings e.g.
!        qtype   parallel
!    could be transfered into 
!        qtype   NONE
!        pe_list make
!    (type string; default: batch interactive ).

         A list of Sun Grid Engine queues, residing on the same  host
         as  the  configured queue, to suspend when a specified count
         of jobs is running in this queue.  The list specification is
         the  same  as  that  of the load_thresholds parameter above,
         e.g. low_pri_q=5,small_q. The numbers denote the  job  slots
         of  the  queue that have to be filled to trigger the suspen-
         sion of the subordinated queue. If no value  is  assigned  a
         suspension  is  triggered  if  all  slots  of  the queue are
         On nodes which host more than one queue, you might  wish  to
         accord  better  service  to  certain  classes of jobs (e.g.,
         queues that are dedicated to parallel processing might  need
         priority  over  low  priority  production  queues;  default:

! A queue in the subordinate list can be 
!     queue_list := cluster_queue
! subordinate relationships however are in effect only between 
! queue instances residing at the same host. If there is a queue
! instance (be it the sub- or superordinated one) on only one 
! particular host this relationship is ignored.

     The comma separated list of administrator defined  complexes
     (see  complex(5)  for  details)  to  be  associated with the
     queue.  Only complex attributes contained  in  the  enlisted
     complexes  and  those  from the "global", "host" and "queue"
     complex, which are implicitly attached to each queue, can be
     used in the complex_values list below.

     The default value  for  this  parameter  is  NONE,  i.e.  no
     administrator  defined  complexes  are  associated  with the
! This configuration attribute is removed.

!  New configuration attribute:
!  pe_list
!    The list of administrator defined parallel environments
!    to be associated with the queue instances of the cluster queue. 
!    The default is NONE.
!  New configuration attribute:
!  ckpt_list
!    The list of administrator defined checkpoint interfaces 
!    to be associated with the queue instances of the cluster queue. 
!    The default is NONE.


          The comma separated list of administrator defined  com-
          plexes  (see  complex(5)  for details) to be associated
          with the host. Only complex attributes contained in the
          enlisted  complexes  and  those  from  the "global" and
          "host" complex, which are implicitly attached  to  each
          host,  can be used in the complex_values list below. In
          case of the "global" host, the "host"  complex  is  not
          attached  and  only  "global"  complex  attributes  are
          allowed per default in the complex_values list  of  the
          "global" host.

          The default value for this parameter is NONE,  i.e.  no
          administrator defined complexes are associated with the
! This configuration attribute is removed.


         A comma separated list of  queues  to  which  parallel  jobs
         belonging to this parallel environment have access to.
!    The queue_list configuration will be removed from checkpoint(5)

         Name of the queue in which the job has run.

!     Name of the cluster queue in which the job has run.


          During usual operation sge_qmaster dumps a  history  of
          queue, complex and host configuration changes to a his-
          tory database. This database is primarily used with the
          qacct(1)  command to allow for qsub(1) like -l resource
          requests in  the  qacct(1)  command-line.  This  switch
          suppresses writing to this database.
! This option is removed. Information retrieved via GDI will be
! always used by qacct to interpret -l switches.

                     History database
! The history database will no longer be written by qmaster.

4. Changes with the graphical user interface

   The cluster queue development project will also affect Grid Engines
   graphical user interface qmon. Major changes are to be expected for
   existing dialogues to be changed and for new dialogues to be added:
   a) A new dialogue is to be added to qmon for managing hierarchical 
      host groups. Currently host groups can only be managed via qconf 
      interface. A hierarchical view is considered, might not be possible
      however because hierarchical host groups allow to define the shape 
      of a directed cyclic graph, thus a simple tree is not sufficient.
      The new dialog must also cover a means to clone from existing host 
      groups when creating new host group.

   b) The family of the "Queue configuration" dialogues "Add" and "Modifiy" 
      must allow for creating and changing cluster queues and provide means
      to differentiate cluster queue attributes on a per host and per host 
      group basis. A hierarchical view dialogue is asipred. Cloning of 
      cluster queues will be supported as with the current queue configuration 
      dialogue. The queue configuration dialogue must provide a view to show
      the resulting settings for each host of a cluster queue
   c) Beneath the existing queue instance related "Queue control" dialogue,
      qmon should offer second view reflecting the state of a cluster queue
      similar to what qstat -g c (see above under qstat(1)) shows.
   Minor changes are

   d) The "Job Submission" dialogue must be enhanced to reflect the new 
      possiblities with submitting jobs as described above under qsub(1).
   e) The "Queue Control" dialogue must be enhanced to reflect the new 
      possiblities for suspend/resume/disable/enable operation on queues 
      as described under qmod(1).
   f) The "Add/Modify PE" and the "Queue configuration" dialogue 
      must be enhanced to reflect the move of the queue_list sge_pe(5) 
      to pe_list in queue_conf(5). Also the "parallel" qtype must be 
      removed from "Queue configuration".

   g) The "Change Checkpoint Object" and the "Queue configuration" dialogue 
      must be enhanced to reflect the move of the queue_list checkpoint(5) 
      to ckpt_list in queue_conf(5). Also the "parallel" qtype must be 
      removed from "Queue configuration".

   h) The "Complex configuration" dialogue must be changed to reflect the 
      changes described under qconf(5). The "Host Configuration" dialogue 
      and the "Queue configuration" dialogue must be changed, because 
      configuring a 'complex_list' is no longer needed.

5. Changes with the installation procedure

   The installation procedure for 5.3 execution hosts offers creating 
   a queue during installation. If this installation procudure were 
   not reworked at all the resulting cluster setup (one cluster queue 
   per host) would not be adequate. 

   There are lots of possibilities and variations of these possiblities
   for what the installation procedure could offer 
   a) Creation of a new cluster queue covering only that execution host

   b) Extension of existing cluster queues to that host. In analogy
      to 5.3 standard queues installation could offer joining a 
      standard cluster queue. However also joining multiple existing
      cluster queues is conceivable.

   c) Likewise creating/joining an execution host to a cluster 
      queue also creating/joining host groups would be preceived as 
      a convenient enhancement to the installation procedure. Creation
      of both user defined and system provided host groups ('all' host 
      group, OS arch specific ones?) could be arranged and controlled. 

   Discussion so far about necessary changes in the installation procedure 
   have shown that the 'make' PE object must be associated with at least
   one queue instance per host that is installed. This is necessary because
   the means to associate a PE with all queues will no longer be available.

6. Changes in the test suite

   The changes to be done as a result from the cluster queue project 
   development are

   a) Any test relying on the interfaces affected from changes
      must be adopted to use the changed interface.
   b) New tests are to be added to verify creation and changing of 
      cluster queue configurations covering per host and per host group
      differentiations work correctly. Other tests are to be added
      to ensure invalid cluster queue configurations are rejected and 
      to verify the new queue states (o)rphaned and (c)onfiguration 
      diabled work properly.

   c) New tests will be needed to verify the enhanced capabilities on  
      resource selection of the submit options 

         -soft -q queue,...
         -hard -q queue,...
         -masterq queue,...

      work properly.

   d) New tests will be needed to verify the enhanced capabilities 
      of qmod(1) work properly.

   e) New tests will be needed to verify the enhanced capabilities 
      on defining queue list of parallel environment and checkpoint
      interface work properly.

   f) New tests will be needed to verify the capabilities of qconf(1)
      for host groups work properly.
7. Documentation changes

   Documentation must be treated as an integral part of Grid Engine
   software. The changes with Grid Engine interfaces as described in 
   this specification will require a comprehensive rework of the 
   documentation. Major tasks to be finished are 

   a) With Grid Engine 5.3 everything was a queue. This document 
      introduces new terms such as cluster queue, queue instance 
      and queue domains. A uniform terminology for evolved/new Grid 
      Engine objects must be agreed. This terminology is to be used
      generally to ensure uniform appearance for the end user.

   b) The messages printed by Grid Engine components need to be
      reworked to reflect the new terminology.

   c) The Unix man pages delivered with Grid Engine must reflect all 
      changes with Grid Engine interfaces and the new terminology 
      must be applied.

   d) The Grid Engine manual must be reworked comprehensively to 
      reflect interface changes and for applying the new terminology.
      Furthermore existing sections about cluster grid managment 
      must be reworked to reflect the enhanced capabilities for 
      cluster grid managment.

   e) The existing HOWTOs must be enhanced to reflect how things
      are done with 6.0 compared with 5.3. Also the new terminology
      must be applied where appropriate.

8. Data structures

   a) For host groups the GRP_Type sublists GRP_member_list, 
      GRP_subgroup_list and GRP_supergroup must contain elements of type 
      SGE_HOST(). To ensure hostgroups are treated correclty by CULL 
      mechanisms a host group name must always be stored together with 
      a "@" character. The CULL mechanisms in question are the CULL host 
      compare operation (lWhere "h=" operator) expressions and hashing. Also 
      the CULL wildcard compare operation (lWhere "p=" operator) must reflect 
      this change.

   b) To reflect the changes that are related to the removal of the 
      queue_conf(5) attribute complex_list the QU_complex_list field
      is removed as well as the CX_Type structure. The new Master_complex_list 
      will contain CE_Type entries each one describing a single complex 
      attribute. To reflect the removal of the 'value' column in complex(5) 
      the CE_stringval will be removed.

   c) To reflect the changes that are related to the new queue_conf(5) 
      attributes pe_list and ckpt_list in the data structure new SGE_LIST() 
      fields QU_pe_list and QU_ckpt_list are added and SGE_LIST() fields 
      PE_queue_list and CKPT_queue_list are removed.
   d) For the cluster queue object a new CULL structure CQ_Type will be 
      created. The main key for the cluster queue will be the name of 
      the cluster queue 

      The list of execution hosts in 'hostname' of queue_conf(5) will
      be kept in the sublist 


      consisting of SGE_HOST()-type elements. 
      To ensure host group names are treated correclty by CULL mechanisms
      such as compare/hashing a host group name is always stored together
      with the "@" sign in SGE_HOST()-type elements. 
      All remaining attributes specifying the Grid Engine queue configuration 
      (see Appendix List 1) and the Enterprise Edition configuration attributes 
      (see Appendix List 2) will become a list equivalent containing tuples of 

      * an optional host-type host identifier 

      * the configuration attribute 
      the host identifier can be an execution host name, a host group 
      and it can be empty (NULL) which stands for the default setting of a 
      cluster queue. The configuration attribute will be of the same data 
      type as the former queue configuration attribute. 

      For illustration are two examples for the existing queue 
      attributes 'slots' and 'load_thresholds':

      * in 5.3 source code 'slots' configuration is kept in the QU_Type
        structure in a 


        field. In the 6.0 CQ_Type data structure this field will become a

           SGE_LIST(CQ_job_slots, <slots>_Type)
        with <slots>_Type being a tuple of 

        the term <slots> stands here for a not yet used two/three letter 
        CULL abbreviation.

      * in 5.3 source code 'load_thresholds' configuration is kept in 
        the QU_Type structure 

         SGE_LIST(QU_load_thresholds, CE_Type) 

        field. In the 6.0 CQ_Type data structure this field will become a 

         SGE_LIST(CQ_load_thresholds, <load_thresholds>_Type)
        with <load_thresholds>_Type being a tuple of 
         SGE_LIST(<load_thresholds>_load_thresholds, CE_Type)

        the term <load_thresholds> stands here for a not yet used 
        two/three letter CULL abbreviation.

      for hosting queue instances there will be a cluster queue

         SGE_LIST(CQ_queue_instances, QU_Type) 

      containing all queue instances managed by means of the  
      cluster queue controllers. 

