/*___INFO__MARK_BEGIN__*/ /************************************************************************* * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * the Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.2 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., March, 2001 * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.2 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.2 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://gridengine.sunsource.net/Gridengine_SISSL_license.html * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2001 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * ************************************************************************/ /*___INFO__MARK_END__*/ #include <string.h> #include <limits.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <errno.h> #include "uti/sge_stdio.h" #include "symbols.h" #include "sge_string.h" #include "sge_str.h" #include "parse_qsub.h" #include "parse_job_cull.h" #include "sge_path_alias.h" #include "parse.h" #include "sgermon.h" #include "cull_parse_util.h" #include "unparse_job_cull.h" #include "sge_language.h" #include "sge_stdlib.h" #include "sge_io.h" #include "sge_prog.h" #include "setup_path.h" #include "sge_log.h" #include "sge_binding.h" #include "sge_binding_BN_L.h" #include "sgeobj/sge_answer.h" #include "sgeobj/sge_centry.h" #include "sgeobj/sge_job.h" #include "sgeobj/sge_jsv.h" #include "sgeobj/sge_mailrec.h" #include "sgeobj/sge_var.h" #include "msg_common.h" #define USE_CLIENT_QSUB 1 /* ** set the correct defines ** USE_CLIENT_QSUB or ** USE_CLIENT_QALTER or ** USE_CLIENT_QSH */ const char *default_prefix = "#$"; /* static int skip_line(char *s); */ /* returns true if line has only white spaces */ /* static int skip_line( */ /* char *s */ /* ) { */ /* while ( *s != '\0' && *s != '\n' && isspace((int)*s)) */ /* s++; */ /* return (*s == '\0' || *s == '\n'); */ /* } */ /* ** NAME ** cull_parse_job_parameter ** PARAMETER ** cmdline - NULL or SPA_Type, if NULL, *pjob is initialised with defaults ** pjob - pointer to job element, is filled according to cmdline ** ** RETURN ** answer list, AN_Type or NULL if everything ok, the following stati can occur: ** STATUS_EUNKNOWN - bad internal error like NULL pointer received or no memory ** STATUS_EDISK - getcwd() failed ** STATUS_ENOIMP - unknown switch or -help occurred ** EXTERNAL ** me ** DESCRIPTION */ lList *cull_parse_job_parameter(u_long32 uid, const char *username, const char *cell_root, const char *unqualified_hostname, const char *qualified_hostname, lList *cmdline, lListElem **pjob) { const char *cp; lListElem *ep; lList *answer = NULL; lList *path_alias = NULL; char error_string[1024 + 1]; DENTER(TOP_LAYER, "cull_parse_job_parameter"); if (!pjob) { answer_list_add(&answer, MSG_PARSE_NULLPOINTERRECEIVED, STATUS_EUNKNOWN, ANSWER_QUALITY_ERROR); DRETURN(answer); } if (!*pjob) { *pjob = lCreateElem(JB_Type); if (!