Rotating and truncating Grid Engine logfiles -------------------------------------------- ___INFO__MARK_BEGIN__ This following copyright statement applies to this file only. It does not imply that this statement covers other files of a Grid Engine distribution. See the directory '<sge_root>/3rdparty' for a summary of other copyrights of this Grid Engine distribution. The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of the Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.2 Sun Microsystems Inc., March, 2001 Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.2 ================================================= The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.2 (the "License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and obligations concerning the Software. The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. Copyright: 2001 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. ___INFO__MARK_END__ Content ------- 1) Description 2) Variables 3) Command line parameters 4) Examples 1) Description -------------- Grid Engine daemons create logfiles called "messages" in their respective spool directories. Also an 'accounting' file is created. The current Grid Engine release provides not mechanism for truncating and rotating the log files and the 'accounting' file automatically. Therefore a script template for truncating logfiles, the accounting and the statistics file is provided in the directory <sge_root>/util/ This script is copied during qmaster installation to the '<sge_root>/<sge_cell>/common' directory. The script is not activated by any of the Grid Engine daemons automatically. It is intended to be edited according to the needs of your site. After customizing the script you can add to your crontab(s). The script is designed to run in verbose mode or completely silent. It can also run in a mode where it only prints what would be done. The script accepts only two command line parameters for overriding the "ACTION_ON" parameter and the location of the exec daemon spool directory (see below). Grid Engine daemons create logfiles in the following directories. 'qmaster_spool_dir' and 'execd_spool_dir' are defined in the global cluster configuration, the '<execd_spool_dir>' can be overridden in the local cluster configuration of every execution host (usually this is not done). The <sge_cell> directory usually is called 'default', and only if the $SGE_CELL variable is used, 'default' is overridden. Location of Grid Engine log files: <qmaster_spool_dir>/messages <qmaster_spool_dir>/schedd/messages <execd_spool_dir>/<hostname>/messages <sge_root>/<sge_cell>/common/accounting Since these directories can all be located in the same directory hierarchy in a shared NFS filesystem or the execd spool directories can point to a local directory, it is possible to specify with the "ACTION_ON" parameter (see below) what 'messages' files should be rotated when the script is called. 2) Variables ------------ The following variables need to be configured in the script. The "|" character specifies an alternative. All variables in the script must be entered in Bourne shell syntax. So there may be no white space before or after the equal "=" sign. UNCONFIGURED=yes|no After the script is configured you should set this value to "no". If set to "yes" (or any other value), the script only will print out what would be done. Default: UNCONFIGURED=yes ECHO=:|echo The colon ":" is the null command in the shell. If you set the variable to this value, the script will work silently (only error messages are printed). If you set the value to "echo" the script will print what it is currently doing. Default: ECHO=echo SGE_ROOT=<your_sge_root> Enter the path of your SGE_ROOT directory here. Default: SGE_ROOT=undefined SGE_CELL=default|<your_cell_name> Enter the name of your cell, if not 'default' Default: SGE_CELL=default ACTION_ON=1|2|3|4 1 = work on qmaster and scheduler "messages" files only 2 = work on "messages" file on current host only 3 = work on all accessible execd "messages" files of global config 4 = work on qmaster "messages" and all accessible execd "messages" files Default: ACTION_ON=4 ACTIONSIZE=<size_inkilobyte> rotate/delete only if file size exceeds ACTIONSIZE in kilobytes. If ACTIONSIZE is set to 0, always work on "messages" file. Default: ACTIONSIZE=0 KEEPOLD=<number> Defines the number of old messages files to be preserved. E.g. "30" means that "messages.0" to "messages.29" are saved. A value of "0" means no backup is done. The most recent messages file has the extension ".0". Default: KEEPOLD=30 GZIP=yes|no yes = compress rotated "messages.0" file with gzip no = leave rotated "messages.0" file uncompressed Default: GZIP=yes ACCT=yes|no yes = rotate accounting file when rotating qmaster 'messages' file no = don't rotate accounting file Default: ACCT=no 3) Command line parameters -------------------------- The script accepts the following command line parameters: -execd_spool <spool_dir_of_local_execd> Define the base directory of the execd spool directory. Do not add the unqualified hostname in the command line. The hostname is added automatically by the script. -action_on 1|2|3|4 Override the "ACTION_ON" variable in the script. 4) Examples: ------------ a) All Grid Engine spool directories are shared. You can call the script on any of your Grid Engine hosts or on your file server. --> set ACTION_ON to "4" in the script. Set other values according to your needs and add the script to your crontab of one of the above machines. b) Grid Engine execd spool are defines only through the global cluster configuration, but point to a local directory. --> set ACTION_ON="3". Add the start of the script to all crontabs of your execds in your cluster. On your qmaster machine (or on your file server) add the following call of the script to your crontab: <path_to_script>/ -action_on 1 c) Grid Engine spool directories of execds are defined in the local configuration. --> . Set ACTION_ON="2" in the script . On your qmaster machine (or on your file server) add the following call of the script to your crontab: <path_to_script>/ -action_on 1 . On your exec hosts add the following line: <path_to_script>/ -execd_spool <local_execd_spool>