      For the queue instances object the existing CULL data structure 
      QU_Type will be reused. The QU_qname field will contain the cluster 
      queue name while the QU_qhostname field contains the hostname where 
      the queue instance is located. All internal state fields of the 5.3 
      queue will have the same meaning for 6.0 queue instances. Also all 
      configuration fields specifying the Grid Engine queue configuration 
      (see Appendix List 1) and the Enterprise Edition configuration 
      attributes (see Appendix List 2) will have the same meaning as in 
      5.3 and will contain the attributes as specified in the controlling 
      cluster queue. Qmaster keeps these fields for caching purposes and
      updates them each time when cluster queue configuration changes.

9. GDI Changes

   The cluster queue project will require major changes with the GDI 
   request interface. Being the projects main subject changes with 
   the queues request interfaces will be fundamental compared with
   the changes of other Grid Engine objects whose request interface 
   will also change. These are host groups and execution hosts, the 
   parallel environment and the checkpointing interface. Finally also 
   jobs request interface will be subject of change.

   a) Cluster queues and queue instance
      The 6.0 GDI request interface for cluster queues is the further 
      stage of the 5.3 GDI request interface for queues. The cluster queue 
      object is used as a controller object for queue instance objects. 
      Controller object means that any GDI change with the controlling 
      cluster queue object directly impacts the corresponding queue 
      instance(s), i.e. depending on the cluster queue GDI change request the 
      impact can be creation/deletion of queue instance(s) or configuration 
      changes with the queue instance(s). Likewise 5.3 change requests on 
      queues are verified to ensure data integrity, also any cluster queue 
      change requests are verified from the perspective of the affected queue 
      instances to ensure data integrity before processing the request. In 
      addition to these verifications on data integrity already in effect 
      the verifications as documented in queue_conf(5) will be applied.
      Invalid requests must be denied before processing them, warnings must 
      be logged/provided to the GDI client and the conditions for the queue 
      instance states (c)onfiguration disabled and o(rphaned) are checked and 
      where necessary state changes are triggered.

      The 6.0 SGE_GDI_GET request allows for retrieving a list of cluster 
      queues configurations and/or queue instances. The change requests 
      (SGE_GDI_DEL, SGE_GDI_ADD and SGE_GDI_MOD and the subcommands SGE_GDI_SET, 
      SGE_GDI_CHANGE, SGE_GDI_APPEND, SGE_GDI_REMOVE) adressing cluster 
      queues allow for adding, modifying, deleting cluster queue 
      configuration, for manipulating sublists and influencing the internal 
      state of queues instances. Since configuration changes are done via the 
      cluster queue object, the only GDI operation required for queue instances 
      is SGE_GDI_GET. Being a sublist of the cluster queue structure the 
      variations of the SGE_GDI_GET operations are described under 
      SGE_GDI_GET(CQ.where.what). All GDI requests are enlisted below:

      * SGE_GDI_ADD(CQ.cluster_queue)

        This request allows for adding a new cluster queue. It contains the 
        complete cluster queue configuration and is for example used for 
        implementing qconf option '-aq'.

      * SGE_GDI_MOD(CQ.cluster_queue)

        This request allows for changing the complete cluster queue 
        configuration. It contains a full cluster queue configuration 
        and is for example used for implementing qconf option '-mq'.

      * SGE_GDI_DEL(CQ.cluster_queue)

        This request allows for removing a complete cluster queue. It 
        contains only the name of the cluster queue to be removed and 
        is for example used for implementing qconf option '-dq'.

      * SGE_GDI_GET(CQ.where.what)

        This request allows for retrieving cluster queue elements. CULL 
        'where' expressions can be used for selecting particular cluster 
        queues, CULL 'what' expressions can be used for selecting particular 
        queue fields. Since the queue instances list is kept as a sublist 
        within qmaster a 'what' expression masking the CQ_queue_instances 
        field is to be used to retrieve cluster queue configuration entries 
        without queue instance information. 

