IPMIView release notes ---------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.6.61 build 090420 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Added B8DT6/E sensor table 2. Updated KIRA's KVM video setting for blade only (analogy signal) 3. Removed color mode options in JViewer 4. Updated CPU temp for B8DT6/E in CMM management 5. Added SEL event for CPU temp overheat 6. Fixed Email alert in Trap Receiver 7. Updated Blade HW configuration 8. JViewer migrate to V1.38 9. Fixed Operator and User privilege cannot login for AMI's fw 10. Added Chinese language support for blade (CMM) management ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.6.60 build 090312 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Added retry for KIRA flash 2. Added DHCP setting for general IPMI (KIRA & Winbond) 3. Added UID function for Winbond BMC 4. Added Soft keyboard for Winbond BMC 5. Updated SNMP setting for Winbond BMC 6. Updated JViewer keep session command for FW v0.90 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.6.59 build 090204 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Added OEM command for CMM's IPMB 2. Fixed infinite HID Invalid Packet in JViewer 3. Added more info for ECC and PCI error SEL event ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.6.58 build 090107 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Added L3 Switch and Icons 2. Updated FRU code for Writing 3. Fixed CPU temperature display bug for AMI's fw ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.6.57 build 081231 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Updated AMI fw flash function to v1.2.1. UI refined. 2. Fixed CPU not installed display error in AMI's fw 3. Added Set/Get mouse mode in AMI's KVM menu 4. Fxied user ID cannot be deleted in AMI's fw 5. Added B7DCL sensor table ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.6.56 build 081212 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Updated chunk size for AMI fw flash function (v1.2) Fixed onboard LAN flash failure 2. Added Open in browser menu item in device list ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.6.55 build 081208 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Added session control for AMI Virual Media. Close VM connection when logout 2. Removed menuitem (exit) in the AMI KVM 3. Added failure recovery for the AMI fw flash function (v1.1) 4. Added SIMBL(W) guid and Icon ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.6.54 build 081118 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Added power status in SOL UI 2. Updated SEL time format for AMI fw (use local time) 3. Updated SNMP destination setting for AMI fw ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.6.53 build 081103 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Added B7DCL MB 2. Updated AMD CPU name. (AMD Opteron) 3. Added B7DCL picture 4. Removed B7DC3 simbl detection function 5. Fixed tab key doesn't work on AMI KVM console 6. Fixed problem that the focus request may not work in the AMI KVM panel 7. Added YAFU flash function for SIMSOW. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.6.52 build 081006 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Added Softkey KVM switch and OSD display 2. Added AMD CPU in the blade info 3. Added an option for a off-line device. It is in a special case that the device discovery cannot find the device. User has an option to connect it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.6.51 build 080908 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Updated Winbond Chip GUID in the device discovery. 2. Added 10G pass Thru management UI 3. Added subnetMask and Gateway field for SIMBL LAN setting via CMM 4. Updated Power Supply sensor status for AMI fw ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.6.50 build 080812 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Updated winbond GUIDs. Includes both on-board and add-on types. 2. Updated the blade sensors threshold reading. The blade CPU and system threshold temperature are read from BIOS setting. 3. Added new CPU text temperature status (low, medium, high and overheat status) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.6.49 build 080718 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Added B7DC3-IB supported 2. Added Blade motherboard configuration ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.6.48 build 080704 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Added overloading power limit when sending multiple power on command 2. Added power consumption status command and updated UI ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version build 080627 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Updated following items for SIMSO-W+: 1. Updated manufacturer ID 2. Fixed a bug that sensor name cannot displayed on sensor and SEL table 3. Added fps on KVM viewer 4. Updated SEL time format 5. Updated BMC configuration ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.6.47 build 080623 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Changed display of power supply watts (1400 -> 