/*___INFO__MARK_BEGIN__*/ /************************************************************************* * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * the Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.2 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., March, 2001 * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.2 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.2 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://gridengine.sunsource.net/Gridengine_SISSL_license.html * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2001 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * ************************************************************************/ /*___INFO__MARK_END__*/ #include <string.h> #include <float.h> #include "rmon/sgermon.h" #include "uti/sge_string.h" #include "uti/sge_log.h" #include "uti/sge_parse_num_par.h" #include "cull/cull_list.h" #include "comm/commd_message_flags.h" #include "sgeobj/sge_resource_quota.h" #include "sched/msg_schedd.h" #include "sge.h" #include "sge_answer.h" #include "sge_schedd_conf.h" #include "sge_host.h" #include "sge_cqueue.h" #include "sge_attr.h" #include "sge_qinstance.h" #include "sge_ulong.h" #include "sge_centry.h" #include "sge_object.h" #include "sge_eval_expression.h" #include "cull_parse_util.h" #include "msg_common.h" #include "msg_sgeobjlib.h" #define CENTRY_LAYER BASIS_LAYER /* EB: ADOC: add commets */ const int max_host_resources=28;/* specifies the number of elements in the host_resource array */ const struct queue2cmplx host_resource[] = { {"arch", 0, 0, 0, TYPE_STR}, {"cpu", 0, 0, 0, TYPE_DOUBLE}, {"load_avg", 0, 0, 0, TYPE_DOUBLE}, {"load_long", 0, 0, 0, TYPE_DOUBLE}, {"load_medium", 0, 0, 0, TYPE_DOUBLE}, {"load_short", 0, 0, 0, TYPE_DOUBLE}, {"mem_free", 0, 0, 0, TYPE_MEM}, {"mem_total", 0, 0, 0, TYPE_MEM}, {"mem_used", 0, 0, 0, TYPE_MEM}, {"min_cpu_inter", 0, 0, 0, TYPE_TIM}, {"np_load_avg", 0, 0, 0, TYPE_DOUBLE}, {"np_load_long", 0, 0, 0, TYPE_DOUBLE}, {"np_load_medium", 0, 0, 0, TYPE_DOUBLE}, {"np_load_short", 0, 0, 0, TYPE_DOUBLE}, {"num_proc", 0, 0, 0, TYPE_INT}, {"swap_free", 0, 0, 0, TYPE_MEM}, {"swap_rate", 0, 0, 0, TYPE_MEM}, {"swap_rsvd", 0, 0, 0, TYPE_MEM}, {"swap_total", 0, 0, 0, TYPE_MEM}, {"swap_used", 0, 0, 0, TYPE_MEM}, {"virtual_free", 0, 0, 0, TYPE_MEM}, {"virtual_total", 0, 0, 0, TYPE_MEM}, {"virtual_used", 0, 0, 0, TYPE_MEM}, {"display_win_gui",0, 0, 0, TYPE_BOO}, {"m_core", 0, 0, 0, TYPE_INT}, {"m_socket", 0, 0, 0, TYPE_INT}, {"m_topology", 0, 0, 0, TYPE_STR}, {"m_topology_inuse",0,0, 0, TYPE_STR} }; const int max_queue_resources=24; /* specifies the number of elements in the queue_resource array */ const struct queue2cmplx queue_resource[] = { {"qname", QU_qname, 0, 0, TYPE_STR }, {"hostname", QU_qhostname, 0, 0, TYPE_HOST}, {"slots", QU_job_slots, 0, 0, TYPE_INT }, {"tmpdir", QU_tmpdir, 0, 0, TYPE_STR }, {"seq_no", QU_seq_no, 0, 0, TYPE_INT }, {"rerun", QU_rerun, 0, 0, TYPE_BOO }, {"calendar", QU_calendar, CQ_calendar, ASTR_value, TYPE_STR }, /* value is SGE_STRING */ {"s_rt", QU_s_rt, CQ_s_rt, ATIME_value, TYPE_TIM }, /* value is SGE_STRING */ {"h_rt", QU_h_rt, CQ_h_rt, ATIME_value, TYPE_TIM }, /* value is SGE_STRING */ {"s_cpu", QU_s_cpu, CQ_s_cpu, ATIME_value, TYPE_TIM }, /* value is SGE_STRING */ {"h_cpu", QU_h_cpu, CQ_h_cpu, ATIME_value, TYPE_TIM }, /* value is SGE_STRING */ {"s_fsize", QU_s_fsize, CQ_s_data, AMEM_value, TYPE_MEM }, /* value is SGE_STRING */ {"h_fsize", QU_h_fsize, CQ_h_fsize, AMEM_value, TYPE_MEM }, /* value is SGE_STRING */ {"s_data", QU_s_data, CQ_s_data, AMEM_value, TYPE_MEM }, /* value is SGE_STRING */ {"h_data", QU_h_data, CQ_h_data, AMEM_value, TYPE_MEM }, /* value is SGE_STRING */ {"s_stack", QU_s_stack, CQ_s_stack, AMEM_value, TYPE_MEM }, /* value is SGE_STRING */ {"h_stack", QU_h_stack, CQ_h_stack, AMEM_value, TYPE_MEM }, /* value is SGE_STRING */ {"s_core", QU_s_core, CQ_s_core, AMEM_value, TYPE_MEM }, /* value is SGE_STRING */ {"h_core", QU_h_core, CQ_h_core, AMEM_value, TYPE_MEM }, /* value is SGE_STRING */ {"s_rss", QU_s_rss, CQ_s_rss, AMEM_value, TYPE_MEM }, /* value is SGE_STRING */ {"h_rss", QU_h_rss, CQ_h_rss, AMEM_value, TYPE_MEM }, /* value is SGE_STRING */ {"s_vmem", QU_s_vmem, CQ_s_vmem, AMEM_value, TYPE_MEM }, /* value is SGE_STRING */ {"h_vmem", QU_h_vmem, CQ_h_vmem, AMEM_value, TYPE_MEM }, /* value is SGE_STRING */ {"min_cpu_interval", QU_min_cpu_interval, CQ_min_cpu_interval, AINTER_value, TYPE_TIM } /* value is SGE_STRING */ }; int get_rsrc(const char *name, bool queue, int *field, int *cqfld, int *valfld, int *type) { int pos = 0; const struct queue2cmplx *rlist; int nitems; if (queue) { rlist = &queue_resource[0]; nitems = max_queue_resources; } else { rlist = &host_resource[0]; nitems = max_host_resources; } for (; pos < nitems; pos++) { if (strcmp(name, rlist[pos].name) == 0) { if (field) *field = rlist[pos].field; if (cqfld) *cqfld = rlist[pos].cqfld; if (valfld) *valfld = rlist[pos].valfld; if (type) *type = rlist[pos].type; return 0; } } return -1; } /****** sgeobj/centry/centry_fill_and_check() ********************************* * NAME * centry_fill_and_check() -- fill and check the attribute * * SYNOPSIS * int centry_fill_and_check(lListElem *cep, * bool