        To retrieve a list of all queue instances a 'what' expression is 
        used for selecting only the CQ_queue_instances field. To retrieve 
        only queue instances of particular cluster queues the same operation 
        is used except that a CULL 'where' expression is used to select the 
        cluster queues from where queue instances are to be retrieved. To 
        retrieve a list of the queue instances representing a particular
        queue domain the host group GDI interface is to be used to resolve
        the host group name into a list of hosts. Together with the cluster 
        queue name this host list can be used to form a CULL 'where' expression
        selecting the queue instances within the queue domain. The SGE_GDI_GET 
        request is used for example for implementing qconf option '-sq'.

      * SGE_GDI_MOD(CQ.cluster_queue.fields)
      * SGE_GDI_MOD(CQ.cluster_queue.fields) + SGE_GDI_SET()

        These requests are a SGE_GDI_MOD(QU.queue) variation and allow for 
        changing the complete selected fields within the cluster queue 
        configuration, with each field corresponding a complete line of the 
        cluster queue configuration. Field selection is done by means of an 
        incomplete cluster queue configuration structure, with each field 
        containing a sublist of 'default' configration and host and host 
        group specific configuration. The requests are for example used for 
        implementing qconf options '-mqattr' resp. '-rattr' when it is applied 
        with a 'queue' object specifier.

      * SGE_GDI_MOD(CQ.cluster_queue.fields) + SGE_GDI_APPEND(host_identifiers, list_elements) 

        This request allows for adding one or more list elements 
        regarding to one or more host identifiers to each of the selected 
        list fields within the cluster queue configuration. Field selections
        are done by means of an incomplete cluster queue configuration 
        structure. The host_identifiers of each tuple below each selected 
        cluster queue field are used to decide if the list elements are to be
        added to either the default configration, the per host configuration or the 
        per host group configuration. All list elements belonging to each
        tuple are added. Already existing list elements are silently 
        overwritten, also if the selected queue configuration is not a list
        field this silently overwrites the current setting. The request is for 
        example used for implementing qconf option '-aattr' when it is 
        applied with a 'queue' object specifier.

      * SGE_GDI_MOD(CQ.cluster_queue.fields) + SGE_GDI_CHANGE(host_identifiers, list_elements)

        This request allows for replacing one or more list elements 
        regarding of one or more host identifiers with each of the selected 
        list fields within the cluster queue configuration. Field selections
        are done by means of an incomplete cluster queue configuration 
        structure. The host_identifiers of each tuple below each selected 
        cluster queue field are used to decide if the list elements are to be
        replaced with either the default configration, the per host configuration 
        or the per host group configuration. All list elements belonging to each
        tuple replace the former setting. Not yet existing list elements are 
        silently added, also if the selected queue configuration is not a list
        field this silently overwrites the current setting. The request is for 
        example used for implementing qconf option '-mattr' when it is applied 
        with a 'queue' object specifier.

      * SGE_GDI_MOD(CQ.cluster_queue.fields) + SGE_GDI_REMOVE(host_identifiers, list_elements)

        This request allows for removing one or more list elements regarding of 
        one or more host identifiers with each of the selected list fields within 
        the cluster queue configuration. Field selections are done by means of an 
        incomplete cluster queue configuration structure. The host_identifiers of 
        each tuple below each selected cluster queue field are used to decide if 
        the list elements are to be removed with either the default configration, 
        the per host configuration or the per host group configuration. All list 
        elements belonging to each tuple are removed from the former setting. Not 
        existing list elements are silently ignored, also if the selected queue 
        configuration is not a list field this is silently ignored. The request is 
        for example used for implementing qconf option '-drattr' when it is applied 
        with a 'queue' object specifier.

      * SGE_GDI_TRIGGER(CQ.cluster_queue|queue_domain|queue_instance) + QDISABLED()

        This request allows for setting the disabled state of queue instances.
        Queue instance selection can be based on a cluster queue, a queue domain,
        a queue instance or wildcards, depending on what is provided with the 
        request. The request is for example used for implementing qmod option '-d'.

      * SGE_GDI_TRIGGER(CQ.cluster_queue|queue_domain|queue_instance) + QENABLED()

        This request allows for releasing the disabled state of queue instances. 
        Queue instance selection can be based on a cluster queue, a queue domain,
        a queue instance or wildcards, depending on what is provided with the 
        request. The request is for example used for implementing qmod option '-e'.