1400/1200) when power is off 2. SIMSO-W+ added ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.6.46 build 080613 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Added Office blade and Enterprise blade mode in CMM setting UI 2. Changed display of power supply watts (1400 -> 1400/1200) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.6.44 build 080515 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Added retry mechanism for IPMB call. Make IPMB call more stable ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.6.43 build 080508 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Changed 1.8V to Memory Voltage and changed low limit to 1.34v. 2. Fixed a false alarm of cpu 2 core A temp and cpu2 core B temp. It shows "CPU2 Core A Temp:Reading out of range" on failure Summary when you install 2 CPUs with PECI feature. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.6.42 build 080430 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Added function for setting VLAN and DHCP in Blade's SIMBL from CMM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.6.41 build 080418 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Added BHDME for Blade management 2. Added VLAN function in general SIM IPMI ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.6.40 build 080331 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.Updated virtual media function for i2c lan type. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.6.39 build 080329 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.Updated SEL defintion to support S.M.A.R.T HD failure 2.Updated SEL defintion to support BIOS post error and progress 3.Added support for the firmware which has no virtual media and web interface 4.Updated blade system power supply current. Dividing dc output current by 2 5.Added Office Blade Supported 6.Updated B7DC3 icon for 10b and 14b 7.Added configuration backup/restore/sync for blade and general IPMI 8.Set flash chunk size to 80 if lan type is share lan1 and lan driver is i2c for firmware upload. 9.Changed the sensor name 1.2V to CPU VTT (Low/hight limit, 0.99/1.32) in Intel blade sensor table. 10.Fixed GBSW dispaly power on while the power supply is turned off 11.Added a workround for B7DC3/B7DCE shows SIMBL is installed while it first pluged into middle plane and powered off. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.6.38 build 080201 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.Updated CMM time setting (For CMM f/w: v02.02.27 or above) 2.Updated IPMIView on-line help ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.6.37 build 080109 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.Integrated JavaHelp (On-line Help) to this application. It includes a. IPMIView user's guide b. IPMIView user's guide for SuperBlade management 2.Added 14 blades supported 3.Updated Trap receiver for acccepting Blade SNMP trap 4.Added B7DW3 and B7DCE MB type for blade 5.Updated low voltage limit for B7DBE sensors. a. 1.2V low limit = 0.99V b. 1.8V low limit = 1.40V ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.6.36 build 071204 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.Fixed a bug that the Login UI hangs at "retrieving data" while the "save ID and Password" doesn't selected. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.6.35 build 071127 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.Updated SEL query function 2.Added OEM command for checking lan type and lan drver 3.Added CPU reduce power mode UI 4.Added OEM command for checking failed power supply (OSA f/w) 5.Added power supply AC over current SEL definition 6.Added CMM time setting dialog 7.Added field checking in the Trap receiver email alert 8.Show red color if DC or AC overcurrent in power supply panel 9.Added alert in power supply icon if overcurrent occurs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.6.34 build 071024 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.Fixed a bug that the "monitor only" message in the text console shows wrong blade number 2.Fixed a bug that SOL with UTF-8 Chinese is easy hang 3.Removed the occupied session when login to slave CMM 4.Updated GB and add GB pass thru picture ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.6.33 build 071017 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.Replaced AMD blade name as "BHQME". 2.Updated Blade icon (cmm,AMD blade, IB and power supply) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.6.32 build 071016 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.added retry packet for device status thread. 2.Updated UI presentation for DC and AC current positions in power supply 3.Updated UI presentation for board temp in GB switch 4.fixed if out put DC power over 130A shows wrong value. It's overflow 5.Remove unclosed session in the CMM source. Make sure no unclosed session. 