ipmicli is a IPMI command line interface program for Linux. The following describes how to use this program. 1. ./ipmicli h display help 2. ./ipmicli run this program with ip address 3. ./ipmicli run this program and specify the ip address with open command 4. ./ipmicli batchfile run this program with ip address and batch file arguments. The batch file will contain cmd to direct how to run this program. The output will display on stdout. e.g. batchfile #do power down powerdown #sleep 3sec sleep 3 #do power up powerup #sleep 30sec sleep 30 #read sensor sensor sleep 3 #read system event log sel goto try2 powerdown try2: for i = 0 to 3 sensor sleep 2 for j = 0 to 2 sel sleep 3 loop loop #close the session close The explaination for the commands are as follow: # ---- start of comment line sleep x ---- wait for x seconds goto label ---- go to the label label: ---- label name which ends with colon for i = 1 to 10 ---- for loop (must have a space between each argument) loop ---- loop IPMI cmd: powerdown ---- power down the system powerup ---- power up the system reset ---- reset the system sensor ---- read the sensors sel ---- read the system event log close ---- close the session console ---- Text Remote Console Redirection Usage: console [UDPPort] [IP] (Text Remote Console Redirection) Note: For some network environment, Remote Console data can not be sent back to this ipmicli, please fill in the IP and UDP port that can be reached. "console" uses local IP and unspecified UDP port. "console 6666" uses local IP and UDP port 6666. "console 6666" uses IP and UDP port 6666. Press Ctrl-B to terminate Text Remote Console Redirection. 5. ./ipmicli batchfile outputfile run this program with ip address, batch file arguments and output file The batch file will contain cmd to direct how to run this program. The output will be in outputfile. 6. ./ipmicli username password batchfile run this program with ip address, username, password and batch file arguments. The batch file will contain cmd to direct how to run this program. The output will be stdout. 7. ./ipmicli username password batchfile outputfile run this program with ip address, username, password, batch file arguments and output file. The batch file will contain cmd to direct how to run this program. The output will be in outputfile.