      * SGE_GDI_TRIGGER(CQ.cluster_queue|queue_domain|queue_instance) + QSUSPENDED()

        This request allows for setting the suspend state of queue instances. 
        Queue instance selection can be based on a cluster queue, a queue domain,
        a queue instance or wildcards, depending on what is provided with the 
        request. The request is for example used for implementing qmod option '-s'.  

      * SGE_GDI_TRIGGER(CQ.cluster_queue|queue_domain|queue_instance) + QRUNNING()

        This request allows for releasing the suspend state of queue instances. 
        Queue instance selection can be based on a cluster queue, a queue domain,
        a queue instance or wildcards, depending on what is provided with the 
        request. The request is for example used for implementing qmod option '-us'.

      * SGE_GDI_TRIGGER(CQ.cluster_queue|queue_domain|queue_instance) + QERROR()

        This request allows for releasing the error state of a queue instances. 
        Queue instance selection can be based on a cluster queue, a queue domain,
        a queue instance or wildcards, depending on what is provided with the request.
        The request is for example used for implementing qmod option '-c'.

      * SGE_GDI_TRIGGER(CQ.cluster_queue|queue_domain|queue_instance) + QRESCHEDULED()

        This request allows causing all job hosted by the queue instances 
        being rescheduled. Queue instance selection can be based on a
        cluster queue, a queue domain, a queue instance or wildcards, depending 
        on what is provided with the request. The request is for example used for 
        implementing qmod option '-r'.

      * SGE_GDI_TRIGGER(CQ.cluster_queue|queue_domain|queue_instance) + QCLEAN()

        This request allows causing all job hosted by the queue instance being
        deleted. Queue instance selection can be based on a cluster queue, a 
        queue domain, a queue instance or wildcards, depending on what is provided 
        with the request. The request is for example used for implementing qconf 
        option '-cq'.

   b) Host groups, execution hosts and other hosts.

      There are some changes necessary with GDI interface of execution 
      host object and host groups:

      * any GDI request changing a host group configuration can have
        an impact on queue instance. If the host group is used in the 
        'hostname' list of queue_conf(5) this request can cause queue 
        instances being added/removed. If this host group is used as 
        'host_identifier' to differentiate cluster queue configuration 
        on a per host group basis the request can cause changes with 
        existing queue instance configuration. 
      * Likewise cluster queue GDI change requests are verified to ensure 
        data integrity of queue instances (see above), also GDI requests 
        changing a host group configuration must be verified from the 
        perspective of all affected queue instances to ensure data 
        integrity. Invalid requests must be denied before processing them,
        warnings must be logged/provided to the GDI client and the 
        conditions for the queue instance states (c)onfiguration disabled 
        and o(rphaned) are checked and where necessary state changes are 

      The host group related GDI requests added to 6.0 are:

      * SGE_GDI_ADD(GRP.host_group)

        This request allows for adding a new host group. It contains the 
        complete host group configuration and is for example used for 
        implementing qconf option '-ahgrp'.

      * SGE_GDI_MOD(GRP.host_group)

        This request allows for changing a host group configuration. 
        It contains a complete host group configuration and is for example 
        used for implementing qconf option '-mhgrp'.

      * SGE_GDI_DEL(GRP.host_group)

        This request allows for removing a complete host group. It 
        contains only the name of the host group to be removed and 
        is for example used for implementing qconf option '-dhgrp'.

      * SGE_GDI_GET(GRP.where.what)

        This request allows for retrieving host group elements. CULL 
        'where' expressions can be used for selecting particular host 
        groups, CULL 'what' expressions can be used for selecting 
        particular fields.

   c) Parallel environment and the checkpointing interface

      Since the queue_list configuration will be removed from 
      sge_pe(5) all GDI functionality related to PE_queue_list 
      must be available with the cluster queue configuration
      field QU_pe_list.
      Since the queue_list configuration will be removed from 
      sge_ckpt(5) all GDI functionality related to CK_queue_list 
      must be available with the cluster queue configuration
      field QU_ckpt_list.

   d) Job

      The GDI requests SGE_GDI_ADD and SGE_GDI_MOD affecting jobs
         -soft -q queue,...
         -hard -q queue,...
         -masterq queue,...

      configuration must be rejected if they refer to non-existing 
      cluster queues, queue domains or queue instances.