6.Set default language as English ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.6.31 build 071005 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.Update the timeout of device status thread to refer the timeout setting from IPMIView. (default is 5 second). A problem is that sometimes the device status may unstable. It'll change status from on-line to off-line repeatedly in IPMIView. The original device status thread timeout is 2 second timeout individually. However, in some case, the device may not response packet within 2 seconds. For example, It may take up to 3 to 4 seconds for response packet when KVM enable video optmized encoding. This update may defer the real disconnect device status detected in IPMIView if timeout set more then 10 second. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.6.30 build 071003 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.Moved getCMMIP() out of the EDT thread. This prevents slow response in slow network environment 2.added checking function for making sure all the tab closed if close session 3.Added OEM command for cehcking if support standard graceful shutdown for OSA 4.Added standard graceful shutdown for OSA IPMI 5.Changed blade icons ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.6.29 build 071001 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - internal test version ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.6.28 build 070920 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.Update the device name can't be deleted or modified when a session opened. 2.Clean all timer and set to null when closing session. both in IPMI and CMM 3.Fix a bug that device icon didn't refresh automatically. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.6.27 build 070918 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.minor bug fixed for the KVM mouse sync and mode button 2.Update global session lost problem in virtual media 3.Fixed a bug that IPMI KVM doesn't close when push close session button in toolbar 4.Fixed a DC current negative bug 5.Avoid new session,login or KVM if the max available memory less then 25M byte. 6.Speed up load time. The JFileChooser takes long time to initiate. Using Lazy load 7.Update a problem that device list and group tree flash when using the full screen KVM 8.Fixed a wrong de-assert message on SEL record. Bug from IPMILib 9.Update and add new Blade SEL message (CPU Core 3,4 and de-assert type message) 10.Restore device sorting at start. using a properties file to save sort type 11.Fixed a UI bug when input an error data in the Device Discovering. The error dialog can't close. 12.Fixed a SOL UI dead lock bug (when SOL keeping dump screen and switch to other windows application, it may dead lock) 13.Update Virtual media ISO mount check time. from 5 sec to 10 sec. 14.UI stability improved ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.6.26 build 070823 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.Add Graceful shut down in blade summary panel 2.Add power down,graceful shutdown and reset option in the KVM switch panel 3.Add new drive redirection function. support ISO redirection. 4.Update KVM mouse sync and mode buttons enable/disable depends on user's Keyboard/Mouse setting. a.Windows and MAC type will disable mouse sync and mode button. b.Other OS type will enable mouse sync and mode button ** New DrvRedirNative.dll also needs to be updated. size ~100K ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.6.25 Beta build 070815 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.Update device on-line sorting algorithm. It sort by online and device-type and order by IPMI2.0,SIM IPMI,CMM and SIMBL. 2.Update GBSW wrong data when CMM state switch from slave to master 3.Hide CMM time "set" button and keep it read only. (Will redesign Set function when f/w OEM command available) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.6.24 Beta build 070814 InstallShield version ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Balde System Management Beta Release 1.Deteched window Performance tuning 2.Adjust dialogs UI and typo 3.Update IPMIView20.jar content ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.6.23 Beta build 070809 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.Update GB pass thru UI with sensor and power control enabled 2.Update login UI with default focus on Login ID and login by hitting enter key 3.Update Power supply UI for showing temperature when power supply off 4.Update virutal Media UI reset the drive comboBox position after re-fresh 5.Fixed a bug. wants to mount ISO on drive 2, but,some times, it mount on drive 1. 6.Colorize blade sensors reading according to sensor's state in blade sensor table ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.6.22 Beta build 070807 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.Update virtual media stop button with thread mode. If firmware does not support Virtual Media OEM command,it should not hang at Event dispatch handler) 2.Add keyboard/mouse setting dialog for KVM (KVM console->Options-Keyboard/mouse setting) 3.Update KVM scroll bar does not show after start ** Keyboard/Mouse setting should work with cmm 2.0.26 or above ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.6.21 Beta build 070803 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.Add CMM f/w info in the CMM Setting tab 2.Update SEL timestamp calculation. Add "pre-Init" information. 