allow_empty_boolean, * bool allow_neg_consumable) * * FUNCTION * fill and check the attribute * * INPUTS * lListElem *cep - CE_Type, this object will be checked * lList** answer_list - answer list * int allow_empty_boolean - boolean * true - NULL values of boolean attributes will * be replaced with "true" * false - NULL values will be handled as error * int allow_neg_consumable - boolean * true - negative values for consumable * resources are allowed. * false - function will return with -1 if it finds * consumable resources with a negative value * * RESULT * 0 on success * -1 on error * an error message will be written into SGE_EVENT ******************************************************************************/ int centry_fill_and_check(lListElem *this_elem, lList** answer_list, bool allow_empty_boolean, bool allow_neg_consumable) { static char tmp[1000]; const char *name, *s; u_long32 type; double dval; int ret, allow_infinity; DENTER(CENTRY_LAYER, "centry_fill_and_check"); name = lGetString(this_elem, CE_name); s = lGetString(this_elem, CE_stringval); /* allow infinity for non-consumables only */ allow_infinity = (lGetUlong(this_elem, CE_consumable) != CONSUMABLE_NO)?0:1; if (!s) { if (allow_empty_boolean && lGetUlong(this_elem, CE_valtype)==TYPE_BOO) { lSetString(this_elem, CE_stringval, "TRUE"); s = lGetString(this_elem, CE_stringval); } else { /* ERROR((SGE_EVENT, MSG_CPLX_VALUEMISSING_S, name)); */ answer_list_add_sprintf(answer_list, STATUS_EUNKNOWN, ANSWER_QUALITY_ERROR, MSG_CPLX_VALUEMISSING_S, name); DRETURN(-1); } } switch ( type = lGetUlong(this_elem, CE_valtype) ) { case TYPE_INT: case TYPE_TIM: case TYPE_MEM: case TYPE_BOO: case TYPE_DOUBLE: if (!extended_parse_ulong_val(&dval, NULL, type, s, tmp, sizeof(tmp)-1, allow_infinity, false)) { /* ERROR((SGE_EVENT, MSG_CPLX_WRONGTYPE_SSS, name, s, tmp)); */ answer_list_add_sprintf(answer_list, STATUS_EUNKNOWN, ANSWER_QUALITY_ERROR, MSG_ATTRIB_XISNOTAY_SS, name, tmp); DRETURN(-1); } lSetDouble(this_elem, CE_doubleval, dval); /* normalize time values, so that the string value is based on seconds */ if (type == TYPE_TIM && dval != DBL_MAX) { char str_value[100]; dstring ds; sge_dstring_init(&ds, str_value, sizeof(str_value)); sge_dstring_sprintf(&ds, "%.0f", dval ); DPRINTF(("normalized time value from \"%s\" to \"%s\"\n", lGetString(this_elem, CE_stringval), str_value)); lSetString(this_elem, CE_stringval, str_value); } /* also the CE_default must be parsable for numeric types */ if ((s=lGetString(this_elem, CE_default)) && !parse_ulong_val(&dval, NULL, type, s, tmp, sizeof(tmp)-1)) { /* ERROR((SGE_EVENT, MSG_CPLX_WRONGTYPE_SSS, name, s, tmp)); */ answer_list_add_sprintf(answer_list, STATUS_EUNKNOWN, ANSWER_QUALITY_ERROR, MSG_CPLX_WRONGTYPE_SSS, name, s, tmp); DRETURN(-1); } /* negative values are not allowed for consumable attributes */ if (!allow_neg_consumable && (lGetUlong(this_elem, CE_consumable) != CONSUMABLE_NO) && lGetDouble(this_elem, CE_doubleval) < (double)0.0) { /* ERROR((SGE_EVENT, MSG_CPLX_ATTRIBISNEG_S, name)); */ answer_list_add_sprintf(answer_list, STATUS_EUNKNOWN, ANSWER_QUALITY_ERROR, MSG_CPLX_ATTRIBISNEG_S, name); DRETURN(-1); } break; case TYPE_HOST: /* resolve hostname and store it */ ret = sge_resolve_host(this_elem, CE_stringval); if (ret != CL_RETVAL_OK ) { if (ret == CL_RETVAL_GETHOSTNAME_ERROR) { /* ERROR((SGE_EVENT, MSG_SGETEXT_CANTRESOLVEHOST_S, s)); */ answer_list_add_sprintf(answer_list, STATUS_EUNKNOWN, ANSWER_QUALITY_ERROR, MSG_SGETEXT_CANTRESOLVEHOST_S, s); } else { /* ERROR((SGE_EVENT, MSG_SGETEXT_INVALIDHOST_S, s)); */ answer_list_add_sprintf(answer_list, STATUS_EUNKNOWN, ANSWER_QUALITY_ERROR, MSG_SGETEXT_INVALIDHOST_S, s); } DRETURN(-1); } break; case TYPE_STR: case TYPE_CSTR: case TYPE_RESTR: /* no restrictions - so everything is ok */ break; default: /* ERROR((SGE_EVENT, MSG_SGETEXT_UNKNOWN_ATTR_TYPE_U, sge_u32c(type))); */ answer_list_add_sprintf(answer_list, STATUS_EUNKNOWN, ANSWER_QUALITY_ERROR, MSG_SGETEXT_UNKNOWN_ATTR_TYPE_U, sge_u32c(type)); DRETURN(-1); } DRETURN(0); } const char * map_op2str(u_long32 op) { static char *opv[] = { "??", "==", /* CMPLXEQ_OP */ ">=", /* CMPLXGE_OP */ ">", /* CMPLXGT_OP */ "<", /* CMPLXLT_OP */ "<=", /* CMPLXLE_OP */ "!=", /* CMPLXNE_OP */ "EXCL" /* CMPLXEXCL_OP */ }; if (op < CMPLXEQ_OP || op > CMPLXEXCL_OP) { op = 0; } return opv[op]; } const char * map_req2str(u_long32 op) { static char *opv[] = { "??", "NO", /* REQU_NO */ "YES", /* REQU_YES */ "FORCED", /* REQU_FORCED */ }; if (op < REQU_NO || op > REQU_FORCED) { op = 0; } return opv[op]; } /****** sge_centry/map_consumable2str() **************************************** * NAME * map_consumable2str() -- map to consumable string * * SYNOPSIS * const char * map_consumable2str(u_long32 op) * * FUNCTION * maps int representation of CONSUMABLE to string * * INPUTS * u_long32 op - CONSUMABLE_* * * RESULT * const char * - string representation of consumable definition * * NOTES * MT-NOTE: map_consumable2str() is not safe *******************************************************************************/ const char * map_consumable2str(u_long32 op) { static char *opv[] = { "NO", /* CONSUMABLE_NO */ "YES", /* CONSUMABLE_YES */ "JOB", /* CONSUMABLE_JOB */ }; if (op > CONSUMABLE_JOB) { op = CONSUMABLE_NO; } return opv[op]; } const char * map_type2str(u_long32 type) { static char *typev[] = { "??????", "INT", /* TYPE_INT */ "STRING", /* TYPE_STR */ "TIME", /* TYPE_TIM */ "MEMORY", /* TYPE_MEM */ "BOOL", /* TYPE_BOO */ "CSTRING", /* TYPE_CSTR */ "HOST", /* TYPE_HOST */ "DOUBLE", /* TYPE_DOUBLE */ "RESTRING", /* TYPE_RESTR */ "TYPE_ACC",/* TYPE_ACC */ "TYPE_LOG",/* TYPE_LOG */ }; if (type < TYPE_FIRST || type > TYPE_LAST) { type = 0; } return typev[type]; } /****** sgeobj/centry/centry_create() ***************************************** * NAME * centry_create() -- Create a preinitialized centry element * * SYNOPSIS * lListElem * * centry_create(lList **answer_list, const char *name) * * FUNCTION * Create a preinitialized centry element with the given "name". * * INPUTS * lList **answer_list - AN_Type * const char *name - full name * * RESULT * lListElem * - CE_Type element *******************************************************************************/ lListElem * centry_create(lList **answer_list, const char *name) { lListElem *ret = NULL; /* CE_Type */ DENTER(CENTRY_LAYER, "centry_create"); if (name != NULL) { ret = lCreateElem(CE_Type); if (ret != NULL) { lSetString(ret, CE_name, name); lSetString(ret, CE_shortcut, name); lSetUlong(ret, CE_valtype, TYPE_INT); lSetUlong(ret, CE_relop, CMPLXLE_OP); lSetUlong(ret, CE_requestable, REQU_NO); lSetUlong(ret, CE_consumable, CONSUMABLE_NO); lSetString(ret, CE_default, "1"); } else { answer_list_add_sprintf(answer_list, STATUS_EMALLOC, ANSWER_QUALITY_ERROR, MSG_MEM_MEMORYALLOCFAILED_S, SGE_FUNC); } } else { answer_list_add_sprintf(answer_list, STATUS_ERROR1, ANSWER_QUALITY_ERROR, MSG_INAVLID_PARAMETER_IN_S, SGE_FUNC); } DRETURN(ret); } /****** sgeobj/centry/centry_is_referenced() ********************************** * NAME * centry_is_referenced() -- Is centry element referenced? * * SYNOPSIS * bool * centry_is_referenced(const lListElem *centry, * lList **answer_list, * const lList *master_cqueue_list, * const lList *master_exechost_list, * const lList *master_sconf_list) * * FUNCTION * Is the centry element referenced in a sublist of * "master_queue_list", "master_exechost_list" or * "master_sconf_list". * * INPUTS * const lListElem *centry - CE_Type * lList **answer_list - AN_Type * const lList *master_cqueue_list - CQ_Type * const lList *master_exechost_list - EH_Type * * RESULT * bool - true or false *******************************************************************************/ bool centry_is_referenced(const lListElem *centry, lList **answer_list, const lList *master_cqueue_list, const lList *master_exechost_list, const lList *master_rqs_list) { bool ret = false; const char *centry_name = lGetString(centry, CE_name); DENTER(CENTRY_LAYER, "centry_is_referenced"); if (sconf_is_centry_referenced(centry)) { answer_list_add_sprintf(answer_list, STATUS_EUNKNOWN, ANSWER_QUALITY_INFO, MSG_CENTRYREFINSCONF_S, centry_name); ret = true; } if (!ret) { lListElem *cqueue = NULL, *cel = NULL; /* fix for bug 6422335 * check the cq configuration for centry references instead of qinstances */ for_each(cqueue, master_cqueue_list) { for_each(cel, lGetList(cqueue, CQ_consumable_config_list)) { if(lGetSubStr(cel, CE_name, centry_name, ACELIST_value)) { answer_list_add_sprintf(answer_list, STATUS_EUNKNOWN, ANSWER_QUALITY_INFO, MSG_CENTRYREFINQUEUE_SS, centry_name, lGetString(cqueue, CQ_name)); ret = true; break; } } if (ret) { break; } } } if (!ret) { lListElem *host = NULL; /* EH_Type */ for_each(host, master_exechost_list) { if (host_is_centry_referenced(host, centry)) { const char *host_name = lGetHost(host, EH_name); answer_list_add_sprintf(answer_list, STATUS_EUNKNOWN, ANSWER_QUALITY_INFO, MSG_CENTRYREFINHOST_SS, centry_name, host_name); ret = true; break; } } } if (!ret) { lListElem *rqs = NULL; for_each(rqs, master_rqs_list) { if (sge_centry_referenced_in_rqs(rqs, centry)) { answer_list_add_sprintf(answer_list, STATUS_EUNKNOWN, ANSWER_QUALITY_INFO, MSG_CENTRYREFINRQS_SS, centry_name, lGetString(rqs, RQS_name)); ret = true; break; } } } DRETURN(ret); } /****** sgeobj/centry/centry_print_resource_to_dstring() ********************** * NAME * centry_print_resource_to_dstring() -- Print to dstring * * SYNOPSIS * bool * centry_print_resource_to_dstring(const lListElem *this_elem, * dstring *string) * * FUNCTION * Print resource string (memory, time) to dstring. * * INPUTS * const lListElem *this_elem - CE_Type * dstring *string - dynamic string * * RESULT * bool - error state * true - success * false - error * * NOTES * MT-NOTE: centry_print_resource_to_dstring() is MT safe *******************************************************************************/ bool centry_print_resource_to_dstring(const lListElem *this_elem, dstring *string) { bool ret = true; DENTER(CENTRY_LAYER, "centry_print_resource_to_dstring"); if (this_elem != NULL && string != NULL) { u_long32 type = lGetUlong(this_elem, CE_valtype); double val = lGetDouble(this_elem, CE_doubleval); switch (type) { case TYPE_TIM: double_print_time_to_dstring(val, string); break; case TYPE_MEM: double_print_memory_to_dstring(val, string); break; default: double_print_to_dstring(val, string); break; } } DRETURN(ret); } /****** sgeobj/centry/centry_list_get_master_list() *************************** * NAME * centry_list_get_master_list() -- return master list * * SYNOPSIS * lList ** centry_list_get_master_list(void) * * FUNCTION * Return master list. * * INPUTS * void - NONE * * RESULT * lList ** - CE_Type master list *******************************************************************************/ lList ** centry_list_get_master_list(void) { return object_type_get_master_list(SGE_TYPE_CENTRY); } /****** sgeobj/centry/centry_list_locate() ************************************ * NAME * centry_list_locate() -- Find Centry element * * SYNOPSIS * lListElem *centry_list_locate(const lList *this_list, const char *name) * * FUNCTION * Find CEntry element with "name" in "this_list". * * INPUTS * const lList *this_list - CE_Type list * const char *name - name of an CE_Type entry * * RESULT * lListElem * - CE_Type element *******************************************************************************/ lListElem * centry_list_locate(const lList *this_list, const char *name) { lListElem *ret = NULL; /* CE_Type */ DENTER(CENTRY_LAYER, "centry_list_locate"); if (this_list != NULL && name != NULL) { ret = lGetElemStr(this_list, CE_name, name); if (ret == NULL) { ret = lGetElemStr(this_list, CE_shortcut, name); } } DRETURN(ret); } /****** sgeobj/centry/centry_list_sort() ************************************** * NAME * centry_list_sort() -- Sort a CE_Type list * * SYNOPSIS * bool centry_list_sort(lList *this_list) * * FUNCTION * Sort a CE_Type list * * INPUTS * lList *this_list - CE_Type list * * RESULT * bool - error state * true - success * false - error *******************************************************************************/ bool centry_list_sort(lList *this_list) { bool ret = true; DENTER(CENTRY_LAYER, "centry_list_sort"); if (this_list != NULL) { lSortOrder *order = NULL; order = lParseSortOrderVarArg(lGetListDescr(this_list), "%I+", CE_name); lSortList(this_list, order); lFreeSortOrder(&order); } DRETURN(ret); } /****** sgeobj/centry/centry_list_init_double() ******************************* * NAME * centry_list_init_double() -- Initialize double from string * * SYNOPSIS * bool centry_list_init_double(lList *this_list) * * FUNCTION * Initialize all double values contained in "this_list" * * INPUTS * lList *this_list - CE_Type list * * RESULT * bool - true *******************************************************************************/ bool centry_list_init_double(lList *this_list) { bool ret = true; DENTER(CENTRY_LAYER, "centry_list_init_double"); if (this_list != NULL) { lListElem *centry; for_each(centry, this_list) { double new_val = 0.0; /* * parse_ulong_val will not set it for all * data types! */ parse_ulong_val(&new_val, NULL, lGetUlong(centry, CE_valtype), lGetString(centry, CE_stringval), NULL, 0); lSetDouble(centry, CE_doubleval, new_val); } } DRETURN(ret); } /****** sgeobj/centry/centry_list_fill_request() ****************************** * NAME * centry_list_fill_request() -- fills and checks list of complex entries * * SYNOPSIS * int centry_list_fill_request(lList *centry_list, * lList *master_centry_list, * bool allow_non_requestable, * bool allow_empty_boolean, * bool allow_neg_consumable) * * FUNCTION * This function fills a given list of complex entries with missing * attributes which can be found in the complex. It checks also * wether the given in the centry_list-List are valid. * * INPUTS * lList *this_list - resources as complex list CE_Type * lList **answer_list - answer list * lList *master_centry_list - the global complex list * bool allow_non_requestable - needed for qstat -l or qmon customize * dialog * int allow_empty_boolean - boolean * true - NULL values of boolean attributes will * be replaced with "true" * false - NULL values will be handled as error * int allow_neg_consumable - boolean * true - negative values for consumable * resources are allowed. * false - function will return with -1 if it finds * consumable resources with a negative value * * RESULT * int - error * 0 on success * -1 on error * an error message will be written into SGE_EVENT *******************************************************************************/ int centry_list_fill_request(lList *this_list, lList **answer_list, lList *master_centry_list, bool allow_non_requestable, bool allow_empty_boolean, bool allow_neg_consumable) { lListElem *entry = NULL; lListElem *cep = NULL; DENTER(CENTRY_LAYER, "centry_list_fill_request"); for_each(entry, this_list) { const char *name = lGetString(entry, CE_name); u_long32 requestable; cep = centry_list_locate(master_centry_list, name); if (cep != NULL) { requestable = lGetUlong(cep, CE_requestable); if (!allow_non_requestable && requestable == REQU_NO) { /* ERROR((SGE_EVENT, MSG_SGETEXT_RESOURCE_NOT_REQUESTABLE_S, name)); */ answer_list_add_sprintf(answer_list, STATUS_EUNKNOWN, ANSWER_QUALITY_ERROR, MSG_SGETEXT_RESOURCE_NOT_REQUESTABLE_S, name); DRETURN(-1); } /* replace name in request/threshold/consumable list, it may have been a shortcut */ lSetString(entry, CE_name, lGetString(cep, CE_name)); /* we found the right complex attrib */ /* so we know the type of the requested data */ lSetUlong(entry, CE_valtype, lGetUlong(cep, CE_valtype)); /* we also know wether it is a consumable attribute */ { /* With 6.2u2 the type for CE_consumable changed from bool to ulong for old objects we change the type to the new one */ int pos = lGetPosViaElem(entry, CE_consumable, SGE_NO_ABORT); if (mt_get_type(entry->descr[pos].mt) == lBoolT) { DPRINTF(("Upgrading CE_consumable from bool to ulong\n")); entry->descr[pos].mt = cep->descr[pos].mt; } } lSetUlong(entry, CE_consumable, lGetUlong(cep, CE_consumable)); if (centry_fill_and_check(entry, answer_list, allow_empty_boolean, allow_neg_consumable)) { /* no error msg here - centry_fill_and_check() makes it */ DRETURN(-1); } } else { /* CLEANUP: message should be put into answer_list and returned via argument. */ /* ERROR((SGE_EVENT, MSG_SGETEXT_UNKNOWN_RESOURCE_S, name)); */ answer_list_add_sprintf(answer_list, STATUS_EUNKNOWN, ANSWER_QUALITY_ERROR, MSG_SGETEXT_UNKNOWN_RESOURCE_S, name); DRETURN(-1); } } DRETURN(0); } bool centry_list_are_queues_requestable(const lList *this_list) { bool ret = false; DENTER(CENTRY_LAYER, "centry_list_are_queues_requestable"); if (this_list != NULL) { lListElem *centry = centry_list_locate(this_list, "qname"); if (centry != NULL) { ret = (lGetUlong(centry, CE_requestable) != REQU_NO) ? true : false; } } DRETURN(ret); } const char * centry_list_append_to_dstring(const lList *this_list, dstring *string) { const char *ret = NULL; DENTER(CENTRY_LAYER, "centry_list_append_to_dstring"); if (string != NULL) { lListElem *elem = NULL; bool printed = false; for_each(elem, this_list) { if (printed) { sge_dstring_append(string, ","); } sge_dstring_sprintf_append(string, "%s=", lGetString(elem, CE_name)); if (lGetString(elem, CE_stringval) != NULL) { sge_dstring_append(string, lGetString(elem, CE_stringval)); } else { sge_dstring_sprintf_append(string, "%f", lGetDouble(elem, CE_doubleval)); } printed = true; } if (!printed) { sge_dstring_append(string, "NONE"); } ret = sge_dstring_get_string(string); } DRETURN(ret); } /* CLEANUP: should be replaced by centry_list_append_to_dstring() */ int centry_list_append_to_string(lList *this_list, char *buff, u_long32 max_len) { int attr_fields[] = { CE_name, CE_stringval, 0 }; const char *attr_delis[] = {"=", ",", "\n"}; int ret; DENTER(TOP_LAYER, "centry_list_append_to_string"); if (buff) buff[0] = '\0'; lPSortList(this_list, "%I+", CE_name); ret = uni_print_list(NULL, buff, max_len, this_list, attr_fields, attr_delis, 0); if (ret) { DRETURN(ret); } DRETURN(0); } /* CLEANUP: add answer_list remove SGE_EVENT */ /* * NOTE * MT-NOTE: centry_list_parse_from_string() is MT safe */ lList * centry_list_parse_from_string(lList *complex_attributes, const char *str, bool check_value) { const char *cp; struct saved_vars_s *context = NULL; DENTER(TOP_LAYER, "centry_list_parse_from_string"); /* allocate space for attribute list if no list is passed */ if (complex_attributes == NULL) { if ((complex_attributes = lCreateList("qstat_l_requests", CE_Type)) == NULL) { ERROR((SGE_EVENT, MSG_PARSE_NOALLOCATTRLIST)); DRETURN(NULL); } } /* str now points to the attr=value pairs */ while ((cp = sge_strtok_r(str, ", ", &context))) { lListElem *complex_attribute = NULL; const char *attr = NULL; char *value = NULL; str = NULL; /* for the next strtoks */ /* ** recursive strtoks did not work */ attr = cp; if ((value = strchr(cp, '='))) { *value++ = 0; } if (attr == NULL || *attr == '\0') { ERROR((SGE_EVENT, MSG_SGETEXT_UNKNOWN_RESOURCE_S, "")); lFreeList(&complex_attributes); sge_free_saved_vars(context); DRETURN(NULL); } if ((check_value) && (value == NULL || *value == '\0')) { ERROR((SGE_EVENT, MSG_CPLX_VALUEMISSING_S, attr)); lFreeList(&complex_attributes); sge_free_saved_vars(context); DRETURN(NULL); } /* create new element, fill in the values and append it */ if ( (complex_attribute= lGetElemStr(complex_attributes, CE_name, attr)) == NULL) { if ((complex_attribute = lCreateElem(CE_Type)) == NULL) { ERROR((SGE_EVENT, MSG_PARSE_NOALLOCATTRELEM)); lFreeList(&complex_attributes); sge_free_saved_vars(context); DRETURN(NULL); } else { lSetString(complex_attribute, CE_name, attr); lAppendElem(complex_attributes, complex_attribute); } } lSetString(complex_attribute, CE_stringval, value); } sge_free_saved_vars(context); DRETURN(complex_attributes); } void centry_list_remove_duplicates(lList *this_list) { DENTER(TOP_LAYER, "centry_list_remove_duplicates"); cull_compress_definition_list(this_list, CE_name, CE_stringval, 0); DRETURN_VOID; } /****** sgeobj/centry/centry_elem_validate() ********************************** * NAME * centry_elem_validate() -- validates a element and checks for duplicates * * SYNOPSIS * int centry_elem_validate(lListElem *centry, * lList *centry_list, * lList *answer_list) * * FUNCTION * Checks weather the configuration within the new centry is okay or not. * A centry is valid, when it satisfies the following rules: * name : has to be unique * Short cu : has to be unique * Type : every type from the list (string, host, cstring, int, * double, boolean, memory, time) * Consumable : can only be defined for: int, double, memory, time * * Relational operator: * - for consumables: only <= * - for non consumables: * - string, host, cstring: only ==, != * - boolean: only == * - int, double, memory, time: ==, !=, <=, <, =>, > * * Requestable : for all attribute * default value : only for consumables * * The type for build in attributes is not allowed to be changed! * * When no centy list is passed in, the check for uniqie name and * short cuts is skipt. * * INPUTS * lListElem *centry - the centry list, which should be validated * lList *centry_list - if not null, the function checks, if the * centry element is already in the list * lList *answer_list - contains the error messages * * RESULT * bool false - error (the anwer_list contains the error message) * true - okay * *******************************************************************************/ bool centry_elem_validate(lListElem *centry, lList *centry_list, lList **answer_list) { u_long32 relop = lGetUlong(centry, CE_relop); u_long32 type = lGetUlong(centry, CE_valtype); const char *attrname = lGetString(centry, CE_name); const char *temp; bool ret = true; DENTER(TOP_LAYER, "centry_elem_validate"); switch(type){ case TYPE_INT : case TYPE_MEM : case TYPE_DOUBLE: case TYPE_TIM : if (relop == CMPLXEXCL_OP) { answer_list_add_sprintf(answer_list, STATUS_EUNKNOWN , ANSWER_QUALITY_ERROR, MSG_MUST_BOOL_TO_BE_EXCL_S, attrname); ret = false; } break; case TYPE_STR : case TYPE_CSTR : case TYPE_RESTR: case TYPE_HOST : if ( !(relop == CMPLXEQ_OP || relop == CMPLXNE_OP) ) { answer_list_add_sprintf(answer_list, STATUS_EUNKNOWN , ANSWER_QUALITY_ERROR, MSG_INVALID_CENTRY_TYPE_RELOP_S, attrname); ret = false; } if (lGetUlong(centry, CE_consumable)) { answer_list_add_sprintf(answer_list, STATUS_EUNKNOWN , ANSWER_QUALITY_ERROR, MSG_INVALID_CENTRY_CONSUMABLE_TYPE_SS, attrname, map_type2str(type)); ret = false; } break; case TYPE_BOO : if (relop != CMPLXEQ_OP && relop != CMPLXEXCL_OP){ answer_list_add_sprintf(answer_list, STATUS_EUNKNOWN , ANSWER_QUALITY_ERROR, MSG_INVALID_CENTRY_TYPE_RELOP_S, attrname); ret = false; } if (lGetUlong(centry, CE_consumable) && relop != CMPLXEXCL_OP) { answer_list_add_sprintf(answer_list, STATUS_EUNKNOWN , ANSWER_QUALITY_ERROR, MSG_INVALID_CENTRY_EXCL_S, attrname, map_type2str(type)); ret = false; } if (relop == CMPLXEXCL_OP && !lGetUlong(centry, CE_consumable)) { answer_list_add_sprintf(answer_list, STATUS_EUNKNOWN , ANSWER_QUALITY_ERROR, MSG_EXCL_MUST_BE_CONSUMABLE_S, attrname, map_type2str(type)); ret = false; } break; default : /* error unknown type */ answer_list_add_sprintf(answer_list, STATUS_EUNKNOWN, ANSWER_QUALITY_ERROR, MSG_SGETEXT_UNKNOWN_ATTR_TYPE_U, sge_u32c(type)); ret = false; break; } { double dval; char error_msg[200]; error_msg[0] = '\0'; /* donot allow REQUESTABLE for "tmpdir" attribute, refer CR6650497 */ if (!strcmp(attrname, "tmpdir") && lGetUlong(centry, CE_requestable)!= REQU_NO) { answer_list_add_sprintf(answer_list, STATUS_ESYNTAX, ANSWER_QUALITY_ERROR, MSG_CENTRY_NOTREQUESTABLE_S, attrname); ret = false; } if (lGetUlong(centry, CE_consumable)) { if (relop != CMPLXEXCL_OP && relop != CMPLXLE_OP) { answer_list_add_sprintf(answer_list, STATUS_EUNKNOWN , ANSWER_QUALITY_ERROR, MSG_INVALID_CENTRY_CONSUMABLE_RELOP_S , attrname); ret = false; } if (lGetUlong(centry, CE_requestable) == REQU_NO) { if(!parse_ulong_val(&dval, NULL, type, lGetString(centry, CE_default), error_msg, 199)){ answer_list_add_sprintf(answer_list, STATUS_EUNKNOWN , ANSWER_QUALITY_ERROR, MSG_INVALID_CENTRY_PARSE_DEFAULT_SS, attrname, error_msg); ret = false; } if (dval == 0) { answer_list_add_sprintf(answer_list, STATUS_EUNKNOWN , ANSWER_QUALITY_ERROR, MSG_INVALID_CENTRY_CONSUMABLE_REQ1_S, attrname); ret = false; } } else if (lGetUlong(centry, CE_requestable) == REQU_FORCED) { if(!parse_ulong_val(&dval, NULL, type, lGetString(centry, CE_default), error_msg, 199)){ answer_list_add_sprintf(answer_list, STATUS_EUNKNOWN , ANSWER_QUALITY_ERROR, MSG_INVALID_CENTRY_PARSE_DEFAULT_SS, attrname, error_msg); ret = false; } if (dval != 0) { answer_list_add_sprintf(answer_list, STATUS_EUNKNOWN , ANSWER_QUALITY_ERROR, MSG_INVALID_CENTRY_CONSUMABLE_REQ2_S, attrname); ret = false; } } } else if ( (temp = lGetString(centry, CE_default)) ) { switch(type){ case TYPE_INT: case TYPE_TIM: case TYPE_MEM: case TYPE_BOO: case TYPE_DOUBLE: if(!parse_ulong_val(&dval, NULL, type, temp, error_msg, 199)){ answer_list_add_sprintf(answer_list, STATUS_EUNKNOWN , ANSWER_QUALITY_ERROR, MSG_INVALID_CENTRY_PARSE_DEFAULT_SS, attrname, error_msg); ret = false; } /* accept non-zero default values for consumables only */ if (dval != 0) { answer_list_add_sprintf(answer_list, STATUS_EUNKNOWN , ANSWER_QUALITY_ERROR, MSG_INVALID_CENTRY_DEFAULT_S, attrname); ret = false; } break; case TYPE_HOST: case TYPE_STR: case TYPE_RESTR: case TYPE_CSTR: if (strcasecmp(temp, "NONE") != 0 ) { answer_list_add_sprintf(answer_list, STATUS_EUNKNOWN , ANSWER_QUALITY_ERROR, MSG_INVALID_CENTRY_DEFAULT_S, attrname); ret = false; } break; default: answer_list_add_sprintf(answer_list, STATUS_EUNKNOWN, ANSWER_QUALITY_ERROR, MSG_SGETEXT_UNKNOWN_ATTR_TYPE_U, sge_u32c(type)); ret = false; } } /* verify urgency always */ if ((temp = lGetString(centry, CE_urgency_weight)) ) { switch(type){ case TYPE_INT: case TYPE_TIM: case TYPE_MEM: case TYPE_BOO: case TYPE_DOUBLE: case TYPE_HOST: case