      Necessary changes with existing verifications are

      * any of the change requests (see above) refering to a queue 
        instance, a cluster queue or a queue domain must be verified
        to ensure valid references
      * when wildcard expressions are passed it must be verified that
        at least one valid queue instance/cluster queue/queue domain
        is referenced.

   e) Complex

      To implement the changes that are related to removal the complex_list from 
      queue_conf(5) and of the value column from complex(5) handling of change 
      requests related to QU_complex_list is removed and GDI requests used for 
      complex management are changed.

      * SGE_GDI_ADD(CE.complex_attribute)
      * SGE_GDI_MOD(CE.complex_attribute)

        These request allows for adding/changing a complex attribute. 
        The request contains the complex attribute and a series of these requests 
        can be used for implementing qconf option -mc. If a SGE_GDI_ADD(CE) request 
        tries to add an existing complex attribute it is implicitely handled as a 
        SGE_GDI_MOD(CE). If a SGE_GDI_MOD(CE) request tries to change a not yet 
        existing complex attribute it is implicitely handled as a SGE_GDI_ADD(CE). 

      * SGE_GDI_DEL(CE.complex_attribute)

        This request allows for deleting a complex attribute from the complex 
        configuration. It contains only the name of the complex attribute to
        be deleted.

      * SGE_GDI_GET(CE.where.what)

        This request allows for retrieving the complex configuration. 
10. Qmaster spooling
   It has turned out that qmasters spooling format plays an important 
   role for Grid Engines scalability. In 5.3 each queue configuration and 
   the state to be preserved is spooled together into one file separately 
   for each queue. In 6.0 major changes with queue spooling format are

   * with cluster queues it will be no longer possible to 
     spool cluster queue configuration divided into per queue 
     instance pieces without loosing information. Thus the complete 
     cluster queue configuration needs to be spooled into a single file.
     All cluster queue configurations will be kept in the already existing


     the file names will be identical with the name of each cluster queue.

   * only a minimum of queue instance state information requires 
     spooling to ensure states information is retained after qmaster 
     restart (disabled/suspend/error/version/pending signal). To 
     prevent qmaster having to spool very large cluster queue state 
     files again and again each time when a state changes (e.g. qmod -d 
     cluster_queue) the state information must be spooled separately 
     from the cluster queue configuration and into separate per queue 
     instance files. The per queue instance files will be kept in the


     the file names will be identical with the name of each queue instance.

11. Event client interface

   The structure of the events being used by qmaster to update event client's  
   and in special schedd's data significantly impacts Grid Engine scalability.
   In 5.3 event clients which were interested in queue related events the event 
   portfolio enlisted below could be ordered from qmaster. A direct transformation 
   of 5.3 queue events into 6.0 cluster queue events is not sufficient, since 
   6.0 cluster queue objects can be many times bigger than 5.3 queue objects 
   were. Making a differentiation between configuration related cluster queue 
   events and events targetting mostly on changing the state of particular queue 
   instances allows definition of more fine grained events:


     This event is sent once directly after event client registration to 
     initialize the cluster queue list and contains the complete list of all 
     cluster queues with all configuration and state information. 

   * sgeE_CLUSTERQUEUE_ADD(cluster_queue)

     This event is sent each time when a new cluster queue configuration 
     has been created. It contains the full cluster queue configuration, 
     but no per queue instance information.

   * sgeE_CLUSTERQUEUE_DEL(cluster_queue)

     This event is sent each time when an existing cluster queue configuration 
     is removed and contains only the name of the cluster queue to be removed.
     It implicitly removes also the queue instances belonging to the cluster 

   * sgeE_CLUSTERQUEUE_MOD(cluster_queue)

     This event is sent each time when an existing cluster queue configuration 
     changes. It contains only the full cluster queues configuration, but no 
     per queue instance information.