3.Update. Power supply summary fan still display when all power off 4.Update. Power supply DC and AC current display format ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.6.20 Beta build 070730 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.Add AC and DC output current for 1400w power supply 2.Add checking power consumption for power on some blades at the same time 3.Update disconnect process. Will try more time if disconnect discovered. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.6.19 Beta build 070727 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.Update JFanPanel,JTempPanel and JVolPanel to display "N/A" if data is not avaiable. Apply to Power Supply,GB,IB,Summary of Power supply and GB. 2.Update BrowserControl. AN error dialog will popup if invoke browser failed 3.Turn off drive redirection and KVM debugging message from console 4.Fixed a bug that cannot show popup menu when click on blade module icon in Linux 5.Check Jtable ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException problem. Add SwingUtilities.invokeLater() in update() ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.6.18 Beta build 070725 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This version should match CMM f/w v 2.02.05 for blade sensor. Or you will see CPU temp is 0, But, actually, the CPU doesn't installed 1.Added KVM mouse sync and mouse mode button on KVM Panel 2.Change temperature value for no cpu installed. ( 0x81 = -127 ) 3.Update Blade Quad CPU 3,4 voltage formula 4.Added extra key combination(Alt+F11) for changing full screen or normal screen mode for KVM 5.Fixed:Cannot close session from a login failed session (for IPMI) 6.IPMI Login tab. use swing invokerLater() (for IPMI) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.6.17 Beta build 070723 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.Update disconnect process 2.Update user management UI. Avoid deleting user when only 1 user enabled. 3.Update UI for different privilege level. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.6.16 Beta build 070716 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.Fixed Blade management UI memeory leak problem 2.Solved virual media and KVM screen flash problem 3.Updated User management UI (do not load at beginning) 4.Updated firmware update message 5.Removed slave CMM login message dialog 6.Updated summary failure UI 7.Updated summary blade UI buttons status error when cmm status change from slave to master 8.UI Update and Tuning ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.6.15 Beta build 070711 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.Fixed KVM memory leak problem 2.Fixed KVM buttons status error ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.6.14 Beta build 070710 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.Added GB pass thorugh check in the failure report 2.added QHQME MB ssensor in balde 3.fixed a close session bug 4.removed flash firmware UI in the CMM panel 5.updated flash firmware function in the menu item 6.Fixed some memory leak problem ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.6.13 Beta build 070629 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.Add GB pass through 2.Update InfiniBand 3.3V AUX and 3.3V reading formula 3.Add Fan mode control in the Power supply pop menu 4.Update menu items on each module to match with the user privilege level 5.Add login progress bar ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.6.12 Beta build 070626 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.Add SIMBL GUID for discovering and device list (An icon added) 2.Add numOfFans. PS 1400W won't show fan set error 3.Add flag for IB. Will show sensor if flag bit 0 = 1 4.Match blade system structure with firmware 5.Return to login screen if disconnect last for 10 minutes. Avoid retrying ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.6.11 Beta build 070622 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.Show blade sensor reading on blade panel when SIMBL installed. 2.Add get/set SIMBL IP on blade panel 3.Update IB position.The IB switch at the bottom side is IB1 and the top side is IB2 4.Update bug of VVDD out of range ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.6.10 Beta build 070615 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.Add CMM configuration Panel 2.Show Master CMM IP in the bottom panel when connect to a slave CMM. 3.Remove intermal frame of Fan in the sensor tab when connect to SIMBL 4.Disable CMM time setting when CMM time sync with NTP server 5.Update MB sensor reading 6.Add Fan control mode in power supply 7Connect immediately after clicking KVM console when using SIMxx ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.6.09 Beta build 070608 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.Add 'M' small icon on blade if SIMBL installed. 2.Modify GBSW username and password Setting UI. 3.SEL definition re-structure. 4.Update device list update function. 5.Modify master/salve CMM UI. Show SEL and Logon management only on slave CMM 6.Fixed CMM IP missed. 