TYPE_STR: case TYPE_CSTR: case TYPE_RESTR: if(!parse_ulong_val(&dval, NULL, TYPE_DOUBLE, temp, error_msg, 199)){ answer_list_add_sprintf(answer_list, STATUS_EUNKNOWN , ANSWER_QUALITY_ERROR, MSG_INVALID_CENTRY_PARSE_URGENCY_SS, attrname, error_msg); ret = false; } break; default: answer_list_add_sprintf(answer_list, STATUS_EUNKNOWN, ANSWER_QUALITY_ERROR, MSG_SGETEXT_UNKNOWN_ATTR_TYPE_U, sge_u32c(type)); ret = false; } } } /* check if its a build in value and if the type is correct */ { int i; int type = lGetUlong(centry, CE_valtype); for ( i=0; i< max_queue_resources; i++){ if (strcmp(queue_resource[i].name, attrname) == 0 && queue_resource[i].type != type){ if ((queue_resource[i].type != TYPE_STR && queue_resource[i].type != TYPE_CSTR && queue_resource[i].type != TYPE_RESTR ) || (type != TYPE_CSTR && type != TYPE_RESTR && type != TYPE_STR)){ answer_list_add_sprintf(answer_list, STATUS_EUNKNOWN , ANSWER_QUALITY_ERROR, MSG_INVALID_CENTRY_TYPE_CHANGE_S, attrname); ret = false; break; } } } for ( i=0; i< max_host_resources; i++){ if (strcmp(host_resource[i].name, attrname) == 0 && host_resource[i].type != type){ if ((host_resource[i].type != TYPE_STR && host_resource[i].type != TYPE_CSTR && host_resource[i].type != TYPE_RESTR ) || (type != TYPE_CSTR && type != TYPE_RESTR && type != TYPE_STR)){ answer_list_add_sprintf(answer_list, STATUS_EUNKNOWN , ANSWER_QUALITY_ERROR, MSG_INVALID_CENTRY_TYPE_CHANGE_S, attrname); ret = false; break; } } } } /* check for duplicates */ if (centry_list) { const char *shortcut = lGetString(centry, CE_shortcut); const lListElem *ce1 = centry_list_locate(centry_list, attrname); const lListElem *ce2 = centry_list_locate(centry_list, shortcut); /* * if we already have a centry with this name or shortcut, * that is not the current centry -> cannot add/mod this one */ if ((ce1 != NULL && ce1 != centry) || (ce2 != NULL && ce2 != centry)) { answer_list_add_sprintf(answer_list, STATUS_EUNKNOWN , ANSWER_QUALITY_ERROR, MSG_ANSWER_COMPLEXXALREADYEXISTS_SS, attrname, shortcut); ret = false; } } DRETURN(ret); } /* EB: CLEANUP: change order of parameter */ /****** sgeobj/centry/centry_urgency_contribution() *************************** * NAME * centry_urgency_contribution() -- Compute urgency for a particular resource * * SYNOPSIS * double * centry_urgency_contribution(int slots, const char *name, double * value, const lListElem *centry) * * FUNCTION * The urgency contribution for a particular resource 'name' is determined * based on the 'slot' amount and using 'value' as per slot request. The * urgency value in the 'centry' element is used. * * INPUTS * int slots - The slot amount assumed. * const char *name - The resource name. * double value - The per slot request. * const lListElem *centry - The centry element (CE_Type) * * RESULT * double - The resulting urgency contribution * * NOTES * MT-NOTES: centry_urgency_contribution() is MT safe *******************************************************************************/ double centry_urgency_contribution(int slots, const char *name, double value, const lListElem *centry) { double contribution, weight; const char *strval; u_long32 complex_type; DENTER(TOP_LAYER, "centry_urgency_contribution"); if (!centry || !(strval = lGetString(centry, CE_urgency_weight)) || !(parse_ulong_val(&weight, NULL, TYPE_INT, strval, NULL, 0))) { DPRINTF(("no contribution for attribute\n")); DRETURN(0); } switch ((complex_type=lGetUlong(centry, CE_valtype))) { case TYPE_INT: case TYPE_TIM: case TYPE_MEM: case TYPE_BOO: case TYPE_DOUBLE: contribution = value * weight * slots; DPRINTF((" %s: %7f * %7f * %d ---> %7f\n", name, value, weight, slots, contribution)); break; case TYPE_STR: case TYPE_CSTR: case TYPE_HOST: case TYPE_RESTR: contribution = weight; DPRINTF((" %s: using weight as contrib ---> %7f\n", name, weight)); break; default: ERROR((SGE_EVENT, MSG_SGETEXT_UNKNOWN_ATTR_TYPE_U, sge_u32c(complex_type))); contribution = 0; break; } DRETURN(contribution); } bool centry_list_do_all_exists(const lList *this_list, lList **answer_list, const lList *centry_list) { bool ret = true; lListElem *centry = NULL; DENTER(TOP_LAYER, "centry_list_do_all_exists"); for_each(centry, centry_list) { const char *name = lGetString(centry, CE_name); if (centry_list_locate(this_list, name) == NULL) { answer_list_add_sprintf(answer_list, STATUS_EEXIST, ANSWER_QUALITY_ERROR, MSG_CQUEUE_UNKNOWNCENTRY_S, name); DTRACE; ret = false; break; } } DRETURN(ret); } bool centry_list_is_correct(lList *this_list, lList **answer_list) { bool ret = true; DENTER(TOP_LAYER, "centry_list_has_error"); if (this_list != NULL) { lListElem *centry = lGetElemStr(this_list, CE_name, "qname"); if (centry != NULL) { const char *value = lGetString(centry, CE_stringval); if (strchr(value, (int)'@')) { answer_list_add_sprintf(answer_list, STATUS_EEXIST, ANSWER_QUALITY_ERROR, MSG_CENTRY_QINOTALLOWED); ret = false; } } } /* do complex attributes syntax verification */ if (ret) { lListElem *elem; for_each(elem, this_list){ ret = object_verify_expression_syntax(elem, answer_list); if(!ret) break; } } DRETURN(ret); } int ensure_attrib_available(lList **alpp, lListElem *ep, int nm) { int ret = 0; lListElem *attr = NULL; DENTER(TOP_LAYER, "ensure_attrib_available"); if (ep != NULL) { for_each (attr, lGetList(ep, nm)) { const char *name = lGetString(attr, CE_name); lListElem *centry = centry_list_locate(*object_type_get_master_list(SGE_TYPE_CENTRY), name); if (centry == NULL) { ERROR((SGE_EVENT, MSG_GDI_NO_ATTRIBUTE_S, name != NULL ? name : "<noname>")); answer_list_add(alpp, SGE_EVENT, STATUS_EUNKNOWN, ANSWER_QUALITY_ERROR); ret = STATUS_EUNKNOWN; break; } else { const char *fullname = lGetString(centry, CE_name); /* * Replace shortcuts by the fullname silently */ if (strcmp(fullname, name) != 0) { lSetString(attr, CE_name, fullname); } } } } DRETURN(ret); } /****** sge_centry/validate_load_formula() ******************** * NAME * validate_load_formula() * * SYNOPSIS * bool validate_load_formula(lListElem *schedd_conf, lList * **answer_list, lList *centry_list, const char *name) * * FUNCTION * The function validates a load formula string. * * INPUTS * const char *load_formula - string that should be a valid load formula * lList **answer_list - error messages * lList *centry_list - list of defined complex values * const char* - name (used for error messages) * * RESULT * bool - true if valid * false if unvalid * * MT-NOTE: is MT-safe, works only on the passed in data * *******************************************************************************/ bool validate_load_formula(const char *load_formula, lList **answer_list, lList *centry_list, const char *name) { bool ret = true; DENTER(TOP_LAYER, "validate_load_formual"); /* Check for keyword 'none' */ if (!strcasecmp(load_formula, "none")) { SGE_ADD_MSG_ID(sprintf(SGE_EVENT, MSG_NONE_NOT_ALLOWED_S, name)); answer_list_add(answer_list, SGE_EVENT, STATUS_ESYNTAX, ANSWER_QUALITY_ERROR); ret = false; } /* Check complex attributes and type */ if (ret == true) { const char *term_delim = "+-"; const char *term, *next_term; struct saved_vars_s *term_context = NULL; next_term = sge_strtok_r(load_formula, term_delim, &term_context); while ((term = next_term) && ret == true) { const char *fact_delim = "*"; const char *fact, *next_fact, *end; lListElem *cmplx_attr = NULL; struct saved_vars_s *fact_context = NULL; next_term = sge_strtok_r(NULL, term_delim, &term_context); fact = sge_strtok_r(term, fact_delim, &fact_context); next_fact = sge_strtok_r(NULL, fact_delim, &fact_context); end = sge_strtok_r(NULL, fact_delim, &fact_context); /* first factor has to be a complex attr */ if (fact != NULL) { if (strchr(fact, '$')) { fact++; } cmplx_attr = centry_list_locate(centry_list, fact); if (cmplx_attr != NULL) { int type = lGetUlong(cmplx_attr, CE_valtype); if (type == TYPE_STR || type == TYPE_CSTR || type == TYPE_HOST || type == TYPE_RESTR) { SGE_ADD_MSG_ID(sprintf(SGE_EVENT, MSG_WRONGTYPE_ATTRIBUTE_SS, name, fact)); answer_list_add(answer_list, SGE_EVENT, STATUS_ESYNTAX, ANSWER_QUALITY_ERROR); ret = false; } } else if (!sge_str_is_number(fact)) { SGE_ADD_MSG_ID(sprintf(SGE_EVENT, MSG_NOTEXISTING_ATTRIBUTE_SS, name, fact)); answer_list_add(answer_list, SGE_EVENT, STATUS_ESYNTAX, ANSWER_QUALITY_ERROR); ret = false; } } /* is weighting factor a number? */ if (next_fact != NULL) { if (!sge_str_is_number(next_fact)) { SGE_ADD_MSG_ID(sprintf(SGE_EVENT, MSG_WEIGHTFACTNONUMB_SS, name, next_fact)); answer_list_add(answer_list, SGE_EVENT, STATUS_ESYNTAX, ANSWER_QUALITY_ERROR); ret = false; } } /* multiple weighting factors? */ if (end != NULL) { SGE_ADD_MSG_ID(sprintf(SGE_EVENT, MSG_MULTIPLEWEIGHTFACT_S, name)); answer_list_add(answer_list, SGE_EVENT, STATUS_ESYNTAX, ANSWER_QUALITY_ERROR); ret = false; } sge_free_saved_vars(fact_context); } sge_free_saved_vars(term_context); } DRETURN(ret); } /****** sge_centry/load_formula_is_centry_referenced() ************************* * NAME * load_formula_is_centry_referenced() -- search load formula for centry reference * * SYNOPSIS * bool load_formula_is_centry_referenced(const char *load_formula, const * lListElem *centry) * * FUNCTION * This function searches for a centry reference in the defined algebraic * expression * * INPUTS * const char *load_formula - load formula expression * const lListElem *centry - centry to search for * * RESULT * bool - true if referenced * false if not referenced * * NOTES * MT-NOTE: load_formula_is_centry_referenced() is MT safe * *******************************************************************************/ bool load_formula_is_centry_referenced(const char *load_formula, const lListElem *centry) { bool ret = false; const char *term_delim = "+-"; const char *term, *next_term; struct saved_vars_s *term_context = NULL; const char *centry_name = lGetString(centry, CE_name); DENTER(TOP_LAYER, "load_formula_is_centry_referenced"); if (load_formula == NULL) { DRETURN(ret); } next_term = sge_strtok_r(load_formula, term_delim, &term_context); while ((term = next_term) && ret == false) { const char *fact_delim = "*"; const char *fact; struct saved_vars_s *fact_context = NULL; next_term = sge_strtok_r(NULL, term_delim, &term_context); fact = sge_strtok_r(term, fact_delim, &fact_context); if (fact != NULL) { if (strchr(fact, '$')) { fact++; } if (strcmp(fact, centry_name) == 0) { ret = true; } } sge_free_saved_vars(fact_context); } sge_free_saved_vars(term_context); DRETURN(ret); }