   * sgeE_QUEUEINSTANCE_ADD(cluster_queue, queue_instances)

     This event is sent each time when new queue instances are added to an
     existing cluster queue and supplements the corresponding 
     events sgeE_CLUSTERQUEUE_ADD() and sgeE_CLUSTERQUEUE_MOD(). It contains 
     a list of the queue instances that were added to a particular cluster 
     queue and covers the queue instances configuration and state information.

   * sgeE_QUEUEINSTANCE_DEL(cluster_queue, queue_instances)

     This event is sent each time when an existing queue instance is removed
     from a cluster queue and supplements the corresponding 
     sgeE_CLUSTERQUEUE_MOD(cluster_queue) event. It contains only the names 
     of the queue instance to be removed.

   * sgeE_QUEUEINSTANCE_MOD(cluster_queue, queue_instances)

     This event is sent for a selective queue instance update in two cases.
     Firstly it is sent each time when the configuration of an existing queue 
     instance changes as supplement to the corresponding 
     sgeE_CLUSTERQUEUE_MOD(cluster_queue) event. Secondly it is sent each time 
     when the state information of an existing queue instances changes. It 
     contains a list of the changing queue instances of a particular cluster 
     queue and covers the queue instances configuration and state information.

   * sgeE_QUEUEINSTANCE_SUSPEND_ON_SUB(queue_instance) 
   * sgeE_QUEUEINSTANCE_UNSUSPEND_ON_SUB(queue_instance) 

     These events are sent by qmaster to notify about a suspension on 
     subordinate and a release of a suspension on subordinate for a particular 
     queue instance.

   Further changes required with the events updating the complexes


     This event is sent once directly after event client registration to 
     initialize the complex list and contains the complete list of all 
     complex attributes with all configuration and state information. 

   * sgeE_COMPLEX_ADD(complex_attribute)

     This event is sent each time when a new complex attribute has been 
     created. It contains full description of the new complex attribute.

   * sgeE_COMPLEX_DEL(complex_attribute)

     This event is sent each time when an existing complex attribute is 
     removed and contains only the name of the complex attribute to be 

   * sgeE_COMPLEX_MOD(complex_attribute)

     This event is sent each time when an existing complex attribute 
     changes. It contains a full description of the new complex attribute.

   New events for updating host group configuration


     This event is sent once directly after event client registration to 
     initialize the host group list and contains the complete list of all 
     host groups. 

   * sgeE_HOST_GROUP_ADD(host_group)

     This event is sent each time when a new host group has been created. 
     It contains full description of the new host group.

   * sgeE_HOST_GROUP_DEL(complex_attribute)

     This event is sent each time when an existing host group is removed 
     and contains only the name of the host group to be removed. 

   * sgeE_HOST_GROUP_MOD(complex_attribute)

     This event is sent each time when an existing host group changes. 
     It contains a full description of the new host group.


    List 1 
       { QU_seq_no
         QU_h_vmem }

    List 2 
       { QU_fshare, 
         QU_xprojects }

Open Questions:

   Q1: What can we expect from a 5.3 to 6.0 upgrade procedure? Is it possible
       to transform a 5.3 configuration basing on queue instances into a cluster 
       queue based configuration?

   A1: For an automatic transformation of a group of 5.3 queues into a 6.0 cluster 
       queue we lack information about which queues belongs to a group. It might be 
       possible however to provide a semi-automatic upgrade procedure.
   Q2: Shouldn't it be possible to provide some system host groups which
       contain all hosts automatically which have a certain set of attributes?

   A2: The specification allows automated host groups. Automated host groups 
       are not covered in this specification.
   Q3: It should be possible to use 'all' host group as hostname attribute
       for queue_conf(5).
   A3: The specification allows automated host groups. Automated host groups 
       are not covered in this specification.