7.Detach UI update. will prepare data then show the detach window ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.6.08 Beta build 070528 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.Blade Summary won't show "Power failure" status 2.A message show up on the text console when user switch to a blade which has simbl installed 3.Show fan and fan control on power supply panel (and PS summary) when power supply off. 4.Update a power consumption total power display error. 5.add chassis LED 6.Add SEL new event for blade sensors 7.Update CMM UI behavior when CMM master or slave status changed. 8.Update disconnect process for IPMI ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.6.06 Beta build 070521 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.Fixed a temperature shows "N/A" for SIM IPMI 2.Update Power supply fan. fan1 as fan1, fan2 as fan2 3.Update DeviceStatus discovery 4.Add Balde sensors table on Blade Panel ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.6.05 Beta build 070430 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release date : 30-04-07 Release version : 2.6.05 Build 070430 Feature Added ------------- 1.New feature for Balde System Management Functions Updated ----------------- 1.change on-line update menu location. 2.add IP address format check in the add a new system ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.5.2 build 061219 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release date : 19-12-06 Release version : 2.5.2 Build 061219 Feature Added ------------- 1.Add system properties, environment variables and time elasped info on the About dialog 2.Integrate Trap receiver into IPMIView 3.Add peppercon non-kvm feature 4.Add online update feature Functions updated ----------------- 1.Fixed a bug that SOL can't start on the non-RMCP+ IPMI 2.Update IPMIView UI behavior. Press enter on device list to open session 3.A work around to fix SOL screen layout bug on Linux paltform 4.Update the method of detecting UID button. Change it from detecting MB ID to IPMI OEM command 5.Update the way to load drive redirection dll from local file. 6.Trim decrypted password. will show exact size of password if save reloaded. 7.Add On and Off sign in the tooltip of group tree 8.Update Online update UI ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.5.1 build 061102 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release date : 02-11-06 Release version : 2.5 Build 061102 Feature Added ------------- 1.Add tool buttons and online information on the group tree 2.Add AES-CBC algorigthm for saving user's account information in local file 3.Add save account on login 4.Add toolbar in main window Functions updated ----------------- 1.fixed: Fixed a bug that the socket resouce exhausted by discover dialog 2.fixed: The device name in the group tree didn't updated when update a device name 3.updated: Add IP field in group management UIs. change hostname as group identity (old way use IP as identity) 4.fixed: Event numbmer start from "2". when get part of SEL 5.fixed: keep devices selected after sorting 6.updated: Update behavior of Virtual Media UI 7.updated: Add close socket function on udpsocket,rmcp,rmcp+ and session controller will automatically call it in close session method 8.fixed: Fixed a out of memeory (java heap space) problem on group management 9.fixed: There is no action if no id and pw presented on the group managemnt with a re-fresh checked. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.5 build 061005 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release date : 05-10-06 Release version : 2.5 Build 061005 Feature Added ------------- 1.Multi-language feature 2.Firmware update feature for SIM IPMI 3.Virtual Media feature for SIM IPMI 4.A SOL privilege management in user's page 5.Add 9600 sol buad rate support 6.Add utf-8 support for SOL console 7.Add utf-8 encode avaiable font in the SOL panel. User can select different font if user hard to tell the font 8.Add java version in the about dialog 9.Add dynamic monitor device status in the device list 10.Add tool buttons and online information on the group tree 11.Add AES-CBC algorigthm for saving user's account information in local file 12.Add save account on login Functions updated ----------------- 1.fixed: Increase 1 for sequence number and recalculate integrity auth code for retry 2.fixed: Fixed an error when delete a user in the middle of user group. 3.fixed: Fixed some UI bugs 4.updated: Popup a dialog for input user id and password when executing group command 5.fixed: When using group and a popup login dialog. An empty id and password will login. fix it 6.fixed: A bug come from enabling user and operator for using SOL 7.updated: Update if snmp ip addres are not present. add a check to prevent null exception. 8.fixed: Add more check code of the Version detection. it prevent that IPMIView login to SIMxx by RMCP. 9.fixed: Fixed a bug that the socket resouce exhausted by discover dialog 10.fixed: The device name in the group tree didn't updated when update a device name 11.updated: Add IP field in group management UIs. change hostname as group identity (old way use IP as identity) 12.fixed: Event numbmer start from "2". when get part of SEL 13.fixed: keep devices selected after sorting 14.updated: Update behavior of Virtual Media UI 15.updated: Add close socket function on udpsocket,rmcp,rmcp+ and session controller will automatically call it in close session method 16.fixed: Fixed a out of memeory (java heap space) problem on group management 17.fixed: There is no action if no id and pw presented on the group managemnt with a re-fresh checked. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.5 Beta build 060712 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release date : 12-07-06 Release version : 2.5 Beta Build 060712 Functions updated ----------------- 1.fixed: fixed discover non-stop problem since build 060629 2.modify: detecting a duplicate packet from BMC ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.5 Beta build 060629 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release date : 29-06-06 Release version : 2.5 Beta Build 060629 Feature Added ------------- 1.Group management added 2.Support SIM** IPMI and KVM console ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.4 build 060502 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release date : 10-05-06 Release version : 2.4 Build 060502 Functions updated ----------------- 1.fixed: sensor flash rate didn't change after change value 2.added: write FRU function 3.added: Blink UID LED function in IPM Device tab 4.fixed: The layout of sensor can't restore to saved location ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.4 build 060313 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release date : 14-03-06 Release version : 2.4 Build 060313 Functions updated ----------------- 1.updated: SOL text console request focus when switch managed system. 2.fixed: getting SNMP destination hang when using peppercon IPMI. 3.add: Add "copy all" and "paste" function in IPMIView text console 4.fixed: 'a'(append),'i'(insert) command in vi can't work. And this cause screen word shift. 5.fixed: fixed the scroll problem when using ':sp' in vi. Implements Scrolling Region ESC [ pt;pb r command 6.added: add Home,End,Insert,Delete,PgUp,PgDn etc key map for linux system. press right click on text console 7.fixed: fixed "--INSERT--" , "--REPLACE--" can't display on VI editor. 8.added: enable User and Operator privilege could use SOL when using RMCP (not RMCP+) 9.updated: Modify polling ACPI for reseting problem of ESB2.Will stop ACPI polling then resume it 10.update: Modify the way of open IPMIView. Forcing system to redraw IPMIView screen. This problem is occured on windows 2003 server 11.fixed: Cold reset hangs when the sol is activating. adjust the cold reset procedure. 12.updated: Use Cipher Suite(1,0,0) for SOL login when the encryption checkbox is not checked. It is used for IPMI firmware 2.2 13.updated: block empty user id when login. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.3 build 051121 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release date : 11-21-05 Release version : 2.3 Build 051121 Functions updated ----------------- 1.updated: remove internal frame icon of sensors. Feature Added ------------- 1.Trap Receiver 2.0 added ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.3 build 051017 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release date : 10-17-05 Release version : 2.3 Build 051017 Functions updated ----------------- 1.Change stopping SOL approach. Send a "zero" to IPMIView self. CRService receive this packet then stop self thread. 2.SOL packet retry machanism. fix it to correct running. 3.Adjust UI for linux platform. 4.Add a dialog while user wants to update LAN MAC 5.SOL queue sticked when user key in during reset. call storage.allowGet() in checkFirstSOLPacketAfterReboot() 6.Disable text console for user privilege equals "user" and "operator". This is due to only administrator can set SOL configuration. then we have to set this before start SOL 7.The text console will automatic get foucs when user click text console page. Avoid miss manipulate when they want to enter BIOS. 8.The max size of user accounts adjust to 10. 9.Change Clear SEL algorithm (refer from OSA) Feature Added ------------- 1.IPMI 2.0 RMCP+ protocol added ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.2 build 050503 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release date : 05-03-05 Release version : 2.2 Build 050503 Bug Fixed ---------- 1.The control or function key (F1,F2,up,down etc) will not be sent to BMC separately. add puts() in sol.Storage class.The complex chars will send to BMC by the same packet. Fixed bios screen abnormal in h8 serial board.user will use direction key to manipulate menu, aka AMI BIOS. 2.Press "X" button will not close SOL(or UOL) when SOL(or UOL) is running. Change return value from checkChangeConfiguration(). It is a bug. 3.Update SOL to let it work on H8 serial Board (AMI BIOS) 4.Disable Timer bar when retry send packet. 5.If the packet full retry is failed for 5 time. the IPMIView will close the session. 6.Reduce font size of VOL panel. avoid miss understand of "-12" value. 7.If send pocket failed, will resend pocket after 8 second. total retry 30 time. 8.Small bug of retry machanism. "Get ACPI Command" & "Login Action" will not retry pocket. Other command will retry send packet. "Get ACPI command" will send every 5 time. Don't let it affect other command. Don't let "Login Action" retry packet is for quickly response to user. Feature Added ------------- 1.Add a dialog for timeout & retry. 1.Add a "Detect..." button in Discovery IPMI Device. Searching for local LAN. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.2 build 050406 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release date : 04-06-05 Release version : 2.2 Build 050406 Bug Fixed ---------- 1.bug fixed:A timer to close IPMIView. 2.When user press Power reset command (include graceful) and SOL is runing. we should disable "Stop" in Text C.R. page. It prevent hang when nic is initializing. "Stop" will enable after ipmiview receive a frist SOL packet from BMC. 3.SOL type missing char and hang problem Feature Added ------------- 1.Add a code for close SOL if user press "X" button 2.Add a dialog "Are you sure to quit? " if user press "X" button 3.Add a dialog when user press clear chassis intruition 4.update: update ACPI status icon and add text (on | off) 5.Add a delay time for check ACPI status when user press power command in IPM Device page 6.Add a buffer sender & sequence control for SOL. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.2 build 050115 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release date : 01-15-05 Release version : 2.2 Build 050115 Bug Fixed ---------- 1.bug fixed: Fix the direction key & scroll page problem in vi editor ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.2 build 041117 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release date : 11-17-04 Release version : 2.2 Build 041117 Bug Fixed ---------- 1.bug fixed: SOL in Linux. A new line '\n' will cause only update bottom line. After the bug fixed, the original screen will keep the color style after scrolling the screen. 2.bug fixed: Fix the linux "clear" command can't work in SOL Text conole redirection (bug in ESC[J handlers) 3.bug fixed: Time stamp wrong in SEL event table 4.Update Code:update SOL key to fit linux environment. "Enter" key can't receive "OD OA" by linux text console redirection. Now only send "OD" for Enter will work well. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.1 build 041104 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release date : 11-04-04 Release version : 2.1 Build 041104 Bug Fixed ---------- 1. IPMIView:Add synchronized scope for the keep session command. It prevent to get same sequence ID from other threads. Feature Added ------------- 1. TrapReceiver: Center the TrapReciver Window in the screen ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update History: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Ver 2.1 Build 04102601] 1.function added: add a timeout counter for count time after sent IPMI command 2.Bug Fixed: SEL time value depends on TimeZone and Daylight save Time. 3.Update Code:disable retry and "no response count" when user are logining. response count will cause the bad feeling when user miss type their login id & pw) 4.Update Code:add retry time to timeout.properties 5.Update Code:Close session immediately after press OK on dialog of "no response from BMC" (when BMC no longer response) Actually , we ignore the "CloseSession" command for BMC. (If noResponseCount > 1 , then will ignore "CloseSession") 6.Set UDPSocket parameter : Timeout = 30 sec, RetryTime = 5 7.Update Code: Firmware version consistence, all use HEX type to display (ex: 0e.40) [Ver 2.1 Build 04100601] 1.Bug Fixed : In the SOL ,Award BIOS will send a invalid cursor position. SOL will stop running. Added a code segment to protect such a situation. 2.Code added : A dialog will popup when console redirection cannot start due to the managed server may be turned off. 3.Code added : Force to close IPMIView window by adding "system.exit(0)" in close windows event handler. 4.Bug Fixed : The background of tabpanel of host will become white color after restart the session. 5.Bug Fixed : when the BMC no response from some request (maybe there are no standby power in that time or turn off machine), the IPMIView windows will hangs and can't be manipulated. Below is solution : a.Use java.util.Timer instead javax.swing.Timer for periodically request. (ACPI,Keep session command etc.) b.Use Thread approach in all AWT event handler. 6.Bug Fixed : Password dialog bug. when we add a new ID but fill no password. this dialog will close. The dialog should popup a message to say "the password doesn't match your confirm password" 7.Function added : add a retry mechanism for cover the packet loss problem. [Ver 2.00 Build 04090801] 1.Bug fixed: "Unsupport command error, complete code = -60" dialog will show after execute graceful power command (the condition is SEL full) The dialog message will be "out of space. Please clear all SEL entries in the tab of Event Log." [Ver 2.00 Build 04082701] 1.Bug fixed: The popup menu for the Device List can't work in linux. 