Source Code Review Form 
(version 1.3)

Date: 2007-07-24

1 Identification
GH-2007-07-24-0  Bugfix:  qmaster failover should not change the
                          state of any queue
                 Bugtraq: 6396036
                 Review:  AH

2 Conforms to specification

2 [ ] yes
2 [x] no - comment: This change is not covered by any specification.

3 Documentation

3.1 user/admin guide OK, or doc CR filed?
3.1 [x] yes
3.1 [ ] no - comment:

3.2 man pages (user view) correct?
3.2 [x] yes
3.2 [ ] no - comment:

3.3 -help output correct and complete?
3.3 [x] yes
3.3 [ ] no - comment:

3.4 documented interfaces (at least GDI, EVI, libs, ADOC format) correct, updated?
3.4 [x] yes
3.4 [ ] no - comment:

3.5 messages, output formats and defines OK?
3.5 [x] yes
3.5 [ ] no - comment:

3.6 Bugster CR complete and correct?
3.6 [x] yes
3.6 [ ] no - comment:

3.7 Issuezilla entry (if exists) complete and correct?
3.7 [X] yes
3.7 [ ] no - comment:

4 Source review

4.1 Style guide conformance
4.1 [x] yes
4.1 [ ] no - comment:

4.2 Memory leaks
4.2 [x] yes
4.2 [ ] no - comment:

4.3 Thread safe
4.3 [x] yes
4.3 [ ] no

5 Tests

5.1 Used memory leak debugger
5.1 [ ] yes
5.1 [x] no - comment: this bug fix does not allocate any dynamic memory

5.2 Manual tests
Description: The problem can be reproduced easily. It just takes
             a queue with attribute initial_state = disabled which
             is currently enabled. Next, perform a clean shutdown
             of qmaster. Make sure that all execd's will notice that
             qmaster is down; this will cause all execd's to re-register
             once qmaster is back again. As a result, you will see
             the queue in state 'disabled'.

             This is a bug.

             The combo qmaster/execd with this fix do not exhibit
             this bug.
Successfull execution
5.2 [x] yes
5.2 [ ] no - comment:

5.3 Testsuite covers issue
5.3 [ ] yes
5.3 [X] no - comment: I had to write a new test. Covered by IZ 125.

5.4 If 5.3 = no: New testsuite test or module test created?
5.4 [X] yes, path: checktree/system_tests/qmaster/failover
5.4 [ ] no - justification:

5.5 If 5.4 = no: Testsuite issue created?
5.5 [ ] yes, id: 
5.5 [ ] no - justification:

5.6 Testsuite run successfull
5.6 [x] yes
5.6 [ ] no - comment:


7 Accepted
7 [x] yes
7 [ ] no - comment: