#ifndef __MSG_SPOOLLIB_H #define __MSG_SPOOLLIB_H /*___INFO__MARK_BEGIN__*/ /************************************************************************* * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * the Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.2 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., March, 2001 * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.2 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.2 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://gridengine.sunsource.net/Gridengine_SISSL_license.html * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2001 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * ************************************************************************/ /*___INFO__MARK_END__*/ #include "basis_types.h" /* * libs/spool/sge_spooling.c */ #define MSG_SPOOL_UNKNOWNOBJECTTYPEINCONTEXT_SS _MESSAGE(59000, _("object type "SFQ" is not handled in spooling context "SFQ)) #define MSG_SPOOL_NODEFAULTRULEFORTYPEINCONTEXT_SS _MESSAGE(59001, _("no default rule for object type "SFQ" in spooling context "SFQ)) #define MSG_SPOOL_NORULESFORTYPEINCONTEXT_SS _MESSAGE(59002, _("no rules for object type "SFQ" in spooling context "SFQ)) #define MSG_SPOOL_CORRUPTRULEINCONTEXT_SSS _MESSAGE(59003, _("corrupt rule "SFQ" in spooling context "SFQ": "SFQ" is missing")) #define MSG_SPOOL_RULEINCONTEXTFAILEDWRITING_SS _MESSAGE(59005, _("rule "SFQ" in spooling context "SFQ" failed writing an object")) #define MSG_SPOOL_NOVALIDCONTEXT_S _MESSAGE(59009, _("no valid spooling context passed to "SFQ)) #define MSG_SPOOL_CONTEXTNEEDSNAME _MESSAGE(59010, _("spooling context has to have a name")) #define MSG_SPOOL_NOVALIDSPOOLTYPE_S _MESSAGE(59011, _("no valid spool type passed to "SFQ)) #define MSG_SPOOL_NOVALIDRULE_S _MESSAGE(59012, _("no valid spooling rule passed to "SFQ)) #define MSG_SPOOL_CONTEXTCONTAINSNOTYPES_S _MESSAGE(59013, _("spooling context "SFQ" does not contain any object type descriptions")) #define MSG_SPOOL_CONTEXTCONTAINSNORULES_S _MESSAGE(59014, _("spooling context "SFQ" does not contain any spooling")) #define MSG_SPOOL_TYPECONTAINSNORULES_SS _MESSAGE(59015, _("type definition "SFQ" in spooling context "SFQ" contains no references to rules")) #define MSG_SPOOL_TYPEHASNODEFAULTRULE_SS _MESSAGE(59016, _("type definition "SFQ" in spooling context "SFQ" has no default rule")) #define MSG_SPOOL_TYPEHASMORETHANONEDEFAULTRULE_SS _MESSAGE(59017, _("type definition "SFQ" in spooling context "SFQ" has more than one default rule")) #define MSG_SPOOL_RULEALREADYEXISTS_SS _MESSAGE(59018, _("a rule named "SFQ" already exists in spooling context "SFQ)) #define MSG_SPOOL_TYPEALREADYHASDEFAULTRULE_S _MESSAGE(59019, _("spooling type "SFQ" already has a default rule, cannot add a second one")) #define MSG_SPOOL_STARTUPOFRULEFAILED_SS _MESSAGE(59020, _("startup of rule "SFQ" in context "SFQ" failed")) #define MSG_SPOOL_SHUTDOWNOFRULEFAILED_SS _MESSAGE(59021,_("shutdown of rule "SFQ" in context "SFQ" failed")) #define MSG_SPOOL_MAINTENANCEOFRULEFAILED_SS _MESSAGE(59022,_("maintenance function of rule "SFQ" in context "SFQ" failed")) #define MSG_SPOOL_TRIGGEROFRULEFAILED_SS _MESSAGE(59023,_("trigger function of rule "SFQ" in context "SFQ" failed")) #define MSG_SPOOL_TRANSACTIONOFRULEFAILED_SS _MESSAGE(59024,_("transaction function of rule "SFQ" in context "SFQ" failed")) #define MSG_SPOOL_SETOPTIONOFRULEFAILED_SS _MESSAGE(59025,_("set_option function of rule "SFQ" in context "SFQ" failed")) /* * libs/spool/sge_spooling_utilities.c */ #define MSG_DONTKNOWHOWTOSPOOLSUBLIST_SS _MESSAGE(59100, _("don't know how to spool list attribute "SFQ" in function "SFQ"")) #define MSG_UNKNOWNOBJECTTYPEFOR_SS _MESSAGE(59101, _("unknown object type for list attribute "SFQ" in function "SFQ)) #define MSG_NONAMEFORATTRIBUTE_D _MESSAGE(59103, _("no or invalid name for attribute %d")) #define MSG_SPOOL_CANTRESOLVEHOSTNAME_SS _MESSAGE(59104, _("can't resolve host name "SFQ": "SFN)) /* * libs/spool/<method>/<code> * messages common to different spooling methods */ #define MSG_SPOOL_SPOOLINGOFXNOTSUPPORTED_S _MESSAGE(59900, _("(un)spooling objects of type "SFQ" not supported")) #define MSG_ATTRIBUTENOTINOBJECT_S _MESSAGE(59901, _("attribute "SFQ" is not part of current object")) #define MSG_CANTREADSUBLISTASPRIMARYKEYVALUEUNKNOWN_S _MESSAGE(59902, _("can't unspool sublist "SFQ" as primary key value is not (yet) known")) #define MSG_CANTOPENTRANSACTIONALREADYOPEN _MESSAGE(59903, _("can't open a transaction - it is already open")) #define MSG_CANTCLOSETRANSACTIONNONEOPEN _MESSAGE(59904, _("can't close a transaction - we have no transaction open")) #define MSG_OBJECTWITHPRIMARYKEYUNKNOWN_S _MESSAGE(59905, _("object with primary key "SFQ" unknown to database spooling")) #define MSG_PARENTKEYORIDNULL _MESSAGE(59906, _("required primary key or database id of the parent object is NULL")) #define MSG_UNKNOWNTABLENAMEFORSUBLIST_S _MESSAGE(59907, _("table name unknown for sublist "SFN)) #define MSG_NOTABLENAMEPASSEDTO_S _MESSAGE(59908, _("no table_name passed to function "SFN)) #define MSG_UNKNOWNPREFIXORKEYNMFORTABLE_S _MESSAGE(59909, _("prefix or primary key unknown for table "SFN)) #define MSG_SPOOL_WRONGVERSION_SS _MESSAGE(59910, _("wrong version: database schema was created for version "SFQ", we run version "SFQ)) #endif /* __MSG_SPOOLLIB_H */