2.Bug fixed: when user move internal frame and save layout in sensors page, after switch out & switch return to sensor page The layout will reset to original locate. (should keep the last modify ) [TrapReceiver Build 04083001] 1.Process "Always on top" dialog problem [setup file] Setup file upload to VSS $/IPMI20/disk1 [Ver 2.00 Build: 04081801] 1.SOL Screen update: Reverse color (FG:black, BK:light gray) added. (now, you can see high light item from windows 2003 Advanced option menu) [Ver 2.00 Build: 04081701] 1.SOL Function update: Keyboard function keys(F5 ~ F12, INSERT,DELETE,HOME,END,PGUP AND PGDN) Follow Microsoft's "Windows Platform Design Notes". Testing result: a.F5,F6,F9,F10,Home,End,PgUp,PgDn are working on Phoenix BIOS. (AMI , Award not yet test) b.F8 is working on windows 2003 [04081701] [Ver 2.00 Build: 04081201] 1.Bug fixed: Sensors still refresh after change to other tab. Only on IPMI2.0 has this bug. 2.Build "PogoRemote" Version.[04081201] [Ver 2.00 Build: 04081101] 1.function update: History chart will updated when sensors refleshed. not periodically update by second 2.function update: Disable all the button on SEL Page when running "Get" or "Export" SEL. 3.bug fixed: The timer for refresh sensors still working after "logout" or "close session" 4.function added: If there are no responses for 5 time successively from the BMC system.The session maybe lost. IPMIView will close session automatically. [04081101] [Ver 2.00 Build: 04080401] 1.remove "IPMI Version unknown" dialog 2.Add "Search Option" on Discover Dialog 3.add/delete/modify alert,warning user to save to modification[04072601] 4.add History chart for Fan/Voltage/Temperature 5.update BMC Cold reset Dialog message 6.Add history chart to IPMI 1.5 sensor page 7.Bug fixed for History chart between power down and power up 8.Update Trap Receiver for decode IPMI 2.0 SNMP (not 100%) 9.Update "Break" to "BREAK" icon 10.Use buffered Image to enhance the efficiency of FAN/VOL/TEMP Meter. Especially when move the internal frame on sensors page [04080401] [Ver 2.00 Build: 04072201] 1.update SOL code to check repeat SOL packet from BMC. It prevent repeat characters displayed on screen. 2.eliminate blinking effect on SOL screen 3.change new logo & background [Build: 04071401] 1.Use time zone offset to correct SEL timestamp value 2.Use "Get Channel Authentication Capabilities" command to discovery IPMI 1.5 & 2.0 3.Bug Fixed: Answer "No" from BMC ColdReset will cause close session. 4.Bug fixed: Resizing the 3 SNMP Destinations for IPMI 2.0 5.SEL page: change "From 1" --> "From 0" for IPMI 2.0 6.Sensor Page: Temperatures display "N/A" when power is down. 7.User Page: add FRU Panel [Build:04062901] 1.Bug fixed: Close session in menu bar will cause tab sheet can't work well. 2.Logo, Background & some icons changed. 3.Bug fixed: Browser starting failed in linux system when clicking on "Supermicro" icon. 4.New user has "User" privilege 5.Change Users Tab Layout 6.Adjust Voltage Sensor display when power is down 7.Discovery function update: Use IPMI 1.5 method detect BMC first, if no response get, try IPMI 2.0 method then. 8.Add TrapReceiver to project 9.Add IP format checking in SNMP setting [Build:04062101] 1.In the IPMIView main screen , Left group List , Session Menu and Tab sheet all sync for display. 2.Bug fix: add & delete user will cause user data error in BMC. 3.Close session UI immediately after BMC cold reset. 4.change power control icon. 5.bug fix. user can't login unless user privilege is "administrator". IPMIView will try to use different level to login , choose the max level for current login user but this action will spend more login time. 6.IPMIView will generate log file in same dir after start up. just for debug. 7.change icon for IPMIView win32 native executable version [Build:04061501] 1.Fix Fan UI Display in IPMI 1.5 & 2.0 2.add Tab sheet in main screen , it easy for display and control to different machine. 3.add icon of supermicro logo , visiting supermicro web site by press the logo. [Build:04061201] 1.add "Clearing the Chassis Intrusion Falg" for IPMI 2.0 in JSensorPanel 2.Fix sensor panel gray out while power down and power up. 3.Update Graceful power control & clear chassis intrusion. it's work well now. * (power down -> power up, sensors will show correct value after 30 sec) 4.Fix IPMIView hangs after logout button pressed 5.Fix SELDevice20 clear all event, table's content not clear. 6.Fix SELDevice clear all event, table's content not clear. 7.Fix fan meter reading value display (2.0 & 1.5 reading format are diff. ) * 8.paging setting set to invisible 9.add fan animation & ACPI Power on/off status icon 10.IPMI Device Discover search for IPMI 1.5 & 2.0 11.IPMIView Native executable version support. Both Window & Linux version are provided. [Build:04060801] 1.Integrate with IPMI 1.5 * 2.add Graceful Power Control Commands 3.Fix "Close session unworkable problem" in Session menu. 4.Enhance Sensors Meter look & feel