*pjob) { sprintf(SGE_EVENT, MSG_MEM_MEMORYALLOCFAILED_S, SGE_FUNC); answer_list_add(&answer, SGE_EVENT, STATUS_EMALLOC, ANSWER_QUALITY_ERROR); DRETURN(answer); } } /* ** path aliasing */ if (path_alias_list_initialize(&path_alias, &answer, cell_root, username, qualified_hostname) == -1) { DRETURN(answer); } job_initialize_env(*pjob, &answer, path_alias, unqualified_hostname, qualified_hostname); if (answer) { DRETURN(answer); } lSetUlong(*pjob, JB_priority, BASE_PRIORITY); lSetUlong(*pjob, JB_jobshare, 0); /* * -b */ while ((ep = lGetElemStr(cmdline, SPA_switch, "-b"))) { u_long32 jb_now = lGetUlong(*pjob, JB_type); if (lGetInt(ep, SPA_argval_lIntT) == 1) { JOB_TYPE_SET_BINARY(jb_now); } else { JOB_TYPE_UNSET_BINARY(jb_now); } lSetUlong(*pjob, JB_type, jb_now); lRemoveElem(cmdline, &ep); } /* * -binding : when using "-binding linear" overwrite previous * DG:TODO but not in with "-binding one_per_socket x" * DG:TODO or "-binding striding offset x" * binding n offset <- how should the error handling be done? */ ep = lGetElemStr(cmdline, SPA_switch, "-binding"); if (ep != NULL) { lList *binding_list = lGetList(ep, SPA_argval_lListT); lList *new_binding_list = lCopyList("binding", binding_list); lSetList(*pjob, JB_binding, new_binding_list); lRemoveElem(cmdline, &ep); } /* * -shell */ while ((ep = lGetElemStr(cmdline, SPA_switch, "-shell"))) { u_long32 jb_now = lGetUlong(*pjob, JB_type); if (lGetInt(ep, SPA_argval_lIntT) == 1) { JOB_TYPE_UNSET_NO_SHELL(jb_now); } else { JOB_TYPE_SET_NO_SHELL(jb_now); } lSetUlong(*pjob, JB_type, jb_now); lRemoveElem(cmdline, &ep); } /* * -t */ ep = lGetElemStr(cmdline, SPA_switch, "-t"); if (ep != NULL) { lList *range_list = lGetList(ep, SPA_argval_lListT); lList *new_range_list = lCopyList("task_id_range", range_list); lSetList(*pjob, JB_ja_structure, new_range_list); lRemoveElem(cmdline, &ep); { u_long32 job_type = lGetUlong(*pjob, JB_type); JOB_TYPE_SET_ARRAY(job_type); lSetUlong(*pjob, JB_type, job_type); } } else { job_set_submit_task_ids(*pjob, 1, 1, 1); } job_initialize_id_lists(*pjob, &answer); if (answer != NULL) { DRETURN(answer); } /* ** -tc option throttle the number of concurrent tasks */ while ((ep = lGetElemStr(cmdline, SPA_switch, "-tc"))) { lSetUlong(*pjob, JB_ja_task_concurrency, lGetUlong(ep, SPA_argval_lUlongT)); lRemoveElem(cmdline, &ep); } /* ** -clear option is special, is sensitive to order ** kills all options that come before ** there might be more than one -clear */ while ((ep = lGetElemStr(cmdline, SPA_switch, "-clear"))) { lListElem *ep_run; const char *cp_switch; for (ep_run = lFirst(cmdline); ep_run;) { /* ** remove -clear itsself */ if (ep_run == ep) { lRemoveElem(cmdline, &ep_run); break; } /* ** lNext can never be NULL here, because the -clear ** element is the last one to delete ** in general, these two lines wont work! */ ep_run = lNext(ep_run); /* ** remove switch only if it is not a pseudo-arg */ cp_switch = lGetString(lPrev(ep_run), SPA_switch); if (cp_switch && (*cp_switch == '-')) { lListElem *prev = lPrev(ep_run); lRemoveElem(cmdline, &prev); } } } /* ** general remark: There is a while loop looping through the option ** list. So inside the while loop there must be made ** a decision if a second occurence of an option has ** to be handled as error, should be warned, overwritten ** or simply ignored. */ while ((ep = lGetElemStr(cmdline, SPA_switch, "-a"))) { lSetUlong(*pjob, JB_execution_time, lGetUlong(ep, SPA_argval_lUlongT)); lRemoveElem(cmdline, &ep); } while ((ep = lGetElemStr(cmdline, SPA_switch, "-A"))) { /* the old account string is overwritten */ lSetString(*pjob, JB_account, lGetString(ep, SPA_argval_lStringT)); lRemoveElem(cmdline, &ep); } while ((ep = lGetElemStr(cmdline, SPA_switch, "-ar"))) { /* the old advance reservation is overwritten */ lSetUlong(*pjob, JB_ar, lGetUlong(ep, SPA_argval_lUlongT)); lRemoveElem(cmdline, &ep); } while ((ep = lGetElemStr(cmdline, SPA_switch, "-dl"))) { lSetUlong(*pjob, JB_deadline, lGetUlong(ep, SPA_argval_lUlongT)); lRemoveElem(cmdline, &ep); } while ((ep = lGetElemStr(cmdline, SPA_switch, "-c"))) { if (lGetUlong(ep, SPA_argtype) == lLongT) lSetUlong(*pjob, JB_checkpoint_interval, lGetLong(ep, SPA_argval_lLongT)); if (lGetUlong(ep, SPA_argtype) == lIntT) lSetUlong(*pjob, JB_checkpoint_attr, lGetInt(ep, SPA_argval_lIntT)); lRemoveElem(cmdline, &ep); } while ((ep = lGetElemStr(cmdline, SPA_switch, "-ckpt"))) { lSetString(*pjob, JB_checkpoint_name, lGetString(ep, SPA_argval_lStringT)); lRemoveElem(cmdline, &ep); } while ((ep = lGetElemStr(cmdline, SPA_switch, "-C"))) { lSetString(*pjob, JB_directive_prefix, lGetString(ep, SPA_argval_lStringT)); lRemoveElem(cmdline, &ep); } while ((ep = lGetElemStr(cmdline, SPA_switch, "-jsv"))) { lList *list = lGetList(ep, SPA_argval_lListT); const char *file = lGetString(lFirst(list), PN_path); jsv_list_add("jsv_switch", JSV_CONTEXT_CLIENT, NULL, file); lRemoveElem(cmdline, &ep); } /* ** the handling of the path lists is not so trivial ** if we have several path lists we have to check ** 1. is there only one path entry without host ** 2. do the entries collide, i.e. are there two ** entries for the same host with different paths ** These restrictions seem reasonable to me but are ** not addressed right now */ /* ** to use lAddList correctly we have to get the list out ** of the option struct otherwise we free the list once again ** in the lSetList(ep, SPA_argval_lListT, NULL); call ** this can lead to a core dump ** so a better method is to xchange the list in the option struct ** with a null pointer, this is not nice but safe ** a little redesign of cull would be nice ** see parse_list_simple */ parse_list_simple(cmdline, "-e", *pjob, JB_stderr_path_list, PN_host, PN_path, FLG_LIST_MERGE); /* -h */ while ((ep = lGetElemStr(cmdline, SPA_switch, "-h"))) { if (lGetInt(ep, SPA_argval_lIntT) & MINUS_H_TGT_USER) { lSetList(*pjob, JB_ja_u_h_ids, lCopyList("task_id_range", lGetList(*pjob, JB_ja_n_h_ids))); lSetList(*pjob, JB_ja_n_h_ids, NULL); } lRemoveElem(cmdline, &ep); } /* not needed in job struct */ while ((ep = lGetElemStr(cmdline, SPA_switch, "-hard"))) { lRemoveElem(cmdline, &ep); } if ((ep = lGetElemStr(cmdline, SPA_switch, "-help"))) { lRemoveElem(cmdline, &ep); sprintf(error_string, MSG_ANSWER_HELPNOTALLOWEDINCONTEXT); answer_list_add(&answer, error_string, STATUS_ENOIMP, ANSWER_QUALITY_ERROR); DRETURN(answer); } /* -hold_jid */ if (lGetElemStr(cmdline, SPA_switch, "-hold_jid")) { lListElem *ep, *sep; lList *jref_list = NULL; while ((ep = lGetElemStr(cmdline, SPA_switch, "-hold_jid"))) { for_each(sep, lGetList(ep, SPA_argval_lListT)) { DPRINTF(("-hold_jid %s\n", lGetString(sep, ST_name))); lAddElemStr(&jref_list, JRE_job_name, lGetString(sep, ST_name), JRE_Type); } lRemoveElem(cmdline, &ep); } lSetList(*pjob, JB_jid_request_list, jref_list); } /* -hold_jid_ad */ if (lGetElemStr(cmdline, SPA_switch, "-hold_jid_ad")) { lListElem *ep, *sep; lList *jref_list = NULL; while ((ep = lGetElemStr(cmdline, SPA_switch, "-hold_jid_ad"))) { for_each(sep, lGetList(ep, SPA_argval_lListT)) { DPRINTF(("-hold_jid_ad %s\n", lGetString(sep, ST_name))); lAddElemStr(&jref_list, JRE_job_name, lGetString(sep, ST_name), JRE_Type); } lRemoveElem(cmdline, &ep); } lSetList(*pjob, JB_ja_ad_request_list, jref_list); } while ((ep = lGetElemStr(cmdline, SPA_switch, "-j"))) { lSetBool(*pjob, JB_merge_stderr, lGetInt(ep, SPA_argval_lIntT)); lRemoveElem(cmdline, &ep); } parse_list_simple(cmdline, "-jid", *pjob, JB_job_identifier_list, 0, 0, FLG_LIST_APPEND); parse_list_hardsoft(cmdline, "-l", *pjob, JB_hard_resource_list, JB_soft_resource_list); centry_list_remove_duplicates(lGetList(*pjob, JB_hard_resource_list)); centry_list_remove_duplicates(lGetList(*pjob, JB_soft_resource_list)); while ((ep = lGetElemStr(cmdline, SPA_switch, "-m"))) { u_long32 ul; u_long32 old_mail_opts; ul = lGetInt(ep, SPA_argval_lIntT); if ((ul & NO_MAIL)) { lSetUlong(*pjob, JB_mail_options, 0); } else { old_mail_opts = lGetUlong(*pjob, JB_mail_options); lSetUlong(*pjob, JB_mail_options, ul | old_mail_opts); } lRemoveElem(cmdline, &ep); } parse_list_simple(cmdline, "-M", *pjob, JB_mail_list, MR_host, MR_user, FLG_LIST_MERGE); #ifndef USE_CLIENT_QALTER if (!lGetList(*pjob, JB_mail_list)) { ep = lAddSubStr(*pjob, MR_user, username, JB_mail_list, MR_Type); lSetHost(ep, MR_host, qualified_hostname); } #endif while ((ep = lGetElemStr(cmdline, SPA_switch, "-N"))) { lSetString(*pjob, JB_job_name, lGetString(ep, SPA_argval_lStringT)); lRemoveElem(cmdline, &ep); } while ((ep = lGetElemStr(cmdline, SPA_switch, "-notify"))) { lSetBool(*pjob, JB_notify, TRUE); lRemoveElem(cmdline, &ep); } while ((ep = lGetElemStr(cmdline, SPA_switch, "-now"))) { u_long32 jb_now = lGetUlong(*pjob, JB_type); if(lGetInt(ep, SPA_argval_lIntT)) { JOB_TYPE_SET_IMMEDIATE(jb_now); } else { JOB_TYPE_CLEAR_IMMEDIATE(jb_now); } lSetUlong(*pjob, JB_type, jb_now); lRemoveElem(cmdline, &ep); } /* ** this is exactly the same as for error list and it would be nice ** to have generalized funcs, that do all this while stuff and so ** on and are encapsulated in a function where I can give in the ** job element pointer the field name the option list and the option ** name and the field is filled */ parse_list_simple(cmdline, "-o", *pjob, JB_stdout_path_list, PN_host, PN_path, FLG_LIST_MERGE); parse_list_simple(cmdline, "-i", *pjob, JB_stdin_path_list, PN_host, PN_path, FLG_LIST_MERGE); while ((ep = lGetElemStr(cmdline, SPA_switch, "-p"))) { int pri = lGetInt(ep, SPA_argval_lIntT); lSetUlong(*pjob, JB_priority, BASE_PRIORITY + pri); lRemoveElem(cmdline, &ep); } while ((ep = lGetElemStr(cmdline, SPA_switch, "-js"))) { lSetUlong(*pjob, JB_jobshare, lGetUlong(ep, SPA_argval_lUlongT)); lRemoveElem(cmdline, &ep); } while ((ep = lGetElemStr(cmdline, SPA_switch, "-P"))) { lSetString(*pjob, JB_project, lGetString(ep, SPA_argval_lStringT)); lRemoveElem(cmdline, &ep); } while ((ep = lGetElemStr(cmdline, SPA_switch, "-pe"))) { lSetString(*pjob, JB_pe, lGetString(ep, SPA_argval_lStringT)); lSwapList(*pjob, JB_pe_range, ep, SPA_argval_lListT); lRemoveElem(cmdline, &ep); } parse_list_hardsoft(cmdline, "-q", *pjob, JB_hard_queue_list, JB_soft_queue_list); parse_list_hardsoft(cmdline, "-masterq", *pjob, JB_master_hard_queue_list, 0); while ((ep = lGetElemStr(cmdline, SPA_switch, "-R"))) { lSetBool(*pjob, JB_reserve, lGetInt(ep, SPA_argval_lIntT)); lRemoveElem(cmdline, &ep); } while ((ep = lGetElemStr(cmdline, SPA_switch, "-r"))) { lSetUlong(*pjob, JB_restart, lGetInt(ep, SPA_argval_lIntT)); lRemoveElem(cmdline, &ep); } /* not needed in job struct */ while ((ep = lGetElemStr(cmdline, SPA_switch, "-soft"))) { lRemoveElem(cmdline, &ep); } parse_list_simple(cmdline, "-S", *pjob, JB_shell_list, PN_host, PN_path, FLG_LIST_MERGE); /* -terse option, not needed in job struct */ while ((ep = lGetElemStr(cmdline, SPA_switch, "-terse"))) { lRemoveElem(cmdline, &ep); } parse_list_simple(cmdline, "-u", *pjob, JB_user_list, 0, 0, FLG_LIST_APPEND); /* ** to be processed in original order, set -V equal to -v */ while ((ep = lGetElemStr(cmdline, SPA_switch, "-V"))) { lSetString(ep, SPA_switch, "-v"); } parse_list_simple(cmdline, "-v", *pjob, JB_env_list, VA_variable, VA_value, FLG_LIST_MERGE); cull_compress_definition_list(lGetList(*pjob, JB_env_list), VA_variable, VA_value, 0); /* context switches are sensitive to order */ ep = lFirst(cmdline); while(ep) if(!strcmp(lGetString(ep, SPA_switch), "-ac") || !strcmp(lGetString(ep, SPA_switch), "-dc") || !strcmp(lGetString(ep, SPA_switch), "-sc")) { lListElem* temp; if(!lGetList(*pjob, JB_context)) { lSetList(*pjob, JB_context, lCopyList("context", lGetList(ep, SPA_argval_lListT))); } else { lList *copy = lCopyList("context", lGetList(ep, SPA_argval_lListT)); lAddList(lGetList(*pjob, JB_context), ©); } temp = lNext(ep); lRemoveElem(cmdline, &ep); ep = temp; } else ep = lNext(ep); while ((ep = lGetElemStr(cmdline, SPA_switch, "-verify"))) { lSetUlong(*pjob, JB_verify, TRUE); lRemoveElem(cmdline, &ep); } while ((ep = lGetElemStr(cmdline, SPA_switch, "-w"))) { lSetUlong(*pjob, JB_verify_suitable_queues, lGetInt(ep, SPA_argval_lIntT)); lRemoveElem(cmdline, &ep); } while ((ep = lGetElemStr(cmdline, SPA_switch, "-wd"))) { const char *path = lGetString(ep, SPA_argval_lStringT); bool is_cwd = false; if (path == NULL) { char tmp_str[SGE_PATH_MAX + 1]; is_cwd = true; if (!getcwd(tmp_str, sizeof(tmp_str))) { /* If getcwd() fails... */ answer_list_add(&answer, MSG_ANSWER_GETCWDFAILED, STATUS_EDISK, ANSWER_QUALITY_ERROR); DRETURN(answer); } path = reroot_path(*pjob, tmp_str, &answer); if (path == NULL) { DRETURN(answer); } } lSetString(*pjob, JB_cwd, path); lRemoveElem(cmdline, &ep); lSetList(*pjob, JB_path_aliases, lCopyList("PathAliases", path_alias)); if (is_cwd) { FREE(path); } } lFreeList(&path_alias); /* ** no switch - must be scriptfile ** only for qalter and qsub, not for qsh */ if ((ep = lGetElemStr(cmdline, SPA_switch, STR_PSEUDO_SCRIPT))) { lSetString(*pjob, JB_script_file, lGetString(ep, SPA_argval_lStringT)); lRemoveElem(cmdline, &ep); } if ((ep = lGetElemStr(cmdline, SPA_switch, STR_PSEUDO_SCRIPTLEN))) { lSetUlong(*pjob, JB_script_size, lGetUlong(ep, SPA_argval_lUlongT)); lRemoveElem(cmdline, &ep); } if ((ep = lGetElemStr(cmdline, SPA_switch, STR_PSEUDO_SCRIPTPTR))) { lSetString(*pjob, JB_script_ptr, lGetString(ep, SPA_argval_lStringT)); lRemoveElem(cmdline, &ep); } { lList *lp; lp = lCopyList("job args", lGetList(*pjob, JB_job_args)); while ((ep = lGetElemStr(cmdline, SPA_switch, STR_PSEUDO_JOBARG))) { lAddElemStr(&lp, ST_name, lGetString(ep, SPA_argval_lStringT), ST_Type); lRemoveElem(cmdline, &ep); } lSetList(*pjob, JB_job_args, lp); } for_each(ep, cmdline) { sprintf(error_string, MSG_ANSWER_UNKOWNOPTIONX_S, lGetString(ep, SPA_switch)); cp = lGetString(ep, SPA_switch_arg); if (cp) { strcat(error_string, " "); strcat(error_string, cp); } strcat(error_string, "\n"); answer_list_add(&answer, error_string, STATUS_ENOIMP, ANSWER_QUALITY_ERROR); } cp = lGetString(*pjob, JB_script_file); if (!cp || !strcmp(cp, "-")) { u_long32 jb_now = lGetUlong(*pjob, JB_type); if( JOB_TYPE_IS_BINARY(jb_now) ) { answer_list_add(&answer, MSG_COMMAND_REQUIRED_FOR_BINARY_JOB, STATUS_ESEMANTIC, ANSWER_QUALITY_ERROR); DRETURN(answer); } lSetString(*pjob, JB_script_file, "STDIN"); } cp = lGetString(*pjob, JB_job_name); if (!cp) { cp = sge_basename(lGetString(*pjob, JB_script_file), '/'); lSetString(*pjob, JB_job_name, cp); } DRETURN(answer); } /****** client/parse_job_cull/parse_script_file() ***************************** * NAME * parse_script_file() -- parse a job script or a job defaults file * * SYNOPSIS * lList* parse_script_file(char *script_file, * const char *directive_prefix, * lList **lpp_options, * char **envp, * u_long32 flags); * * FUNCTION * Searches for special comments in script files and parses contained * SGE options or * parses SGE options in job defaults files (sge_request). * Script files are parsed with directive prefix NULL, * default files are parsed with directive prefix "" and FLG_USE_NO_PSEUSOS. * * INPUTS * char *script_file - script file name or NULL or "-" * in the latter two cases the job script is read * from stdin * char *directive_prefix - only lines beginning with this prefix are parsed * NULL causes function to look in the lpp_options * list whether the -C option has been set. * If it has, this prefix is used. * If not, the default prefix "#$" is used. * "" causes the function to parse all lines not * starting with "#" (comment lines). * lList **lpp_options - list pointer-pointer, SPA_Type * list to store the recognized switches in, is * created if it doesnt exist but there are * options to be returned * char **envp - environment pointer * u_long32 flags - FLG_HIGHER_PRIOR: new options are appended * to list * FLG_LOWER_PRIOR: new options are inserted * at the beginning of list * FLG_USE_NO_PSEUDOS: do not create pseudoargs * for script pointer and * length * FLG_IGN_NO_FILE: do not show an error if * script_file was not found * RESULT * lList* - answer list, AN_Type, or NULL if everything was ok, * the following stati can occur: * STATUS_EUNKNOWN - bad internal error like NULL pointer * received or no memory * STATUS_EDISK - file could not be opened * * NOTES * Special comments in script files have to start in the first column of a * line. * Comments in job defaults files have to start in the first column of a * line. * If a line is longer than MAX_STRING_SIZE bytes, contents (SGE options) * starting from position MAX_STRING_SIZE + 1 are silently ignored. * MAX_STRING_SIZE is defined in common/basis_types.h (current value 2048). * * MT-NOTE: parse_script_file() is MT safe * * SEE ALSO * centry_list_parse_from_string() * basis_types.h * sge_request(5) *******************************************************************************/ lList *parse_script_file( u_long32 prog_number, const char *script_file, const char *directive_prefix, lList **lpp_options, char **envp, u_long32 flags ) { unsigned int dpl; /* directive_prefix length */ FILE *fp; char *filestrptr = NULL; int script_len = 0; char **str_table = NULL; lList *alp, *answer = NULL; lListElem *aep; int i; int do_exit = 0; lListElem *ep_opt; lList *lp_new_opts = NULL; /* snprintf takes the NULL terminator into account. */ char error_string[MAX_STRING_SIZE]; DENTER(TOP_LAYER, "parse_script_file"); if (!lpp_options) { /* no place where to put result */ answer_list_add(&answer, MSG_ANSWER_CANTPROCESSNULLLIST, STATUS_EUNKNOWN, ANSWER_QUALITY_ERROR); DRETURN(answer); } if ((flags & FLG_IGN_NO_FILE) && sge_is_file(script_file) == 0) { DRETURN(answer); } if (!(flags & FLG_IGNORE_EMBEDED_OPTS)) { if (script_file && strcmp(script_file, "-")) { /* are we able to access this file? */ if ((fp = fopen(script_file, "r")) == NULL) { snprintf(error_string, MAX_STRING_SIZE, MSG_FILE_ERROROPENINGXY_SS, script_file, strerror(errno)); answer_list_add(&answer, error_string, STATUS_EDISK, ANSWER_QUALITY_ERROR); DRETURN(answer); } FCLOSE(fp); /* read the script file in one sweep */ filestrptr = sge_file2string(script_file, &script_len); if (filestrptr == NULL) { snprintf(error_string, MAX_STRING_SIZE, MSG_ANSWER_ERRORREADINGFROMFILEX_S, script_file); answer_list_add(&answer, error_string, STATUS_EUNKNOWN, ANSWER_QUALITY_ERROR); DRETURN(answer); } } else { /* no script file but input from stdin */ filestrptr = sge_stream2string(stdin, &script_len); if (filestrptr == NULL) { answer_list_add(&answer, MSG_ANSWER_ERRORREADINGFROMSTDIN, STATUS_EUNKNOWN, ANSWER_QUALITY_ERROR); DRETURN(answer); } else if (filestrptr[0] == '\0') { answer_list_add(&answer, MSG_ANSWER_NOINPUT, STATUS_EUNKNOWN, ANSWER_QUALITY_ERROR); FREE(filestrptr); DRETURN(answer); } } if (directive_prefix == NULL) { DPRINTF(("directive prefix = <null> - will skip parsing of script\n")); dpl = 0; } else { DPRINTF(("directive prefix = "SFQ"\n", directive_prefix)); dpl = strlen(directive_prefix); } if (directive_prefix != NULL) { char *parameters = NULL; char *free_me = NULL; char *s = NULL; int nt_index = -1; /* now look for job parameters in script file */ s = filestrptr; nt_index = strlen (s); while (*s != '\0') { int length = 0; char *newline = NULL; int nl_index = -1; newline = strchr (s, '\n'); if (newline != NULL) { /* I'm doing this math very carefully because I'm not entirely * certain how the compiler will interpret subtracting a pointer * from a pointer. Better safe than sorry. */ nl_index = (int)(((long)newline - (long)s) / sizeof (char)); } if (nl_index != -1) { parameters = (char *)malloc (sizeof (char) * (nl_index + 1)); if (parameters == NULL) { answer_list_add(&answer, MSG_SGETEXT_NOMEM, STATUS_EUNKNOWN, ANSWER_QUALITY_ERROR); DRETURN(answer); } strncpy (parameters, s, nl_index); parameters[nl_index] = '\0'; /* The newline counts as a parsed character even though it isn't * included in the parameter string. */ length = nl_index + 1; } else { parameters = (char *)malloc (sizeof (char) * (nt_index + 1)); if (parameters == NULL) { answer_list_add(&answer, MSG_SGETEXT_NOMEM, STATUS_EUNKNOWN, ANSWER_QUALITY_ERROR); DRETURN(answer); } /* strcpy copies everything up to and including the NULL * termination. */ strcpy (parameters, s); length = nt_index; } /* Advance the pointer past the string we just copied. */ s += length; /* Update the location of the NULL terminator. */ nt_index -= length; /* Store a copy of the memory pointer. */ free_me = parameters; /* ** If directive prefix is zero string then all lines except ** comment lines are read, this makes it possible to parse ** defaults files with this function. ** If the line contains no SGE options, we set parameters to NULL. */ if (dpl == 0) { /* we parse a settings file (e.g. sge_request): skip comment lines */ if (*parameters == '#') { parameters = NULL; } } else { /* we parse a script file with special comments */ if (strncmp(parameters, directive_prefix, dpl) == 0) { parameters += dpl; while (isspace(*parameters)) { parameters++; } } else { parameters = NULL; } } /* delete trailing garbage */ if (parameters != NULL) { char *additional_comment; /* don't copy additional comments */ if ((additional_comment = strchr(parameters, '#')) != NULL) { additional_comment[0] = '\0'; } /* Start one character before the NULL terminator. */ i = strlen(parameters) - 1; while (i >= 0) { if (!isspace(parameters[i])) { /* We start one character before the NULL terminator, so * we are guaranteed to always be able to access the * character at i+1. */ parameters[i + 1] = '\0'; break; } i--; } } if ((parameters != NULL) && (*parameters != '\0')) { lListElem *ep = NULL; DPRINTF(("parameter in script: %s\n", parameters)); /* ** here cull comes in */ /* so str_table has to be freed afterwards */ str_table = string_list(parameters, " \t\n", NULL); for (i=0; str_table[i]; i++) { DPRINTF(("str_table[%d] = '%s'\n", i, str_table[i])); } sge_strip_quotes(str_table); for (i=0; str_table[i]; i++) { DPRINTF(("str_table[%d] = '%s'\n", i, str_table[i])); } /* ** problem: error handling missing here and above */ alp = cull_parse_cmdline(prog_number, str_table, envp, &lp_new_opts, 0); for_each (aep, alp) { answer_quality_t quality; u_long32 status = STATUS_OK; status = lGetUlong(aep, AN_status); quality = (answer_quality_t)lGetUlong(aep, AN_quality); if (quality == ANSWER_QUALITY_ERROR) { DPRINTF(("%s", lGetString(aep, AN_text))); do_exit = 1; } else { DPRINTF(("Warning: %s\n", lGetString(aep, AN_text))); } answer_list_add(&answer, lGetString(aep, AN_text), status, quality); } /* for_each (aep in alp) */ FREE(str_table); lFreeList(&alp); FREE(free_me); parameters = NULL; if (do_exit) { FREE(filestrptr); DRETURN(answer); } /* ** -C option is ignored in scriptfile - delete all occurences */ while ((ep = lGetElemStr(lp_new_opts, SPA_switch, "-C"))) { lRemoveElem(lp_new_opts, &ep); } } /* if (parameters is not empty) */ else { FREE (free_me); parameters = NULL; } } /* while (*s != '\0') */ } } if (!(flags & FLG_USE_NO_PSEUDOS)) { /* ** if script is not yet there we add it to the command line, ** except if the caller requests not to */ if (!(flags & FLG_DONT_ADD_SCRIPT)) { if (!lpp_options || !lGetElemStr(*lpp_options, SPA_switch, STR_PSEUDO_SCRIPT)) { ep_opt = sge_add_arg(&lp_new_opts, 0, lStringT, STR_PSEUDO_SCRIPT, NULL); lSetString(ep_opt, SPA_argval_lStringT, ((!script_file || !strcmp(script_file, "-")) ? "STDIN" : script_file)); } } ep_opt = sge_add_arg(&lp_new_opts, 0, lUlongT, STR_PSEUDO_SCRIPTLEN, NULL); lSetUlong(ep_opt, SPA_argval_lUlongT, script_len); ep_opt = sge_add_arg(&lp_new_opts, 0, lStringT, STR_PSEUDO_SCRIPTPTR, NULL); lSetString(ep_opt, SPA_argval_lStringT, filestrptr); } if (!lp_new_opts) { FREE(filestrptr); DRETURN(answer); } if (!*lpp_options) { *lpp_options = lp_new_opts; } else { if (flags & FLG_LOWER_PRIOR) { lAddList(lp_new_opts, lpp_options); *lpp_options = lp_new_opts; } else { lAddList(*lpp_options, &lp_new_opts); lp_new_opts = NULL; } } FREE(filestrptr); DRETURN(answer); FCLOSE_ERROR: snprintf(error_string, MAX_STRING_SIZE, MSG_FILE_ERRORCLOSEINGXY_SS, script_file, strerror(errno)); answer_list_add(&answer, error_string, STATUS_EUNKNOWN, ANSWER_QUALITY_ERROR); DRETURN(answer); }